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New Consultant Way to Get Comfortable Presenting Showa

Debbie :) :) :)Debbie and Lindsay, Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. This is really helpful. Can you tell me a little more about your directors? Did they help you with your binder as well? We would love to hear more!
Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you all know an easy way to get comfortable with the pampered chef. I only do theme shows. In my area everyone has been to a least one party. So to keep my quest's interests up I do different theme shows. My first show I did a survivor show and had almost $800 in sales. I also have done murder mystery, and I am perparing for an upcoming spa show. If anyone is interested in any of these please let me know. I am interested in anything anyone has to share with me as well. THANKS A BUNCH!!

That sounds great. Can you tell me how you do these theme shows?
For instance the survivor or murder mystery shows. Thanks Nancy
[email protected]
That sounds great. I'll look at my flyers and see what I have.
yes, I would love more details on all 3 (survivor,murder mystery, and spa) I've been doing PC for 4 months and would love to start making my shows more fun!


[email protected]
Definately SurvivorSurvivor is my all time favorite show. Could you please post or e-mail me. Thanks Lindsay, I never even thought of that one. Sounds like it may be interesting.

Debbie :) :) :)
Have you posted any of your ideas on here somewhere? I'd love to see what you do....if you haven't posted, email me: [email protected]
chef_lindsay said:
Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you all know an easy way to get comfortable with the pampered chef. I only do theme shows. In my area everyone has been to a least one party. So to keep my quest's interests up I do different theme shows. My first show I did a survivor show and had almost $800 in sales. I also have done murder mystery, and I am perparing for an upcoming spa show. If anyone is interested in any of these please let me know. I am interested in anything anyone has to share with me as well. THANKS A BUNCH!!

I'm new to PC. I was told to set up binders for the show with monthly special. catalogue clipped to in , what else is everyone putting in these binder
I do a binder that has all kinds of different info: pictures of my family (since they're the reason I do this), current special and upcoming specials, info on fundraisers, info on gift certificates, pampered bride kitchen show flyer, theme show ideas, pictures of a cake baked in the batter bowl, info on the cookware, a bunch of showstopers (those used to be included in KCN, now they're on the website under "PRoduct Information") and various recruting info, including a copy of my latest paycheck. I pass this around at the shows so I don't drone on and on in my presentation. Incase I forget to cover something, it's there in the binder for people to see.

I think I'd like to add more flyers about the various theme shows. I'll have to hunt around on here for some good color flyers.

Our cluster got together one day (way back when shortly after I became a consultant) and worked on them together. Our directors had some flyers already available for us to put in there. It was a good chance to sit down and do it and get ideas from other consultants. Maybe suggest this to your director and see if you can have a "Make your own binder" day.
Becky and I did it together so we have some of the same flyers. I found some recruiting things I put in my host packet ie 5 types of consultants that I put in there and created a theme show list, 10 reasons to by a stone.

I also put in my goals with things I achieved and goals for the next year or 2. I do now need to update it, but it does give people something to think about. And I always mention my commision check at the end of the book.

Good Luck. :)
  • #10
Would love to see the Spa Theme Show posted! Thanks :)
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Anything to helpHi again.

I will definitely try to get back to you guys tomorrow. I just found this site yesterday so I may not figure out how to post, but will try to get everyone emailed. I am sorry I cant do it tonight my mother in law is coming for diner <<YIKES>>> and I have stuff saved all over the place. I must tell you I have wonderful directors who got me all this stuff when I signed up so a big THANK YOU to Lorri and Lorilei. Anyway folks, I will try to get it to you tomorrow.

Thanks a bunch!!

[email protected]
  • #12
I would love to have the info from the theme shows im always looking for some fun things to do at my parties caould you please email me [email protected] Thanks so much
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Who killed Pam Perchef-Murder Mystery themeHi gang

Let's try it. I changed mine a little bit, but this is the original. It has a big thank you on the top for the person who made it up. Her email is there if you have any questions or want to know if she has any updates. Also A few pages look like duplicates but there are slight differences. Any problems let me know (1st post)



  • WhokilledPamPerchef[1].doc
    36 KB · Views: 1,296
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Spa ShowNow again a big Thank you to my directors for this. I didnt proof read so there may be duplicate recipes. Looks really fun...even if I don't use it as a show, I will use them at home.



  • KITCHEN SHOW IDEA--spa show.doc
    136.5 KB · Views: 981
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Survivor ShowI know I have an alternate recipe for this but I can't seem to locate it right now. I will post when I find it.

Hope these help you out. I have a few more, but will have to post later. Thanks

Lindsay :)


  • survivor show.doc
    33 KB · Views: 890
  • #16
Here are some more spa show things.


  • Aromatherapy Ideas Head To Toe.doc
    120 KB · Views: 571
  • Spa Show Info.doc
    44.5 KB · Views: 600
  • Spa Show outline.doc
    38 KB · Views: 599
  • Spa-Beauty from the kitchen invitation.doc
    60 KB · Views: 635
  • #17
Thanks to both of you for your posts. Great ideas!
  • #18
Great Ideas!What great ideas everyone has on this site. I'm fairly new the site and I think it's so helpful and informative. I love the spa party idea!
  • #19
Welcome Kara,
You should take a look at all the other great flyers under "PC Files" located at the top of the website. The ideas are endless!
  • #20
Thank you!Thank you for the great ideas. I have been a consultant since Feb. 2005 and someone at Conference mentioned this site. I have already found several things I want try.
  • #21
Tammy Eubanks said:
Thank you for the great ideas. I have been a consultant since Feb. 2005 and someone at Conference mentioned this site. I have already found several things I want try.

Tammy....WELCOME! That is cool that someone mentioned this site at conference. It is AWESOME!
  • #22
Theme showsYou all have such great ideas!!! Please share! I'm looking for a way to jazz up my shows - I feel I've gotten stale, and think theme shows would definitely solve that problem. Please email direct to [email protected]. These would also help some new consultants of mine who are trying to get their first shows set up.

Thanks!!! This is a fabulous forum!!!

Jill Wright
[email protected]
  • #23
cmatthewsI have been doing PC for almost a year now and just heard about theme show so please tell me all about the show. PLEASE :)
  • #24
Theme Show BinderWell, I'm only in SS1...but I'm already booked for next month, and I owe it all to my theme show binder...which I owe to the wonderful creativity and generousity of the users of this site. :) There's a lot on the files link here...I've organized them into subfolders that make sense (to me, anyway). I'll try to attach. If it is too big, email me directly...I'd be glad to pass it along.

Have a great day,
  • #25
Please share the details of these theme shows! I think a Desperate Housewife theme would be really really fun. I'm not sure what we'd do though....
  • #26
Themes in the UkWe don't or i haven't heard about these, types of parties and to be honest i haven't a clue how to start. So if anyone is willing to share a step by step guide to a theme then please e-mail me. Thank you :)
  • #27
Theme shows are very easy.

Step 1: would be picking out which theme shows you would like to do (mexican festia, pamper yourself, ice cream social, ect.) I posted my table of contents for my theme show binder in the files section

Step 2: Pick out a few recipes that go with your theme and kit, maybe a game or two. (for a mexican theme party I might do the chicken enchilda ring or the frittata)

Step 3: Pick out any props you may want to have to go with your theme

Step 4: Have your normal kitchen demo, and have lots of fun.

The most popular one for me this summer was the ice cream social. I didn't use any props just set-up a hands on food table ( food chopper for peanuts, egg slicer, and knives for bananas, simple additions for misc toppings, and cheese grater for chocolate) It was lots of fun as everyone made sundaes I suggested tips for the products they were using. Then we played a few games. I hope this helps you. This is just the way that I plan for my theme shows.
  • #28
Outline for Desperate Housewife theme?
its_me_susan said:
Please share the details of these theme shows! I think a Desperate Housewife theme would be really really fun. I'm not sure what we'd do though....

Susan this sounds wonderful please share all the details of the Desperate Housewife theme party? I am in my second month of getting started so am still learning and the ins and outs of this fun job (for lack of a better word). All of you ladies are so creative, THANKS for all the Help!!
Susan Alshouse
[email protected]
  • #29
SusanA said:
Susan this sounds wonderful please share all the details of the Desperate Housewife theme party? I am in my second month of getting started so am still learning and the ins and outs of this fun job (for lack of a better word). All of you ladies are so creative, THANKS for all the Help!!
Susan Alshouse
[email protected]

Susan, I don't have any details. I'm attaching all the info on this theme that I have saved (and gotten from HERE). I'm not sure if these are repeats.

Does anyone know when the season will be over???
Last edited:
  • #30
Theme Show HelpHi Lindsay,

I am new to PC and would love to get the information about the theme shows you mentioned. They are so creative and I think it would really help generate more business in my area too.

Thanks, Brooke

[email protected]
  • #31
Desperate Housewives theme
its_me_susan said:
Susan, I don't have any details. I'm attaching all the info on this theme that I have saved (and gotten from HERE). I'm not sure if these are repeats.

Does anyone know when the season will be over???
Thanks once again for the information
  • #32
I would love the information on all 3 also, especially the spa one. How about some kind of dating game show since there are alot of men who love pampered chef. Just something that came to my mind, if I put more together I will share. Thanks again.


[email protected]

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