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OMG! Husband Drops Baby Bomb on Me: My Reaction is Priceless!

In summary, Rennea's husband told her this weekend that he wants to have a baby. Rennea is terrified of needles and has had three children naturally.
Gold Member
OMG, my husband decided this weekend to tell me he wants to have a baby:eek: WHAT?? He said he has been thinking about it for a while.
I asked him if he had thought about a 10lb turkey coming out of my
wa-wa:eek: Oh goodness I think I'm going to have a break down.
Sorry just had to get it out!!!! Freakin' big time!!!!:eek: :eek:
I have had 3 kids and I have to say its not bad being preggo and delivering (although I did the epidural) Its actually fun feeling the baby move when in your tummy. Good Luck
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Jennie4PC said:
I have had 3 kids and I have to say its not bad being preggo and delivering (although I did the epidural) Its actually fun feeling the baby move when in your tummy. Good Luck

Evil Evil Evil word "epidural" there is nobody on this earth that is more terrified of needles then me. I have teeth filled with no freezing cause I don't do needles. Nine months of NO coffee, nobody wants that trust me:eek:
(As baby is nudging from inside) It does feel cool!
I do know people that have done it without the epidural. With every labor I have had I was induced and my last one I was told I needed the epidural due to a heart problem that I have they didnt want any added stress on the heart
I didn't do the epidural. I am deafly afraid of needles, I freaked when they were doing the IV and the nurse couldn't seem to hit the vein. I paced a lot, because that's how I deal w/ pain & stress. I was also told that I was an exception because I wasn't yelling and hitting. IMO I didn't need it, & the doc said it would slow down my labor 6 hours was long enough thank you!
I had my babies naturally and it was really wonderful. I highly recommend a doula, and educating yourself (I am/was a doula and can give you some great book recommendations). But cross that bridge when you come to it! :)
I absolutely hate needles too, but decided I finally needed the epidural with my daughter. I remember telling my husband afterwards to hit me if I don't get it right away this time! You can't even see it, so it's not that bad. I thought the IV was worse. Not to mention that the doctor had to wait through 4 contractions to put it in, so I was ready for less pain!

But it is a choice you have to make as a couple--good luck on whatever you choose!
I guess my concern is that this is such a hige surprise - Seems ike you guys might have made a different decision in the past and he is changing the dynamics. BIG TIME

I got married at 44. My new hubby wasn't particularly interested in kids. Having been single for 44 years I had already emotionally accepted and decided to not have children (except our 3 lovely 4-legged ones)
I think the two of you need a serious heart 2 heart about this
  • Thread starter
  • #10
How about you snapped your finger and whalla baby. No fat pants, no fat ankles, heartburn, peeing peeing and peeing through the night. Did I mention NO coffee.
Pain free baby!! It should be, cause the next 18 years after birth is PAINFUL. Terrible 2's, 3's etc. Oh yes the teenage years everyone's favorite.
This morning I got up drank a pot of coffee and ate a bag of Munchies snack mix and it just continued from there(I'm a stress eater). I think by 5:00 today the fridge and cupboards should be empty.:(
As DH left today his last words were " you would be the mother your mother never was" Duh like that would be hard!! But that's a whole nother thread and tens of thousands of $$ therapy.
  • #11
rennea said:
Evil Evil Evil word "epidural" there is nobody on this earth that is more terrified of needles then me. I have teeth filled with no freezing cause I don't do needles. Nine months of NO coffee, nobody wants that trust me:eek:

I am the same way but I got my epi anyway and im so glad i did lol
  • #12
Usually, this is the kind of thing that is said the other way around, and usually after the point of no return.I knew several guys (in my younger days) who's proposal question was, "You're WHAT?"
  • #13
Kathy is right. If you're not ready or willing... don't do it just because he wants to. You definitely need to talk!
  • #14
This is something that you and DH have to sit down and talk about. I had two boys and than my husband had a vasectomy. I am glad he had one but I also wish at times we could have just one more. Babies are a wonderful thing but you have to be the one who wants another one.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
apriljc said:
This is something that you and DH have to sit down and talk about. I had two boys and than my husband had a vasectomy. I am glad he had one but I also wish at times we could have just one more. Babies are a wonderful thing but you have to be the one who wants another one.

It's truly the whole "giving birth". Yes I know women do it everyday but I don't really do the whole pain thing. I truely can't see myself doing it and everyone coming out unharmed. I get mad watching it on TV, just breath and push push just one more time. From hospital to Divorce Court!!
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  • #16
Oh yes and I forgot to mention the "we are not getting any younger". LIKE I DON"T OWN A MIRROR THANKS.
  • #17
Has a co-worker or close friend recently announced a pregnancy or birth or some other significant event??? Maybe something like this is bringing this on
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  • #18
No, he thinks that we are getting old (32/33) and has been thinking about it for awhile. He thinks that it would be something we would reget if we didn't. We are stable money wise, and he thinks that we would have enough time now that our business is good and stable. He believe that I would make the perfect mom:rolleyes: It might sound silly but people in my family don't have kids. My mom had 8 siblings and they all had at least 2 kids each and now non of those "kids" are having any. Of course DH family are like bunnies but he isn't close to them. My girlfriends kids are all at least school age now so I don't know why. I feel bad that he finally got the nerve up to say something and I just sat there and cried:(
  • #19
Is this the first time you have even talked about having or not having kids? It really is something you need to have a VERY big in depth convo about. I know a guy I used to work with that said his wife of the time wanted to have a baby but he didn't and they had supposedly agreed on it and she went ahead and quit taking the pill unbeknownst to him and he never sees the kid, he doesn't really make much sense to me though because he was in the SRS field for a while and working with troubled kids and runaways and such.
  • Thread starter
  • #20
jdavis said:
Is this the first time you have even talked about having or not having kids? It really is something you need to have a VERY big in depth convo about. I know a guy I used to work with that said his wife of the time wanted to have a baby but he didn't and they had supposedly agreed on it and she went ahead and quit taking the pill unbeknownst to him and he never sees the kid, he doesn't really make much sense to me though because he was in the SRS field for a while and working with troubled kids and runaways and such.

We I thought decided before we were married not to have any runny nose's and poopy diapers. I guess he has changed his mind. Maybe he's going through a mid-life crisis early?
  • #21
rennea said:
How about you snapped your finger and whalla baby. No fat pants, no fat ankles, heartburn, peeing peeing and peeing through the night. Did I mention NO coffee.
Pain free baby!! It should be, cause the next 18 years after birth is PAINFUL. Terrible 2's, 3's etc. Oh yes the teenage years everyone's favorite.
This morning I got up drank a pot of coffee and ate a bag of Munchies snack mix and it just continued from there(I'm a stress eater). I think by 5:00 today the fridge and cupboards should be empty.:(
As DH left today his last words were " you would be the mother your mother never was" Duh like that would be hard!! But that's a whole nother thread and tens of thousands of $$ therapy.

Okay Rennea, put down the cookies. Step away from the fridge and take a deep breath. Sounds to me like your husband really shocked you. You know what? You don't have to decide today or tomorrow.

My worry was never the birth (actually, I'm sorry I'm going to miss the pregnancy stuff) but about what to do with the child when you got him/her home.

My personal theory on having children "better to be sorry you didn't than to be sorry you did".
  • #22
chefjeanine said:
My personal theory on having children "better to be sorry you didn't than to be sorry you did".

Ditto....You need to talk to DH and see what has changed his mind. If you are not ready for children don't have one just for him.
  • #23
rennea said:
OMG, my husband decided this weekend to tell me he wants to have a baby:eek: WHAT?? He said he has been thinking about it for a while.
I asked him if he had thought about a 10lb turkey coming out of my
wa-wa:eek: Oh goodness I think I'm going to have a break down.
Sorry just had to get it out!!!! Freakin' big time!!!!:eek: :eek:
Are you afraid of the pain of labor and the epidural, or do you think you don't want a baby (right now...or ever...)

If it's that you DON'T want one- you both need to discuss this MUCH further. (Well, even if you DO want one you still have a lot to discuss!! LOL;) )

If it's that you are afraid of needles- I am deathly afraid of needles, too! I think I was more afraid of all of the poking and prodding that goes along with being pregnant and delivering. I have to admit: I was more afraid of the epidural than ANYTHING else related to my pregnancy. I had myself totally psyched out about that! Then....

it was the easiest thing about my labor and delivery!!!!! It did not hurt much (WAY less than the pain of my contractions that it helped with!) and I wish I would have done it "sooner" in my labor.

Good luck! Keep us posted on how you are dealing with his announcement. Plus, remember, if he's been thinking about this for a while it's not a new thing to him. It is, however, something new for you to process. Take your time and really pray about this. If now is the time, God will give you a peace about it in your heart.

  • #24
Sorry~ you pretty much answered the whole "what part of preg. are you afraid of question" but I must have been typing as you were answering that!
  • #25
rennea said:
No, he thinks that we are getting old (32/33) and has been thinking about it for awhile. He thinks that it would be something we would reget if we didn't. We are stable money wise, and he thinks that we would have enough time now that our business is good and stable. He believe that I would make the perfect mom:rolleyes: It might sound silly but people in my family don't have kids. My mom had 8 siblings and they all had at least 2 kids each and now non of those "kids" are having any. Of course DH family are like bunnies but he isn't close to them. My girlfriends kids are all at least school age now so I don't know why. I feel bad that he finally got the nerve up to say something and I just sat there and cried:(

Funny trying to catch up with this thread - you got a lot of advice fast!

Our story: 26/30 when we got married. 27/31 first kid - 30/34 second kid. We're done.

Parent's story: 30/33 got married. 34/37 first kid - 37/40 second kid.

Summary: Don't be in a rush due to age!

Talk to your hubby and when you are BOTH ready, it is time. Maybe he just needed to tell you he's ready so you know when you're ready you can say something???? TALK ABOUT IT. :)

I felt "pressured" at one point to get married and have kids when I was younger and all my friends were married with kids. I'm SO glad I: 1. waited for hubby to grow up to marry him 2. Finished college and waited to have kids. 3. Had only 2.

I love kids to death and bow to those who have a house full, but we have a 2 bedroom house, are a very busy family and 2 kids works perfect for us. For some families it is none, some 1, some 2, some 10...each situation is different. Do what is best for your relationship and family.
  • #26
rennea said:
We I thought decided before we were married not to have any runny nose's and poopy diapers. I guess he has changed his mind. Maybe he's going through a mid-life crisis early?

Maybe, but sometimes as guys get older they have a new sense of purpose (not a mid-life crisis)...see qualities they admire in their wife and want to start a family. Ask him what changed his mind...you might get some compliments out of it. :)
  • #27
HMMM, thinkin' more about this one, do you have any little nieces or nephews, or even friends children you could maybe babysit for the weekend? Or do you do this already? I don't think it is a decision to step into lightlly. If you're not ready, don't do it, don't let anyone pressure you. It's not something to take lightly, like say going out to buy some fancy sports car on a whim, you can always take it back, lol.

I would really suggest 'hijacking' someone's kids for even a long weekend, maybe even a week, try on the parenting shoes. Maybe they will grow on you, or maybe he will decide they really don't fit like they thought they would.
  • #28
Bright side- you don't have to completly give up coffee. You just don't want to overdo the caffine. I developed migranies w/ DS1 and the OB told me that caffinee would help me out some. Now I know some people completly give up everything including meds, but my sons are both very healthy and I drank som caffine, took Zantac, and Tylenol :)
  • #29
jdavis said:
HMMM, thinkin' more about this one, do you have any little nieces or nephews, or even friends children you could maybe babysit for the weekend? Or do you do this already? I don't think it is a decision to step into lightlly. If you're not ready, don't do it, don't let anyone pressure you. It's not something to take lightly, like say going out to buy some fancy sports car on a whim, you can always take it back, lol.

I would really suggest 'hijacking' someone's kids for even a long weekend, maybe even a week, try on the parenting shoes. Maybe they will grow on you, or maybe he will decide they really don't fit like they thought they would.

You can borrow my kids for the weekend:D
  • #30
Hey, I have all 4 of my boys this weekend too, I could ship them to you, lol. They're Angels, well I know somebody has said it at least once, LMAO!!!
  • #31
If it's the whether to have kids or not, remember that your kids you love (even when they drive you crazy). So if you aren't sure you'd want kids based on reactions/interactions with other peoples kids, it's really different. I love my daughter even in her stubborn stages. That's when grandmas are helpful. Pregnancy is great and unbelievable. Labor...well it's short lived. I have to admit mine was very easy. Advice from my mom, keep very loose without clenching anything including fingers. I was done until 4 hours. The truly scary part was our first night at home. One of the main things keeping us from having another is the bringing them home part. Not sure we could have 2 kids. I'd love to be pregnant again though (but then I haven't done that with a toddler).Good luck and definitely don't feel pressured. You have to agree before you decide either way.
  • #32
rennea said:
OMG, my husband decided this weekend to tell me he wants to have a baby:eek: WHAT?? He said he has been thinking about it for a while.
I asked him if he had thought about a 10lb turkey coming out of my
wa-wa:eek: Oh goodness I think I'm going to have a break down.
Sorry just had to get it out!!!! Freakin' big time!!!!:eek: :eek:

Tell him you will be more than happy to help him out, but he carries and delivers!
  • #33
If it's something you don't want because of the pregnancy and birth part....what about adoption? There are lots of children who really need homes...even older children who aren't snotty nosed...
Just a thought.
  • #34
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Usually, this is the kind of thing that is said the other way around, and usually after the point of no return.

I knew several guys (in my younger days) who's proposal question was, "You're WHAT?"

It's only the subsequent babies that take 40 weeks. The first one can come anytime.
  • #35
jdavis said:
HMMM, thinkin' more about this one, do you have any little nieces or nephews, or even friends children you could maybe babysit for the weekend? Or do you do this already? I don't think it is a decision to step into lightlly. If you're not ready, don't do it, don't let anyone pressure you. It's not something to take lightly, like say going out to buy some fancy sports car on a whim, you can always take it back, lol.

I would really suggest 'hijacking' someone's kids for even a long weekend, maybe even a week, try on the parenting shoes. Maybe they will grow on you, or maybe he will decide they really don't fit like they thought they would.

Unfortunately, every couple tells each other the falacy that enables procreation, "Ours will be different".
  • #36
mbh06 said:
Bright side- you don't have to completly give up coffee. You just don't want to overdo the caffine. I developed migranies w/ DS1 and the OB told me that caffinee would help me out some. Now I know some people completly give up everything including meds, but my sons are both very healthy and I drank som caffine, took Zantac, and Tylenol :)

I weaned from coffee very easily when it made me want to barf.
  • #37
Making it through a birth without anethesia makes you feel like you can accomplish ANYTHING! I can't think of any act more empowering to a woman.

On second thought, I think it would be more empowering to raise happy, healthy members of society.
  • #38
gilliandanielle said:
(As baby is nudging from inside) It does feel cool!
Congrats, I now see you've got 2 of the six qualified!! I just need to get mine signed up :)
  • #39
I had an epidural with my daughter.. thank goodness... I also had an epesoitmoy(sp) to the third degree ( I ripped three layers) on that of that...... I couldn't walk for TWO WEEKS!!!! I am afraid of needles... but it is well worth it!!!!
  • #40
There's a far bigger issue here than just the actual pregnancy, labor and delivery. Once that's done, you're stuck with that kid for 18 (or more!) years. It's not a decision to be made lightly.

Make some time to discuss it thoroughly - not just why he thinks it's a good idea, but what your fears and concerns are, too.
  • #41
You guys need a long heart 2 heart - I can see why you felt he dropped a bomb. When my hubby and I got married we knew we wouldn't be have children and took measure to help that along too. We were on the same page that we want to travel and such. Mind you we got married at 45 ish too.
You both need to sit down and have a full discussion about hopes and fears and concerns etc. This is more than about delivering a precious package - It's also full of sloppy kisses, melted chocolate hearts, hand made cards and gifts made with love and huge hugs, but also poppy diapers and sleepless nights, chicken poxs, calls from the principle, teenage years (did I mentione sleepless nights) and paying for a college education and weddings.
  • Thread starter
  • #42
mommyhugz1978 said:
I had an epidural with my daughter.. thank goodness... I also had an epesoitmoy(sp) to the third degree ( I ripped three layers) on that of that...... I couldn't walk for TWO WEEKS!!!! I am afraid of needles... but it is well worth it!!!!

Epesoitmoy!!! Ripping!!! OMG, hugz you're really not helping:eek: I'm making cookies, muffins and dounuts for sure today:eek:
  • #43
Girl, I totally understand where you are coming from. My husband is doing the "I want a baby" talk. In April we will have been married three years. I am 34 years old, he will be 30 this year. I am not interested in having a child at this time, maybe not ever. LOL, I told him that if they ever make it genetically possible for men to carry and birth children, then HE can do it! :rolleyes: I think part of it too, is that I have no real desire to be pregnant and go through that whole ordeal. I have been on Weight Watchers since mid-July and have lost 50 pounds so far, and I have 30 more to go to reach goal weight.I also think that kids are very expensive, messy, draining and your life just isn't the same after you have them. I don't HATE children ... I love playing with and babysitting my neices and nephews and my friends' kids. However its better to give them back and then go on your merry way.If children were more like cats I would have no problems with them. LOL. I love my cats. Feed their bowl, change their litter and they pretty much fend for themselves and give me affection when they feel like it. :D
  • #44
I was done having kids when I was 21. Now my 2 daughters are my best friends!!! :D There are the bad times, yes, but I wouldn't change a thing!
The pregnancy & delivery are the easy parts....;) .wondering where your 16 year old daughter is at 5 am can make ya gray, :eek: :mad: Still, I wouldn't change a thing! My oldest one now has a 19 yr old son in college & a 2 yr old daughter.:eek: :D :D :D :D :D

Talk to different people and to your hubby. Each of you make a list or journal on what your thoughts & feelings are about it. Then, swap & read them & take some time alone to digest & think about what each other has shared.
  • #45
When you're in a lot of pain you won't mind getting the epidural...I swear!!! I got an epi both times and it really didn't hurt-just felt a little weird. I also was scared when I was pregnant with my first...I thought "OMG, this has got to come out somehow!" I had two great deliveries and with the epidural you're not screaming like a lunatic on those shows.
  • #46
Kathytnt said:
You guys need a long heart 2 heart - I can see why you felt he dropped a bomb. When my hubby and I got married we knew we wouldn't be have children and took measure to help that along too. We were on the same page that we want to travel and such. Mind you we got married at 45 ish too.
You both need to sit down and have a full discussion about hopes and fears and concerns etc. This is more than about delivering a precious package - It's also full of sloppy kisses, melted chocolate hearts, hand made cards and gifts made with love and huge hugs, but also poppy diapers and sleepless nights, chicken poxs, calls from the principle, teenage years (did I mentione sleepless nights) and paying for a college education and weddings.

Kathy, such great advice! Other have also give some great advice too! I can imagine how floored you must have been with his announcement!:eek: Realize that the birth of a child on tv or even from person to person varies. To me, the birth is just like the wedding...alot of fuss, sometimes a pain in the butt (and briefly the wa-wa:rolleyes: ) but beautiful too. The biggist thing to remember is that the wedding and the birth are but brief moments in our lives. It doesn't matter how pretty the bride is or how easy the birth was...what matters is what comes after that. If you enjoy your lives now realize your lives will not be the same again. Is having a child a death sentence? Not at all, but RAISING children is nothing that you imagine it is. Children are all of the sweet things that Kathy mentioned in her post. And as deep as that love is, they will also teach you why some animals eat their young!!!
You have to have a deep talk and even consider some short term counseling to help with the decision. Having you be the mother your mother wasn't is not a fair statement. Just because your Mom was June Cleaver's complete opposite does not guarentee that you will be a great Mom.
Life is strange and it twists and turns. I was very much in love with my husband, I loved being pregnant and birth was fine. When I was a child I played with dolls and was a good Mommy to my dolls. I am a good Mom to my son too, but I divorced his father when he was 8. I fell out of love and could never get that back. My committment to my son have never faltered and his father and I have still raised him together. He lives with his father, is 16 and a responsible young man (but still a 16 year old!!)
No one can predict what life will bring to us. That is why some of the advice here is wonderful. Throw the ball back into his court and really make him tell you why he has had this big change of heart. Then he needs to let you have time to think.
Children are made by two people and they need to be raised by two people too (whether they are in the household or not as in my case). You BOTH have to WANT to have a child. It is not something that one of you decides. I say breathe deep, don't worry about giving birth...you haven't decided to get pregnant and it is not a concern at this point in time.Turn this back onto him because you need to be just as sure as he is about this.
The birth is just a blip on the screen. We talk about epiderals and all of the physical so called horrors of birth, but the birth is usually over in minutes. The wonder of seeing the child you have created TOGETHER is a far more memorable feeling. But one you can never turn back from either. Good luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #47
WOW thanks everyone for the great advice. I've stopped eating:D I'll keep you all posted.
  • #48
I love children but honestly I know I don't have the maternal instinct that other people do. Some people's maternal instinct is higher than their actual common sense. I know all my PC friends are wonderful mothers but let's face it there are people out there raising children that should not be parents. My husband and I have 20 nieces and nephews between the two of us - If I need a kid for a while there are lots to borrow. I know it isn't the same but some people are meant to be parents and some are not. Some want to be parents and some do not. Hopefully you find this out before you tie the knot or conceive.
I know people can change their minds especialy if you marry very young. I am just not sure if I would be a good parent. Although my 4-legged kids love me unconditionally!
  • #49
The end result was a beautiful little girl named Makayla..... she will be six in June! I would say enduring the pain that I went through is well worth the result however, it is a decission that needs to be made by both of you... if your not ready and he is that is something to consider...... I am baby hungry right now..... but we will be married three months tomorrow, I will be 30 next year.... but I am also working on getting my bachorlors degree.. I graduate next spring!! WHOO!!

rennea said:
Epesoitmoy!!! Ripping!!! OMG, hugz you're really not helping:eek: I'm making cookies, muffins and dounuts for sure today:eek:
  • #50
Days before my first one was born, I changed my mind!!!:eek:
Then, realizing it was going to come out and changing my mind wasn't an option, I decided to think about it in a more logical way: Most women have more than one baby, so it can't be that bad.:rolleyes: Calmed me down till the big day....;) :eek: :D
<h2>1. What should I do if my husband drops the bomb that he wants a baby?</h2><p>Take a deep breath and try to remain calm. It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your husband about his feelings and your concerns. This is a big decision that should be made together as a couple.</p><h2>2. How do I handle my husband's sudden desire for a baby?</h2><p>First, acknowledge and validate his feelings. Then, express your own concerns and fears. Communicate openly and listen to each other's perspectives. It's important to make a decision that is best for both of you.</p><h2>3. What if I'm not ready to have a baby?</h2><p>It's okay to not be ready for such a big responsibility. It's important to communicate this to your husband and discuss if there are any underlying reasons for his sudden desire for a baby. If you need more time, have an open and honest conversation about it.</p><h2>4. How can I prepare for the possibility of having a baby?</h2><p>If you and your husband decide to move forward with having a baby, it's important to start preparing physically, emotionally, and financially. Take care of your health, research parenting resources, and start saving for expenses. It's also important to have a support system in place.</p><h2>5. What if I'm scared about the idea of giving birth?</h2><p>It's natural to be scared about the idea of giving birth. Talk to your doctor and do your own research to educate yourself about the process. Seek support from other mothers and attend childbirth classes. Remember, your body is designed to handle this and you will have medical professionals to support you through the process.</p>

Related to OMG! Husband Drops Baby Bomb on Me: My Reaction is Priceless!

1. What should I do if my husband drops the bomb that he wants a baby?

Take a deep breath and try to remain calm. It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your husband about his feelings and your concerns. This is a big decision that should be made together as a couple.

2. How do I handle my husband's sudden desire for a baby?

First, acknowledge and validate his feelings. Then, express your own concerns and fears. Communicate openly and listen to each other's perspectives. It's important to make a decision that is best for both of you.

3. What if I'm not ready to have a baby?

It's okay to not be ready for such a big responsibility. It's important to communicate this to your husband and discuss if there are any underlying reasons for his sudden desire for a baby. If you need more time, have an open and honest conversation about it.

4. How can I prepare for the possibility of having a baby?

If you and your husband decide to move forward with having a baby, it's important to start preparing physically, emotionally, and financially. Take care of your health, research parenting resources, and start saving for expenses. It's also important to have a support system in place.

5. What if I'm scared about the idea of giving birth?

It's natural to be scared about the idea of giving birth. Talk to your doctor and do your own research to educate yourself about the process. Seek support from other mothers and attend childbirth classes. Remember, your body is designed to handle this and you will have medical professionals to support you through the process.

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