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PC Consultants on Other Networking Sites - To Report or Not to Report?

In summary, the person is upset because they think the person who is a member and has posted negatively about others is breaking the rules. They are leaning towards reporting them to HO because they feel that the person is breaking the rules and is not fair to those of us who follow the rules.
( you will have to excuse the spelling mistakes as its almost 1 am here and i missed my afternoon :indif: lol)

heres my delinma

i was on another networking site the other nite, mixed ds companies, and of course i look to see if there are any pc consultants
and there is

2 from what i saw, maybe more and have just not posted they are pc consultants like me.

one is a director and the other a fd and both have links to their pc pws :eek:
and i know that one (if not both) know that it is not allowed because she is a member here

and if i didnt misinterpurt the posts one of them has had both sales and recruits from it

now what to do?
i hate to be a rat but if i cant do it why shud they?
my director says report them

suggestions? yes or no?

thanks in advance for helping me make this decesion

:cry: so sorry about the spelling:yuck:
There are cheffers that will tell you to go directly to HO and there are others that will tell you to mind your own business (literally!). However, you need to do what you feel is the right thing.

You could go the more friendly route and "remind" them that they can't link their PWS or list that they are PC consultants anywhere on the internet. Personally, that is what I would do - just to give them the benefit of the doubt. But if it still bothers you after that, send an email to HO. And I wouldn't consider you a rat for reporting them to HO, especially since I've done it on occasion. You didn't go looking for consultants that were violating the rules... you just happened to find them in the course of your day.

Think of it this way... if I was walking down the street and saw someone doing something illegal... oh, let's say parking in front of a fire hydrant. I would say something to the person about not being allowed to park there. Maybe they didn't see the hydrant or thought they were far enough away... in that case, they would probably move their car and I might even get a thank you for helping them to avoid a ticket.
However, on the other extreme, I might have a number of expletives spewed at me and be told in not such nice words to mind my own business. In that case, I would definitely call the local police and let them know of the violation.
Now, I didn't purposely leave my house that morning looking for people illegally parking in front of fire hydrants, but if I happen to run into someone doing it, I do feel that I have the right as a law-abiding citizen to say something either to them or the local police.

I feel the same way about violations of any PC policy. I don't start my day wondering how many people I can "catch" breaking the rules, but in the course of working my business I run into someone like this, I feel that I have the right (but not the obligation) to say something to them or HO. I want all PC consultants to have the same chances, to follow the same rules and for the business to be fair for everyone.

O.k. - off my soapbox now... but that is JMHO!
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feeling a little better about it
i think what made me so upset about it is the one who is here as a member has posted and grumbled about others doing it. so she knows she is breaking the rules :(
and she has benefited from it as well, hardly fair for those of us who follow them.
i am leaning on the side of letting karma take a chunk out of their butts lol

thanks again

I would just report them. If you are 99% sure you know they know they are breaking the rules then I would not feel bad. If you kindly try to remind them you could get ALOT of backlash. I hate to think of things that were said to me when I have tried to be nice to people in this situation. I have been treated verry rudely the few times I have run into this.

Like you said If you can not do it why should they?

Again JMHO....
heather9892 said:
i think what made me so upset about it is the one who is here as a member has posted and grumbled about others doing it. so she knows she is breaking the rules :(
and she has benefited from it as well, hardly fair for those of us who follow them.
i am leaning on the side of letting karma take a chunk out of their butts lol

thanks again
That highlighted part is what would make me send the info to HO. Nothing wrong with giving Karma a little hand now and then. :)
I have to agree with Paulette. There is a definate difference between unknowingly breaking policy rules and knowing that they are and hoping they themselves don't get caught. It does make it harder for those that are trying to follow the rules, even grumbling about it as we go on, but still sometimes these are the first people to turn someone else in. They in situations like this have to know it is coming.
chefann said:
That highlighted part is what would make me send the info to HO. Nothing wrong with giving Karma a little hand now and then. :)

I agree with Ann. Knowing that they know and complain about other people doing it would make me want to report them.

If it were not for that, I would not report. I have always been one that does not like to tattle tale but when they talk about others for doing they same thing they themselves are doing - that is anohter story.
Even if somehow they do not realize they are breaking the rules it's not like you just get "fired". HO gives you a time frame to remove the info from the wab. If by chance the consultant info is on the web without their knowledge it can be taken care of. There have been a few on this site recently who this has has happened to and it has been taken care of.

So again I myself now try to stay out of it. It's HO's job to deal with these people. Although I f I see blatant advertising I will forward it to HO.
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i think what made me so upset about it is the one who is here as a member has posted and grumbled about others doing it. so she knows she is breaking the rules

i need to retract that statement

i just read back and had her mixed up with someone else so sorry about that

need a smile that has a foot in their mouth!
  • #10
I am on a networking group - I hate that I can't even say I am a PC consultant. I understand the no website (well sort of) I describe myself and a consultant with a well loved line of cooking and entertaining prodcust - That I pamper the home-based chef
  • #11
Originally Posted by heather9892
i think what made me so upset about it is the one who is here as a member has posted and grumbled about others doing it. so she knows she is breaking the rules
and she has benefited from it as well, hardly fair for those of us who follow them.
i am leaning on the side of letting karma take a chunk out of their butts lol

thanks again

chefann said:
That highlighted part is what would make me send the info to HO. Nothing wrong with giving Karma a little hand now and then. :)
Could it be that she joined that group before realizing she couldn't put that info out there and then forgot that she did it? It could be all a timing thing. I would still send a quick note: "OMG!:eek: Did you realize..."
  • #12
Yesterday I found that I had my info on the web in a place that I had not visited since my 1st week as a PCer and I did not realize I could not mention "pampered chef". Boy did I blush as I fixed it ASAP. But that means that I had not looked at my profile in a year ouch.
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Could it be that she joined that group before realizing she couldn't put that info out there and then forgot that she did it? It could be all a timing thing

you're such a good person to always think of the good before the bad

i wish it was a timing thing but i dont think it is
she has been a consultant for over 2yrs and just joined there on april 2007 and has been here longer than that

still think karma will get them

Yesterday I found that I had my info on the web in a place that I had not visited since my 1st week as a PCer and I did not realize I could not mention "pampered chef".

i applied during my first week to be on an online selling group not realizing this, it was the organizer who told me i couldn't.
well 2 months ago isnt there someone else on there selling pc. i sent her an email informing her it was not allowed and she was very pleasant in her response saying she would look into it, well she's still there and has had over 200 hits to her info
  • #14
I acutally have the same dilema. I am an on again off again member of a Moms group who work from home. The organizer knows I sell PC. She is local and we have discussed it off the board and she wanted me to do things that I know we are not allowed to do. Well, someone else has "filled my shoes" and is hosting online parties and such from there. I have kind of let it go, but have wondered if I should email her.

Related to PC Consultants on Other Networking Sites - To Report or Not to Report?

1. What is the purpose of reporting PC consultants on other networking sites?

The purpose of reporting PC consultants on other networking sites is to maintain the integrity and reputation of the Pampered Chef brand. This ensures that all consultants are representing the company in a professional and compliant manner.

2. How do I know if a consultant on another networking site is violating company policies?

If you come across a PC consultant on another networking site who is making false claims, misrepresenting the products, or engaging in unethical practices, then they may be violating company policies. It is important to report any such behavior to Pampered Chef for further investigation.

3. Can I report a consultant on another networking site anonymously?

Yes, you can report a consultant on another networking site anonymously. Pampered Chef takes all reports seriously and will investigate any violations regardless of the reporter's identity.

4. Will my report be kept confidential?

Yes, your report will be kept confidential. Pampered Chef understands the importance of privacy and will not disclose any information without your consent.

5. What happens after I report a consultant on another networking site?

After you report a consultant on another networking site, Pampered Chef will conduct an investigation and take appropriate action if necessary. This may include providing the consultant with a warning, suspending their account, or terminating their contract with the company.

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