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New to PC? Get Director Support and Find Your Local Group for Success!

I am still new to PC (SS2) and am surprised that I have never heard from my Director. I did find a link on Pamperedchef.com which told me who my Director was but the link only had an email address and a note about the upcoming conference. The person who recruited me lives in another part of my state and I think she said the Director lived in another state. I have not heard from my recruiter recently but I recall that she mentioned that I would be assigned to a group in my area in case I wanted to attend meetings. I feel like I am all on my own. Thank goodness I found this website. It has been so helpful and provided lots of ideas for me.

I got into this on a whim - I love to cook and entertain and I truly love the PC products. The recruiter got me when she said I was already selling at the shows by talking about the products - why not get paid for it. I am still looking at this as a way to get some free products and have fun getting together with friends and family. Not a huge start but June sales were just under $1000 for 3 shows. I only have one show booked for July but am going on vacation in the middle of the month. I hope to get qualified and book enough shows to stay active. Summer seems like a hard time to book shows. I definately see potential with PC but have other work committments and 3 active kids. How do I find out what groups are in my area? I think I would step up my effort with a little encouragement.
Welcome to Pampered Chef. I'm sorry you have not talked with your recruiter much or your director at all. I would call Pampered Chef and ask them to set you up with a hospitality director. Email me if you don't have the number. They will put you in touch with a director in your area so you can get in with a local group.

You always have us here! We are all here to support you.
That's too bad because your director should be the one to request a hospitality director for you. That's the person whose cluster meetings you would attend because she'd be in your area. Only directors can request a hospitality director from home office. Try contacting your recruiter to ask to have a hospitality director (not like this should be any surprise to her!). It may even be worth a call to your director. If you don't get anywhere with that, try the director above that. I believe Field Services at the HO should be able to tell you who that person is, if you don't know already. You can also look on your commission check...it'll say who your 1st, 2nd and 3rd line directors are.

That's not cool that your recruiter and director are so out of touch! I'd go nuts without the input and help from my director. Luckily you have all of us here, but the sad thing is, your director gets an "override" for helping to train and support you. Hopefully you'll be able to get somewhere after contacting your recruiter and director. Even though this should be common sense, maybe tell them that you'd really like some more direction and support. Good luck!
Becky is right...only your Director or upper level directors can request a hospitality director, but if you call Home Office, they should be able to offer you some guidance and support.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Thank you so much for the advice and support. If not for this website - I think I would have thrown in the towel. I will definitely take your advice and start with the recruiter and see where that gets me.

Good luck. Keep up the spirits and keep talking to us. We'll get you on the right track. We're in this together.
Don't ever feel like your on your own. Any questions that you may have, 9 out of 10 times you can find the answer to on this site. Definately try to contact you recruiter though, meetings are a great help.

Good Luck,
Debbie :) :)
I was in the same boat as you. I signed up under someone who was in a different state, and always felt alone. I'm going on my 5th year, and my hospitality group has been wonderful! They truly accept you as part of them! Going to meetings will help you tremendously...DON't QUIT! You'll love it once you get on a roll!
HelpBoy, am I glad one of my PC friends told me about this group. I felt like I was a tiny fish in an empty pool of water--no support from my recruiter or director. I am flying by the seat of my pants.

Is there a charge for the teleclasses?

Thanks for all the good tips.
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  • #10
Nope, teleclasses are free! Unless it's a long distance call for you, but I use my cell phone where I get free long distance. It's great training!!
  • #11
The teleclasses are EXCELLENT!! I recommend taking the one's that you think will help your business! They even have teleclasses that are prerecorded. I've taken one and it's great because you can pause it or replay parts you didn't get all the way. Those can be found on PC's website as well.

You will also find this website to be a GREAT help to your business!! This website even has a new chat room! It's brand new so everyone's just been testing it out for now. You have come to the right place for support!! :)

Related to New to PC? Get Director Support and Find Your Local Group for Success!

1. How do I find out who my Director is and how can they support me?

To find your Director, go to the Pampered Chef website and click on the "Find a Consultant" link. Enter your zip code and click on your name to see who your Director is. You can then contact them via email or phone for support. Your Director can provide guidance, training, and resources to help you succeed in your Pampered Chef business.

2. How do I know which group I am assigned to and how can I attend meetings?

Your Director should be able to inform you of which group you are assigned to and how to attend meetings. You can also reach out to your recruiter for this information. Attending meetings is a great way to learn from other consultants and stay motivated in your business.

3. What if I haven't heard from my recruiter or Director recently?

If you haven't heard from your recruiter or Director, try reaching out to them via email or phone. They may be busy with their own business, but they should still be available to offer support and answer any questions you may have. You can also join online groups or forums to connect with other consultants for support and advice.

4. How can I balance my Pampered Chef business with other work and family commitments?

Balancing a Pampered Chef business with other commitments can be challenging, but it's important to prioritize and manage your time effectively. Set realistic goals and schedule your time wisely. You can also involve your family in your business to make it a fun and rewarding experience for everyone.

5. How can I find other consultants and groups in my area?

You can find other Pampered Chef consultants and groups in your area by attending meetings, reaching out to your Director, or joining online groups and forums. You can also ask your customers if they know of any other consultants in the area or if they would be interested in hosting a show for you.

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