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New Year....new Road to Director! Who's Walkin' That Road?

In summary, many people are determined to walk at conference and are working hard to recruit and promote in order to do so. People have various amounts of signed consultants and qualified consultants, as well as several fence-sitters. They are all working to get their show schedules on track and will be using various strategies to recruit additional consultants.
  • Thread starter
  • #151
Way to go Amanda! The more we practice it, the easier it gets;)
Congrats to you Jen on a wonderful start!

I called my 2 gals that I thought were signing up last week, but they haven't called back yet. So, since my other 2 are now inactive, I guess I've lost FD for this month. But, I will have it back by next month!
  • #152
I asked another host tonight, but a big no! Off to the next one!
  • Thread starter
  • #153
One "no" closer to a "yes"!
I've got to call my 2 hot leads again today; I'm ready for them to sign;)
At least we're keeping this thread alive Amanda!
  • #154
Okay - I've been reading this thread for a while, I guess I should jump in!

I have 3 active right now - one has her first show this Sat. and has 5 other shows booked for April.....I also have one who is a recruits recruit, so she doesn't count for me making director - but she is in my first line, since her recruiter bounces in and out of being active. I have 5 right now who are seriously considering it - 3 of them have shows booked in the next 2 months. 4 out of the 5 I have been working with for over a year. I don't seem to have good luck with getting people to sign on the spot - it takes them a long time to get from "I'm thinking of doing this" to "I'm ready to sign."

So - that is where I am at - I would love to be a director by conference, but more than that I want to promote this year for the income, and also for the Trip Incentive Points!
  • Thread starter
  • #155
Yeah Becky! You're doing great; I'm sure you can do it by conference.
I know what you mean; most of my leads "have to think about it" for quite awhile.
Interesting enough; I saw my first recruit's mom yesterday. (my recruit has been inactive for 3 months after only submitting 1 show) Her mom was asking me how to warranty her broken stone--that she got from that first show of her daughter!:rolleyes:
  • #156
OK - I'm peeking out from behind the curtain to join in this thread.

I just sat down last night & had a talk with my hubby about WHY I wanted to be a director. We had a good conversation about how busy I could be, what 'extra time' it would take for me to be a good, training & leading director. We have a plan now & he's totally supporting me. I know that I can do this.

I currently have:

4 consultants - of those:
2-inactive (1 has no intention of reactivating, 1 is my mom)
1-just reactived end of March, haven't ever spoken to her, can't seem to get her goals out of her.
1-active, working consultant

I am signing another new consultant on the 13th of this month.

I've got a couple of leads that I'm working on.

So, that's where I'm at. I've been asking more & more people. I really think I can do this! :D
  • #157
pamperedalf said:

Lacy~Sweet, it is so nice to come home to those messages.

Okay ladies I just had an aha moment. I have been listening to the sell the dream CD (it's a good one), and realized I am not in front of enough people to recruit consistantly. So I need to book more shows. So my April sucks right now. I have 1 catalog, 1 live & 2 lrg fairs. I just signed in for the 3 contacts a day thread hoping that will make me more accountable. Then I realized I haven't checked in here in a while.

I'm right there with you Amanda. 3-2-1 really does work if you can complete all three...

In order to do so - WE - need to be in front of more people... It just makes sense...
  • #158
Hi all!! I think I've jumped on this thread before, but I can't remember!! I want to walk stage at Wave 2!!
I've got 4 ladies signed, but 1 is inactive. The other 3, 1 has submitted 2 shows, 1 has submitted 1 show & 1 just submitted her agreement yesterday!!! YAY!!
My babysitter from tonight is signing in May!! WAHOO!!!!! Guess I just want someplace to check in & stay motivated!!
Thanks for listening & good luck to everyone ~ Let's achieve our dreams!!!!
  • #159
Okay! My host from tonight is seriously thinking of signing! I have been much more intentional about offering the opportunity to hosts - and I also think the interactive format is helping. They aren't so intimidated by the thought of being "on stage" the whole time.

I am beginning to want directorship so bad - I can taste it!
  • #160
Okay time to quit lurking and chime in....

I sent in my directors agreement yeaterday.
I have...
6 signed
3 qualified
2 in their first 90 days and struggling
1 that will qualify this week.
I have another sampling schedualed for Monday night and I have 6 girls coming so far.
I thought for sure I would be promoting April 1st and then those 2 girls had their first 30 days fall apart. I just figure if I keep recruiting and helping more people start I won't have to stress too much, right?
I am looking forward to this month because I have 10 shows on the calendar and I have never had that many so I figure I should have a great month looking for new people to bring onto my team :)
As a side note I decided to make PC my full-time career and I quit my job. I have 2 more days left and while I am crazy excited it is pretty freaky.
Sorry this is so long, I just have a tendancy to say nothing and then stress, so I figure if I put my worry out to all my cheffer buddies I would feel better.
And I do!
  • Thread starter
  • #161
That's great Crystal! Especially to have hubby right there with ya!

Gina, you can do it!

Sarah, let's all walk together:thumbup:

Becky--yeah for you! I agree that the interactive shows are great!

Cheryl: that is awesome! Tell me how you like those sampling shows? I've never done one, but have thought about it...

Me, I'm still sitting with my 2 inactives....waiting on my 2 that are supposed to be signing any day now. Plus, my 2 booths from last weekend, I've got some new leads from those that I hope will plan out.

Let's do it ladies:D
  • #162
Cheryl~That's so exciting!! You are building a strong team! Way to go!! The job thing must be a little freaky, but sounds like you're setting yourself up for success!! Congrats!

Lacy~YES! Let's walk together!!!
  • #163
I am happy with how hard I have been working and thank you for the support. There was a sampling thread up awhile ago and I will tell you it was the best :)
I did it with a sister consultant that I love! She had one girl come with her I had 4 girls come so all in all 4 signed!
We did the power cooking demo then we snaked and talked about the biz. went over trips and stuff and then I started handing out agreements! Very bold, but I figured they knew what they needed to and 1 took it home 2 others signed right there!
If you haven't tried it pair up with someone and do it!
Feel free to call me if you have any questions. I am really not much of a typer so I usually don't post much. But I can talk a blue streak :)
I am hoping for similar success on Monday night. I also have 1 other girl that signed her agreement and I am holding it till she comes back from vacation at the end of the month.
I want to walk wave 2!!!
  • #164
OMG girls! I am so close to this I can taste it! The past host at my show today is going to sign! With my girl that's signing on the 13th, that's 5 (my mom's going to reactive)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D I am so excited!!

God is so good! I have been praying & keeping him in the front of our lives & I know that he's blessing me now! I want this soooo bad!!

Me promoting will mean a promotion for my director, too!
  • Thread starter
  • #165
That's wonderful Crystal--for you & your director!
  • #166
So I know I am a little late joining this thread. I have't been on here in awhile cause I have been so busy. But I just love this forum. I love hearing everyone's stories and goals for themselves. :)
So I accpeted my directorship on the 3rd of this month. I could not be more excited about it. I have 10 signed. But out of those 10 I have 6 active and qualified. I was on the fence about accepting, I guess I was just so scared that I wasnt ready. But now I am pumped and couldnt be more motivated!
And, at my show yesterday, 3 girls came up to me and are pretty sure they wanna sign up!:sing:
I know this is really long. Good luck to everyone, You can do anything you put your mind to!
  • #167
Way to go jewls!!!
That's so exciting for you!!!! I'll be joining you soon!
  • #168
congrats! great job :)
  • Thread starter
  • #169
  • #171
I just found this thread, and I have to jump in. I have been trying so hard to make director by June 1st and I'm just worried I'm going to run out of time. Here's my stats:

4 signed
4 active
1 qualified
1 to qualify in the next 2 days
1 is one show away from qualifying, but nothing to turn in at the moment
1 is 2 shows away from qualifying and about to go inactive if she doesn't submit $200 by the end of April
0 potentials/fence sitters/etc.
7 shows booked for April

I just asked my dad this morning and he said he thought it would be too much. I work well under pressure, but this is crazy!!!
  • #172
I think you can totally do it! Maybe come a little more out of your comfort zone and ask EVERYONE! Thats what I had ot do, but it paid off. Don't worry, you will get there by June! Plus, if you can get one person that wants that Salad spinner enough you could get them to sign before april 16th!:) Then you will have your 5.
Good Luck!:D
  • #173
I did it!!!! 6 signed and active recruits, 5 are now qualified as of yesterday and 1 only needs to submit the 2 shows she has already held!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus 2 more ladies signing today!!!!!!

WAHOO!!!!!!!! I will be walking with all you lovely ladies!

This business is so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #174
That is so awesome Jodi~~~congrats!
  • #175
I currently have 9 consultants - 3 qualified and 2 new as of today. I need 2 more to qualify this month!!!
  • #176
My update :)
5 signed
3 qualified
The other 2 will be qualifying THIS WEEK. :D :D
Does that mean I will promote May 1st?
  • #177
Yep- way to go, Susan!!

My update: Still no recruits this year, but I'm trying. I'm being more intentional about offering the opportunity at my shows, instead of just waiting for people to come to me. I also sent a note to my team today about my goal, asking for their help (staying active until I promote). Kate J. gave me a great idea this weekend, and I used that in the note. Here's what I said:

Speaking of Conference, my goal this year is to walk at Conference as a new Director. I'm working on expanding our team, but can use your help. I'll be able to reach my goal easier if everyone on the team can get and stay active through the end of June. Give me a call if you need some ideas.

I'm also going to have a product drawing when I promote, as a thank you to those who help me reach my goal. You'll get tickets between now and then for:
  • submitting a show: 1 ticket
  • $500 show: 1 bonus ticket (total 2 tickets)
  • $1000 show: 2 bonus tickets (total 3 tickets)
  • $1250 monthly sales: 3 tickets (plus tickets for shows as applicable)
  • signing a new consultant: 5 tickets
  • qualifying (new consultants): 10 tickets
  • qualifying in 30 days (new consultants): 5 bonus tickets (total 15 tickets)
  • taking TeleClass or online training: 1 ticket for each class (please report when you complete one, as I do not get these stats)

What will it mean for us as a team when I promote? We'll be our own unit as part of Cindy's group. And I'll be able to start holding our own meetings, which will be more convenient for all of us. We'll also be able to start having our own recognition - I've been working on some fun ideas.​

My plan is to have a drawing at the meeting when I promote, and draw from the tickets the team earned. The winner will get some products (gotta check my stash of new in package items). But the activities that earn them tickets are things that will help their business as well.
  • #178
Thanks Ann!
Love your ideas, too!!
I am thinking of doing a "Sampling of The Pampered Chef".
Have any of you ever done this?
  • #179
Ann that sounds great :) It will help the girls that want to stay active do more.
  • #180
OMG Ann I love it, thanks for sharing it. I just sent it to my team.Just checking in, nothing new on my end.
  • #181
Sue I have done too with great sucess and if you search sampling you will see what I did. If you have the guide to supporting new consultants that helps also. Ask your director :)
Good luck!

*** Update. Signed another girl AT THE SHOW Monday, which floored me, first time for that :) I also have another girl signing Friday when she gets back from Hawaii. So, my biggest issue is getting them qualified as fast as I want them too! Hee, Hee. Deb our cover girl, any tips?
4 qualified
2 signed
2 more signing
1-3 more signing in may...
  • Thread starter
  • #182
Congrats Sue & Cheryl!
That's a great idea Ann!
Nothing new on my end either.....one that I thought was signing now decided to wait until summer...
  • #183
I can't take credit for that idea, folks. Kate (cmdtrgd) suggested it to me. I just posted what I sent to my team about it.
  • #184
Ann you can take credit for reposting it. I appreciate it, sometimes you need to see things a few times before it sinks in.Thanks Again, and thanks Kate for giving it to Ann.
  • #185
I just found u guys-HELP!:cry:
I LOVE MY PC business! I have 2 recuits, a couple of fence-sitters and I FEEL
like I've been stuck here forever.
I have been in PC for 3.5 years and live in upstate NY. These people do not do things quickly, or spend $$$ without painfuly parting with it!
Recruting for me is like pulling teeth! Everybody tells me: your sooo GREAT at this, wow your a natural, ect! Well where is the next 5 me's!!!
I do at least 4-6shows a month and mega shows once a month. Not afriad to talk to people, although some people here are very to themselves.
  • #186
Make a mistake occassionally...it shows them you are human, and that hmmm...maybe they COULD do what you do. If they think 'wow you're a natural, '' etc... they won't think you can do it.

Are you doing the interactive shows? That puts the spotlight off you...and onto them and they can see how they really CAN do what you do!

People here don't spend money quickly either...but buying the kit isn't really spending money...they'll make it back in a show or two! then it's commission...WHY don't they get it????

Good luck...we all want to walk at Conference...and go to Dir. Academy FREE!

I signed 5 in 2007 and one this year...with several fence sitters too...I know how you feel...now my first recruit dropped off the face of the earth...and my second told me she is done...she'll be inactive at the end of April :-( So now i'll just have 4...
  • #187

I was born and rasied in Ballston Spa (near Saratoga). I know your feeling. I've only been with PC 1 year (today!yahoo!) but I've been stuck in the recruiting spot for a while too. I have ONE consultant 'under' me but I'm dying to make Director this summer!

So I'm with ya! I think you have great potential out there. If I hear of anything (my mom and friends are all still there) I'll let you know.

Stay Positive- it will happen. Maybe pamper a business, who knows maybe someone there wants a new job! ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #188
I know what you mean...I've been in a recruiting mindset for a year & a half now; have 2 inactive recruits & several hot leads that don't want to commit. It's so hard when you want something so bad...
  • #189
My update:

My 5th recruit qualified yesterday. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #190
Yeah Sue! Way to go on making your goal!
Let's hope this new incentive will help some of the rest of us...
  • #191
Thanks Lacy!
I need to keep it up, though! It scares me to have 5....must get 5 more now!!
  • #192
WAHOO! Good for you :)
  • #193
My update: I signed recruit #1 Saturday night! I am so excited!! :chef:
  • #194
That's awesome Heather!! :D
  • #195
WooHoo! Way to go Heather!

I have 5 signed, but 1 is inactive and 2 are yet to turn anything in! Ugh! To top it off, one of the active girls just signed her 4th and 5th last night. I know, it's awesome, and I'm happy for her! But, it's hard because I am freaking out about promoting before her now!
  • #196
janezapchef said:
WooHoo! Way to go Heather!

I have 5 signed, but 1 is inactive and 2 are yet to turn anything in! Ugh! To top it off, one of the active girls just signed her 4th and 5th last night. I know, it's awesome, and I'm happy for her! But, it's hard because I am freaking out about promoting before her now!

Thank you! Keep your head up, you can do this!
  • #197
Congrats, Heather. Good luck, Jane! You can do it! :)

Here's my update -
2 - active & qualified
2 - inactive & reactivating
1 - new, 3 shows to qualify
1 - signing hopefully soon!

I just sent out my first cluster newsletter yesterday with the same wording from ChefAnn's regarding my desire to promote. I hope it works!
  • #198
Ack! I need 2 more to qualify by June 1! One is going to qualify on Wednesday...I have 3 other girls on my team that are VERY close to qualifying but most likely won't before the end of the month.
  • #199
I still need 2 more recruits. On a good note, one of the girls I recruited in February that hadn't submitted anything yet finally submitted a $1K show. So she is really close to qualifying. I have a lot of maybes, but none that are ready to sign this month. *sigh*
  • #200
I need 2 more shows!!!! I am on pins and needles this month. It will happen (unless something catastophic happens first.) Fingers crossed people (for safety sake, just cross everything!)
<h2>1. How do I sign up to be a Director?</h2><p>To become a Director with Pampered Chef, you must first meet the qualifications set by the company. This includes having at least 2 active consultants on your team and achieving a certain level of sales. Once you have met these requirements, you can submit your application to become a Director.</p><h2>2. What are the benefits of being a Director?</h2><p>As a Director with Pampered Chef, you have the opportunity to earn higher commissions, bonuses, and incentives. You also have the chance to mentor and lead a team of consultants, as well as attend exclusive training and leadership events.</p><h2>3. How can I stay motivated on my road to Director?</h2><p>Setting specific goals and regularly checking in with your team and fellow Directors can help keep you motivated. Also, attending company events, such as conference, can provide inspiration and motivation to reach your goals.</p><h2>4. How can I promote my business as I work towards becoming a Director?</h2><p>Utilizing social media, hosting parties and events, and networking with potential customers and team members are all effective ways to promote your business and reach your goals. Also, be sure to utilize the resources and support provided by Pampered Chef to help grow your business.</p><h2>5. What should I do if I have a consultant on the fence about becoming a Director?</h2><p>Continue to communicate with them and provide support and encouragement. Share your own experiences and successes as a Director and how it has benefited you. Also, offer to answer any questions or concerns they may have and provide them with resources to help them make an informed decision.</p>

Related to New Year....new Road to Director! Who's Walkin' That Road?

1. How do I sign up to be a Director?

To become a Director with Pampered Chef, you must first meet the qualifications set by the company. This includes having at least 2 active consultants on your team and achieving a certain level of sales. Once you have met these requirements, you can submit your application to become a Director.

2. What are the benefits of being a Director?

As a Director with Pampered Chef, you have the opportunity to earn higher commissions, bonuses, and incentives. You also have the chance to mentor and lead a team of consultants, as well as attend exclusive training and leadership events.

3. How can I stay motivated on my road to Director?

Setting specific goals and regularly checking in with your team and fellow Directors can help keep you motivated. Also, attending company events, such as conference, can provide inspiration and motivation to reach your goals.

4. How can I promote my business as I work towards becoming a Director?

Utilizing social media, hosting parties and events, and networking with potential customers and team members are all effective ways to promote your business and reach your goals. Also, be sure to utilize the resources and support provided by Pampered Chef to help grow your business.

5. What should I do if I have a consultant on the fence about becoming a Director?

Continue to communicate with them and provide support and encouragement. Share your own experiences and successes as a Director and how it has benefited you. Also, offer to answer any questions or concerns they may have and provide them with resources to help them make an informed decision.

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