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Need Ideas for No Cooking Fundraiser Show

or to the living room for a drink. But at a show, that's not allowed! If you want a drink, you have to go get it yourself.As people finish eating, I ask if there are any questions. I try to answer as many as I can, but inevitably someone will have a question that I don't know the answer to. I always ask for help. I'm happy to call a staff member over to me and ask them a question. Or, I'll ask the audience. (I usually get at least one person to volunteer to be my assistant.)After everyone has had a chance to ask questions, I start to clean up. I put everything away, put the cookbooks back on the
Need Ideas for Fundraiser Show with NO KITCHEN!!Hey everyone!:)
I am going to be hosting at Relay For Life Fundraiser show for my Relay for Life team. My team is at an elementary school (I'm a teacher), and we will be having the show at school.

Unfortunately, I'm not so sure how to have a show at the school. I won't have access to a kitchen. At best, I will have a microwave and possibly a sink (I'm not for sure if we'll have a sink...).

The show doesn't have to be a "No Cooking" show. I need ideas for either a no cooking or "cooking without a kitchen" kind of show.

I am hosting this show in an area that is not very familiar with Pampered Chef and it's products.:chef:

How can I host an exciting show that will prompt lots of sales in this location?:eek:

Thanks so much for your help!!
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:thumbup: You could take your things and just demo them. Grate cheese with DCG,or choclate, zest a lemon or lime with the microplane grater, and use the citrus press on the lime or lemon. Chop nuts with the food chopper, I did this the other night, :p I have a bunch (lots) of pecans, and I usally take a gallon bag of whole pecan goodies, and then people chop as many as they want. :D Then I put the chopped pecans in a zip lock bag and take them home and freeze them for later use. Peelers with carrots or other veggies, garlic witht the press.:chef: I have done this before at work and had a pretty good catty show.
There is a post somewhere around her for a catalog home show. Wish I was more help but if I remember correctly, The person goes page to page and points out favorites. You can play the game have it, like it, love it and give out Hershey kisses to those that love it and can tell you why and how they use it. At the end, the person with the most kisses can earn a prize. To add to the last post I would also bring the mandoline and have people come up to try it. Have them make you dinner. Just because you don't have an oven doesn't mean you can't make a meal. It will just be yours! Do the 3 cheese garden pizza and a salad to go along with it. Use the salad chopper and the Salad and Berry spinner along with the mandoline to add extras. Bring it home and have a great dinner. Bring along the brownie truffles (forget the real name) and decorate them there for everyone to eat. Hope this helps!
I think the entry below is what you're talking about pamperedmomof3. It's by Rae Bates... The name of the thread is 'questions for rae about your show. I've incorporated some of these things in my show and have seen good results from them... I love this site!

Rae, hope you don't mind me copying this here... here's what she wrote...
My current cooking show average is about $650. Right now I'm averaging 4 bookings for a cooking show.

I recently revamped my show a bit, so here's a basic outline. (I'll be using feminine pronouns for the sake of ease--no offense to the men out there. )

I bring a recipe already prepared and ready to serve. I bring lots of products. As I am setting up, I choose what to put on my table and around the room, depending on the layout and how much space I have. I usually find someplace away from my table for the spices, vanilla, oil, and the cookbooks.

As people arrive I tell them that they'll be eating first. If they ask about it, I tell them that I've discovered if I let them talk and fill their tummies they pay more attention to me. (I say it with a smile, but it's the truth.) I tell them we'll get started about 15 minutes after the stated start time. (So, if they were told the party started at 7 p.m., I'll say, "We'll be getting started at about 7:15, so help yourself to something yummy.")

As everyone is beginning to gather I tell them that there are 3 rules at my shows.

1. You WILL have fun. To help enforce this rule, I pick a cheerleader. I give her a light-up Barbie pom pom.

2. This is a No Negativity Zone! I appoint a Negativity Cop. She gets a toy police car with a working siren.

3. I will be doing commercials. Now, I know that at home when a commercial comes on, that's the time you go to the kitchen for a snack or use the bathroom. Not here. My commercials contain the most important information I will give you all evening. You will cheer when I announce my commercial, and you will listen.

I thank my host for inviting me into her home. I ask everyone to introduce themselves, tell how they know the host, and describe her in one word. I then tell them that, since I now know a bit about them I will share my own story.

Next I thank the host again and give her my gifts. I have a SB that I pass around with a pen for each person to write a note to the host. I stress that they should, "Keep it nice, and keep it clean." I also usually give the host something small like an I-Slice or Mini Serving Spatula.

I go through the guest kit with them:
Survey slip. I have them fill out only their name, address, and phone. I tell them that they don't know the answers to the other questions, yet. I threaten to take their pens away if they try to work ahead.
Guest Special
Outlet flier
Anything else (Well-Stocked Kitchen, Going! Going! Gone! flier, etc.)
Wish list (Currently this is simply a blank yellow sheet of paper. I explain that they will write down any product they like. They don't have to buy it--ever. We aren't shopping until the end of the party.)

Then we get out the catalog to play the "Have it! Love it! Got a Question! Game." I have Hershey Kisses in my apron pockets. When I mention an item, the first person to yell, "Have it! Love it!" and explain to everyone why they love it gets a kiss. I also toss kisses to anyone who asks a question about a product or about the business. At the end of the catalog, the person with the most kisses (or empty wrappers) gets a prize.

Then I simply go through the catalog page by page, drawing attention to one or two products on each page. I group like things together. Cookware, SA, and stoneware are each treated as one group.

Throughout my copy of the catalog, I have sticky notes reminding me of different things I want to point out.

I also have my commercial cards in my catalog. I affix them to the page with removable double-stick tape. Right now I'm doing two commercials. As they become set in my memory, I'll add a couple more. The commercial card has a question on it. I take the card and hold it up in front of one of the guests, with the question facing her. As I hand her the card, I say, "Susie, did you have a question?"

Once she reads the question I say, "I'm SO GLAD you ASKED!" Then I answer the question. Currently my two questions are, "What benefits do I get from scheduling a night out with my friends?" and "Why do you love your job?"

I do the whole commercial question thing really big and over the top, but get serious when I do the answer. When I finish answering, I announce, "End of commercial! Didn't Susie do a wonderful job? Let's give her a hand."

At the end of the catalog, I have them count up their kisses and finish filling out their survey slips. I hand out order forms as I collect the survey slips. I tell them if they don't want to order, they can just leave the order form with their kits.

I do the door prizes (pretty, wrapped packages in the large square WS). I thank everyone, tell them where they can find me if they have any questions or would like to place an order. I also encourage them to gets seconds of the food.

The "demo" time is usually right about an hour. It really depends on how large the crowd is and how much they want to share.

This suits my personality and most of my crowds very well. It's not for everyone, and I'm sure there are people who really prefer the classic cooking demo.

For me, the key is that it's interactive, so guests feel involved. Also, if I've never met you, you have no reason to trust what I say about the products. If your friend tells you it's the best thing they ever bought, you'll believe her.

Since I started doing the walk through the catalog, I've had several people say they really like it. Most people comment that the show is fun. Since I added the rules and the commercials, the response has been overwhelming. Seriously. One woman at my last show told me that she goes to lots of parties, not just PC, and this was the most fun she had ever had at one. While I'd like to believe that I deserve a bit of the credit for that, I think the show style itself is what they're responding to. It's different.

Hope this answers your questions without confusing you too much. Let me know if anything needs more explanation.
That's it!
If you want to make a quick simple recipe and possibly have some on hand to serve if you need extra, chocolate chip sensation is great. You prebake the crust at home and finish the topping at the show. Or something like club house chicken squares. The crust is prebaked and you top it off there.
You could pre make the cheesy bacon dip & heat it up in the microwave. Everyone loves it!
I highly suggest the Greek Cheese Torta and substitute pita chips and veggies for the french bread. You could even demo some garnishing tips (if you're so inclined). Feeds an army!!
Chefstover2 said:
I highly suggest the Greek Cheese Torta and substitute pita chips and veggies for the french bread. You could even demo some garnishing tips (if you're so inclined). Feeds an army!!
This is a good one, depending on how many people you could have one premade already. And it's good with crackers. We liked the garlic and herb crackers that had the little well in them. Cannot remember the brand name, in a red box.
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Thanks!!Thanks so much everyone!

I knew you all could help me out!!!:)

Related to Need Ideas for No Cooking Fundraiser Show

1. What types of products can be used for a no-cooking fundraiser show?

Pampered Chef offers a wide variety of kitchen tools and gadgets that can be used for a no-cooking fundraiser show. Some popular options include our cutlery, cookware, baking tools, and entertaining pieces.

2. How can we raise money without actually cooking?

Our no-cooking fundraiser shows focus on demonstrating and showcasing our products, rather than actually preparing and cooking food. Guests can still make purchases and place orders, which will contribute to the fundraising efforts.

3. What are some ideas for hosting a successful no-cooking fundraiser show?

Some ideas for a successful no-cooking fundraiser show include hosting a virtual event, inviting friends and family to your home for a product demonstration, or setting up a booth at a community event. You can also offer incentives or prizes for guests who make purchases or place orders.

4. Can we still earn rewards and host benefits with a no-cooking fundraiser show?

Yes, you can still earn rewards and host benefits with a no-cooking fundraiser show. Our host rewards program allows you to earn free and discounted products based on the total sales from your show. Plus, you can earn additional rewards for booking future shows.

5. Do we need any special equipment or materials for a no-cooking fundraiser show?

No, you do not need any special equipment or materials for a no-cooking fundraiser show. Our consultants will provide all necessary materials for the demonstration, and guests can easily make purchases and place orders through our online system.

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