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Out of Breath So Easily? Pregnancy & Getting into Shape

In summary, Rae says that she is six weeks pregnant and out of shape, and she doesn't remember being out of breath so easily. She says that this is not her normal and that it is brought on easier. She also says that she was short of breath this entire pregnancy, including the first trimester. She says that her doctor told her to sit and relax and get something to drink with sugar in it like juice, and that she should check with her doctor if the short of breath feeling gets worse. Lisa says that she was short of breath this entire pregnancy, including the first trimester, and that she got a phone call from her doctor.
Gold Member
OK. I am about 6 weeks pregnant (and out of shape to begin with...but this is different) and I don't remember being out of breath so easily! It's not like I have gained any weight or anything yet, either. This is NOT my normal, you really need to get into shape out of breath...it's brought on soooooo much easier! Anyone else remember feeling like that right away?
As Rae says, "Round is a shape."
Is this your first baby?
I was short of breath a lot, but I have asthma. Which of course they discovered while I was pregnant and complaining of being short of breath.
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  • #5
No...Evan will be three on the 4th of April.

I just don't remember if I felt like this with him or not...
I guess I missed the announcement Kelly. Congratulations!! I hope your out of breath problem goes away soon.
Hi Kelly!

I know from experience that every pregnancy is very different from the last one. Hormone changes are so unpredictable. However, please bring it up to your doctor. He/she is the only one who will be able to truly put your mind at ease.

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  • #8
I will certainly let my Dr know about it. I have an appt. scheduled for the first part of April. If it gets any worse I will call them!
I would call the Dr if it is like this by Monday. Your blood pressure could be on the rise. Mine did this within the first 2 months of preganancy. :(
  • #10
Congratulations!! I know for me it seemed earlier and earlier I was running to into issues with each pregnancy. Definitely worth checking with your doc about. Best wishes!!
  • #11
I was very short winded this entire pegnancy, including the first trimester. I talked to my Dr. and he said it could have a lot to do with the increasing blood flow through the heart. Your heart needs time to adjust too. He told me to sit and relax and get something to drink with sugar in it like juice. Yeah I know what you're thinking... "what does 'relax' mean again?" I said the same thing but if you can it does help.
Good Luck and Congratulations!

Not to rub it in everyones pregnant face but... less that 48 hours to go here!

(and totally freaking out!)
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Lisa...48 hours! Are you going in for a C-section or to be induced? Keep us posted!

How are you feeling? Thankfully, with Evan, I never had that "oh my gosh, I can't stand to be pregnant for one minute more!" feeling!

ETA: Is this your first?

I apologize if you have already answered these in a different thread!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
KellyRedHead said:
I would call the Dr if it is like this by Monday. Your blood pressure could be on the rise. Mine did this within the first 2 months of preganancy. :(

I will call them. I need to find out if it's OK for me to take Airbornne cuz I feel like a cold is coming on. Yuck! I will tell them about the short of breath feeling then!

BTW- I did an internet search, and it sounds like quite a few people feel like this the first trimester. Then again during the last bit of pregnancy. Now why would you feel out of breath at that point? Can't see your toes...can't tie your shoes...can't shave your hoo-ha...don't know why you would be out of breath at the end!! LOL
  • #14
I agree Kelly - I was out of breath during both of my PGs at the beginning and the end. I think it's like the OP said - blood flow in the 1st Tri, then just dragging around 40+ extra lbs. in the 3rd Tri! :) Hang in there and GL with this pregnancy - so happy for you! :D
  • #15
Sometimes it just depends on where the baby is hanging out - but at only 6 weeks, baby shouldn't be very big, so we can't blame that yet!

Just keep in mind that while pregnancy is a very normal thing for a woman's body to go through, it is a HUGE change from the "status-quo". So many things are working in overdrive right now and you are just getting tired more quickly. If it was me and my OB, and as long as my blood pressure was normal and I don't have chest congestion, I can hear her telling me to start walking more and to SLOW DOWN when I'm doing regular activities!
  • #16
It is probably nothing - I get winded early too, although not at about the 6 weeks mark but definitely earlier than you generally hear about... Actually come to think on it - I got winded from the start.But... I got a phone call last Thursday from my brother. Everyone in my family is expecting this summer. And his girlfriend was in the hospital with blood clots in her lungs. Seems that this is the leading cause of death for pregnant women in North America... but the good news is if it is caught and treated then it isn't a big deal. Of course every pregnant person here (and I know there are a lot of us) are now going to panic everytime we run out of breath on the stairs - and of course we do that everytime we head up the stairs. Do get it checked out though if you start getting worse. BTW - my brother's girlfriend spent several days in hospital and is now out. She will be on blood thinners for the next 6 months. These blood thinners do not cross the placenta and studies show no increase risk to the mother during birth or C-section. Yes, I did look all this up while up worrying about them. She is fine now. ZK
  • #17
KellyTheChef said:
Lisa...48 hours! Are you going in for a C-section or to be induced? Keep us posted!

How are you feeling? Thankfully, with Evan, I never had that "oh my gosh, I can't stand to be pregnant for one minute more!" feeling!

ETA: Is this your first?

I apologize if you have already answered these in a different thread!
Yes I'm having a C-section on Friday morning. No this is actually my third baby, first c-sec. I had two very difficult deliveries with my daughters, (Payton is 4 and Haley is 2) It's not that I can't stand being pregnant anymore that is driving me crazy, it's having a date and time! I catch myself watching the clock!! The longer I sit here the more anxious I get. I think I'm more nervous about the recovery and coming home to two little ones.
I will definetly keep you all posted, just not untill at least the end of the week! LOL!
  • #18
I found that I too was more winded and couldn't catch my breath with my second one more than with my first. I would sit at work and have to take really deep breaths at times. It would worry me some, and then of course towards the end my blood pressure went up some, but I would try not to worry about it too much and talk to your doctor about it first thing in the morning. I noticed that the more I would think about it, it would get worse!! LOL Good luck!!!!!!!
  • #19
Congratulations Lisa! Do you know if you are having a boy or a girl?
  • #20
KellyTheChef said:
I will call them. I need to find out if it's OK for me to take Airbornne cuz I feel like a cold is coming on. Yuck! I will tell them about the short of breath feeling then!

BTW- I did an internet search, and it sounds like quite a few people feel like this the first trimester. Then again during the last bit of pregnancy. Now why would you feel out of breath at that point? Can't see your toes...can't tie your shoes...can't shave your hoo-ha...don't know why you would be out of breath at the end!! LOL

:eek: :D I'm cracking up laughing here! Had to do it quietly though 'cuz I just put the kids down!!!
  • #21
We are having a little boy. We have two girls so we are very excited!
  • #22
buckeyefan08 said:
We are having a little boy. We have two girls so we are very excited!

That's awesome Lisa - I LOVE having one of each!
  • #23
buckeyefan08 said:
We are having a little boy. We have two girls so we are very excited!

Congrats! We have two girls & our youngest is a boy. So much fun, but so TOTALLY different!
  • #24
Kelly- I am 10 weeks PG and I noticed being way more out of breath before I even knew I was pregnant. I found out at 6 weeks...

It is ridiculous! I have a 9 month old and I get SOOO winded carrying her around now! It doesn't help that I already feel like such a whale, but then to be so winded makes me feel even worse and more out of shape!

Hang in there!

And LISA- CONGRATS!!! Good luck with everything!
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  • #25
crystalscookingnow said:
:eek: :D I'm cracking up laughing here! Had to do it quietly though 'cuz I just put the kids down!!!
Crystal...glad you thought that was funny! It's amazing all the wierd things that happen when you are pregnant!
  • Thread starter
  • #26
PCMelissa said:
Kelly- I am 10 weeks PG and I noticed being way more out of breath before I even knew I was pregnant. I found out at 6 weeks...

It is ridiculous! I have a 9 month old and I get SOOO winded carrying her around now! It doesn't help that I already feel like such a whale, but then to be so winded makes me feel even worse and more out of shape!

Hang in there!

And LISA- CONGRATS!!! Good luck with everything!

That is EXACTLY what I feel like!

BTW- just an update. I called the drs office this morning and they seem to think it's pretty normal. She said with the hormones, the change to my respiriatory system for the baby, and the extra blood that my body is making that my heart is working almost 50% harder right now! She said it should (hopefully) calm down in a few weeks or so. It's noted in my chart now, so they will keep an eye on it.

Anyone have any morning sickness remedies? It started yesterday morning when I woke up and has continued off and on since then. I even got up about 3AM and got a bucket to take back to bed with me just in case. I ate a few saltines then and was able to go back to bed. I remember hearing to eat a few saltines or something bland like that even before you get out of bed, so I did it again this morning before I got up. Any other tricks you girls know about?

  • #27
KellyTheChef said:
That is EXACTLY what I feel like!

BTW- just an update. I called the drs office this morning and they seem to think it's pretty normal. She said with the hormones, the change to my respiriatory system for the baby, and the extra blood that my body is making that my heart is working almost 50% harder right now! She said it should (hopefully) calm down in a few weeks or so. It's noted in my chart now, so they will keep an eye on it.

Anyone have any morning sickness remedies? It started yesterday morning when I woke up and has continued off and on since then. I even got up about 3AM and got a bucket to take back to bed with me just in case. I ate a few saltines then and was able to go back to bed. I remember hearing to eat a few saltines or something bland like that even before you get out of bed, so I did it again this morning before I got up. Any other tricks you girls know about?


I had a lot of "all day sickness" - and actually lost quite a bit if weight the first 5 months of my pregnancy. It was weird for me, because all the things I was told to eat to help with morning sickness made it worse (saltines, sprite, etc....)
The one thing that helped was Dairy! My Dr., in an effort to get me to gain some weight, and also for the nutritional value, had me drink Boost. DH would bring me a can in the morning, so I could drink it as soon as I woke up - that helped! Then, I would make a fruit smoothie for breakfast, with yogurt. I had that almost every day for about 3 months.

Hmm, it's interesting that DS's favorite food groups are dairy and fruit!
  • #28
remediesFor Morning Sickness (or all-day-sickness like I had), you could try:
-Go to your local pharmacy and see if they have SeaBands (sp?) - they are little red wrist bands with a white ball that puts pressure on the inside of your wrist that acts as an acupressure point to stop nausea.
-Drink water with lemon (I used LemonJuice instead of real lemons - but you can use either ---I would think the juice from lemons is more beneficial because it is fresh)
-Eat LOTS of small meals/snacks through out the day - I used to have to each 3 bits of a sandwich for lunch and THAT WAS IT - LOL

HTH! - and CONGRATS!!!! :)
  • #29
I was winded very early on in my pregnancy, but I had a very difficult pregnancy. I started suffering Braxton-Hicks weekly when I was 11 weeks pregnant, and they started off lasting only 25-30 minutes. By the time I was in my 8th month, they were lasting 3-4 hours, and were intensifying each month. My doctor did numerous tests on me but found absolutely nothing wrong with me or the baby. During the 8th month, the pain was getting so bad that I wasn't able to keep anything down, and I lost 10 lbs. in a week. My doctor freaked, put me in the hospital and induced labor.

I hope when I am pregnant the second time that things will be much smoother. I also hope no one ever goes through anything like that when they are pregnant.
  • #30
I got winded earlier in this pregnancy than my last. I was told it had to with my, hmmmm............AGE:eek: !

Saltines worked best for me with the "all day sickness." They did end up giving me something when it started interferring with me being able to eat.
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  • #31
KellyTheChef said:
That is EXACTLY what I feel like!

Anyone have any morning sickness remedies? It started yesterday morning when I woke up and has continued off and on since then. I even got up about 3AM and got a bucket to take back to bed with me just in case. I ate a few saltines then and was able to go back to bed. I remember hearing to eat a few saltines or something bland like that even before you get out of bed, so I did it again this morning before I got up. Any other tricks you girls know about?


First of all...CONGRATS!!! :sing: For me the best remedy was room temp ginger ale & saltines...not a pleasant combo :yuck: but when you can't keep anything else down, haha. Also, more frequent small meals helped as well (like 6 small meals instead of 3 larger ones). Hope this helps & you feel better soon!!
  • #32
Oh - the other things that worked for me were a small spoonful of peanut butter or almond butter.

For some reason, my body needed and craved the protein. It was the only thing that would settle my stomach!

For supper almost every night, the only thing that sounded good and stayed down was a green salad with a boiled egg, cheddar cheese, and ranch dressing.
  • #33
I used the Sea bands too. They worked wonders! Other than that, I have no idea. I had all day sickness with Sara from about 10 weeks to 18 weeks & had to be put in the hospital b/c of it! YUCK!!
  • #34
I nwas very sick with my first daughter, they actually put me in the hosp. for dehydration a few times. What helped me through was peppermint. I would suck on the hard candies, my MIL works at Starbucks and they had a syrup at the time, I'd add it to tea. It also helped just to smell it, My midwife suggested a candle and the even helped.
  • Thread starter
  • #35
Good ideas! Thanks ladies!

Tiffany...I hope you NEVER go through something like that again! I think if I had to deal with that, we would NOT have tried to get pregnant this time! That's a lot to deal with...

Keep the ideas comin' if you have more! Looks like I need to add a few things to my grocery list. Right now, all I want to do is go take a nap...
  • #36
I had all day sickness for 9 months with my first and "late afternoon" sickness now. Nothing worked for my first. For this one:
eating often is the key - I think it hits because I munch all morning and then run out of food so halfway through the afternoon I get nausiated.
Fruit helps. Not for long mind you, but it definitely helps. In particular melons. But I'm craving granny smith apples and salads.
Protein. It lasts longer - but of course I crave starches.
Fluids... my midwife suggested red raspberry leaf tea for my first pregnancy. It didn't work (nothing did) but I liked it and kept drinking it anyways.
Eating something before you get out of bed (saltines - although I don't like eating crackers in bed) is supposedly good.
I find sweets set me off at the moment. I really think it is a blood sugar issue. I still eat them - but I often regret it.
Fluids, fluids and more fluids really... I have nice cordial that I put in it (Raspberry) and that is great. ZK
  • #37
for my 1st I was so sick I lost 10 lbs. My OB told me to take 1/2 of an OTC sleeping pill cant remeber which one BUT I would only do it if it was recommened by the dr. My sisters Dr told her no way no how he would have her take it (different drs different opinions)
With my 2nd I wasnt as sick but when I got nauseated I chewed the green gum from exrta just having soemthing in my mouth help. Good luck with everything
  • #38
Here in Canada they also prescribe decelin (or something like that). It is an anti-histimine and vitamin B combo which supposedly works quite well. Just a thought
ZK (with a massive headache)
  • #39
Ginger is supposed to help with nausea, but I didn't like the taste, so I never used it.

During my first pregnancy, I went through an "I hate chocolate" phase... had to get rid of ALL chocolate, even unsweetened baking chocolate and cocoa power... I couldn't stand even the thought of chocolate! Then one day I woke up and the phase was gone... poof... no more problems with chocolate.

Craved Taco Bell during my second and for whatever reason, THAT helped calm my stomach.

During the third one, the combination of Fritos and Red Cream Soda worked wonders. For at least two or three months, that is what I had to have at work before I could even begin to think about eating anything else.

And I wonder why my kids are so strange...
  • #40
B-12 works well too!
  • #41
pamperedharriet said:
I guess I missed the announcement Kelly. Congratulations!! I hope your out of breath problem goes away soon.
Me too, congrats Kelly!
  • #42
KELLY!! A big congratulations to you!! I'm very excited for you and your family, as I know you've been praying for this day for awhile now!!

As for the morning sickness, I got some info from a baby book many years ago, and have told many pregnant moms to be... It seems that most often we get nauseous due to having an empty stomach. During the day, it's not usually as bad, because it's pretty easy to eat "small meals" throughout the day, but, after sleeping all night, the belly is empty, hence more likely to be sickly.
The advice was, to eat protein before going to bed. This is something like peanut butter, cheese, meat, and/or eggs. The reason is, protein takes longer to digest, so your belly may be a little "fuller" in the morning, making it less likely to be ill.
Again, congratulations! And I hope this little "tidbit" of advice helps you some!!

  • Thread starter
  • #43
Thanks all!

Last night, before bed, I had a few graham crackers with some peanut butter. Thankfully, I did not wake up in the middle of the night sick like I did Wed night. Then, before getting out of bed this morning I had some oyster crackers (the baby saltines) and I have been sooooooo much better today! Either the protein really helped me, or I wasn't going to be sick anyway. Either way, I am thankful!

  • #44
I remember when I was prego with kids, I had to eat greasy food (i.e. Burger King/McD's) for breakfast or else I'd get sick. I had morning sickness with both but the grease coated my stomach. My drs were ok with it since I was still losing weight and not having big weight gains. Mind you my kids were 9.2 and 11.6lbs at birth. :)
  • #45
KellyTheChef said:
Thanks all!

Last night, before bed, I had a few graham crackers with some peanut butter. Thankfully, I did not wake up in the middle of the night sick like I did Wed night. Then, before getting out of bed this morning I had some oyster crackers (the baby saltines) and I have been sooooooo much better today! Either the protein really helped me, or I wasn't going to be sick anyway. Either way, I am thankful!

Oyster Snack Crackers

2 pkg. Oyster crackers
1 cup vegetable oil
1 pkg. Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing Mix
1 tsp. dill weed
1 tsp. onion powder or salt OR ½ tsp. garlic powder or salt

Mix last four ingredients and pour on crackers – shake or stir once every 15 minutes for about an hour then serve.
  • #46
janetupnorth said:
Oyster Snack Crackers

2 pkg. Oyster crackers
1 cup vegetable oil
1 pkg. Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing Mix
1 tsp. dill weed
1 tsp. onion powder or salt OR ½ tsp. garlic powder or salt

Mix last four ingredients and pour on crackers – shake or stir once every 15 minutes for about an hour then serve.

Oooo, Janet - these are SOOOO yummy! I used to make them all the time in college!

After my roommate and I moved into an apartment on campus, we used to toast them in the oven for a bit as well.
  • Thread starter
  • #47
Thanks Janet! I totally forgot about that recipe!

  • #48
Well, whatever it was, I'm glad it worked for you!! Being nauseous is no fun, pregnant or not!!

Oh, and I forgot to add nuts to the protein list I made earlier, so consider it added as well!!

Glad to hear you're feeling better!

Happy Easter!
  • #49
CONGRATS KELLY!! I am so happy for you. This is my second pregnancy and it is almost over!! 4 weeks left :) But I do remember being much more out of breath early this time then before (my other son is 4 1/2) and now of course being so close to the end I am winded all the time. I hope your pregnancy is healthy and smooth the rest of the way. Congrats again!
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  • #50
Paula R. Lewis said:
Well, whatever it was, I'm glad it worked for you!! Being nauseous is no fun, pregnant or not!!

Oh, and I forgot to add nuts to the protein list I made earlier, so consider it added as well!!

Glad to hear you're feeling better!

Happy Easter!
Nuts are good! I can remember with nursing Evan in the beginning I would be STARVING overnight. I would have a handful of nuts and a glass of OJ almost every night at about 3AM!!
<h2>1. Why am I getting out of breath so easily during pregnancy?</h2><p>During pregnancy, your body goes through numerous changes to accommodate the growing baby. One of these changes is an increase in blood volume and heart rate, which can make you feel out of breath more easily.</p><h2>2. Is this normal for me to feel out of breath so early in my pregnancy?</h2><p>Yes, it is normal to experience shortness of breath during early pregnancy. As your body adjusts to the changes, your breathing may be affected. This should improve as your pregnancy progresses.</p><h2>3. I haven't gained any weight yet, so why am I still out of breath so easily?</h2><p>Weight gain is not the only factor that can affect your breathing during pregnancy. Your growing uterus and the hormonal changes in your body can also contribute to feeling out of breath.</p><h2>4. Can I do anything to improve my breathing during pregnancy?</h2><p>Yes, you can practice deep breathing exercises and try to maintain good posture to improve your breathing. Also, make sure to stay hydrated and avoid activities that make you feel excessively out of breath.</p><h2>5. When will the shortness of breath go away?</h2><p>For most women, shortness of breath improves in the second trimester as the uterus grows higher in the abdomen, giving the lungs more room to expand. However, it is common to experience shortness of breath throughout pregnancy, especially in the third trimester.</p>

Related to Out of Breath So Easily? Pregnancy & Getting into Shape

1. Why am I getting out of breath so easily during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, your body goes through numerous changes to accommodate the growing baby. One of these changes is an increase in blood volume and heart rate, which can make you feel out of breath more easily.

2. Is this normal for me to feel out of breath so early in my pregnancy?

Yes, it is normal to experience shortness of breath during early pregnancy. As your body adjusts to the changes, your breathing may be affected. This should improve as your pregnancy progresses.

3. I haven't gained any weight yet, so why am I still out of breath so easily?

Weight gain is not the only factor that can affect your breathing during pregnancy. Your growing uterus and the hormonal changes in your body can also contribute to feeling out of breath.

4. Can I do anything to improve my breathing during pregnancy?

Yes, you can practice deep breathing exercises and try to maintain good posture to improve your breathing. Also, make sure to stay hydrated and avoid activities that make you feel excessively out of breath.

5. When will the shortness of breath go away?

For most women, shortness of breath improves in the second trimester as the uterus grows higher in the abdomen, giving the lungs more room to expand. However, it is common to experience shortness of breath throughout pregnancy, especially in the third trimester.

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