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Record-Breaking Sales and Bookings at My Tropical Themed Party!

In summary, Angela did an awesome tropical themed party at her hostess house and raised $2,203 in commisionable sales from it!
Gold Member
Hello Everyone,
I'm so excited about my show this past Friday, that I just have to share!!
I did a "Tropical" theme party by the pool at my hostess house...she had tons of people there!! The total in commissionable sales came to $2,203!!!!
This is my highest show EVER!! I am so thrilled and excited!! I got 6 bookings and 2 possible fundraisers...I had so much fun...and was quite excited about the turnout. I made the Chicken Cobb Salad from the grilling recipes cards, and "no bake" chocolate eclaire (I made that the night before..its is FANTASTIC)...anyways, it was quite successful for me, especially since I am not half-way there for the "show-to-go" and this was my only Kitchen Show for August...I'm proudly giving myself a pat on the back!! Thanks for letting me toot my own horn!!

Quick question for you...I was ask several times that Friday, the cost for the whole catalog...never been asked that before, and haven't had time to add it up...does anyone know that costs? Either for the summer and or the new Fall??
Thanks and have a great day!!
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  • #2
OopsI meant "now halfway there for the show-to-go"..not "not" hehe..once again, I apparently can't spell!!

Have a great day..
Congrats!!!!!!!!Wow, What a great show that was. I don't know the cost of everything, just wanted to give you a thumbs up!!
WOW!! Way to go Angela! Care to share how you did the party? Give us details on how to successfully do an awesome show like that.
Wow !!Way to go !!! Did someone want to buy everything in the catalog ? Emagine that ! You will have a nice commision check this month !!Congrats !!
Wow that is a reason to celebrate! Congrats on such a high show please do tell how you did it! Also are you talking about how much it cost us for the catalogs? If you are if you buy 100 catalogs it cost $33 so it is .33 per catalog..if you buy 25catalogs it cost $12 so it is .48 per catalog. If they want to buy everything in the catalog if that is the question you need to call home office ASAP and make that sell!!!! You have to let us know if they want to buy everything.

Good Job!:D :D CONGRATS ANGELA!! What a great show!! I have no doubt that fall will be a busy season for you! I have actually wondered how much the whole catalog would be as well. If I had time to sit down and add it all up I would - if anyone else knows and could share - that would be a nice little fact to know!! ;)
That's great! Thanks for sharing!That's AWESOME Angela! I would LOVE to hear more details on how you did that show. My mother-in-law(MIL) is finally doing a show for me on the 24th of this month and she has a pool and i would love to do something different. My MIL really wants the SS bowls but wouldn't do a show. Well, I went to the hospital to have thyroid removed and she helped watch my kids at my house. Well, needless to say, she fell in love with the bowls. I can't believe that it took that to get her to book a show but at least she's having one. :rolleyes: Please, please, please tell us how you did the show!
Also-the catalog price for the fall is going up to $39 (I think) so that makes it $.39, I know that all of us would LOVE to know if you sold everything in the catalog. ;)
Total priceWell, I have a spreadsheet in excel of the items in the Fall/Winter catalog...did a total for you.


That total includes literally everything in the catalog that is for sale, both English and Spanish versions of the SB, for example.

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  • #10
Thanks!!Thank you all so much for the compliments...I am still working off the high from this "high" show!!! Yes, someone is thinking about buying the "whole" catalog...but would like to know the price first.
What I did...to me it was a normal kitchen show ...I did play a new game that kept everyone's attention, pretty much on me...that was "Ask a Question, Enter to Win", what I've done is created raffle tickets (via office depot already preforated raffle tickets) and mention in the very beginning of the show that any question you ask "has to be PC related" you get a raffle ticket and yr # goes in the bowl for the drawing at the end. My prize is a box with one PC product (hold'n'slice, i-slice, etc...small items) and information about hosting a show, becoming a PC consultant, a help whip cancer pin (I had bought a ton of these) and as an avid Stampin UP! stamper, I decorated the box and made a bookmark to throw in there too...so that's the prize, but I don't tell them what is inside, so it's like the mystery prize they are all shooting for. (The funniest thing is that the person who won, asked only one ?..as opposed to the 30 other questions asked by others!!)
The key, I believe to this big party was my host coaching...she invited over 75 people 32 of which showed up!! And I always mentioned that the more people she gets to book a show, she gets that benefit for the month the show is held... That and the recipe I did..was very quick, and very easy, of which I knowly picked as this group I've done a show for before has a very short attention span!! So I promised I be done in 35 minutes...I held their attention for 35 minutes, and spent the rest of the 2 hours I was there, answering questions and taking orders!! So, I'm not quite sure if it was me..or they already knew what they wanted, but I kinda like to think it was me and my fantastic "non-selling" skills, as I never really "sell" at my shows, I just demonstrate how to use the products..and ask do any of you own this? If they say yes, I say "what do you like about it" and they tell the group and then I give a little tip about the product... If they say no, I mention that I use it and why...
So, that's my story...I don't know if it will help ya'll or not, but nontheless, it was quite successful for me, and makes selling PC worth it!! I would like to take this moment and thank all of you for your help...without this website and your experiences & flyers shared, I don't think I would have expanded my business as well as I would have on my own!! SO THANK YOU!!
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  • #11
Thanks so MUCH!! I'm going to let the customer now A.S.A.P...I'll see if he really does buy it!!
  • #12
OK you asked for it and what better way to spend my day off than to add all the columns of our sales receipts. ha ha :D I added all columns and didnt leave anything out. So here it is column 1 $1214.25; 2= $2503.00;
3= $1359; 4= $596.00 and pantry is $92.75 so our catalog, inlcuding all products totals: $5765.00!!!

Guess I was doing it at same time someone else was but didnt come up exactly as she did. So I guess give or take a few dollars. Anyway...we get the idea of approximately how much it is.
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  • #13
F/W catalog TotalsOk, my first post left me, so if this shows up twice, I'm sorry.

Here is a break out, according to the new wish list on the write in order forms.

$270.50 Baking Tools
$104.75 BBQ
$146.50 Bowls
$99.75 Chillzanne®
$97.75 Clean up
$155.25 Cookbooks & Recipe Cards
$103.75 Cooking Tools
$437.25 Generation II Cookware
$1,013.00 Professional Cookware
$164.25 Cutlery
$132.00 Cutting & Carving Boards
$168.00 Fruit & Vegetable Prep
$141.25 Gift Sets
$168.75 Grate, slice & chop
$24.50 Ice Cream
$71.00 Kid's Kitchen tools
$77.00 Kitchen Helpers
$90.25 Linenes & Towels
$57.50 Measuring
$33.50 Microwave Cookware
$50.25 Nylon Tools
$218.75 Oven & Roasting
$118.00 Pantry
$29.50 Scoops
$48.50 Scrapers
$443.00 Svg & Entertaining
$445.25 Simple Additions
$39.50 Spreaders
$497.75 Stoneware - Classics
$423.50 Stoneware - New traditions
$65.50 Time & Temp
$62.00 Available 1 Oct

GRAND TOTAL $5,998 :p
Oh, ok, some of the differences in price: I took out the two cookware pieces that come in the "Sets". I didn't want to add them in twice. Also, mine includes all spanish versions & everything.
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  • #14
Thank you..thank you..thank you...
Your figures and Lacey's figures are pretty close...I'm just going to say an even $6200 plus shipping and tax....It'll all work itself out in the end if he really does buy....Keep your fingers crossed for me...
  • #15
You know what's wild? Even if he buys all that, the shipping is still just $3.25! But I would think that if he wants it all, he would have his own party to at least get a discount! Then again, he probably doesn't need it!
  • #16
CongratulationsI am really excited about your show for you!! :D That was awesome.. I wish we could ALL do that, boy wouldnt that be an encouragement for us all. :) Again... Congrats!!!
  • #17
Congratulations! Sounds like you did this show JUST RIGHT! Thanks for the tips on how easy it can be to have a great show! Be sure to let us know if you sell the whole catalog!
  • #18
If they are truly interested in the WHOLE catalog....maybe this one would be a possible recruit?! Go for it!
  • #19
Jacey said:
Well, I have a spreadsheet in excel of the items in the Fall/Winter catalog...did a total for you.


That total includes literally everything in the catalog that is for sale, both English and Spanish versions of the SB, for example.


Thanks Tracey! That is one heck of a total!! Good Luck on the customer who wants to but the catalog Angela!!! :D
  • #20
Awesome Angela! I haven't quite made it that high on a show yet. Keep up the great work. :)
  • #21
chefloriray said:
If they are truly interested in the WHOLE catalog....maybe this one would be a possible recruit?! Go for it!
That was EXACTLY my first thought....recruit this guy! He obviously likes to cook and although it doesn't sound like he needs the money, he would have a blast doing it! It's worth a shot to ask him!

Congrats on an awesome show!!!! :)
  • #22
I'm with Becky too, my first thought was to recruite the guy. It doesn't hurt to ask.
  • #23
Eclair recipe?What is the recipe for the no bake eclair that you made for your party?

Again - CONGRATS on your awesome show!!!!
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  • #24
Hello Everyone,
Here is the recipe for the no-bake Chocolate Eclair Cake:

Chocolate Eclair Cake

1 box cinnamon graham crackers
2 3-ounce packages vanilla instant pudding
3 cups milk
8-ounce container of non-dairy whipped topping, thawed
Chocolate frosting (recipe follows)

Butter the bottom of a 9-by-13-inch pan (Rectangular Baker is perfect). Line the bottom of the pan with graham crackers (you'll use about 15).

In large bowl (stainless steel medium bowl), mix (whisk) pudding and milk. Stir in the whipped topping.

Using Spreader, spread half the pudding-whipped topping mixture over the graham crackers. Cover with another layer of graham crackers. Spread the remaining filling over the graham crackers, followed by another layer of graham crackers.

Make icing. Spread over final layer of graham crackers. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Perfectly Chocolate Chocolate Frosting

1/2 cup butter or margarine
2/3 cup Hershey's cocoa
3 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Melt butter in prep bowl pour into small stainless steel bowl and stir in cocoa. Alternately add powdered sugar and milk, beating (whisk or stir with scraper) to spreading consistency. Add a small amount additional milk, if needed. Stir in vanilla.
Carry to party using new insulated tote!!

It was, I believe, the biggest hit of the party!! Nothing was left!!
  • #25
Thanks so much for the recipe! It sure sounds yummy!
  • #26
A friend of mine brought that Chocolate Eclair recipe to our house once and I totally forgot to ask her for the recipe. I can't wait to make this, it's so good! Thanks for posting it. :)
  • #27
Oh my word, do you know how much free product your host would get if that guy ordered everything in the catalogue from her show. I don't know but it would be alot! Has anyone ever ordered the whole catalogue before? Maybe you would go down in the PC hall of fame if that happened. :p I love eclair cake. I've made it a couple times before but it always turns out kind of runny for me. I don't know why. I'll have to check and see if your recipe is the same one I've got. Anyways, congrats on the show. Let us know if the guy bought the whole catalogue.
  • #28
Wow! What an awesome show! I'm so jealous! :p

Can you imagine if that guy really bought everything in the catalog?!

Congrats on a successful show!
  • #29
Chocolate eclaireAcherry--

Did you make the cake part BEFORE the party and just added the icing when you did the demo or did you make the whole thing there? I ask because the recipe calls for it to be refridgerated overnight.
BIG CONGRATULATIONS on your party!! :D
It's so great to hear about success stories (but, for you, even better to HAVE one :) --it's always an inspritation to know IT CAN BE DONE!! (especially when things aren't going so well)
Thanks for the inspiration!

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  • #30
Hi Deborah,
I actually made this recipe the night before and just put it on the table with the Chicken Cobb Salad. I'm thinking about doing it at my next show (in Sept) though, as I have 2 rectangular bakers, so I would prepare the recipe in one of the bakers the night before, bring it to the party in the new insulated tote, and use the other rectangular baker to "demo" the recipe, then present the "final" results at the end of the demo and take the one I prepared as the "demo" home with me in the insulated tote, and share it with my family the next day (or use it for my next show if I'm doing one the next night)!
Just a thought...this way I'm showing off the stoneware and a very 'easy' recipe to make!!
Thanks everyone for your lovely compliments and encouragements! I've spoken with the gentlemen about the whole catalog, who does not want to become a consultant (but I asked!!) and he is discussing the prospect with his wife, as they just finished their new kitchen...I'll keep ya'll posted!!
  • #31
Wow..I think I'd be speechless if that happened to me. Maybe if it did, my husband would be more gung-ho about me doing PC. lol Congrats.. that is totally awesome!!!!

  • #32
Did he buy it all???So, did you sell the guy the WHOLE catalog??? Let us know the results of that whole thing. Amazing....I think I would pass out if someone even asked me how much everything would cost, let alone them buying it all! :)

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