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Ot: Evil, Lying Former Employers...

to get my sister and niece settled in- once they moved in with us due to a family crisis. The day I was supposed to go back, they hadn't called me back to tell me what hours I would be working. It wasn't until 3 days later that I got an email (yes, an email) saying that they no longer had any hours for me. About a week before that my boss stopped taking my calls and answering my update emails, and all communications had to go through the new supervisor they hired while I was gone (they fired mine while I was out on my mini-leave)So I filed for unemployment. I'm not proud of it, but I was fired
Kitchen Diva
Gold Member
I need to vent, then I need a shoulder to cry on!

As you all know (or may not know) I lost my job after my boss told me to take 2 weeks off to get my sister and niece settled in- once they moved in with us due to a family crisis. The day I was supposed to go back, they hadn't called me back to tell me what hours I would be working. It wasn't until 3 days later that I got an email (yes, an email) saying that they no longer had any hours for me. About a week before that my boss stopped taking my calls and answering my update emails, and all communications had to go through the new supervisor they hired while I was gone (they fired mine while I was out on my mini-leave)

So I filed for unemployment. I'm not proud of it, but I was fired, and have not been able to find another suitable job that meets my scheduling requirements. And get this... My FORMER employer told Unemployment that I NEVER worked there!

I am so hopping mad I could spit! Every fiber in my being is screaming out to get a lawyer, but I'm waiting it out. I sent Unemployment proof (again) that I worked for this company, so we'll see what happens. If anything it has just delayed things another month- so I filed in early March and was supposed to have my answer yesterday as to if I was approved for unemp or not. I now won't know for a while. I'm upset.

DH said he doesn't know how we will pay the bills on the 15th. Having my sister and her daughter to provide for has really taken it's toll on us financially. We are paying for some of her bills, gas, food, the additional water and electricity, clothing, medicine, other basic needs, etc... I was really counting on this unemployment check to come this week so I could relax while I'm searching for a new job... I just want to cry!:cry: :cry:
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I'm so sorry about this. I wish I could snap my fingers and fix the situation.
I'll definitely be praying for you. I know how hard and stressful this time is for you. Keep your head up. Soon, you'll find a light at the end of the tunnel. (I can see my light, but it's a foggy tunnel. ;) )
Something good will come from this and unfortunately you don't know yet what it is, but you will. Just stay strong.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
ted122781 said:
I'm so sorry about this. I wish I could snap my fingers and fix the situation.
I'll definitely be praying for you. I know how hard and stressful this time is for you. Keep your head up. Soon, you'll find a light at the end of the tunnel. (I can see my light, but it's a foggy tunnel. ;) )
Something good will come from this and unfortunately you don't know yet what it is, but you will. Just stay strong.

Thanks, Tiffany! :) I know it will all work out. I truly believe it will- However I was NOT expecting this blow. It basically just slaps me in the face. When I was working for this company I was told EVERY day by my bosses and by the Agents that they LOVED me. I was AWESOME, and WONDERFUL, the best Admin they'd ever had...I got flowers, presents, etc... they loved me. They are the ones that TOLD me to take leave...then I get fired and now they lie and say I never worked there? I'm crushed!:(

you have proof that you worked there.
you even have an email saying they no longer needed you.
it will work out. hang in there.
Kitchen Diva

My mom reminds me all the time that God will make footstools out of my enemies. Now is a time you really have to have faith and its all going to work out. I used to stress all the time until my mothe pointed out yet again that there has never been a time when I am without the neccesties(sp). And you can find solace in the fact that you've done everything honorably. I'll keep you in my prayers
That is heartbreaking. It's seems like they just don't want to have to pay the unemployment. I'm not sure exactly how that works, but I know the company has to pay something when one of their former collects unemployment. It's so sad what some employers will do to their former emplyess. It's wrong!
Kitchen Diva said:
I need to vent, then I need a shoulder to cry on!

As you all know (or may not know) I lost my job after my boss told me to take 2 weeks off to get my sister and niece settled in- once they moved in with us due to a family crisis. The day I was supposed to go back, they hadn't called me back to tell me what hours I would be working. It wasn't until 3 days later that I got an email (yes, an email) saying that they no longer had any hours for me. About a week before that my boss stopped taking my calls and answering my update emails, and all communications had to go through the new supervisor they hired while I was gone (they fired mine while I was out on my mini-leave)

So I filed for unemployment. I'm not proud of it, but I was fired, and have not been able to find another suitable job that meets my scheduling requirements. And get this... My FORMER employer told Unemployment that I NEVER worked there!

I am so hopping mad I could spit! Every fiber in my being is screaming out to get a lawyer, but I'm waiting it out. I sent Unemployment proof (again) that I worked for this company, so we'll see what happens. If anything it has just delayed things another month- so I filed in early March and was supposed to have my answer yesterday as to if I was approved for unemp or not. I now won't know for a while. I'm upset.

DH said he doesn't know how we will pay the bills on the 15th. Having my sister and her daughter to provide for has really taken it's toll on us financially. We are paying for some of her bills, gas, food, the additional water and electricity, clothing, medicine, other basic needs, etc... I was really counting on this unemployment check to come this week so I could relax while I'm searching for a new job... I just want to cry!:cry: :cry:

Keep on Unemployment until they resolve it. I have a friend who was fired months ago and fought with unemployment and WON... reason? The employer never showed for the court date and he provided plenty of reason to show an unjustified 'firing'. It took about 3 months though for it all to come to a head, however the company was fined AND his payments are retro. Get thee to legal aid - they can help and won't charge you. So, hopefully you'll have a similar finale and quickly! While you may not be proud of it, have you looked into other help? With the number of folks in your household, you may qualify for help faster than unemployment. Most agencies have online help, support and filing ability too so hopefully there's some help for you out there.

Stay strong and know that this, while painful and frustrating, will make you stronger. Hang in there!
This is just so wrong, and I am outraged for you! Thank goodness you have proof (even pay stubs).

I will say a prayer that God sends His blessings to watch over you!
Oh yeah and for them to deny you were even employed? Well, show stubs... Unemployment goes by the reports they receive so if your employer didn't have you on the rolls, properly, they could be in a boatload of trouble. Oh yeah... try and be patient and see this unemployment thing through. Most likely they're harassing you in the hopes that you'll quit your pursuit of benefits. Do not give them the satisfaction.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
lkprescott said:
Keep on Unemployment until they resolve it. I have a friend who was fired months ago and fought with unemployment and WON... reason? The employer never showed for the court date and he provided plenty of reason to show an unjustified 'firing'. It took about 3 months though for it all to come to a head, however the company was fined AND his payments are retro. Get thee to legal aid - they can help and won't charge you. So, hopefully you'll have a similar finale and quickly! While you may not be proud of it, have you looked into other help? With the number of folks in your household, you may qualify for help faster than unemployment. Most agencies have online help, support and filing ability too so hopefully there's some help for you out there.

Stay strong and know that this, while painful and frustrating, will make you stronger. Hang in there!

Sadly, my husband makes too much money for us to qualify for aid, and my sister cannot file for aid until she's been here for another 4 months.

I know in the bible it says that "we are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath" I will be victorious, but could someone throw me a bone here? How many times do I have to be hit when I'm already down? I busted my toosh for those people! I only had 3 lunch breaks the entire time I worked there.

I need to go and put on some praise music because I'm close to tears now. I take it so personally when people I thought really liked and valued be do something like this to me. And what hurts even more- is that there were a few Agents from that office that I did MAJOR business with (I actually brought them every transaction they did for one year) when I was a loan officer for Wells Fargo, and they won't talk to me either. They are the ones that helped me get the job, and now want nothing to do with me.

Yes, I'm glad I found out now what kind of friends they are, but it still doesn't make it sting any less.

Thanks again for helping to make me feel better and to remind me to keep my eyes on God and His love for me. I know He won't fail me, but I'm still crushed! Okay, off to go cry- I'm sure I'll feel better...
  • #11
Just got online today - been busy. Sorry to hear of this recent turn of events. I too will be praying that it works out - keep fighting. Also, I know you were giving PC a rest with the family situation, but maybe you can do a show or two to bring in some income (unless of course you're TRYING to get to that year of inactivity).
  • Thread starter
  • #12
lkprescott said:
Oh yeah and for them to deny you were even employed? Well, show stubs... Unemployment goes by the reports they receive so if your employer didn't have you on the rolls, properly, they could be in a boatload of trouble. Oh yeah... try and be patient and see this unemployment thing through. Most likely they're harassing you in the hopes that you'll quit your pursuit of benefits. Do not give them the satisfaction.

I already sent in my stubs early last month. So I'm not sure what they did with them. I filled out the form they had for me online, and entered the employers address, etc, and who they could speak with to verify my employment. If it comes down to it, I'll start calling the agents that really liked me. I still have the Agent Roster- since I had to make one the first week I started and needed to take it home to complete it. :)
  • #13

Sorry you're having a rough time.

I echo the suggestion to get thee to legal aid...not just for the unemployment benefits, but to make sure that you had a 'legal' firing. Something sounds fishy, and a good lawyer will find it if it's there.

I know you're a sweet, generous, and kind soul, but channel your inner you-know-what and get mean about it. They've done you wrong. To quote Ivana Trump, "Don't get mad....get everything." :)
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  • #14
Thank you Ms. Jean! :)
  • #15
Kacey...I am just now reading this post, too. Wow! I can't believe the nerve of some people! Remember that they will be held accountable for their actions. I pray that your unemployment goes through and that you end up getting MORE than what you were expecting! I pray God's provision over you, your family, and your house!

  • #16
Wow Kacey, that is really too bad. It is unbelievable to me that people can do that kind of stuff, especially to a good employee (I mean that as in it's shocking, not that I don't believe you! Thought I'd better clarify that :p ). I agree with the others about getting to Legal Aid for help, this is not right. And keep praying! You know we will be too! Oh, and a few tears are perfectly reasonable too :) Just make sure you check out the on-going joke thread too, for a giggle every once in a while :D

I feel so bad for everything you and your family have been through lately. Hugs!
  • #17
No problem.

I don't really have a kind, generous bone in my body, so I'm the person my family gives things to when people need to be gently persuaded that they're wrong :)

I'm not mean about it, I'm just firm. I know what my rights are, and I know I'm good enough to fight for them.

Plus, I have a teeny, tiny vengence streak when I'm done wrong. Normally I can keep that in check though ;)

Good luck!
  • #18
KaceyJust hang on to your faith that this will all work out. I'm assuming the system is somewhat similar in the US as it is here in Canada. If so, employers pay an amount to the Gov't for every employee. Plus, you have submitted pay stubs, so how would they explain that to the Govt?!?!?I like your idea of contacting Agents who know & like you. I'd be tempted to call them ASAP, before your former employer can try to hush them. God Bless -- I'll add you to my prayer list.
  • Thread starter
  • #19
peichef said:

Just hang on to your faith that this will all work out. I'm assuming the system is somewhat similar in the US as it is here in Canada. If so, employers pay an amount to the Gov't for every employee. Plus, you have submitted pay stubs, so how would they explain that to the Govt?!?!?

I like your idea of contacting Agents who know & like you. I'd be tempted to call them ASAP, before your former employer can try to hush them.

God Bless -- I'll add you to my prayer list.
Legal aid seems to be the way to go, since I could not afford an attorney to begin with AND if I won- what what I pay him? 60% of my meager unemployment checks? LOL- The good news is I found out my sister only has to be a resident for 30 days before she can get some sort of assistance. I mentioned earlier she had to be here for 6 months, and I was wrong. Thank God for that! :)

Where's the chocolate when you need it?
  • #20
Kacey - I'm thinking of you! I can't believe all that you are going through right now. Remember - If God leads you to it, he will lead you through it. :) Hugs & prayers!
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  • #21
crystalscookingnow said:
Kacey - I'm thinking of you! I can't believe all that you are going through right now. Remember - If God leads you to it, he will lead you through it. :) Hugs & prayers!

Thanks! I'll keep you all updated on how this goes...
  • #22
Hey Kacey, I do think you should get to legal aid also. If they told you to take a leave, and it was only 2 weeks long, was it even legal for them to fire you in the first place? Maybe a lawyer could get you a settlement that will help even more than unemployment will...
  • #23
Jean DeVries said:
No problem.

I don't really have a kind, generous bone in my body, so I'm the person my family gives things to when people need to be gently persuaded that they're wrong :)

I'm not mean about it, I'm just firm. I know what my rights are, and I know I'm good enough to fight for them.

Plus, I have a teeny, tiny vengence streak when I'm done wrong. Normally I can keep that in check though ;)

Good luck!

I need to learn to channel my inner-Jean - LOL
I am such a ninny and am working very hard to toughen up.

Kacey - I wish I had some davice but I think everyone else has already given the only advice I would have suggested : Legal Aid!
In the meantime...consider yourself hugged.
  • Thread starter
  • #24
jbachen said:
Hey Kacey, I do think you should get to legal aid also. If they told you to take a leave, and it was only 2 weeks long, was it even legal for them to fire you in the first place? Maybe a lawyer could get you a settlement that will help even more than unemployment will...

I questioned that to, however I wasn't even employed there for 3 months, so I think that is where I don't have much of a leg to stand on as far as suing them goes, but it doesn't mean I don't really, really want to! :)

Now, if I had been there for a year, and I took leave, and they fired me- well then I'd have two legs to stand on and a very solid legal case! :)

However I do agree with you- they TOLD me to take the leave. I offered to quit because it was a very busy office, and I wasn't sure how long I'd be gone. They told me to take two weeks, and if I needed more to let them know. I never needed more than 2 weeks and the next thing I know- I don't have a job. :grumpy:
  • #25
dannyzmom said:
I need to learn to channel my inner-Jean - LOL

Don't do it very often...it's a lonely lonely existence.

On a related note, do you want me to call your IL's?

Kitchen Diva...fret not. Karma is a you-know-what, and evil people get what evil people give. I don't know that works, but it always does.

I don't think it matters how long you've worked somewhere....illegal firing is illegal firing, no? Can't hurt to try...sometimes, if companies even think there's a chance they'll lose, they'll settle just to not have their name dragged through the press or pay the lawyers. And even if you lose, you've inconvenienced them, which in and of itself can be satisfying :)
  • #26
Here in Georgia you are considered and 'employee at will' which means that you can be fired at any time for any reason. I don't think the firing is her issue, I think it's the fact that they are telling unemployment that she didn't work for them.
  • Thread starter
  • #27
pamperedlinda said:
Here in Georgia you are considered and 'employee at will' which means that you can be fired at any time for any reason. I don't think the firing is her issue, I think it's the fact that they are telling unemployment that she didn't work for them.

Yes, although I'm still upset that I was fired, at will or not- They did TELL me to take the leave- they also TOLD me they did NOT want me to leave or quit, and to take as much time as I needed and just keep in touch every few days which I did...

I'm upset that they LIED to the unemployment agency and said I never worked there. Why would they do that when I have no fewer than 10 emails from them in my inbox, and pay stubs? It's not a case of not knowing who I am either- I was adored there- everyone knew me. I'm upset that they would stretch this "pending status" to my unemployment claim on longer than a month because they fired me, and then lied about hiring me. Twits!!!
  • #28
Hiya Kacey...just when you thought it couldn't get worse, huh?! God certainly has a test going for you and you know how He works, right? He never tells us his plans, so take a deep breath and go to your happy place! Know that I am pullin' for ya, girl!
  • #29
Sorry Kacey - I didn't mean that you weren't upset about the firing (no one likes that!), I just thought that the issue at hand was about the unemployment thing.
  • #30
Oh Rae...time for some ankle kicking...where are you??????????? ;)
  • #31
Hang in there... unemployment will eventually get you caught up. Of course you worked there.. dumb move on the your past employer to use that excuse.

As for how the bills will get paid on the 15th, take it from someone who has been in that leaky boat... breathe. The gas/electric/water/phone will not turn you of on the 16th. Same goes for the mortage. Take care of your groceries and health insurance (if that is the case) and get on the phone and book some shows.

Hang in there.
  • #32
Oh Kacey, big HUGS!!! This is just not your year so far. Things will get better.

I can't believe they're denying that you worked there - I don't get it when of course you can prove it! There's got to be some fine for lying, I'd think, plus of course you'll get back pay (I know that doesn't help right now, but follow Carol's advice above).

Hang in there - it WILL get better and you will get through this. We are all pulling and praying for you, girlfriend.

Wish I lived closer - a nice huge hot fudge sundae is in order!
  • Thread starter
  • #33
chefmeg said:
Hiya Kacey...just when you thought it couldn't get worse, huh?! God certainly has a test going for you and you know how He works, right? He never tells us his plans, so take a deep breath and go to your happy place! Know that I am pullin' for ya, girl!
I've missed you chef meg...where have you been?
  • Thread starter
  • #34
pamperedlinda said:
Sorry Kacey - I didn't mean that you weren't upset about the firing (no one likes that!), I just thought that the issue at hand was about the unemployment thing.

Oh, nooo- I knew exactly what you meant and was agreeing with you in your assessment of why I was upset. It had more to do about them lying about my employment than it did about being fired.

I'm sorry if I made you feel bad, I probably misworded something- which can happen when you are emotional. But no- I knew exactly what you meant and I was agreeing with you. :) I heart you Miss Linda, I could never be upset by you!
  • Thread starter
  • #35
dianevill said:
Oh Kacey, big HUGS!!! This is just not your year so far. Things will get better.

I can't believe they're denying that you worked there - I don't get it when of course you can prove it! There's got to be some fine for lying, I'd think, plus of course you'll get back pay (I know that doesn't help right now, but follow Carol's advice above).

Hang in there - it WILL get better and you will get through this. We are all pulling and praying for you, girlfriend.

Wish I lived closer - a nice huge hot fudge sundae is in order![/QUOTE]

Could you mail one to me? I like cherries on top! :) :blushing:
  • #36
Hi Linda, I understand that the biggest issue is the employer lying, and that would burn me up, too... It's just that it seems to me like the situation might fall under a FMLA type of situation, and in that case (at least AFAIK), they might get into trouble for firing her! Is FMLA different from state to state? Or does it not apply to siblings? I just hope you get some kind of something from them, Kasey, because you have enough to deal with right now, and they certainly seem to be acting... well, not right.
  • #37
jbachen said:
Hi Linda, I understand that the biggest issue is the employer lying, and that would burn me up, too... It's just that it seems to me like the situation might fall under a FMLA type of situation, and in that case (at least AFAIK), they might get into trouble for firing her! Is FMLA different from state to state? Or does it not apply to siblings? I just hope you get some kind of something from them, Kasey, because you have enough to deal with right now, and they certainly seem to be acting... well, not right.

In our state you HAVE to get those FMLA papers filled out, otherwise, the employer can do what they want practically. You can't retroactively go back and call it FMLA - hard to prove. It SHOULD have fallen under FMLA for her but the employer didn't have her fill out paperwork or report it.

Of course, I am NOT a lawyer and I DO NOT live in MN so legal aide hopefully can help her out.
  • #38
I also know in Florida to qualify for FMLA that you have to have worked there for so many hours and your place of employment has to have so many employees or they are exempt from having to honor the FMLA laws.
It can be a pain in the butt, we had to do it this year for my hubby because he was hospitalized for 6 weeks.
  • #39
Kacey, I'm so sorry this is happening to you, but I promise it will lead to bigger and better things. God has a plan for you.

His Eye Is On the Sparrow

Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely and long for Hev’n and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me.

“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness I lose my doubt and fears;
Tho’ by the path He leadeth but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me.

Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow; and I know he watches me.

I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

I have been through a difficult time as well losing my job 6 1/2 years ago after 15 years of dedicated service. It has given me a new found freedom though. Work does not consume me anymore. I am first dedicated to my family and home and work comes last. My husband doesn't understand it because he has never been there. I still do a great job, but just don't give it all my energy... it's hard to describe. I work for a GREAT group of people though. It's a small company of only 6 people and I am much more appreciated then I was at my large employer. It has given me much more peace in my life. Even though I don't make as much money my quality of life is so much better, which is priceless.

Take Care and I'll be praying for you.
  • Thread starter
  • #40
Small retraction/correctionI get teary eyed just reading all the encouraging things you are sending me. Thank-you guys!!!

Okay, here is my retraction. After searching for a full day for a phone number that leads to a HUMAN- I got in touch with one this morning at the unemployment office... By the way, I was wrong...:yuck: (technically I was misinformed) :)

Oh- first let me say that FMLA only kicks in if you have been employed for one year. Those are the federal guidelines.

Okay, so I spoke with a very kind, patient gentleman named German. (Hair-Mona) He said that they had the WRONG employer in the system, which is why they told MN Unemp that I never worked there. So- my former employer is off the hook for being evil and lying- for now. New papers are being sent to my former employer today- however they have not updated their new address on their tax form, so it will be sent to an address that hasn't been occupied for over a year.

That helps me, because they will base their decision on what I send them- which is a WHOLE STACK of emails from my two bosses telling me to take the time off, that they'll see me in 2 weeks, then down to we need to know your availability, to we don't have any hours for you, sorry- we know this isn't what you wanted...
And it won't help my former employer because they didn't update their address, so those papers will be sent back to the unemployment office unopened.

Now- they will realize that they've been paying higher taxes, and will look into it eventually, at which point unemployment will reissue those questionaires, and they may decide to decline my claim and if I've been paid, I would have to pay it back, so German (hair-Mona) told me to make copies of all those emails for my files, and copy everything I document, etc- so if that happens, I still have the proof on file. He was so helpful.

So- as it stands my former employer didn't lie because they haven't gotten the questionaire yet, AND I am sort of back to square one, but at least the light at the end of my tunnel is bright and warm. :)

I thought you guys would want to know- this is one situation where I'm glad I was misinformed!!!

Thanks again for letting me be sad, upset, hurt and allowing me to vent. I will keep you informed if you wish.

Gotta run, my doggie is outside barking madly for no reason!
  • #41
Glad to hear that not the whole world is evil... ;)Hopefully, it will go through now!!!!
  • #42
Well, I am glad that at least you were not back stabbed... Now I just hope something comes through with your financial situation.Too bad the FMLA doesn't come into play. I was thinking about you this morning, thinking how cool it would be if you got a big fat settlement to keep you comfortable while you built your PC business up to full time. I am a great day dreamer!! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #43
jbachen said:
Well, I am glad that at least you were not back stabbed... Now I just hope something comes through with your financial situation.

Too bad the FMLA doesn't come into play. I was thinking about you this morning, thinking how cool it would be if you got a big fat settlement to keep you comfortable while you built your PC business up to full time. I am a great day dreamer!! :)

You and me both! :D
  • #44
Kitchen Diva said:
I've missed you chef meg...where have you been?

thanks!:blushing: my Dad is very ill and we are in the midst of an emotional rollercoaster too, so my time on here is limited....i read more than i respond, but when i saw your post, i had to chime in!
there is a quote from Mother Teresa that I LOVE:
"I know the Lord never gives us more than we can handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much"
I think we are int he same boat with Him trusting us right now, so keep your chin up and know that you can only "do" so much before you have to let things be done for you...by the great man upstairs, of course!

Related to Ot: Evil, Lying Former Employers...

1. Why did you lose your job at Pampered Chef?

I lost my job after my boss told me to take 2 weeks off to get my sister and niece settled in. The day I was supposed to go back, they hadn't called me back to tell me what hours I would be working. It wasn't until 3 days later that I got an email saying that they no longer had any hours for me. About a week before that, my boss stopped taking my calls and answering my update emails, and all communications had to go through the new supervisor they hired while I was gone.

2. Why did you file for unemployment?

I filed for unemployment because I was fired and have not been able to find another suitable job that meets my scheduling requirements.

3. What happened when you filed for unemployment?

My former employer told Unemployment that I never worked there, which caused a delay in the process. I sent Unemployment proof that I worked for this company, so we'll see what happens.

4. How has having your sister and niece to provide for affected your financial situation?

Having my sister and her daughter to provide for has taken a toll on us financially. We are paying for some of her bills, gas, food, the additional water and electricity, clothing, medicine, and other basic needs.

5. What are your plans for the future regarding this situation with your former employer?

I am considering seeking legal action against my former employer, but for now, I am waiting to see the outcome of my unemployment claim. This situation has been very upsetting and has caused a lot of financial stress for me and my family.

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