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Potty Training- Non Pampered Chef Related

In summary, the author suggests waiting until your child is 2 years old before starting to potty train them. They should also be trained using a book called "The Potty Training Workbook for Young Children." The author also suggests waiting until your child is outside to potty train them.
I need some advice from any moms potty training. It has been 13 years since I have had to potty train and this time it is my DD.
DD turned 2 in March and her pediatrician suggested I start. She will tell me when she "pee pees" and when she poops she brings me a diaper and wipes. I have been putting her on the potty every hour and she says " I pee pee mommy" but she will sit for 20 minutes and do nothing, I put a diaper on and an hour later when I put her on again she is wet. She loves sitting on the potty and saying pee pee. I have a DS who turned 1 in March also and so I am going to have to do this again in another year:cry: So far my kids have been easy with weaning off bottles and binky's but I have a feeling this is not going to be so easy. I have read books and researched online and everyone has a opinion and they are all different and conflicting....HELP.........
There is a book out there on how to potty train your child in 4 days. I followed it when I was an Au Pair (live-in Nanny) and it worked really well.

I honestly don't remember much of anything about the book, but I'm sure if you do a search on Amazon.com you'll find the book! Best of luck!
Well, personally I think 2 is still a little young - better for girls, but boys at 2 usually aren't ready. I'd keep doing what you are doing and when she is ready it will click.I saw "signs" that my DD was ready at that age and tried to start training her and she went backwards for awhile and then took longer. When she was finally ready, she was trained in 24 hours with no effort from me!So, to summarize my advice, don't push it no matter what a ped says.
We're working on this now with our twins...right before they turned two we started sitting them on the potty before bath every night. Our DD took to it pretty quick, and will use it when we prompt her to, but isn't consistent about letting us know when she "needs to go." Our DS is just not ready, and he shows absolutely no interest at this point. We're going to start pushing harder for our DD to use it exclusively...already have the "big girl" panties...and then train DS when she's done because I just can't imagine training both at the same time. We're going to start staying home for an entire day next week and not keep her in diapers, but in her big girl undies instead, and then she'll learn that they just aren't absorbent...I can only hope this works. I guess my advice is to be as consistent as you can, but don't stress yourself out, either (my kids just feed off the stress and I'm convinced it makes them more stubborn!). Good luck!!!
janetupnorth said:
Well, personally I think 2 is still a little young - better for girls, but boys at 2 usually aren't ready.

I'd keep doing what you are doing and when she is ready it will click.

I saw "signs" that my DD was ready at that age and tried to start training her and she went backwards for awhile and then took longer. When she was finally ready, she was trained in 24 hours with no effort from me!

So, to summarize my advice, don't push it no matter what a ped says.

Very well put! My niece was fully trained when she got here, but now she's back to wearing pull-ups at night, and wetting through those! Thank heaven for those waterproof matress pads!!!
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  • #6
My son ( who is now 15) did well, then went backwards b/c I was so anxious to get him out of diapers that I really pushed it, so I wasn't going to with the next one ( didn't think there would be a next one or another one after that)
She shows signs that she is ready, but with having a 1 year old, it is hard to be consistant with putting them on the potty and waiting for something to happen :) Pediatricain suggested letting her run around with no diaper when we are outside this summer. I have one book and it says you can potty train your child in 48 hours, but I think that is for people with only 1 child because I couldn't follow that method with a teenager and a 1 year old. The other problem is no one else is helpful, DH and MIL and my mom will put her on for less than 1 minute and say she doesn't have to go. i can't do this all on my own~ heavy sigh :(
I'll say a prayer that everything will go smoothly, and that DD will train quickly! Best of luck!
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  • #8
The pediatricain always told me no kid ever goes off to kindergarten with a bottle, binky or not potty trained, so I am not sure why he told me to start now. He was my pediatrician when I was a kid by the way.
1 less diaper to change would be nice though.
merego said:
1 less diaper to change would be nice though.

I understand completely! We are trying to tighten our budget, especially with gas prices soaring, and the money we'd save on diapers would be great...but I guess the important thing is to wait til your child is ready. I'm just hoping it doesn't take TOO much longer for us...
  • #10
Try this method: Dr Phil's Potty Train in One Day Method

I used it with both of my boys and it worked like a charm! Good luck!

Oh, and you don't need a doll that wets - we used a regular doll and it still worked. :) Save the money on the doll and buy the "big kid" underwear instead!
  • #11
I am hoping #3 traines herself ;) I hate potty training. Me and my friend were working on both our girls together, well she stopped cause it was to hard being preggo and potty training. I got my DD trained and for about 2 weeks her DD watched mine and one day told her mom she wanted to be a big girl like Taylor. Wish it was that easy for me.
  • #12
potty training my twin boys was the hardest thing I have ever done, short of delivering them! I'm not sure I have fully recovered 4 years later - lol.You know your child best. If you think she is ready (& are sure it isn't just wishful thinking) then stick with it. If she isn't, ignore the Dr & give it a break for a while.It's like Katie said... if you get stressed, she'll use that to her full advantage. If she isn't ready, nothing will work no matter how hard you try. (Believe me -- it took 2 yrs to train my twins, for a number of reasons.) Follow you gut. Moms know. She'll let you know when & if she is ready. As for trying to train with 2 other kids around... I can so relate. Here was the advice I was given by the "specialists" at the GI clinic my boys went to (for chronic constipation -- mineral oil & potty training don't mix, btw)... "Sit the boys on the toilet for 30 mins several times a day. When they wake up, 20 minutes after each meal, and after their bath") Okay... so how to you force 2 boys to stay on a 2 toilets (on different levels of the house) and watch a 1 yr old!?!?! Needless to say, we didn't follow the advice. We found a better laxative & continued what we'd been doing all along. When they were ready, they were trained.
Now to get them off the laxatives. (BTW: same advice as before. 30 minutes, many times a day. Not sure when they are supposed to make it to school, but why would the Dr be concerned with that!?!)
  • #13
Well, I tried everything to potty train DS - including Dr. Phil's method, and sitting him on the potty every hour, and having him run around bare-bottomed....but DS is very strong-willed with a mind of his own. He potty trained himself in an instant, when he was 3 yrs & 2 months.

One day, he realized he couldn't go to preschool unless he was wearing big boy underpants, and if he didn't go to school, he didn't get a backpack. He wanted a backpack with every part of his being, so he asked me to put big boy underpants on him, and he's never had an accident since that very minute!

Little stinker!:p
  • #14
ChefBeckyD said:
Well, I tried everything to potty train DS - including Dr. Phil's method, and sitting him on the potty every hour, and having him run around bare-bottomed....but DS is very strong-willed with a mind of his own. He potty trained himself in an instant, when he was 3 yrs & 2 months.

One day, he realized he couldn't go to preschool unless he was wearing big boy underpants, and if he didn't go to school, he didn't get a backpack. He wanted a backpack with every part of his being, so he asked me to put big boy underpants on him, and he's never had an accident since that very minute!

Little stinker!:p

Kyle was the same way! They are stubborn little buggers!
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  • #15
She loves to sit on the potty and tonight she sat on the potty and watched Dora saves the Mermaid ( the entire episode) then ran out to see her big bubba ( brother) and sat in her winnie the pooh chair in the other room, got this big smile and said "mama, I pee pee, I pee, yeah for me", then she went and put her baby on her potty and was pretending to read her the potty book. I noticed todayw hen I put her on every hour, she would pee right after she got off and she would sit on for 15-20 minutes, so maybe I should try 30. I will try Dr. Phil and just be casual about it for now. She will get it eventually, they all do :)
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  • #16
I am now cleaning the pee stained chair :)
  • #17
My son is 3 and we are still working on potty training. I tried to train him last summer to no avail and finally said that he would let me know that he is ready. That is pretty much how it went. He does fine with #1 in the potty, but he still will not #2. He will come and tell me that he "pup" as he calls it and that he needs "change. I check his underwear to see if he did the deed and usually he has not, so I put him on the potty. Of course, he won't do it and he just waits until I put a pull-up on him for nap or night night time. This really worries me that he holds it that long, but I keep hoping that he will finally decide to go on the potty. Anyone else had that problem?
  • #18
mpkegley said:
My son is 3 and we are still working on potty training. I tried to train him last summer to no avail and finally said that he would let me know that he is ready. That is pretty much how it went. He does fine with #1 in the potty, but he still will not #2. He will come and tell me that he "pup" as he calls it and that he needs "change. I check his underwear to see if he did the deed and usually he has not, so I put him on the potty. Of course, he won't do it and he just waits until I put a pull-up on him for nap or night night time. This really worries me that he holds it that long, but I keep hoping that he will finally decide to go on the potty. Anyone else had that problem?

Mine was the exact same way - he finally got the hang of it though. I've read, and it proved true with mine, that there is a fear of letting go of part of your body and flushing it down. He would hold it, and hold it, and hold it. The minute I would put a diaper back on him, he would do the deed. Again, when the incentive was the right one, it was an instantaneous change! He wanted a Polar Express Lionel Train Set desperately, and "Santa" told him that he had one with his name on it, but that he could only have it if he was pooping on the big potty. That was it, as soon as he heard that - the big potty was the only place he would go. It cleared up the constipation, and he now goes every day - like a big boy!:thumbup:
  • #19
My DD will be 2 in August and I haven't even thought of potty training. She is still such a baby in my eyes. I just feel that once they're ready, you'll know. I'm not a big fan of forcing anything. I feel like it can cause issues.
  • #20
mpkegley said:
My son is 3 and we are still working on potty training. I tried to train him last summer to no avail and finally said that he would let me know that he is ready. That is pretty much how it went. He does fine with #1 in the potty, but he still will not #2. He will come and tell me that he "pup" as he calls it and that he needs "change. I check his underwear to see if he did the deed and usually he has not, so I put him on the potty. Of course, he won't do it and he just waits until I put a pull-up on him for nap or night night time. This really worries me that he holds it that long, but I keep hoping that he will finally decide to go on the potty. Anyone else had that problem?

That's how my youngest was...took to peeing on the potty at 2yr 9mo.:) BUT, he wouldn't poop on it to save his little life!!:cry: Many battles ( I tried to push the issue), talks with the peds doc, & advise books...he still wouldn't do it! So, the new peds doc we got when we moved here said "Don't force him. He'll do it when he's ready." That was March of last year, he was 4. After a year of "wait & see" if he'd go on his own, this year I said that's it!:eek: For 3 days we fought with him...took away diapers, pull-ups & said this is it...you want to go to school, you have to do this. Finally, on day 3 SUCCESS!! That was almost 2 months ago...he's now fully potty trained at 5 & I wish I had done this a year or so ago...of course to re-inforce the issue, we bribe him (just for a couple more weeks), he loves Hot Wheels & CARS so he gets a car when he poops...one car for the day, no matter how many times he goes.
While I'm all for letting them learn on their own...sometimes you've got to push along a little.:rolleyes: He's a stubborn little bugger but once he figured out nothing bad happened when he pooped in the potty, he took right to it!
  • #21
If she's interested, keep letting her show the interest. One day my husband decided to put our daughter age 2 in "big girl" underpants. From then on, not one accident even dry at night! Amazing. What a simple concept. (now 8 yrs). My youngest wasn't as easy. It all depends on the child.
  • #22
I started the potty chair with my ds a few months ago. He'll be 2 in 2 weeks. We have started giving small rewards such as sticker or a piece of candy. Seems to be working pretty well. We've just got to get the poo poo issue in the potty. :) Good luck!
  • #23
My DS was 2 yrs 2 onths when he was potty trained. I did bribe him though. I gave him a bag of starbursts and every time he went potty he could get one. The thing with him was he needed control of when he got the treat so it was at his level. He was potty trained by the time the bag of candy was gone.
My DD was a nightmare but she finally did it. Maybe the princess dress helped.
My 3rd will not be potty trained till after Oct unless she does it herself. I really dont want to be fighting someone who is potty training at Disneyland.
  • #24
I am a huge believer in just waiting until they are ready! My son was 3 1/2 before he potty trained, but it only took a few days because he was older. My daughter was just over two, but that is an interesting story. Only took her about a day. My youngest son is 2 1/2 and is not interested at all. He always tells me when he poops in his diaper so I can change him, but he doesn't like the idea of the potty.

It is SOOOOO much easier when they are a little older. And a lot less accidents!
  • #25
We have been working with our DS(2 yrs 3 mths) for the last couple of months...going potty before bath and in the mornings. So far that has worked. This week we tried it at daycare...he has no interest at all. We will keep working with him at home and hopefully he will take interest. They offer special stickers at daycare and we usually give a little treat when he goes at home. I too believe that when they are ready they will do it themselves. No need to rush!
  • #26
My DS is 3 and 1/2 and he is about 95% there. He took a real interest right after he turned three. I first tried to see if he had bladder control. One day, he got up from his nap and was dry and that's when I knew. It doesn't sound like your DD has that quite yet and that's fine. My DD had it a bit at two but got so discouraged with accidents, I let it go until she was about 2 1/2. She had a bad diaper rash and refused to pee and that's when I knew she had the physical control. DS is just now developing the BM control. Everyone at their own pace! If there is little physical developement with the bladder, it will just stress you out and discourage her. I don't think taking her every 30 minutes will help that much and it's just too crazy for you. I still think she is a bit young. My pediatrician was actually surprised and very pleased that my DS is almost trained. Now nightime is a whole other story!
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  • #27
My oldest son ( now 15) had this fear of pooping ( after he was already potty trained once and reverted back) and would hold it. He held it so long he started to vomit his poop ( sorry, I know that is disgusting). Had to go to the ER and that had to do enima's and all this other stuff to clean him out. It was awful, he cried, ( he was almost 4) I cried, it was awful. We them had to give him mineral oil to help soften it up and after that experience he started pooping in the potty and never had a problem. He still remembers that and talks about it 12 years later.
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  • #28
I have just been putting her on the potty every few hours and after meals, just trying to get her used to it because I don't want either of usl to be stressed. She has been bringing me diaper and wipes when she poops, so i think she gets the whole idea. She also likes to see "pee pee, I pee pee mama" at the top of her lungs :) She also is very interested in following me or her dad to the bathroom to see what we are doing. She flung the door open on her DH and made a funny face and said "what's that dada??"
  • #29
Well, I potty trained 7 of my own and I don't ever want to count how many day care kids! One thing I always told my day care moms when they would tell me that I had to put their kids on the potty every hour or every 1/2 hour was this: Then I would be the one trained to put THEIR kid on the potty, and their child would not be learning a thing about really being potty trained at all. Beside the fact that with 5 little ones including infants in the house all day, I didn't have time to think that way. My rule with my own kids and theirs was that once they could tell me they had to go, or went running in there themselves, they were not considered trained. That's just my opinion and it was much less stressful for all of us concerned. I know not buying diapers sounds awesome but in reality, it can just means more laundry! :) Not to mention having to take them in public restrooms to pee! Yuk! I learned around kid 3 that rushing anything with kids doesn't end up helping in the long run. Watch for the signals and go at your child's pace, not the doctor's. My guess is that your Dr. wasn't really pushing you, but just saying that if you see the signs, it's okay to try. I hope this doesn't sound snotty because in NO WAY is that what I want to portray. In the long run, you'll look back at these times and they won't seem as long and tedious as they do right now! Kind of like that country song out right now "You're Gonna Miss This, You're gonna want this back...."
  • #30
My daughter was 3 when she was potty trained. Everyone kept telling me when she was 2 to start training her. She was not ready and I didn't listen. We had just move out of state and I thought this is too much for her and then trying to potty train her "I don't think so." Anyway the next January (her birthday is in May) she started to stay dry during the day and started to put her on the potty by May she was done. I took her to the store and got her a potty present. My boys were a whole other story :(

She will let you know when she is ready. Don't stress over it.

Indenpendent Consultant
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  • #31
Thanks everyone and Diane, you were not being snotty at all. I totally appreciate your input. My only other hope could be when dd is 3 and ds is 2 I can train them together and knock it all out~ wishful thinking huh :) ha ha
  • #32
quiverfull7 said:
Well, I potty trained 7 of my own and I don't ever want to count how many day care kids! One thing I always told my day care moms when they would tell me that I had to put their kids on the potty every hour or every 1/2 hour was this: Then I would be the one trained to put THEIR kid on the potty, and their child would not be learning a thing about really being potty trained at all. Beside the fact that with 5 little ones including infants in the house all day, I didn't have time to think that way. My rule with my own kids and theirs was that once they could tell me they had to go, or went running in there themselves, they were not considered trained. That's just my opinion and it was much less stressful for all of us concerned. I know not buying diapers sounds awesome but in reality, it can just means more laundry! :) Not to mention having to take them in public restrooms to pee! Yuk! I learned around kid 3 that rushing anything with kids doesn't end up helping in the long run. Watch for the signals and go at your child's pace, not the doctor's. My guess is that your Dr. wasn't really pushing you, but just saying that if you see the signs, it's okay to try. I hope this doesn't sound snotty because in NO WAY is that what I want to portray. In the long run, you'll look back at these times and they won't seem as long and tedious as they do right now! Kind of like that country song out right now "You're Gonna Miss This, You're gonna want this back...."

Well said!! I couldn't agree more!!
  • #33
a potty present??? Is that what you give her when she goes potty???
  • #34
A potty present was the carrot to get her to go to the potty. I told I would take her to the store and get her something she really wanted when she was totally dry and didn't have any accidents anymore.

This also worked with my older son but my youngest just wasn't interested. We think he was attached to his diapers. What a nightmare!!
  • #35
Both of my boys were potty trained by 3 1/2. I watched for the signals and then potty trained them in about 24 hours. Neither ever had accidents or even wet the bed at night, but again I waited til I knew they were ready. I never bribed either (honestly would have if I had thought about it). I am glad I waited til they were older. Some people told me to start younger, but I knew my boys were'nt ready. Like I said no accidents, no crying. Just a lot of running to the bathroom when they said they had to go. It was great. This is just my experience. Do what you think is best for your daughter. I just wanted to add my 2 cents.
  • #36
I have to add both my boys have bladders of steel so that could have something to do with it too.
  • #37
quiverfull7 said:
Well, I potty trained 7 of my own and I don't ever want to count how many day care kids! One thing I always told my day care moms when they would tell me that I had to put their kids on the potty every hour or every 1/2 hour was this: Then I would be the one trained to put THEIR kid on the potty, and their child would not be learning a thing about really being potty trained at all. Beside the fact that with 5 little ones including infants in the house all day, I didn't have time to think that way. My rule with my own kids and theirs was that once they could tell me they had to go, or went running in there themselves, they were not considered trained. That's just my opinion and it was much less stressful for all of us concerned. I know not buying diapers sounds awesome but in reality, it can just means more laundry! :) Not to mention having to take them in public restrooms to pee! Yuk! I learned around kid 3 that rushing anything with kids doesn't end up helping in the long run. Watch for the signals and go at your child's pace, not the doctor's. My guess is that your Dr. wasn't really pushing you, but just saying that if you see the signs, it's okay to try. I hope this doesn't sound snotty because in NO WAY is that what I want to portray. In the long run, you'll look back at these times and they won't seem as long and tedious as they do right now! Kind of like that country song out right now "You're Gonna Miss This, You're gonna want this back...."

I am with you, I don't run a daycare, but I do babysit 4 other kids (all under age 5) besides my son. With the trouble that I am having with ds not wanting to #2 in the potty, one of my Mom's came in last week and told me that her 2 year old dd has been going to the potty at home. She said that I just have to ask her every 20 minutes if she needs to potty and take her. I was like "What?!" Needless to say, I haven't been doing it that way, I ask her several times during the day, but that's it (she doesn't want to go). I don't feel like she is ready either, this little girl is at my house a whole lot longer than she is at home and if she is not ready to go here, then she is not ready. I understand the frustration with potty training since I am going through it with my 3 year old, but in my opinion, wait until their ready! I do keep worrying that the Mom will get upset with me, because I am not doing it her way. I have to do a sensory diet (he has a sensory processing disorder) with my ds and I can't even get that done right with all of the kids running around, etc. I have come to find out that babysitting other people's kids is one of the hardest jobs that anyone can have!
  • #38
OMG I need some advice too! My son will be three in June and we have been trying to potty train him off and on since his 2nd birthday. He got the hang of it there for a while and was at least going pee consistently, and then he just stopped.

He will go at least once a day, but the rest of the time he pee's/poop's in his pants, and he won't tell you about it!

We have tried EVERYTHING!

Stickers, treats, toys, tattoos, charts, movies, and different potty training methods, and he still doesn't seem to be getting it. Which is why we stopped and let it go for a while, and then after a month or so we would try again.

Still no luck! He knows when he has to go....he hides or says...."don't look at me" and we know that means he is trying to go, but I just can't get him to tell us when he needs to go! He can stay dry for a long time, which is great, but ARGH...I don't know what to do!

Oh...we also told him once he goes pee and poop in the potty all the time he can get a big boy Thomas the tank engine bed. Which excited him, but not enough to get him to want to go.

Anyone have any advice for me?? This has been going on for a year now and I am sick of it to be honest :)

DH wants him potty trained NOW, and I am like....you know it is not up to you. :0)

I know he knows when he has to go.....he just doesn't want to stop doing whatever he is doing to take time to go potty.
  • #39
elizabethfox said:
OMG I need some advice too! My son will be three in June and we have been trying to potty train him off and on since his 2nd birthday. He got the hang of it there for a while and was at least going pee consistently, and then he just stopped.

He will go at least once a day, but the rest of the time he pee's/poop's in his pants, and he won't tell you about it!

We have tried EVERYTHING!

Stickers, treats, toys, tattoos, charts, movies, and different potty training methods, and he still doesn't seem to be getting it. Which is why we stopped and let it go for a while, and then after a month or so we would try again.

Still no luck! He knows when he has to go....he hides or says...."don't look at me" and we know that means he is trying to go, but I just can't get him to tell us when he needs to go! He can stay dry for a long time, which is great, but ARGH...I don't know what to do!

Oh...we also told him once he goes pee and poop in the potty all the time he can get a big boy Thomas the tank engine bed. Which excited him, but not enough to get him to want to go.

Anyone have any advice for me?? This has been going on for a year now and I am sick of it to be honest :)

DH wants him potty trained NOW, and I am like....you know it is not up to you. :0)

I know he knows when he has to go.....he just doesn't want to stop doing whatever he is doing to take time to go potty.

LOL - sounds just like my little guy. He actually had a special "pooping corner" in the living room - we knew when he went to that corner what he was doing, and if we were in the room, he would tell us to go away, or go to the kitchen...or any other room. (I guess he wanted privacy)

We knew he knew what to do, but he just refused - and you can't make him do it.

One day, when the incentive was right (we had tried things too that got him excited - (a puppy, a ride-on tractor, a big boy bed.....) but not excited enough to go on the big potty. He would sit for hours on the potty, and then get off and go in his diaper, or underwear.

One day, it just clicked. He really wanted to go to preschool, but we told him he had to be wearing big boy underpants to go. Then he decided he didn't want to go so much....but he still wanted to go shopping for a backpack. I told him that he only got a backpack if he was going to school, and that was the end. He asked to have big boy underpants on, and never had an accident after that! In fact, an hour after I put them on him, he was in the backyard playing, and started banging on the back door saying "Mom, let me in, I have to go potty!" The little stinker! I never even had to ask him if he had to go potty after that. So, I tell people he potty trained himself in an instant!

So, I guess I don't have any advice, other than when he's ready, he's ready! And actually, it was very stress free to do it that way.
  • #40
I am a firm believer in they'll do it when they're ready, but sometimes they need a push! My DD is 35 months and just got out of pull-ups last week. She has been using the potty since she was 2, but when DS came (now 8 months) she back-tracked. She knew exactly when she had to use the potty, she just didn't want to stop playing and wanted to be the "baby", so I let her for a while. Well finally I told her last week, we're out of pull-ups and I'm not buying anymore, so if you pee in your big girl underwear it will just run down your leg. She has done surprisingly well!! Only 2 accidents in a week and when she had them she was very upset. I do still put a pull-up on at night and have a trashbag and towel on her car seat, just in case. I know all about wanting one less to change, but you just can't push them until they're ready and you'll know when that is! Then maybe just put underwear on them and see what happens. Good luck!
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  • #41
mpkegley said:
I have come to find out that babysitting other people's kids is one of the hardest jobs that anyone can have!

You got it sister! I'm in total agreement and that's why I'm SO thrilled that God has blessed my PC Business the way He has!
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  • #42
I babysit 1 other child, she is 15 months and that is all I can handle.
I hope her mom potty trains over the summer( she is a teacher and I don't have her)
I think potty training is one the hardest things to do and I just keep thinking.... no kid ever goes off to school with a binky, bottle or not potty trained.
I would love to be done with changing one less diaper and hopefully it will happen soon.

Related to Potty Training- Non Pampered Chef Related

1. When is the best time to start potty training?

The best time to start potty training varies for each child, but most experts recommend starting between 18 months and 3 years of age. Your child should show signs of readiness, such as being able to communicate when they need to go, showing interest in using the potty, and having some control over their bladder and bowel movements.

2. How often should I put my child on the potty?

It is recommended to put your child on the potty every 1-2 hours, especially after meals or when they wake up from naps. However, if your child shows signs of needing to go, such as squirming or holding their genital area, take them to the potty immediately.

3. My child sits on the potty for a long time but doesn't go. What should I do?

Be patient and encourage your child to keep trying. It can take some time for them to get used to the feeling of sitting on the potty and releasing their bladder or bowel movements. You can also try using a reward system to motivate them, such as giving them a sticker or small treat when they do go in the potty.

4. What if my child has accidents?

Accidents are a normal part of the potty training process. If your child has an accident, don't scold or punish them. Instead, calmly clean up the mess and remind them to use the potty next time. It's important to stay positive and encourage your child throughout the potty training journey.

5. Do I need to wean my child off of diapers completely during potty training?

Some parents choose to completely switch to underwear during potty training, while others may continue to use diapers or pull-ups for certain situations, such as naps or outings. It's important to find what works best for your child and their individual needs. Some experts also recommend using training pants, which are a middle ground between diapers and underwear, to help ease the transition.

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