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Selecting Recipes for Kitchen Shows: Tips for Success and Increasing Sales

I just want to make a suggestion about what recipes to offer to make at kitchen shows...I always try to choose recipes from the current Celebrations shows because I believe that the test kitchens really put a lot of work into creating recipes that are easy to make and show lots of tools. But if I don't do a recipe from the Celebrations, I choose a recipe from the current Season's Best cookbook or one of the cookbooks that are available for customers to purchase. Why? I find that the guests at the shows want the recipe for whatever I am making, so if it is from Celebrations I have a recipe card to give them to take home. If it isn't from Celebrations, I can let them know which cookbook it is in and then they can purchase the cookbook. Doing a recipe from a cookbook also gives me the opportunity to mention the cookbooks, thus hopefully increasing my sales.
OH...and remember when you a choosing recipes to choose ones that show lots of tools, at least $300! You might have to do a little homework, but it is worth it.
When I first started, I was overwhelmed with learning the ropes of this business, presenting kitchen shows, host coaching, etc...on top of that, I was doing a different recipe EVERY time I did a show b/c I didn't control it- the host did- and that really stressed me out.

I finally decided to offer my hosts a choice of 3 "A" recipes and an optional "B" recipe that I have selected for the month. Sometimes, I have a theme...like in January, I selected items from the "It's Good for you" cookbook to tie into New Year's Resolutions to eat better, lose weight, etc.

Anyway, it has made my life easier b/c I can concentrate on selling products instead of making the recipe :D

I used to include the recipe choices in the host packet, but one of the tapes that I listened to suggested that holding back until a few days before the show is a great strategy to encourage more guests (I'll make 2 recipes if you have 20 guests, or I need to know how many people are definitely coming in order to narrow down options that will feed the crowd, etc.)...Plus, you'll get fresher ingredients if the host does her shopping a day or so before the show rather than a week before!
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Neat IdeaI love the idea of offering "A" recipes and you pick the "B" recipe. Do you always, always make the "B" recipe or do you only do it if they have a certain number of guests coming? Do you offer the same 3 "A" recipes every month or do you change them monthly? I think you have a great idea here...good job!
"A" recipes are the ones that I present at the show b/c the products demonstrated are higher priced or there's more to show....and I label "B" recipes b/c they're easier to prepare, not many products used or not high $ value....This terminology was used at a cluster meeting one time during our "prepare & share" and I really liked the concept...it has worked well for me.

I make the "B" recipe if the host wants it, it is just an option (most want it). At the show, I have the "B" recipe mostly (or completely prepared) beforehand. I think that you could totally manage it based on # of people coming to the show.

I change the recipe choices usually on a monthly basis and depending on my mood :D or whether it's a successful show recipe (guest like it, sells a lot of product, fun to do).
Hi there! Thank you for sharing your suggestion about choosing recipes for kitchen shows. I agree that the Celebrations shows have amazing recipes that showcase our tools and make for a great presentation. However, I also love incorporating recipes from our current Season's Best cookbook or other available cookbooks. It's a great way to introduce our guests to our cookbooks and potentially increase sales. Plus, having recipe cards for guests to take home is always a nice touch. And I completely agree with your tip about choosing recipes that show off at least $300 worth of tools. It's a great way to demonstrate the value and versatility of our products. Thanks again for sharing your insight!

Related to Selecting Recipes for Kitchen Shows: Tips for Success and Increasing Sales

1. What is the best way to select recipes for kitchen shows?

The best way to select recipes for kitchen shows is to choose recipes from the current Celebrations shows or from the current Season's Best cookbook. These recipes have been carefully tested and are easy to make, making them perfect for demonstrating at kitchen shows.

2. Why is it a good idea to choose recipes from Celebrations or cookbooks?

Choosing recipes from Celebrations or cookbooks not only ensures that the recipes are well-tested and easy to make, but it also allows you to provide guests with a recipe card to take home or mention the cookbooks for potential sales. This also adds variety to your kitchen shows and can generate more sales.

3. How can choosing recipes from cookbooks increase sales?

By mentioning the cookbooks and showcasing recipes from them, you are providing guests with the opportunity to purchase the cookbooks and try out more recipes at home. This can potentially increase your overall sales.

4. What should be considered when selecting recipes for kitchen shows?

When selecting recipes for kitchen shows, it is important to choose recipes that showcase a variety of tools, preferably ones that total at least $300. This allows guests to see the value of the products and can encourage them to make a purchase.

5. Is it necessary to do research when choosing recipes for kitchen shows?

Yes, it is always a good idea to do some research when selecting recipes for kitchen shows. This ensures that the recipes are well-tested and suitable for demonstrating to guests. It also allows you to provide guests with accurate information about the recipes and where they can find them for future use.

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