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Navigating Sales Tax for Shipping & Handling: Tips and Tools

In summary, you can change the tax rate on your personal profile page on the PP website. You can find tax rate info, under Consultant's Corner on the PC web-site. There is a short cut to the tax rate info on the right hand side. Click on it and enter the zip code that your show is being held in & it will give you the tax rate info & the food tax info.
I was just informed that I might not be charging sales tax on S&H, to figure out my orders I use Pampered partner, has anyone experienced this? :confused: Any help would be great! Thanks
It depends on what State you live in whether you charge S&H Tax or not. Assuming that you know that you should be you can check by going into PP, click on the Personal Information Tab, go to user profile and look to see what is filled in in the boxes down on the bottom right. If the shipping tax box says 0% then just change it to what it should be and click OK
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S&H Sales TaxThank you, I really appricate your help, when I signed up I wasn't told to much nor did know what questions to ask ( S&H tax would never have crossed my mind) Thank again :)
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Can you get in trouble for next charging s&H tax? If anyone know, please let me know. Thank you
Correct me if I am wrong anyone, but I am pretty sure that when you submit a show, HO always checks it and if there is a problem, the show would be put on hold until the problem was figured out and fixed. I had a show put on hold before (during my SSM1) because I forgot to charge a tax on the pantry items. I live in OK but my show was in TX and I forgot to check! They were so cool about it - they just covered it since it was my first month and it wasn't for very much. I would contact HO and ask them. They would be able to provide you with the correct tax info you need if you cannot seem find it under Consultants Corner.
if you don't mind me asking, what part of Oklahoma??? I used to live there!!!
another great tool to useYou can find tax rate info, under Consultant's Corner on the PC web-site. There is a short cut to the tax rate info on the right hand side. Click on it and enter the zip code that your show is being held in & it will give you the tax rate info & the food tax info.

For 4 years now, I've always thought that my tax rate & food tax rates were the same. (6%) Just recently, I checked it again, & found that our food tax rate is 5%.

It is a very helpful tool. Also, on our personal web-sites, when you enter a host's show info, it generates the tax & food tax rates for you & includes it in the host's info box.

Laurenncraigory said:
if you don't mind me asking, what part of Oklahoma??? I used to live there!!!

I live in the Lawton/Fort Sill area temporarily. My husband is in the military, but will be leaving after his contract is up in July 2006. We are moving to Texas closer to both of our families. What part of OK did you live??
I lived in Broken arrow...right off the highway about 20 min from tulsa...my dad worked at WorldCom and helped with the computer aspect of the MCIWorldCom merger...after I moved to Florida, he was offered a job at Cisco Systems in Texas and he died the night of his going away party in a drunk driving accident...he wasnt the driver, his friend was...lost control of his new porsche boxster and slammed into the brick wall of an antique store...made front page of Tulsa World. I have decided that if one of my twins is a boy, his middle name will be Lee after my dad's middle name...I figured it is the least I could do to keep him name running and to honor him.
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. How terrible that must have been. What a great way to honor his memory by naming one of your twins after him. Wow....that's just tragic.

Will you find out their sex?? If so, when? I hope one is a boy! :)
  • #10
Lauren I can't imagine how difficult that must be. I am so sorry and know that you are in my prayers. I too hope that one of your twins is a boy. When you find out, will you let us know?
  • #11
Thank you guys...he passed away dec. 7th of 2000 so it's coming on 5 years...The doctors do tell me that they are both boys...but I still think there is a girl in there somewhere. If it is 2 boys, the first middle name is after my father, and the 2nd middle name is after my husband's grandfather that passed away on christmas of 2003. I think I like the names Storm Lee Keeler and Denim James Keeler if they are both boys...girls I like Hailey Noelle Keeler and Isabel Maira Keeler (maria being for my mother...she is still very much alive though...thank goodness...although she hasn't been the smartest lately...she busted her head open on the trunk of our Durango 3 days ago and decided 3 inches isn't a big enough cut to get stitches for...she'll probably wind up with an infection or something and I won't be able to say anythong except I told you so!) I have a 4-D ultrasound on the 24th so I will know for sure what they are without question at that point. If you want to see pictures, let me know and I will either e-mail them or try to post them. Thank you all for your concern.
  • #12

that is so cool that you are having two boys!!! I have three kids now, ages 8, 5, and 4 and i want another one so bad i cant stand it. i had my tubes tied but i am prayin hard that a little miracle will occur...nothing is impossible for God right!!! if you dont mind i would love to see pics of your little angels and we will all praying for a healthy delivery of your babies
  • #13
I will definitely keep you all updated on me and the twins...Keep praying for your little boy, it is definitely possible...I had a friend who's little brother was born after his mom had her tubes tied...she then got her ovaries removed!!!! I wish you the best of luck. Thank you to all for your concern!!!
  • #14
Oh my goodness!Oh my goodness! I wish you much luck Lauren! As much as I would love twins, it's going to be so much work for you! If you ever need anything from a PC buddy, I am only an hour and a half away from you!

I read everyones posts and am scared now! We have 3 children (I am only 27) and we first had 2 boys (5 and 3) and we were done. I desperately wanted another child, (I had awesome pregnancies-would love to be pregnant again!) but with a thyroid disease (which was pregnancy induced with my first child-have since had it removed in April 2005 which was a great thing since they found a small trace of cancer which was removed :D ) the doctors didn't think it was possible b/c my hormones are really hard to get into check and I don't always get my cycle (I go to the dr every 6 weeks) . My husband and I discussed having him go to the drs to get cut but really never made the appointment. Well, in January I didn't feel right. I worked for a chiropractor and told him that something was wrong with my stomach. I seriously thought I had an ovarian cyst or something. No way did I think I was pregnant. He told me to call my OB/GYN and tell him what I was feeling. I called the dr immediately and he told me to take a pregnancy test. I freaked out and said NO WAY AM I PREGNANT! :eek: I called my husband freaking out and he told me to go buy a test, take it and call him back. (I was on my lunch hour at work) Well, needless to say, I took it and it was positive! :eek: I started crying b/c as much as I wanted another baby, I knew things were definitely needing to chage (quit my job and stay home, only one income coming in). I called my gyno back and they made an appointment for me the following week. He wanted to do a ultrasound right away since I didn't know when my last period was. My husband and I went to the ultrasound and they told us that I was 5 months along and I was finally getting my girl!!! We are on cloud nine still with her and it's so cute to see the bond between my husband and his little girl. It's so true the saying, Daddy's little girl and mommy's boys! I am very fortunate to have gotten so lucky!!!! Still after reading your posts, I pray that I am done with having children! By the time my daughter is 18, my husband and I will be 44 and have all 3 children graduated from high school! Awesome!

And needless to say, I had my tubes tied 12 hours after my daughter was born! My 3 children are all 22 months apart!
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  • #15
Congratulations on your girl!!! I think after the 2 I'm having, I am going to be done....I love being pregnant after the nasuea stops, but then it feels like forever before I can meet my babies...I really want to see them and it's killing me!!! I get AT LEAST one second level ultrasound a month...I'm sure its going to become even more now that I'm getting closer to due date. I am really excited for my 4-D because I am told that you get the feeling of meeting your child for the first time b/c they seem so real at that point! I just want to hold them in my arms already...I feel like it has been forever since I found out I was pregnant (I found out at 7 weeks and they immediately did and ultrasound and found out it was twins that day!) Needless to say, my husband took in a lot that day...I went in for a check up, asked if they could do the test b/c I felt like I could be, and afterwards I went to my husband at work and he just about fell over. I tried to get him to sit before I told him, but he wouldn't listen...men, what are we to do with them?? LOL. My mom started having thyroid problems after having me as well...she had Hypothyroidism for a long time then it just switch to Hyperthyroidism in a matter of like a week. She didn't have to get hers removed or anything tho, they just have her on synthroid. She also had gestational diabetes while pregnant so I thought I would be too, but so far so good! I just pray my labor is close to being as quick as hers...19 minutes!!! I'll settle for 38 minutes!! lol. Ok, well...I started writing this this morning, and I just got back to it so I don't remember what I wrote so I will end it here. Thank you guys!

Related to Navigating Sales Tax for Shipping & Handling: Tips and Tools

What is "Shipping & Handling Tax"?

"Shipping & Handling Tax" is an additional charge added to a purchase to cover the costs of shipping and handling the item. This tax is typically applied to online purchases and is used to cover the expenses of packaging, shipping, and processing the order.

How is "Shipping & Handling Tax" calculated?

The calculation of "Shipping & Handling Tax" varies depending on the retailer and the location the item is being shipped to. In most cases, it is a percentage of the total purchase price, but it can also be a flat rate fee. The tax rate may also vary depending on the type of item being purchased.

Is "Shipping & Handling Tax" the same as sales tax?

No, "Shipping & Handling Tax" is separate from sales tax. Sales tax is a tax charged by the government on the purchase of goods or services, while "Shipping & Handling Tax" is a charge added by the retailer to cover the costs of shipping and handling the item.

Do all online purchases have "Shipping & Handling Tax"?

No, not all online purchases have "Shipping & Handling Tax". It depends on the retailer and their policies. Some retailers may offer free shipping, while others may charge a flat rate or a percentage of the total purchase price as "Shipping & Handling Tax". It is important to check the shipping and handling fees before making a purchase.

Can "Shipping & Handling Tax" be refunded?

In most cases, "Shipping & Handling Tax" is non-refundable. However, if the item is returned for a refund, the retailer may also refund the "Shipping & Handling Tax" that was charged. It is important to check the return policy of the retailer for more information.

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