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Scam Alert: Yard Sale Pampered Chef Consultant offering Recruiting Deals

In summary, the garage sale lady was trying to get the new consultant to sign under her instead of the original consultant. The $115 kit credit instead of the $155 kit credit is if the new consultant host a show. The new consultant should ask the original consultant if he is already working with him first.
I was out yard saling this morning and happened to run into a PC consultant. MY DBF and I were looking at the items she had and he mentions to me "Isn't this the stuff you are thinking about selling"...She was all over me like syrup on hotcakes when she heard that! She tried to explain to me that the person I am signing under may not be qualified to sign new recruits and that I should sign up with her and that she could get me my kit for $115 not $155...is this true, does the person I sign under have to be qualified to recruit people and how would she get me my kit any cheaper??
No - she was completely false. Any consultant can sign anyone - I have a new consultant on my team who signed someone in her first 30 days! She is just trying to get you to sign under her instead. The $115 instead of $155 is if you host a show and use $40 of your Free Product Value towards your kit. It's called a "Kit Credit" and anyone can offer you that, including the person who you are planning to sign under. Stay away from the garage-sale lady - she is unethical and trying to steal someone's potential recruit. She should have asked you if you were already working with someone FIRST, and then when you said, "Yes", she should have just walked away. Stay with your first person and definitely ask here before doing anything!! Sorry you had to almost get scammed!! :(
Wow! That is appalling.I have to 2nd everything Cathy said - she was flat out lying to you. The only qualification you need to recruit is to be a consultant. That's it!I can't believe she would flat out lie like that, knowing that she would be found out almost immediately. All you would need to do is read the info that comes in your New Consultant Kit, and you would know that she signed you under false pretenses.
:grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy:
Wow! it amazes me what some people think is ok to do!!! We are part of such an ethical honest company that is very successful why would anyone need to act in anyway that is the opposite? Just amazes me that's all.
The only reason that she wouldn't be qualified to recruit is if she is inactive, and all she'd have to do is reactivate and everything would be fine.
Wow!! Talk about unethical!!!! This yard sale gal is someone you DEFINITELY don't want to be signed under!
Wow, that takes some nerve!:grumpy:
Either this consultant is really ballsy or she has no clue as to what PC's policies are. Either way, when someone says they are already working with a consultant, to pursue it is just in bad taste, not to mention giving false information to benefit her own motives.
That's pretty cutthroat.
  • #10
sounds likeThat sounds like what the Director in the town next to me is like.
I know a lot of people that have issues with her, but she does well each month and is always walking the stage at NC. Life's just not fair sometimes.

Glad you found out the truth in time.
  • #11
Dang! Yea...I agree with everyone here...steer clear of that lady! She sounds like someone you DON'T want to learn from!!

Glad you thought to come here and ask!

  • #12
Way to trust your gut! This is the kind of consultant that you don't want to sign under! Good luck with your business.
  • #13
Like I've said before, I have serious issues with people like that!
I'm so glad you came here to ask, and I truly hope you didn't leap before you looked! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #14
No leaping here!! I just told her that I could not do that to my friend that I was sure he would not have asked me to sign under him if he was not qualified to do so!!
  • #15
There are a lot of us that are motivated to promote before NC, but that is just flat-out desperate!
  • #16
KellARooni said:
No leaping here!! I just told her that I could not do that to my friend that I was sure he would not have asked me to sign under him if he was not qualified to do so!!

Kelly, I'm so glad you didn't leap! Sometimes people like that can just scare you into doing something before fully thinking about what the outcome would be.

I am so sorry you had to run into an unethical PC person! I'm so glad you came here to get our take on that situation, too! :) We want you to enjoy being with The Pampered Chef. So just know that people like the yard sale lady are VERY rare. That's what I like about PC- we are reputable and kind and nice! :) Well, 98% of us are! :)

You should have told her that she might not have been qualified to have a yard sale! LOL:D
  • #17
linojackie said:
There are a lot of us that are motivated to promote before NC, but that is just flat-out desperate!

Desperate and unthinkable! I seriously don't get people like that!:confused:
  • #18
If she is that blatantly decietful to you, how is she treating her hosts and customers?:eek: I'm not generally prone to physical violence, but I think I'd enjoy popping that woman. :grumpy:
  • Thread starter
  • #19
I am glad my FD lives 3 hrs away...he was close to physical violence whenI told him today!!:yuck:
  • #20
I can imagine how he felt. I had someone that I worked with for two months. She called me daily and emailed me three times a day and then signed under someone else. I was so upset b/c I worked so hard with her and so much of MY time. She called me 4 times on Easter Sunday!!! I couldn't even get out of the house to spend time with my family. So frustrating.
But cheers to you!! Best of luck w/ your new business!!
  • #21
Thanks SO much for all the support you are giving Kelly... I know that she will definately do a great job and I am very proud to have her on my team! Yeah, it is definately a good thing that I am over 3 hours away! Directors/Consultants like her, end up giving us a bad rep! I feel that I am very qualified to recruit consultants; since Kelly is number 3 and I will be signing number 4 on June 13. None o fmy first two consultants have gone inactive and I recruited a new consultant within my first 30 days! :)

I just wished that I had started my business over 10 years ago!

Wave 2 of Conference! If you are going; let me know! I would LOVE to meet you!

Have a great weekend,
[email protected]
Welcome To My Personal Web Site
  • #22
Just wanted to let you know, you can't have a link to your PC personal website anywhere...even on here. :)

Related to Scam Alert: Yard Sale Pampered Chef Consultant offering Recruiting Deals

What is the "Scam Alert: Yard Sale Pampered Chef Consultant offering Recruiting Deals"?

The "Scam Alert: Yard Sale Pampered Chef Consultant offering Recruiting Deals" is a fraudulent scheme that targets individuals who are looking to become a Pampered Chef consultant. The scam involves a fake consultant offering discounted or free products in exchange for signing up under them as a consultant.

How does the scam work?

The scammer will typically approach potential victims at yard sales, flea markets, or other events where Pampered Chef products may be sold. They will offer the victim a deal where they can become a consultant for a reduced price or for free if they sign up under the scammer. The scammer will then collect the victim's personal information and payment, but the victim will never receive any products or become a legitimate consultant.

How can I avoid falling for this scam?

Be cautious of anyone offering discounted or free products in exchange for signing up under them as a Pampered Chef consultant. Legitimate consultants do not typically offer these types of deals. Always do your research and only sign up to become a consultant through the official Pampered Chef website or through a trusted consultant.

What should I do if I have already fallen for this scam?

If you have already given your personal information and payment to a fake consultant, contact Pampered Chef immediately to report the scam. You should also contact your bank or credit card company to cancel any payments and monitor your accounts for any suspicious activity.

Are there any legitimate ways to become a Pampered Chef consultant?

Yes, becoming a Pampered Chef consultant is a legitimate opportunity. You can sign up through the official Pampered Chef website or through a trusted consultant. Avoid any offers that seem too good to be true, such as discounted or free products in exchange for signing up under someone else.

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