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Maximize Your Bookings at Shows with These Tips - Get Results Now!"

In summary, you try to talk about the host program at check out and ask for their help in order to get booked. You give out free items to those that are booked and have preorders.
I don't seem to have trouble booking shows, I just have trouble booking shows AT shows. I've done 3 shows and not one single booking. Everyone says they had a great time. People buy. But they aren't booking. Well, my last show they didn't buy or book, the latter for which I am very grateful :rolleyes:

Do I need to offer some sort of incentive? I've thought of drawing a name from all May-June-July hosts and giving away a set of the cutlery steak knives. I really want to maximize those months. Do I need to do something each month? Each week? Each show?

I'd like to think that the PC host program is enough, but maybe not? Like I said, I'm able to book outside the shows, but I do want to address this skill deficiency before it becomes a problem for me.

HELP, please!
What do you do when you talk about the host program?Do you ask everyone at check out?Do you talk about how their booking helps the host?Do you tell them that they already have one guest (the past host) so getting the rest is easy?Do you have your host help you - Do You Love a Bargain flyer?Do you have the host talk about how easy it was to do the show?Do you send out the invitations and make the reminder calls?Can you tell I am in a questionable mood?
Something I've done successfully when I'm in need of bookings at shows is a "book-to-look" incentive. It's been discussed on here before and there are a number of ways you can do it. Here is what has worked for me.....
I use 4-5 envelopes (just business-size) and write my next 4-5 available show dates on them (or the dates I most want to book). Inside the envelope, I put a recipe card and a cut-out picture of a product I will give them for free if they hold their show on the date on the envelope with at least $xxx in sales (you decide what you want that number to be). I usually choose something in the $10 range and every envelope has a different product in it, I order the item on their host order when they close the show, so it is discounted and I put it in as a Consultant Gift, so it is also listed in my expenses. So, they have to "book" a show to "look" in the envelope.
I tell them about the envelopes at the beginning of the demo and have them sitting next to me at checkout. It has been a successful tool for me, but I don't recommend doing it consistently. I think our hostess program is very generous, but sometimes this works just to get things rolling when you have a dry spell. HTH! Good luck. And the best advice I can give you is to NOT seem desperate for bookings, or you won't get any! I don't know why it works that way, must be reverse psychology or something! :p
PS ~ Where in Iowa are you? I'm in Clinton. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I'm in Indianola. Who is your Executive Director?

And thanks for the idea. This next week I'm all tied up with Cub Scouts, so I have about a week and a half to figure out what I want to try :)
  • Thread starter
  • #5
cmdtrgd said:
What do you do when you talk about the host program?

I have them turn to the back page of the catalog and run through it.

Do you ask everyone at check out? Yes.

Do you talk about how their booking helps the host? I only mention that the host gets to order that month's special.

Do you tell them that they already have one guest (the past host) so getting the rest is easy? No.

Do you have your host help you - Do You Love a Bargain flyer? Are these two different questions? I have the host help a little during the demo, but not very much. I want the host to be able to enjoy her show and her guests. I have no idea what the flyer is.

Do you have the host talk about how easy it was to do the show? Ok, no. :(

Do you send out the invitations and make the reminder calls? YES! And I make very nice invites - tri fold, not postcards

Can you tell I am in a questionable mood?

Well, I'm used to it today. My 8 year old has been in one of those moods today, too ;)

Thanks. You have me thinking.
cmdtrgd said:
What do you do when you talk about the host program?
Try using specific items that the host is working for and how she is going to get them. If your host has preorders, which is really great, talk about where she already is.

Do you ask everyone at check out?
When you talk to them if they have put yes or maybe on the survey slip, don't ask them if they want to have a show - they have already said yes. Practice this "So, it looks like you're thinking (or you want to) of having a show - what month works best for you?" Then go to weekend or weekday and then offer the two dates that you have that works for them.

Do you talk about how their booking helps the host?
This goes along with DYLAB. I'll have the host circle the future host specials she wants and then let her know that she can get them if she or a friend books and holds a show for that month.

Do you tell them that they already have one guest (the past host) so getting the rest is easy?

Do you have your host help you - Do You Love a Bargain flyer? Have the host be your booking agent. I'll attach the DYLAB current flyer. You can find them at tastytidbits.net under free flyers. You can personalize the flyer by double clicking on the empty box.

Do you have the host talk about how easy it was to do the show?

Do you send out the invitations and make the reminder calls?
Great on the tri-fild invitations, but don't make your job look to hard - it could scare away recruit leads. Do you do the phone calls? If you do both, talk about how you make it easy for them.

Hopefully this gives you some ideas. I would also like to suggest looking into Belinda Ellsworth. If you need more info on her, email me at [email protected]


  • DYLABJune07.pdf
    133.5 KB · Views: 392
I love the flyer Kate. Great job.
Could anyone convert this PDF flyer to Word? I can't change the prices to Canadian ones in the PDF version :( I know there's a Word version on Tastytidbits but I just LOVE the font of the PDF one!

Thanks a bunch to anyone who can help!
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  • Thread starter
  • #9
Thanks for the flyer, Kate! It looks awesome. I'll be sure to start using this with all of my June Hosts!

You guys are so incredible on this site. Thanks for taking in a newbie and giving her a hand up!
  • #10
Jodi - is the font different? I didn't think so. You can always email Joy and see what she can do to help you since she is the one who made them.
  • #11
I'll second what jodi asked for :) thanks

try giving them a visual on what they can get as a hostess. Using your hostess' wish list and 2 caulators.
Give the caulators to 2 guests
As you go through what a hostess recieves for free have one guest add it up on her caulator as you place the product on the hostess' lap
when you mention the 1/2 price items have the one guest put the full price into her numbers, and have the person with the second caulator put the 1/2 price cost in hers.
dont forget to have the person with the full price caulator add shipping and taxes
at the end of this one person will have the total retail cost and the other will have the hostess cost and the guests will actually see how much product the host is given.
i hope this makes sense if not let me know and i'll try to explain it better after a good nights sleep :)
  • #12
Heather,That is a cool idea. How do you know what the host is getting? Do you use stuff you brought for the demo or do you bring more? I'm really trying to pare it down, so bringing more is not an option for me.
  • #13
you really have to hostess coach her to give you the wish list prior to the show and always use the most expensive items as the half price items. if you dont have the items and cant borrow them, then cut a picture out and put it on cardboard. for instance if the host chooses the cookware 1/2 price, i would just use a picture.
even if you dont have the items on her wish list make one up, its more to give the guest a visual of how much product they can get as a host compared to what it would cost them as a paying guest. :)
  • #14
Well, Sandy, it looks like you've gotten lots of great advice. To me, the most important thing is to ask everyone. If someone says no, I respond this way, "That's just fine. Now, just so I'm clear, does that mean not right now, or does that mean no, don't ever ask me that question again?" This usually gets a chuckle, and often they just mean not right now. I generally make arrangements to call that person during a particular month.In order to make sure the host gets the booking benefit if that person hosts within six months, I show that person as booking in the month we've arranged for contact. I let the host know that it isn't a firm date, but I don't want them to miss out on the booking.
  • #15
I'd love that flyer in Word too. Its great!!
  • #17
I have had huge successWith the flyer you can order from supplies that is the inside back cover of the catalog, and whatever the "theme" is for this catalog. The order number is FK86.

I put 1 of each in the folders I give to guests, highlight the $500 guest sale line, and talk about it right at the begining of my show when I'm going through the folders I give out.

Since I started using them I've consistently got at least 3 bookings off of each show! More than worth the $1.25 for 15 of them.
  • #18
ltkacz said:
With the flyer you can order from supplies that is the inside back cover of the catalog, and whatever the "theme" is for this catalog. The order number is FK86.

I put 1 of each in the folders I give to guests, highlight the $500 guest sale line, and talk about it right at the begining of my show when I'm going through the folders I give out.

Since I started using them I've consistently got at least 3 bookings off of each show! More than worth the $1.25 for 15 of them.

What a fantastic idea!!
  • Thread starter
  • #19
You guys have given me some great ideas.

I hosted a Premier Jewelry party once and the gal piled up boxes to represent the free products a host gets ... hmm ... since I don't have a large assortment of PC yet, I'll have to think of the best way to show this ... and I will come up with something - I LOVE the idea!

I also like the flier idea. I'll be sure to order some of those.

Again, Thank You to all of you here in CS Land who are so very willing to share of your expertise and experience!
  • #20
kcjodih said:
Could anyone convert this PDF flyer to Word? I can't change the prices to Canadian ones in the PDF version :( I know there's a Word version on Tastytidbits but I just LOVE the font of the PDF one!

Thanks a bunch to anyone who can help!

Download the font Jodi ~ it's easy...instructions on tastytidbits.net

  • #21
MomToEli said:
You guys have given me some great ideas.

I hosted a Premier Jewelry party once and the gal piled up boxes to represent the free products a host gets ... hmm ... since I don't have a large assortment of PC yet, I'll have to think of the best way to show this ... and I will come up with something - I LOVE the idea!

I also like the flier idea. I'll be sure to order some of those.

Again, Thank You to all of you here in CS Land who are so very willing to share of your expertise and experience!

You could also find a page in the catalog that has around $100 of products (or whatever your average host gets free) & have guests turn to that page. Mention that they could get all that free for hosting a show.

I usually mention that my hosts get around a $100 shopping spree.

Mention the booking benefit when you host coach & remind throughout. I mail the DYLAB flyer to the host when I mail out her invites. I give my hosts free food if they get 2 bookings before the show or $200 in oo (or 1 booking or $100 in oo). But I found that when I offer any other special incentives for booking in a certain month that I always had a harder time getting bookings--don't know why it worked that way for me.

How long do your shows run? If it is taking longer than an hour to eat, then guests may just think hosting will take too much time. I try to have the guests eating by 45 minutes after the show starts--depending on how talkative the crowd is!
  • #22
Has anyone tried putting this flyer into the customer folders?? (I love the flyer also!!!) I was just wondering about getting it into the hands of the guests at shows so they visually see it throughout the show, and if it "forces" them to think about it more???

Related to Maximize Your Bookings at Shows with These Tips - Get Results Now!"

What are some tips for maximizing bookings at shows?

1. Offer incentives: Encourage guests to book a show with you by offering a discount or free gift for booking at the event.

2. Utilize host rewards: Remind guests of the benefits they can receive by hosting a show, such as free products and discounts.

3. Show the products in action: Use your demonstration to showcase the products and how they can be used in everyday life, sparking interest in booking a show.

4. Create a sense of urgency: Let guests know that dates are filling up fast and they should book their show as soon as possible to secure a date.

5. Follow up with guests: After the show, reach out to guests who showed interest in hosting and offer them a special deal or extra incentives to book a show.

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