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Need Help Getting Back in the Swing of Things

In summary, the conversation was about a Pampered Chef consultant who had gotten off track with their business due to personal and natural disasters. They were looking for ideas on how to find new bookings and expand their customer base. Suggestions included reaching out to friends and family for referrals, hanging up flyers in high-traffic areas, and hosting a neighborhood grill event. The consultant also received tips on how to approach potential customers and how to involve their children in the business. Overall, the conversation provided helpful advice for the consultant to get back on track with their business.
I started Pampered Chef in August. Then we got all the Hurricanes(I'm in Florida), I started school full time along with still working full time, and I moved into a new home in September :eek: . I completely got off track with my PC business and now I'm looking to get back into the swing of it. My problem is that I used all my friends and family and I'm at a loss as to finding new bookings. I'm only 23 and I have trouble finding the people who normally would be into PC and willing to have shows. Any Ideas? :confused:
Oh Wow! That would get anyone off track. First of all your director should have some great ideas for you. Make a list of everyone you know and talk to each one with double host points in Jan. you never know who might be interested. Also ask for referrals from your friends and family. They must know people you don't know. Give it some time but do keep working on it.
Try hanging up flyers at the Supermarket or schools. Maybe you can find people at holiday fairs. Be proactive. Hand out flyers/catalogs at the coffee stand, at the bank, to your hair dresser. Speaking of hair dressers. Find out if it would be OK to leave flyers there or maybe a drawing box for a PC prize. This may get some people. Use your comment slips for the drawing. Salons get a lot of traffic. You could also do this at the manicurist.

I am also relatively new and trying to branch away from my small group of friends.

Good luck!
I have been in your situation similarily I go to school full time, I work full time and I will promote to director with the Pampered Chef December 1st. I have been with the company since March and I can share with you what I did to help boost bookings in my area. I sent out 100 flyers to every neighbor within a 5-6 block radius. I announced that it would be a "Meet your Neighbors" grill, while helping build my new business. I purchased hot dogs at Sams club for relatively cheep and I believe that you coud meet a lot of potentials in a new area by doing this. People are always interested in New members of their community so probably they would show just out of sheer curiosity. Best part is... you get to write off the hot dogs!!! What other job could you have where you get to write of food?

Neighborhood GrillHow did you handle the "Neighborhood Grill? Did you have catalogs and products out and tried to book shows or recruit. I am new to this marketing and selling concept and needs LOTS of help! My director is recovering and can understandably give little support until she gets on her feet. But I still want to be a great team player! :)
Grill NightYou definitely want to have the products out, especially the grilling ones! Use them and have your guests use them!! Place catalogs everywhere so they can leaf through it at their leisure so they don't feel pressured either. ALSO, place a flyer in or around the catalogs with some sort of special that you can personally offer for the first neighborhood booking, first catalog booking, etc. This might spark someone to go ahead and try. Have your kids (if you have them) wear the kids products and have a table dedicated to them with kid-friendly tools. Maybe they can play with dough, roller, cutters, etc. to keep them busy! You COULD bake them after the party and then deliver them the next day when they have cooked! (1 per child and initialed)

I have heard about the door-to-door to a new neighborhood thing too. You go to a door, introduce yourself and give them a homemade cookie. ASK them if they would be willing to do a show. If yes, great! If no, then ask if they would like to come to a show if someone in the neighborhood had one. Most people say yes to this. THEN after your 10th house...when she says no. Tell her that you already have a party ready for her because the last 10 neighbors you spoke with want to come to a neighborhood party, all you need is a host to get all the free products!
Great Ideas ChefShelly!
Thanks Chef ShellyI can see the picture! Thanks for the tips Chef Shelly :)

Related to Need Help Getting Back in the Swing of Things

1. How can I get motivated to start cooking again?

It's normal to feel unmotivated after a break from cooking. Start by setting small, achievable goals and reward yourself when you reach them. Also, try finding new and exciting recipes to try or invite friends over for a cooking night to make it more enjoyable.

2. What are some easy and healthy meal ideas for getting back into cooking?

Some simple and healthy meal ideas include salads, stir-fries, sheet pan dinners, and slow cooker recipes. These require minimal prep and are great for busy schedules. You can also try incorporating more vegetables and lean proteins into your meals for a healthier option.

3. How can I get organized in the kitchen to make cooking easier?

Start by decluttering and organizing your kitchen space. This will make it easier to find ingredients and equipment when you need them. You can also try meal planning and prepping ahead of time to save time and make cooking less stressful.

4. What are some time-saving kitchen gadgets or tools that can help with meal prep?

Some time-saving gadgets and tools that can make meal prep easier include a food chopper, vegetable spiralizer, immersion blender, and a slow cooker. These can help with chopping, blending, and cooking meals with minimal effort.

5. How can I make cooking more enjoyable and less of a chore?

Try involving your family or friends in the cooking process. You can assign tasks to different people, making it a fun and collaborative activity. You can also play music or listen to a podcast while cooking to make it more enjoyable. And don't forget to reward yourself with a delicious meal at the end!

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