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Overcoming Booking Struggles and Stress: A Personal Experience

In summary, the person is expressing their frustrations with their job and how it is affecting their motivation to continue doing it. They mention that they want to continue working in the industry but they need $1,000 a month to make a dent in their debt. They also mention that they have been successful in recruiting but their show booking is not going well. They offer a suggestion for another director to "audit" one of their shows in order to get feedback on what is happening. The person also states that they do not fear the feedback and are willing to try new things in order to improve their business.
Silver Member
Are you guys sick of me yet?

I had a wave of cancellations yesterday and today. My show schedule is pathetic. I have no hot booking leads - just some maybes to follow up on and some cold leads i got through a trade show back in February.

I'm not motivated to do anything! I went to bed at 8pm tonight!! Now of course I'm up and can't get back to sleep but I think that's because I'm stressed.

I work full time and I go to the gym really early in the morning, so I'm exhausted by the time I get home. I need PC to work - I need at least $1000 / month to be able to make a dent in all my debt.

I can recruit no problem but I can't seem to get shows on my books. Booking outside of shows is my own fault - I don't do the phone work I should. But my problem is at the shows. I consistently leave shows with no bookings! Not even leads. I ask everyone 'not now or not ever' and I get mostly 'not ever'!! But I get lots of compliments and people saying they're having fun so I don't know what the problem is! I'm too nervous to have someone come observe a show and critique me.

I don't know what to do.

Thanks for letting me vent.
Invite another Director you know to "audit" one of your shows. It won't help with your immediate booking need, but it will give you a starting point for figuring out what's happening at your shows that kills the interest in booking.

As for doing the calls...I'm with you there, but I know I want to continue to do PC and at the Director level SO I HAVE to make the calls. I have to make time for it. I have to do the work. Doing 3 calls everyday doesn't really work for me and my family's crazy schedule so I try to use at least 2-3 days a week dedicating 1 hour or so to calls. I've gotten a little better at making my calls a little quicker, so I can get 5-10 done in 30 minutes or so.

I hope some of my blathering will be helpful to you. Good luck!

With our job the time is flexible not optional.
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  • #3
I was thinking of having someone come but I almost don't want to know what the 'problem' is, you know? I'm not good at taking criticism! I suppose I should line something up - maybe with a 'sister' director, rather than my upline.I know I could make the time to do the 3 calls - it's just a matter of holding myself accountable. With my lacking show schedule, I have LOTS of time to be on the phone so I'd better take advantage!!!Thanks for the help.
Winnipegk said:
I was thinking of having someone come but I almost don't want to know what the 'problem' is, you know? I'm not good at taking criticism! I suppose I should line something up - maybe with a 'sister' director, rather than my upline.

How badly do you want that $1000 a month? No sarcasm meant there...just reminding you of your 'why'. :)

Don't fear the feedback. It should never be a critiscm or evaluation of you. Who you are isn't up for changing, but behavior and skills are things we learn (and can change if we want). Behavior and skills are what drive our business.

If you're getting the 'no,not ever' answer, it could be a simple matter of adjusting 'how' things are being said or done. Do you have a good relationship with some of your past hosts with whom you can meet one on one to get their feedback?
You CAN offer an extra incentive if you really want to get bookings. The other night I offered the Host a special gift --one of my new (free) Director items from the new season --- if she had 3 bookings that held by Oct 31st.

It worked. I got 3 dated bookings. 2 in Sept and 1 in Oct. She was happy and so was I!
I was right there with you this winter/spring. So I did some coaching calls with my director (she's an ED). She helped me see that I still had it and what I could do to get it back (in my head).

I started with a show of my own. Made those calls. :yuck: :p I did 2 fairs. I re-evaluated what I was saying at checkout and in my show. I find out what the guest wants/likes and offer to help them get it for free. I ask which month/day of the week is best for them and I point out they are helping their friend. I was prepared to but did not offer anything extra - "our host program is already the best there is" - I know you've heard that but it is true. My calendar isn't as full as I would like it to be (I still am not making the calls like I should) but it is more comfortable.

You can do this!

As Kris said, what is your why? Stop stopping yourself!
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  • #7
Yes, I know I need to focus more on my Why and less on my fear. I train this every month in team training! Why is it so hard for me to train myself the same way?

I have 2 shows of my own coming up as well as a big trade show so hopefully I can re-fill my calendar that way. I had 10 shows booked for Feb / March / April - what happened???
I feel for you!!! I've had the same experience lately. For me, I know I'll have more time (and hopefully motivation) to devote to phone calls once my kids are back in school. My son just started 1st grade today and my daughter starts three days a week preschool for 3 hours on Sept 8th, so that will be the most time I"ve ever had to myself!! I plan to get much more structured with my time and my first task is to clean my office!!!

I think a lot of it is getting back on the phone. Personally, I'm just going to connect with customers from over the past several months and check in about their products. I'm really not even going to focus on bookings even though I need them SO badly. I think just getting back into the routine of getting on the phone without putting that pressure on myself might be helpful. I did a few calls last week and when I did, I found someone who needed to place an almost $40 order. I'm also letting people know about a bunch of stuff retiring and I'm going to ask for their email address if I don't have so I can email the flyer of all the stuff going away. I'm hoping I even pull together a last minute catalog show out of that. I already have about $80 in orders that people need, so I don't have far to go.

Maybe just take baby steps getting back into those calls. You can do it!!:D
sounds like a lot of us have had a summer slump.
Praise God school starts on Monday! :party::party:
  • #10
I'm in the same boat!! And I"m wanting to make calls today but I'm not sure that people really want to hear from me while we're going through a tropical storm! It's now just hovering over us so this SUCKS!! I'm thinking though that I'll make a list and call tomorrow (if the storm has left us).
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  • #11
I just signed up for another trade show, although it's not until October.

I'll be getting on the phone during my lunch hour and tonight while my SO is at soccer.
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  • #12
pamperedbecky said:
I think a lot of it is getting back on the phone. Personally, I'm just going to connect with customers from over the past several months and check in about their products. I'm really not even going to focus on bookings even though I need them SO badly. I think just getting back into the routine of getting on the phone without putting that pressure on myself might be helpful. I did a few calls last week and when I did, I found someone who needed to place an almost $40 order. I'm also letting people know about a bunch of stuff retiring and I'm going to ask for their email address if I don't have so I can email the flyer of all the stuff going away. I'm hoping I even pull together a last minute catalog show out of that. I already have about $80 in orders that people need, so I don't have far to go.

Maybe just take baby steps getting back into those calls. You can do it!!:D

That's my plan too. I'm going to work on the booking leads I do have, and then once I've gone through all of them, I'll start on my customer care calls. I'm not going to ask for bookings unless there's a really obvious time that it will work. I'm just going to make it my goal to provide good customer service and see how everyone likes their products.
  • #13
Winnipegk said:
That's my plan too. I'm going to work on the booking leads I do have, and then once I've gone through all of them, I'll start on my customer care calls. I'm not going to ask for bookings unless there's a really obvious time that it will work. I'm just going to make it my goal to provide good customer service and see how everyone likes their products.

Great idea!!
  • #14
Winnipegk said:
I'm not going to ask for bookings unless there's a really obvious time that it will work.

My schedule was really in the can. I called in 2 favors and got 2 August shows. 1 crapped out on me (one of my sisters) and the other was just Monday. I got 5 bookings. 3 for Sept and 2 tbd.

I also got on the phone last week and starting dialing for dollars. Over 4 days I made 42 calls (tracked it in a word document). I got mostly voicemails and left a message. If I got someone I said the same thing as the message I left... "This is Colleen from PC.. I'm doing service calls today and was calling to let you know we have our cookware on special for hosts in September and to see if you'd be interested in hosting a show." I didn't get any takers but I did get 3 that said call me at the end of September for an Oct or Nov show. So that was decent.

Then out of the blue I got an e-mail from a way-old customer wanting an October show and I got a call yesterday that was a referral and she set her date for October.

Just make SOME calls... put the energy out there and it will come back!!!! And don't be afraid to ask for bookings... that's what you need!

They can only say yes to having a show if you actually ask for one!!!!

I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and am feeling so much better about going. I was telling my mom last week that I felt guilty going and that I should stay home and be on the phone. I also knew from past experience that being on the phone works! So I got over myself and did it. HTH a little!!! :)
  • #15
Great suggestions. You may also want to to offer exciting sounding future shows at your shows. Say. "Sounds like most of you are really busy so I have the show that's just perfect for you.... Our Friday night PJ Girls night, this show is so much fun you're almost sorry it ends so fast." You can talk about margararitas a yummy appetizer recipe. I find they get excited about something when they can picture themselves having a blast...
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  • #16
finley1991 said:
They can only say yes to having a show if you actually ask for one!!!!

I know what you mean...I just feel like it would be "wrong" (not the word I'm looking for but I'm at a loss) to call someone I haven't talked to in 6 months - a year - 2 years and "ask them" for a show. I know I'm offering them a great service and the chance to get some awesome products free, night out with their friends, etc...but I haven't found a way to do that so it's about them and not me.

Any suggestions for this?
  • #17
Winnipegk said:
so it's about them and not me.

Any suggestions for this?

Yup... just look at it that way. You're offering them a chance to have a fun night out with friends, learn some new recipes and get some stuff free.

The way we look at things change when we change the way we look at things. :)
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  • #18
Well, I've only managed to reach 4 people so far. So far one said to call her in a couple of weeks and the others were Nos. I have a lot more people to reach and I'll be working on that this afternoon.
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  • #19
3 bookings at my show today!!! I'm feeling better. :)
  • #20
Good! It just takes one good day to turn everything around! Congratulations. Make the most of those shows with good host coaching and recruit your hosts to find your next shows.
  • #21
Winnipegk said:
3 bookings at my show today!!! I'm feeling better. :)

Isn't this the show that with the tuna wreath and the host that wanted to make extra food? WOW, 3 bookings, that is great! I bet you're glad you did that show after all :). So, of course you have to tell us how the wreath was and how it went...we want the details :p;). I'm really happy for you!
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  • #22
chefruthie said:
Isn't this the show that with the tuna wreath and the host that wanted to make extra food? WOW, 3 bookings, that is great! I bet you're glad you did that show after all :). So, of course you have to tell us how the wreath was and how it went...we want the details :p;). I'm really happy for you!

It sure was!!! She had 12 ladies there. She was expecting upward of 20 but it was 1.5 hours out of the city and it was rainy so some girls didn't come.

The wreath wasn't bad. We added dill pickles and the guests really liked it. I let my host sort of 'run' the recipe and had everyone working at once. It was really fun!
  • #23
That's really great! You asked in your thread about it the other day how I got 4-5 bookings at a show like that...well, now you know! It sounds like you really worked with your host and made a great team. Three bookings out of 12 people is awesome. How many were for September?
  • #24
Great job! Glad this show turned out so well! 3 bookings..woo-hoo!
  • #25
You were so worried! I'm glad her Tuna Wreath concoction was tasty. That could've been a disaster, but it all worked out. Congratulations! These 3 bookings will really launch your fall for you!

I already posted! I'm just happy for you!
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  • #26
chefruthie said:
That's really great! You asked in your thread about it the other day how I got 4-5 bookings at a show like that...well, now you know! It sounds like you really worked with your host and made a great team. Three bookings out of 12 people is awesome. How many were for September?

1 for September and 2 for October. I would have had another September but the woman's husband said no. :grumpy: He wouldn't even let her do a catalog show. But yeah, I'm pretty happy now. Let's hope my show tomorrow goes as well.

I think I'm going to try more stations and simultaneous working. Normally we do one step at a time and I find it turns more into me talking to them as opposed to everyone getting together to cook at once, you know?? I kind of like the organized chaos.
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  • #27
BAH this Tuna Wreath woman is driving me nuts! She just LOVES being in control! I told her that I had to turn her show in no later than Sunday because of month end and specials, etc....I don't like submitting shows after month-end mostly because my team is still small and my sales are needed for us to hit our minimums.

anyway - I told her it had to be no later than sunday. Granted, I was supposed to call her Wednesday night to close, but my plane was delayed and I didn't get home until 11pm so I wasn't calling her then!! She just emailed me and said call me tuesday i'm going to be busy this weekend!! grrr. The only thing I need is her order!! bah.

Related to Overcoming Booking Struggles and Stress: A Personal Experience

1. How can I overcome booking struggles and stress as a Pampered Chef consultant?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, it is common to experience booking struggles and stress. One way to overcome this is by setting clear goals and creating a plan to achieve them. This can include reaching out to past customers, hosting online parties, or even collaborating with other consultants. Additionally, staying organized and consistently following up with potential hosts can also help you overcome booking struggles and stress.

2. Is it important to have a booking system in place?

Having a booking system in place can greatly benefit a Pampered Chef consultant. This can include using a planner or calendar to keep track of potential hostesses and booking dates, as well as utilizing online tools such as email marketing or social media to reach out to potential hosts. Having a booking system can help you stay organized and focused, ultimately reducing stress and increasing your booking success rate.

3. How can I handle rejection from potential hosts?

Rejection is a common aspect of being a Pampered Chef consultant. It is important to remember that not everyone will be interested in hosting a party, and that's okay. Instead of dwelling on the rejection, focus on the positive and keep reaching out to potential hosts. Additionally, ask for feedback from those who decline your offer and use it to improve your booking strategy.

4. How can I stay motivated when facing booking struggles and stress?

Staying motivated during times of booking struggles and stress can be challenging. One way to stay motivated is by setting small, achievable goals and celebrating each success. It can also be helpful to connect with other Pampered Chef consultants for support and motivation. Remember to also take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout.

5. Is it beneficial to attend Pampered Chef training events?

Attending Pampered Chef training events can be extremely beneficial for a consultant struggling with booking and stress. These events provide valuable knowledge, tips, and strategies for successful booking. Additionally, they offer opportunities to network and connect with other consultants for support and advice. It is highly recommended to attend these events to improve your skills and overcome booking struggles and stress.

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