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Opinions on Which Totes You Feel Necessary

and I use them all the time!Do you think that having a few pieces like this helps your business?Having a few pieces of equipment that I use regularly definitely helps my business. It makes it look like I'm more organized and prepared, which can help me attract more customers.
Ok I'm thinking that i may want another tote to help me out at my shows. I have gotten myself down to 1 crate but still feel that if I had maybe the Stoneware Tote, I might be able to make it a little easier. I have the TTA tote and love it.

Any suggestions on which totes are great? Tell me a little about what your totes can hold.
I absolutely love the rolling tote. I can fit just about everything for a show into that, plus my TTA tote. About the only thing it won't fit is the large round woven basket for the stone, if I'm bringing that, or the extra-large stainless-steel bowl. I can fit my round stones in either the inner or outer pockets, plus bowls, tools too large for the TTA, SA pieces, knives, hot mitts, apron, cutting boards, door prize bag-o-goodies, and usually the 8" saute pan.
The rolling tote makes life easierI agree, I couldn't live without my rolling tote now that I have used it. I just throw everything into it and am ready to roll. Of course the tool turn about tote is a must have as well. I just got myself another TTA so that I can keep one packed with show tools and then the other one for my counter at home. I wish they would put it out in cranberry tho, It would match my kitchen better!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I'm thinking w/ my Christmas bonus I will buy myself the rolling tote. Is it really heavy? Its about $90 right ? i forget

What do you pack in it?
I have the rolling case, the tta about tote, and the show to go tote. That I pack for shows... My rolling case I juse for stoneware, SA, 8 saute pan, cutting boards fit nicely into the side outside pockets, the only time the rolling case is heavy is depending on what your bringing to your show. Last month it weighed a ton becasue of all the stoneware that I had packed in it for my shows.Plus anything else that will fit in their, the tool turn about I put my tool turn about in with the gadgets that I am going to use for my show IE, seasons,knifes, scrapers,etc, the show to go, that is where I keep all my paper work, my lapboards, catalogs, drawing slips, door prizes, pens, order forms, etc..... Hope that helps, I bought all three peices with my August Commishion check!!!
For those of you that use these totes, do you really feel that this help you in your business? I still use my crate, but got a rolling cart to put it on. I've been thinking about getting the set, but I don't want to spend all that money unless it will make a difference. Does it make it easier at your shows?
I earned all of the "Show To Go" pieces (was it last year?) - and for awhile, used the Rolling Cart......but I have really pared down what I take to shows - and now use 2 Show To Go Totes, and a plastic container for dirty dishes. I get everything in the 2 totes - including my paperwork and laptop - I carry recipe ingredients in the dirty dishes container. THIS has made set-up, clean-up, and show organization go much quicker - I want my job to look doable for anyone there, and I feel like if I am hauling in a ton of stuff, it makes my job look harder!
I'll still use the Rolling Case for fairs and such - but I love traveling light to my shows.....and honestly, it hasn't affected my sales or bookings to not take everything w/ me anymore!
Are the show to go totes ones that you carry on your shoulder? I haven't seen them so I have no idea how they look/work! Did you just buy/earn two of the same piece?
I didn't earn the Show-to-Go :( other than the "new" TTA tote. So I still use a crate. But I try to keep my stuff limited to one crate and the TTA tote (with the tools I'm going to use, plus a few so I can show families - like the scrapers). I put paperwork in a Longaberger market basket. It's got handles, isn't so big that I load it down so much I can't lift it, and then if someone thinks, "Wow, she must be successful, she carries a Longaberger." it's a good recruiting thing. :)

I do have the stoneware tote (which I believe is no longer on the paperwork form), and I use that when I need to take a flat stone or the Large Bar Pan.
  • #10
I actually use my three pieces as a recuriting tool... I earned them in August. Not through PC but I made a deal with my self that if I earned 1250.00 in sales for the month that I would buy all three peices.. Now I dont' tell the guest at the show that I made the deal with myself I just say that I earned it, I get alot of questions about it, Their is actually a pocket in it big enough to fit my laptop for my shows, I have a bigger laptop than most. I bought one with a 17 inch montor, I want to see everything on the screen not half of something.. LOL but that is a differnt story in it's self.
  • #11
I love all the pieces. That's not very helpful though is it
  • Thread starter
  • #12
I use my crate but I feel it hurts my back alot b/c I try to pack it as much as I can. I feel I can use that for my dirty dishes when I get my new bag.

So the concensus is the Rolling Tote. Is that on the supply order form?
  • #13
Yes it is on the supply order form!!!! I live in town that alot fo the homes here have a lot of stairs just getting to the front door. After climbing 21 steps carring the crate, I thought to myself.. their has to be an easier way to do this LOL SO I bought the rolling case!!

TinasKitchen said:
I use my crate but I feel it hurts my back alot b/c I try to pack it as much as I can. I feel I can use that for my dirty dishes when I get my new bag.

So the concensus is the Rolling Tote. Is that on the supply order form?
  • #14
rebeccastt said:
Are the show to go totes ones that you carry on your shoulder? I haven't seen them so I have no idea how they look/work! Did you just buy/earn two of the same piece?

I earned one, and traded some stuff w/ a consultant in my cluster for the other!:D They have long handles that go over the shoulder - and the handles can be velcroed together at the top. there are 3 small compartments on one side, and 1 large comparrtment on the other....I haven't found anything that I can't fit in them! w/ stones, SA, and other breakables - I just make sure and wrap a towel (PC ) or my apron around them. I can fit the small bowl caddy w/ bowls in one of the small pockets, and then just pack other stuff around it. Until this past week, I even carried the covered baker in one of the large pockets. Don't have to worry about fitting that in for a while tho'!:(

For me, the Rolling case is just too awkward. Plus - I live in Michigan, where for a good part of the year we have ALOT of mud! And I live in a rural area, and have many shows where there isn't paved driveway or walkways to the home - so I end up carrying the Rolling Case most of the time - and let me tell you - even if you pack light - that thing is heavvvvy!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Ok so I think I'm confused (I'm a visual kind of person).

The Show to Go is a tote you put on your shoulder and you can fit your stones in there and other larger items?

The Rolling Case is the one like a suitcase that you can fit everything in, right?

Whats the prices?
  • #16
Is the show to go like a big tupperware bag ?

I also have a scrapbooking wheeled tote that i use for my stone wear I had it before i started PC so instead of buying i new one i Just use my XXL I would rather be cooking then going to scrapbooking crops anyways plus there are so many little pockets in it i put all my paper work my name tags pens and other things i will need at the party in there i just use some cardboard to seprate the pieces and make sure that they are snug in there.....

I also bring a basket with my table cloth and seasonal table decorations in it along with my crate then i use my crate as a dirty bin while I am at the show.
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  • #17
How big is the rolling tote? I think I want to get one with my PC dollars I earn in my super starter months - I already have back issues! :eek:)
  • #18
The rolling tote is really huge. It's very easy to overload, and you can't use the telescoping handle to go up stairs or over threshholds. Many people have had problems with the handle because of that. And because it's easy to overload, it can be a real pain (literally) to get into a car.
  • #19
Thread Hijack Alert...

Ann - just saw your ebay stuff... LOVE IT!!! Of course, you're brining some to wear at conference, right???? I'd love to see it in person. Do you do custom stuff? I need a new black bead necklace and I want earing and a bracelet to match, but I haven't found something I love that isn't going to cost a fortune.
  • #20
Katie - I can do custom stuff. I'll send you a Private Message.
  • #21
Yep, the rolling cart is a monster. I have a show tonight in a 3rd floor condo and there is no way in H*LL that I am bringing that thing!

I use the new consultant tote (love it!!!!), the STG carry all tote, and the TTA tote. Then I have my computer bag and that's it!
  • #22
I earned all three when we had the contest, and love them all. Normally I take all three pieces, plus a bag carrying my catalogs, etc. My back is paying for it. The new plan is to bring ONLY what I need for the recipe and my caties, etc.

The next show I have is 5/30 and plan on taking the TTT and the tote for your shoulder. The rolling tote is great, but it is SOO heavy when filled light or heavy.

Last night I had a fundraising show and prepared the food ahead of time. Just took my tote for over the shoulder, party in a bag bags, and tote for caties, etc. Was so much easier.

Just my 2 cents
  • #23
I've been making a concerted effort to take only what is needed for the recipe, plus MAYBE something that's an upcoming special to pique interest in bookings. And if the host really wants to see something in person, I'll take that. But it really makes our job look easier if you don't have to make 4 trips to the car to carry everything in.
  • #24
I totally agree. The hosts think we are moving in half the time.
  • #25
At our meeting this month a director said if you're making more than two trips, you're taking too much. ITA!!!
  • #26
Sorry, have to be a thread pirate. What is everyone preparing? Are you making one or two recipes? Are you making them at the show or ahead of time? Are you having guests prepare recipes?
  • #27
ChefJeniLobdell said:
Sorry, have to be a thread pirate. What is everyone preparing? Are you making one or two recipes? Are you making them at the show or ahead of time? Are you having guests prepare recipes?

Honestly, I'm relatively new- just finished my first 90 days, but I do 2 recipes and take everything I have. I can fit most everything in the new consultant tote except a few things- the salad and berry spinner and the Covered DD Baker. Then I carry all my paperwork type stuff and books in a shoulder bag that I bought from my sister (I know not PC, but I love this tote). Then I have an additional small PC box that I carry the cookbooks, TTA, and spices in.
I"m thinking of just getting another new consultant tote and so I can just carry in 2 totes and that be it.
Oh, and I do suggest that if the host expects more than 10 people that she make a veggie tray or one other small thing for the show just to keep everyone happy. More sales from happier tummies I say. And I always make everything at the show except a couple things to get started- ie, if I do a cake trifle, I make the cake about half an hour before so that it has time to come out and cool before I use it. I have offered to make a third dish and bring it, but usually I prefer they just do something light and I do 1-2 recipes.
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  • #28
You can see pictures of the Rolling Cart, TTA Tote, and Caryall Tote by going to CC, then the 'Managing Your Business' tab, then the 'Samples and Supplies' link...and finally by opening the Order Form PDF file. The pictures are on the last page.

I absolutely love my Rolling Cart...it does get heavy (I way overpack it), but I find it easier than hauling the crate. I think it makes a good impression as well...not that the crate makes a bad one! The Rolling Cart is full of compartments...but I took that lining out and just use it as one big container.

The TTA Tote is a bargain at $20. It not only holds a full TTA, but I always cram in extra stuff once it's zipped up. (I have serious issues about not feeling compelled to bring everything I can!)

  • #29
The TTA tote is A MUST!!!! I used to put a plastic bag over my tools to keep them clean on the way to the show...so I LOVE THIS ...easy to carry, etc...

I'd love to have the New Consultant tote...
I have the Show to Go Totes...the 3 we earned...I agree that the Rolling one gets very heavy...and sometimes the husband of the host will offer to carry it...but doesn't put the handle down when lifting...and I cringe...Mine broke shortly before the 1 year guarantee...so I've replaced it once already...and now it isn't under the guarantee...

I've taken the liner out...so you can REALLY fill it full...and it gets VERY HEAVY...so getting it in and out of the car, and up and down stairs is hard.
Plus you don't want to roll it in the dirt, mud, wet driveway, etc...around here...it's sand too... Then carry it in the house and roll it around...

In the perfect situation...all pavement, and just one step...it's great!! The video they showed online when it first came out...made it look so easy!

I'd say the Show to Go Carry tote...TTA tote...and New Consultant tote...wonderful...

And remember if you go to conference you'll get some other bag...which could possibly be good for catalogs etc....
I have an old conference tote that is perfect for my flipchart, catalogs, pens, calculator, etc...all goes in there...and it is very durable!

((Maybe I should have started this with "Once upon a time..."))
  • #30
I kind of wonder how I got along without my TTA tote. I even have a second one for carrying my trifle bowl.
  • #31
ChefBeckyD said:
I earned all of the "Show To Go" pieces (was it last year?) - and for awhile, used the Rolling Cart......but I have really pared down what I take to shows - and now use 2 Show To Go Totes, and a plastic container for dirty dishes. I get everything in the 2 totes - including my paperwork and laptop - I carry recipe ingredients in the dirty dishes container. THIS has made set-up, clean-up, and show organization go much quicker - I want my job to look doable for anyone there, and I feel like if I am hauling in a ton of stuff, it makes my job look harder!
I'll still use the Rolling Case for fairs and such - but I love traveling light to my shows.....and honestly, it hasn't affected my sales or bookings to not take everything w/ me anymore!

Ok, I realize I'm hijacking this thread ... but ... what DO you take to your shows? I've been taking everything in my starter kit, some of the stuff from my kitchen, and whatever piece I happen to be borrowing from my director at the moment ;)

I've been thinking I need to streamline what I'm demo/talking about/touching at my shows. (Mind you, I've only done 3 so far!)
  • #32
What is the Catalog shoulder tote bag? Has a clear pocket in the front for the catalog to show. I'd like to find another tote like the New consultant one- but am not seeing it on the order form.
  • #33
MomToEli said:
Ok, I realize I'm hijacking this thread ... but ... what DO you take to your shows? I've been taking everything in my starter kit, some of the stuff from my kitchen, and whatever piece I happen to be borrowing from my director at the moment ;) I've been thinking I need to streamline what I'm demo/talking about/touching at my shows. (Mind you, I've only done 3 so far!)
Sandy, Specifically, this month, I have been doing the Salsa recipe from the catalog, along with gaucamole, and then Cool & Creamy Chocolate Fondue w/ strawberries and cinnamon tortilla chips. So what I bring to shows is the following:My TTA tote with lots of stuff in it, including all utensils needed for the demo - and my chopper in the top of it. The Salad chopper, Garlic Press, Knives, Scrapers, scissors, Core n More, etc.....all in there.In the first Show to Go tote, I have catalogs, order forms, pen caddy, computer, Franklin Planner, dishtowels & Microfiber Towels, apron, Book to Look Boxes, wrapped gifts for door prize/bring a friend gifts, spices, and cookbooks.In the second STG tote - Stainless Bowl set, Microplane Grater, UM, HWC stuff, Easy Read Measuring cups, Trivet, Rectangle Chillzanne, Batter Bowl, 8" Saute pan, and a small assortment of new products (mostly colored products) In my Dirty Dishes tote - I have the TTA tote, and my Stoneware tote - which has 2 small round dots bowls, the rectangle SA platter, and the med. bar pan in it. Along with that, I put whatever food I am taking with me in that tote - this month it has been just baked cinnamon tortilla chips and a couple of avocados. It does take me 2 trips to get it all in, because I have a tricky back and can't carry alot of weight at one time.I know some people take even less - but I'm happy with this amount - and believe it or not - it's way less than I used to take!
  • #34
clshirk said:
What is the Catalog shoulder tote bag? Has a clear pocket in the front for the catalog to show. I'd like to find another tote like the New consultant one- but am not seeing it on the order form.
You're right on what the Catalog shoulder tote bag is. It can be a great source of leads when you're out and around town.

The new consultant tote is not (yet) on the supply order form. Maybe this fall.
  • #35
Do you all take out your TTA with the tools and put that on your table? I already have a hard enough time getting everything I need laid out on my table that I can't imagine putting the TTA on it too! I just pull out the tools I need and set them around my cutting board in the order that I will use them.

What does everyone else do?
  • #36
rebeccastt said:
Do you all take out your TTA with the tools and put that on your table? I already have a hard enough time getting everything I need laid out on my table that I can't imagine putting the TTA on it too! I just pull out the tools I need and set them around my cutting board in the order that I will use them.

What does everyone else do?

I take out the tools I need for the demo, and them set the TTA to the side, or on a different table, somewhere where I can point it out, and encourage people to play with the tools......I also like to give it a spin - to show people how well the new one spins!
  • #37
So far, I keep my tta stocked with tools, set it out nearby on a table near where I'm doing the demo or on the demo table. I try to keep the items I need for my demo nearby, but often I end up pulling from the TTA. I encourage others to see how stuffed you can make it and how well it turns. I've started selling quite a few lately. I love it.
  • #38

great idea about using a tta tote for the trifle bowl....thanks!
  • #39
It didn't originate with me, but I'm glad to share.I take the TTA out of the tote for display. Sometimes it's on my table. Sometimes it's simply nearby.
  • #40
rebeccastt said:
For those of you that use these totes, do you really feel that this help you in your business? I still use my crate, but got a rolling cart to put it on. I've been thinking about getting the set, but I don't want to spend all that money unless it will make a difference. Does it make it easier at your shows?

I purchased a rolling tote from Wal-mart before I knew they had PC ones. I saved some money, and I don't have to fight carrying the bag and lugging it up our narrow staircase.
  • #41
rebeccastt said:
For those of you that use these totes, do you really feel that this help you in your business? I still use my crate, but got a rolling cart to put it on. I've been thinking about getting the set, but I don't want to spend all that money unless it will make a difference. Does it make it easier at your shows?

It makes it so much easier for me.... because I feel like it makes me look more "professional" I hated the crate that came with my kit, it just was not user friendly for me... and where I live their is a lot of stairs, I live in a town full of old victorian homes, with a lot of stairs going to the front door. So these totes do help me a great deal!!
  • #42
I LOVE the totes but can't get the rolling one into my car or in the trunk. So I use it for storage in my office. :( AND I have a health fair tomorrow... so wish I could use it!!! I do use the TTA one and the carry-all for every show though!

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