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Maximizing Bookings and Sales: Tips for Reaching Your Goals!

When making your list, try to think outside the box for ideas too. Think of types of people: hairdresser, dentist, doctor. Approach everyone (yeah, I'm the right one to say that...:blushing:). Do a search on pampering a business. Also, reach out to your networks and see if you can get any recommendations. This will help you get new business as well as increase your current customer base.
I have a goal to have at least 15 shows a month. I need this much to reach my income goal, my show sales average (guests) is $330. Pretty low in this area. This is my full-time job, but it really doesn't look like it with my paychecks!

I would love if anyone/everyone could give me tips on the following.

~How to get more bookings (and make shows stick!!)

~And how to get higher guest sales.

What have you tried? What has worked for you? Or just as importantly, what hasn't worked for you?

Host coaching will be one key to two of your dilemmas: getting shows to stick, and getting higher sales.

Listen to the two calls in this post: http://www.chefsuccess.com/f3/what-other-audio-files-59786/#post718901

The thing about booking lots of shows is that to do so (at least consistently) you have to hold a lot of shows. It's a double edged sword, I know. But what you need to do is you need to pick a month, say April, and work your butt off to fill it to the brim with twice as many (or almost) shows as you'd ever want to hold. You'll be dead tired at the end of the month, but if you then keep coaching your new bookings, your shows will continually feed new shows.

Also, by doing lots of shows you'll get good at what you do, you'll hone your selling skills, which will increase your show average which will reduce the needed number of shows to meet your income goal.

As always, it comes down to numbers. The more people you talk to, the more leads you get, and the more shows you book. You'll have to get yourself out there and start talking to people. Think about doing fairs and booths. As everyone for referrals.

Ok, I need to go and do all of this myself now... :D
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NooraK said:
Host coaching will be one key to two of your dilemmas: getting shows to stick, and getting higher sales.

Listen to the two calls in this post: http://www.chefsuccess.com/f3/what-other-audio-files-59786/#post718901

The thing about booking lots of shows is that to do so (at least consistently) you have to hold a lot of shows. It's a double edged sword, I know. But what you need to do is you need to pick a month, say April, and work your butt off to fill it to the brim with twice as many (or almost) shows as you'd ever want to hold. You'll be dead tired at the end of the month, but if you then keep coaching your new bookings, your shows will continually feed new shows.

Also, by doing lots of shows you'll get good at what you do, you'll hone your selling skills, which will increase your show average which will reduce the needed number of shows to meet your income goal.

As always, it comes down to numbers. The more people you talk to, the more leads you get, and the more shows you book. You'll have to get yourself out there and start talking to people. Think about doing fairs and booths. As everyone for referrals.

Ok, I need to go and do all of this myself now... :D

Ha, ha. Thanks for being honest about that :D

I've been doing so much audio/video/online training in the past two days if I do another I'll probably pull my hair out! :eek: I need a two day break from all that and to study my notes.

I'm considering doing a 24 Bookings in 24 Hours Blitz. Any tips on this?
Also, I don't have a lot of contacts. I've been brainstorming my Lo100 today and yesterday and I'm coming up blank on new people. I've only been at this for 3 months (90 days ended a week ago) so my customer base is appx 50 people.

Maybe I need to go cook something to get my mind off of numbers/names. Maybe that'll help. I just don't want to because I would have to eat it all myself. LOL
ShelbyMichalek said:
I'm considering doing a 24 Bookings in 24 Hours Blitz. Any tips on this?
Also, I don't have a lot of contacts. I've been brainstorming my Lo100 today and yesterday and I'm coming up blank on new people. I've only been at this for 3 months (90 days ended a week ago) so my customer base is appx 50 people.

When making your list, try to think outside the box for ideas too. Think of types of people: hairdresser, dentist, doctor. Approach everyone (yeah, I'm the right one to say that...:blushing:). Do a search on pampering a business.

When doing a booking blitz by phone, tell them you've got a challenge, create urgency in the call.

Search the files to see what you can find in regards to lists to help you brainstorm potential hosts.
Are you mailing the mini-catty as the invites for your hosts? I started doing this last fall and I've found you're much less likely to get cancellations if the invites are already mailed. AND, it helps increase your show sales to send the mini-catty...they get a preview before even attending the show...plus, more outside orders that way!
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I do send invitations for my hosts. That's one thing I would not pass up. I've only had once cancellation and that was due to the host never giving me her invite list.

I rarely send the mini catalog now because I haven't seen it helping my shows. I could try that again though.
I'd try to keep costs down if you're trying to meet certain income goals.

I do not mail out the mini's....jury is still out on whether they make a dramatic difference. I should mail out invites, but I don't. I don't do door prize drawings either. Initially, I wanted to keep biz costs down because I only wanted to get as much product as I could, and did not think I'd make any money. I was trying to avoid spending money, so that my biz loss would not be dramatic. Turns out you can make money! lol

I saw that I had not invested lots of money for door prizes, or massive office supplies, or for postage, or on lots of copies, etc. and was still getting bookings.

But, I suggest you first have a cash flow coming in before spending. Ask yourself, will my biz die if I don't (insert investment idea)?

Instead, keep in touch with your host. Create that relationship, keep her excited and keep tabs on her progress...follow the host coaching, it makes a huge difference.

I see a definite correllation in sales and cancellations based on my host coaching and host contact. Sadly, I've been lax this year!

Also, have fun at your shows and they will too. You'll find bookings will come from those shows.

Also, keep in mind:If your host & guests see how much you invest, they may worry that they need to invest the same amount (whether it's time, money or sweat equity).

You may also want to walk around with some logowear....think parks, shops, while running errands. Hand out recipes with your info. All these are affordable and ways to drum up leads. For your list of 100....did you think of long distance contacts? Your family, your husband's family? Mommy groups? Church? Favorite shopping spots?

My advice: work smarter not harder!! RECRUIT! Also, check in to watching another's show to see HOW they are selling more. I would say to work on increasing your show average, rather than doing 15 shows a month!! You will get burned out. If you did 8-10 solid shows (and some catty shows for cushion) and are really focusing on selling and recruiting, you will definately make your income goals!!
Something I learned at New Director Academy, if you are doing 15 shows a month you are not going to have time to follow up on all of those leads that you should be getting. If you are doing 8-10 and working with your leads and your soon to be developing team you will be MUCH better off!!
Hope this helps! Good luck
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Thank you Michelle for your input! I have thought about pushing for that, getting more guests to show up and putting on a better show. But for the most part, at least for March, I do need to fill it with shows so that I can build a better customer base. I need to take off part of April to be with my husband in Mississippi and I need to overload myself for March.

After I reach my March goal, I do fully intend on only doing 8 shows each month.

You are already doing the one thing that I feel is imperative in making your scheduled shows stick -- mailing out the invitations. Now I'll encourage you to do one more thing -- make reminder calls the day before the party.

I ask my Host to email me (or call) a list of those guests who said they were NOT attending. Everyone else gets a phone call. I know some people use a special phone service to make these calls but I do them myself. I have more time than money and this gives me a chance to make contact with a few people before the party. I do hope to get mostly answering machines (my favorite time to call is 10am).

Good luck with your goals!

Related to Maximizing Bookings and Sales: Tips for Reaching Your Goals!

1. How can I set achievable goals for myself?

Setting achievable goals starts with identifying what you want to accomplish and breaking it down into smaller, realistic steps. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, and have a timeline. Additionally, it's important to have a plan in place and to track your progress along the way.

2. How do I stay motivated and on track towards my goals?

Staying motivated can be challenging, but it's important to remember why you set your goals in the first place. Remind yourself of the benefits and rewards you'll receive upon reaching your goals. It can also be helpful to surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people, and to regularly celebrate your progress.

3. What are some common obstacles I may face while trying to reach my goals?

Common obstacles that may arise while working towards your goals include lack of time, resources, or support. It's important to anticipate potential challenges and have a plan in place to overcome them. Don't be afraid to ask for help from others or adjust your goals if necessary.

4. How can I hold myself accountable for reaching my goals?

One way to hold yourself accountable is by regularly reviewing and tracking your progress towards your goals. This can help you stay on track and make adjustments as needed. Additionally, you can also share your goals with others and ask for their support and accountability. Setting rewards for yourself can also be a motivating factor.

5. Are there any helpful tools or resources available to assist me in reaching my goals?

Yes, there are many tools and resources available to help you reach your goals. These can include goal-setting worksheets, accountability apps, and motivational books or podcasts. At Pampered Chef, we also offer resources and support through our consultant community and training programs to help you achieve your goals.

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