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Maximize Bookings: Tips and Poll Results from Successful Entrepreneurs

In summary, John has been successful in reaching out to contacts and booking shows. Anne has been successful in reaching out to contacts and booking shows. They both suggest using scripts to make calls more efficient and to increase chances of success.
Kelley Sells
You guys sooo rock on here, 1st off....
I read this some where on here....but thought I'd get a tally.....

Who has been really successful? How many bookings....etc....I'm going to put up a poll as well....

I am DOING this this afternoon when I get back in from work......so I will definatley let everyone know how this works too.....

God I LOVE this board....
I made a bunch of calls one day, but my Dad went into the hospital so it was cut short. I wound up with 1 soild and 2 good leads for shows. I think since the incentive came out I'm going to use the Stoneware script on the rest of my calls.

PS Dad is ok... He's out now. He was just having as little trouble breathing but they've got him on meds now.
I made a bunch of calls and sent out a email blast. I received a lot of interest in shows, but only 2 solid bookings, but like Anne, life got in the way!
Last edited:
I only got 1 saying definitely at the beginning of next year due to a kitchen remodel and alot going on in her life right now!
I have been selling PC for five months and I dont' want to sound to pushy on the phone how do I over come that???
By getting on the phone MORE! The more calls you make the more comfortable you will become. Also, try to make calls everyday or every other day. I find that when I make calls regularly that the NO's don't bother me as badly, and I sound more relaxed. Plus, you should be creating a relationship with your hosts and guests to promote loyalty. So pretend they are just another new friend. Ask them questions about their lives. Remind them of the show they attended and JUST BE YOURSELF!!
Thanks for the advice!!!
Glad to hear it AnneI am so glad to hear your dad is OK!!!!
And I am getting on the phone tonight after work so....
I will post in the a.m. Problem is though that I am going to start at about 6:30 p.m. and only go to 9 p.m. at the latest. I can't last long enough and I don't think most of my contacts would appreciate calls after 9 p.m. so my 24 hours may take several days but by Friday I better have gotten all the shows I want for the rest of the year! (I'll only have myself to blame if I don't!)
Made a bunch of calls last Thursday. Left messages on all. Got one call back for a booking in November.

I just sent an email blast about the awesome Stoneware deal and will be hitting the phone tonight and calling everyone who ever ordered stoneware of any kind from me.
  • #10
This is a great idea. I need to set some time for this as well. I need to do out of the box calls for my early August shows anyway.
  • #11
Thanks, John! I am going to do the Stoneware offer and still offer everyone who books a shopping spree!
  • #12
I just don't have 30 people to call...who are you girls phoning???
  • #13
I actually just finished my challenge and I got 5 kitchen shows and one catalog--- I did the fair this year and that really helped pushing those "maybe's" into yes's--- I just have to make them stick! If I do then I am booking now for November! This is something I never thought I could do and for a couple days I dreaded it and I just decided...hey if I don't work my business, no one will!
  • #14
Way to go...and for everyone else as well...I decided to take the challenge as I was getting into a little slump after doing PC for 8 years. (Anniversary is Sept. 28th with PC)
Anyhow, I saved all my receipts for the past 2 or 3 years (before that I would "clean house every so often) I randomly pulled 2 receipts from the show orders and if they had a Phone # on them I called.
I purposely made my calls during the day when I knew most were working and used the script that was posted here. I left messages with 11 people the first day and had one answer her phone, as well that day. The gal who answered said she was due with a baby in Nov., had a shower being held for her in Oct. and a birthday party to plan for her great grandpa! BUT... she also said how she loves PC and would love to do a book show and have it wrapped up by end of Oct...I immediately put a packet in the mail to her. I received 6 other call backs and all 6 booked for Sept. or October! (all cooking shows) I made another set of calls (9) the next day and got one more individual order. I told them it was a challenge for me for 24 bookings in 24 hours. The great thing about this challenge is you can do some calls one day and some another...no one would really care if they were'nt done in the 24 hours. The more contacts you make the better. Once I got on a roll, I didn't want to stop, and as soon as the first "live person" answered, and I got over that call, it was a piece of cake. I advise....just get on the phone and do it. Better yet, get another consultant or person to be in the room with you to hold you accountable for the calls...it works better!!!!
I CHALLENGE EVERYONE RIGHT NOW TO JUST DO IT!!! I'm much happier now where my show schedule is, than where it was 3 days ago!!!
director with PC
  • #15
Muppet: Call everyone you have ever dealt with as far as PC goes. Who wouldn't want to enter a $100 shopping spree? I have called survey slip maybes, past customers, past hosts...
  • #16
Fall BookingsI am having a horrible time getting bookings! I have one booked for Sept. 29, but this girl has postponed on me twice before this summer. So far she is my only show... I'm more worried cause I got an email today stating if I don't submit $300 by Sept 30th I become inactive.... I had this same problem back in July and just MANAGEd to sqeeeeeze in a catalog show at the very last day of July.... I"m really stressing too much over this. I'm trying sooo hard to get the business of mine off the ground and I'm really having alot of problems. I do my calls and all I get are 'no'. or 'sorry this is just not a good time' due to some excuse or other.. I'm getting so frustrated! I finally became a qualified Consultant when I submitted my last catalog show end of July and now I'm afraid I'll go inactive anyway. I'm ready to scream and throw in the towel here!!

Frustated beyond Belief!!:eek:
  • #17
Maybe you should do an open house and invite people from various local service businesses to come. Realtors are being talked about a lot lately and if you do a search you'll find a couple links to that. Talk to any churches/houses of worship in your area to see if they'd be interested in doing a fundraiser or if they have holiday boutiques coming up that you could participate in.
  • #18
Aggi: Welcome back! LONG TIME NO SEE! Have you tried any of the teleclasses? I have found for me that they are great motivators and are full of great info. That may help you with some of your no's.
  • #19
Hi AJ PrattThanks for the welcome back.. I have been away from here too long, but there is a reason...

My summer was going good up to 4 weeks ago. I was in a car accident. I was volunteering for the yearly CNIB children's camp (a 4 day camp for visually impaired children). The camp is about a 4 hour drive from where I live here in St. John's, Newfoundland. Not an 1 1/2 into the drive on the Trans Canada Highway, the CNIB minivan we were driving (4 of us in the van) were going through a construction area.... there were no flagmen on duty... we drove through this construction area which seemed safe and must have been otherwise a flagman would have been posted. There was a dump truck on the far far right lane heading westbound (the same way we were heading)... he was practically on the shoulder of the road with his emergency flashers on and driving very very slow in front of a back hoe.. Suddenly he made a quick left turn.. we found out later he was getting himself into position to back up and unload the rocks in the back of his truck. He did not see us.. to try to avoid him we ended veering into the eastbound lane .. he still didn't see us... he hit us on the front passenger side and right to the back of the van. Of the 4 of us.. 3 of us sustained injuries... The situation could have been a helluva lot worse.... we really thought this was the way we were gonna die.. I still have nightmares of seeing that truck grill coming at us. The sound of that truck hitting us and glass breaking will never get out of my head. I got moderate whiplash out of it.. I have been off work since Aug 10th (the day of the accident).. I'm still off until Sept. 15th which at that point my doctor will decide if I am 'fit' to return to work... I'm still in ALOT of pain and discomfort, but not as near as what I had been. We were all strapped into stretchers and rushed by ambulance to the nearest hospital... It all seemed very surreal to us at the time... still does a bit in fact. The driver of our van has a herniated disk and is in excruciating pain.. the summer student that was with us in the car got a little leg damage from when the truck pushed the door in on his leg.... The side airbags didn't go off because the dump truck's bumper punctured them. We are very lucky to be alive.. Even the RCMP guy and the paramedics were amazed we didn't have more serious injuires.... Someone was looking out for us cause we were only a couple feet from going into the ditch on the side of the road and flipping the van.. or even worse.. if there was a car on the eastbound lane we would have been head on with them.... I still shudder thinking of what happened. But other than my neck/shoulders/lower back and hips in alot of pain, I'm doing okay.... Going to physio 3 times a week right now.. and will be doing that for many weeks yet. The construction company is well in the wrong and they admitted they were and should have had a flagman posted.... our lawyers are working on settlements and a case now... I now HATE HATE HATE dump trucks and shudder when I pass them... I can't drive as I still don't have enough neck and twisting ability.... but I'll be fine :)

I guess I'm a bit in the dumps now as I can't get out to drop off many catalogs.. the calls I do make turn out to be 'no' or 'the kids are back to school and there is no time', and so on and so on.. ooh there is an excuse for EVERYTHING! I did drop off a catalog at my doctor's office and have even looked at the catalogs quite openly in a busy waiting room on the many visits to the doctors lately. I have to see her again next week, and THIS time I will even leave on on the receptionist's desk. AND tomorrow I will leave a few at the physiotherapist's office.... perhaps I might back up something tomorow morning and bring them with me to my appointment on Friday. maybe that might be a little incentive...

Anyway, if I end up going inactive if I don't get any sales end of Sept.. then so be it.. I'm still very new to this business, and well just getting myself off the ground is more important than getting the incentives and benefits points for trips I KNOW I won't get to yet.... Right now my major issue is getting bookings... BTW.... just WHAT happens when you go inactive??? is it you just lose what benefits you did have (as in points to trips etc.. or will I have to do 4 shows again to become a qualifed consultant again)!! Enquiring Minds Wanna Know!!!

  • #20
Have you looked into do a waiver/break? You might want to call HO and talk to them about your situation.

May you have a complete recovery.
  • #21
Aggi - so sorry to hear about your accident. Talk with your director or call field services. There is what is called a sales waiver that you can use when you will not have the sales to stay active. I am not sure how long you have to be a consultant before you can use it. You would just need to submit something to field services via email or fax by the end of the month in the month that you will not have the $200 for sales. Did you submit any sales in August??? If you do not do the sales waiver and you go inactive you will lose your career sales and start back at zero when you submit another show. Hope that makes sense!
  • #22
Anne - what is the stoneware script??? Also, how do you offer (and come up with) the $100 shopping spree??
  • #23
Hi Anne-

I looked for the stoneware script and couldn't find it in the search, could you direct me to where I could find it? would love to use this on some calls I need to make this weekend.

  • #24
24 IN 24 ScriptsThis is where I got the shopping spree idea. I got an email from my director:

What? Yes, 24 bookings in 24 hours. On Friday, I got a voicemail from a Party Lite woman that had been to visit a networking group that I belong to. The message went something like this.

Hi Yvette.. this is ______ from Party Lite. I was calling to see if you
would be interested in being one of my preferred hosts. I have a challenge to
book 24 shows in 24 hours. I'm booking dates between now and December 12th.

For booking your show with me in this 24 hours you'll be entered to win a
$100 shopping spree with Party Lite. We have a new book and a holiday line for you and your friends to shop from. Our host bonuses in the next months are awesome! Please give me a call back at xxx xxx xxxx to be one of these
preferred hosts. My challenge ends at 9pm on Saturday night. Thank you!

So, I called her back. I've been toying with having a party for months now.
Woul d I have called her to book? Nope. It was one of those some day,
maybe, if I get around to scheduling it things. What inspired me to call her?
First and foremost to help her out. I wanted to be a part of HER WIN! I
wanted to be on that winning team- it was exciting to think that I could help her forward that goal. Yeah, being entered in the $100 was nice but I don't
normally win things so I didn't think that would happen.

So, I called her and booked my show. Then I asked her some questions. Who
gave you the challenge? She told me SHE GAVE HERSELF THE CHALLENGE. How neat! She told me why.. and she inspired me. I was absolutely enrolled in her

I encourage you to set a goal for yourself like this. It's an outrageous,
HUGE goal. That was also what had me call. If she had said, I was challenged
to book two shows in 24 hours, i would have thought "let someone else do it."

Imagine if you did this for your business? For some of you, it would fill
your calendars to the end of the year! For others, it would be half of what
you want to do. Either way, wouldn't it be cool to spend 24 hours doing this
goal and then having your calendar booked!

When I left messages I used the same basic script. "Hi x.. this is Anne from PC. I was calling to see if you would be interested in being one of my preferred hosts. I have a challenge to book 24 shows in 24 hours. I'm booking dates between now and December 12th. For booking your show with me in this 24 hours you'll be entered to win a $100 shopping spree with PC. We have a new book and a holiday line for you and your friends to shop from. Our host bonuses in the next months are awesome! Please give me a call back at xxx xxx xxxx to be one of these preferred hosts. My challenge ends at 9pm on Saturday night. Thank you!"
  • #25
Thanks Karlene! You had great success with your challenge too--- I'm surprised (and relieved) to hear that Directors have their slumps too--I was thinking I was the only one with the slumps!:) --Wow! *8 yrs! That's great! I'm so glad I did it! Just like what Patsy told us at our meeting.... If you want things you've never had, You have to do things you've never done!
  • #26
KellyRedHead said:
Hi Anne-I looked for the stoneware script and couldn't find it in the search, could you direct me to where I could find it? would love to use this on some calls I need to make this weekend.

momoftwins said:
Anne - what is the stoneware script??? Also, how do you offer (and come up with) the $100 shopping spree??

Sorry it took so long to find this! I thought my Director emailed it to me, but it was our very own Gillian that posted this in another thread. Isn't this a fabulous idea?!


1. ANYONE who has purchased a stone from you! Just go to the TOTAL ITEMS SOLD HISTORY report and enter a search by product # - #1300-1490. The date range should be at least a year. (Now, these product numbers will produce more than stone tallies so be sure to print it out and highlight the stone purchases.)

2. Call all your hosts from last September! Their discount is about to expire and this year's special is even better!

3. Call all of the "maybes" and those who have recently canceled or postponed a show. I would even go back a year with this one.


I know there are many reasons to host a show but the focus I am using below is STONES so remember, no matter WHAT YOU SAY, you need to FIRST be sure the DESIRE for more stones is there, otherwise your words and attempt is moot.

You could say something like:


For stone purchases within the last 3-4 months:

"HI! This is _____ with The Pampered Chef! Is this a good time for you?..... GREAT! I am doing out-of-the-box calls. I am calling to see if you have taken your _______stone out of the box yet!" wait for reply, jot down notes. Be prepared for her to mention other products she has purchased that she likes, has problems with or has questions about.

If she loves her stone, then move on to orange-colored the script below. If she has not taken it out of the box, then you want to be sure you have a few tips and simple recipe suggestions to offer her by phone, mail or email. Inquire as to whether or not she owns other stones that she is using. IF so, then move on to mention the September special. If not, then tell her that you will call her in the next week to see how she is liking her stone! and then BE SURE TO CALL BACK!

I say something like this: "I do not feel my job ends when I sell you stone or any other product. That is only part of my job. I also want to be sure you are satisfied with your purchase and more importantly, I want to be sure you are getting the FULL benefits of our stones. I will email you a few recipes and tips for using your stone and with your permission; I am going to call you back in a week or so to follow up. It will only take a few minutes! What is the best time to call?"

...To inform of specials: (this can be used for anyone you call-just adjust the first 2 sentences)

"I am so glad you love your stones. I do not know how I have survived without them before! Is there another stone or 2 you are interested in adding to your kitchen?" wait for reply. "I am so excited about an upcoming special and I would be doing you a disservice if I did not let you know about it. Do you like HALF-OFF sales?....I knew you'd say yes! Well, as a host next month, you will be eligible to purchase UNLIMITED stones from 40%-50% off! PLUS, with a qualified sales, you will also be able to select up to 3 stones of your CHOICE for FREE and also be eligible for all of our awesome host benefits which usually comes out to about $100 or more in FREE products! This is an incredible opportunity not only for you to stock up for yourself or holiday gift-giving at incredible savings, but it is a great opportunity for your guests t o do the same as well! What do you think?! Is this an awesome deal or what?!" wait for reply.

"Now, that you are all excited, why don't we schedule a kitchen show so you can start your wish list?" SET THE DATE and MAIL THE PACKET within 24 hours.

if she declines,:

"I know how crazy life can get and I do not want you to miss out on this great savings opportunity. Why don't you just pass around some catalogs to your family, friends and co-workers and you can still be eligible to receive everything I mentioned earlier?" MAIL THE CATALOGS within 24 hours.

if she declines:

"I understand. Are there any stones you would like to add to your kitchen at 20% off? I am taking pre-orders and can have them to you by the second week of September."

Thank her for her time and offer to follow up.

I know I did not mention any of the theme shows. I tried to focus mostly on the stones. I have been mentioning the themes once they book, but the opportunity will probably arise while you are talking with her and you can interject that info as needed. For example, if she mentions that she loves using her stone to make biscuits, cookies, etc., then you can mention our partnership with Pillsbury and how by hosting a Simply Stunning Appetizer Show in September, she and her guests will receive a terrific recipe to take home as well as a money-saving coupon from Pillsbury!

For those who were hosts last September, the script can apply, just add:
"You hosted a show last September and received the _____ stones. How are you liking them? How would you like some more?!" then go on to tell her about the specials.

For those maybes or postponed shows, you could add:

You previously expressed interest in hosting a show and for one reason or another, we have had a hard time connecting. _______ already received credit for your booking and now it is YOUR turn to reap the benefits! I HAD to call you and let you know about....."

some tips:

MARK OFF THE DAYS you want to do shows FIRST.


How many shows would you LIKE to do?


example: I want 12 shows, but I will accept no less than 8....and I will have at least 8 shows booked by Friday.

The goal gives you padding and the deadline gives you focus.

Once you get your lists of who to call compiled, DIVIDE IT UP!

Break it down into 3- 5 calls a day (or more if you are up to it.)

I would recommend a mix: Some stone purchasers, past hosts and maybes

IF YOU WANT SHOWS, BE COMMITTED TO DO THIS OR EXPECT NOTHING FOR SEPTEMBER, especially if your August was not what you wanted! I am not trying to be harsh. I am just being real. I know that if I do not get on the phone, my schedule will NOT change!
  • #27
I call alot of people and also sent out an email. So far I have gotten 4 cooking shows and 1 catalog show. My challenge ends at 9pm tonight. Don't know if I'll get much more since I'm about to leave for the fair.
  • #28
So far I have gotten 4 catalog shows and 8 kitchen shows!! This is really working! I think what really makes this work is that we GET ON THE PHONE!! I was thinking that maybe the next 6 months (JAN-JUNE) I would offer a free product like the Ultimate Mandolin or something that I have in my closet!!
  • #29
Brooke-That's awesome.

Jayne-What can I say? WOW!!!

I find that when I have a "reason" to call someone, it makes it much easier.
  • #30
I just made it home from my cluster meeting (and I am pumped), then I sign on here and NOW I feel unstoppable!!! Thank you. I am planning my 24 in 24 tomorrow night. Thank you for the words, they sound so comfortable...

  • #31
I Did It!I took on the 24/24 Challenge!
I left messages; I left e-mails; I talked to potential hosts = I got 21 bookings! :cool:

Don't be afraid of the phone! :rolleyes:

I've been a Consultant for 5 years now, I LOVE It! :D

:eek: I now have a very busy Fall, and it's going to be worth it! ;)
  • #32
Great Job!! All Of You!! And Good Luck!!:D
  • #33
Wow that is fantastic.
  • #34
Great IdeaI think this is a great idea my business is in a really bad slump right now and I love the 24-in-24 idea I am going to do this but I have a few questions did anyone send out emails and if so does anyone have a script? also where does the $100 shopping spree come from? does it come from your pocket and when is it rewarded? :confused:

thanks Heather
  • #35
Yes, it would come from your pocket. If you wind up with 10 shows then $100 isn't too bad. You can do it after everyone has held their show or, just pick someone and give them the spree when they submit their order. Its however you want to do it, and it doesn't have to be $100-- it could be $50, but I think the $100 gets people's attention.
  • #36
I did this yesterday via e-mail as I was having a slow day at work. I sent out about 25 e-mails (only in month 4, not a lot of contacts yet) and I ended up with 5 bookings. I was hoping for a few more. But I guess it's five more bookings than I had before yesterday.
  • #37
So what do you all think about when to do the drawing?? You think after you draw & they don't win, then they won't be as comitted to holding the show? Maybe it's best to draw after all shows have been held?
I'm debating on whether or not I want to try this....my Sept is booked now, & I have about 7 people to call that wanted shows in October. Are you all calling those people that you already knew wanted to do shows this fall too, or just new leads? Just curious--thanks!:)
  • #38
I would wait until the parties are held just incase. But I have really bad luck with people cancelling on me.
  • #39
I would wait until the last day that you are booking for. Then if you had enough shows to afford it, offer the winning host double free product if they host another show. They can also get two host specials if it is within the next six months and you rebook them off themselves.
  • #40
I think that sounds great!1
  • #41
Morvin said:
I think this is a great idea my business is in a really bad slump right now and I love the 24-in-24 idea I am going to do this but I have a few questions did anyone send out emails and if so does anyone have a script? also where does the $100 shopping spree come from? does it come from your pocket and when is it rewarded? :confused:

thanks Heather

Here, I attached the script for you!!


  • 24 BOOKINGS IN 24 HOURS.doc
    33 KB · Views: 486
  • #42
My resultsWe talked about this at my cluster meeting Monday night, and were challenged to see what we could do, with our challenge ending today (9/13) at Noon.

because I work full time, and I also had my daughter's field hockey and my son's back to school night last night - this really cut into my time that I could effectively make phone calls. But I used my lunch break from work and I called 20 people in about 45 minutes time. I left messages mostly, and would have liked to follow up with them before my noon deadline, but still got answering machines again last night. I also started out by emailing this out to my preferred customer email group (about 150 people)

But I did end up with 3 firm bookings for October, that I didn't have before so that was cool!

Although I didn't have a true "blitz" in my bookings, I did learn the effectiveness of doing this - and it showed me that i can do this anytime - and offer my own incentive if I choose to. I don't have to wait to be told to do it by my director! ;)

So I will definitely try it again.
  • #43
Eeeek... PHONE-A-PHOBIAI don't know how I came across this post last week.... but I told my director about it on Thursday and then gave myself the weekend to *pump* myself up to do the CHALLENGE. Well, I couldn't do it on Monday due F/T work priorities, but, after the second person that I told about the challenge last week asked me how it went, I took the plunge on Tuesday (yes, even before BITES came out!). Disclaimer: this is not to toot my own horn by any means, it is to encourage those of you that are thinking of doing this to do it! :D

It was extraordinarily painful for me because I am petrified of the phone (if you knew me, you would be surprised) and it put me in the worst mood. I pretty much hyperventilated and was nearly in tears prior to the first phone call, ......But, I put on a big fat smile and picked up the phone. I made 27 calls, sent 17 e-mails and the results are: 12 Cooking Shows, 2 Catalog Shows, One Bridal Shower, One Bridal Registry, and there are a few tentative dates still being confirmed.

I am so glad that I found this post and took the challenge- it was a huge boost to my business, and proved that I have no reason to be afraid of the phone ever again in the future. Also, I NEVER want to have to do this again, so I am going to develop some new habits- solid booking at shows, follow-up and more follow-up.

Who did I contact?
Past Hosts
Past Clients
Family, friends and co-workers
Anyone who owed me a favor

I thought that if I offered the incentive to them where THEY are the one who receives all of the benefits (WIIFM....) it would seem more sincere and would hopefully work!

"I'm booking dates between now and December 15th for preferred hosts who are interested receiving free and discounted quality kitchen tools out of the brand new Fall/ Winter catalog. Hosts that book a Catalog/ Internet, live Cooking show, Pampered Bride shower or Bridal registry with me in this 24- hour period will not only receive all of the fabulous host benefits from our new Fall catalog, but they will also be entered into a drawing to win a $75 gas card*."

(I will take a bit of $ here and there to pay for the gas card.)

So, I guess that the moral of the story is, JUST do it! Good Luck! :)

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