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Director Making My Show Invites: Success! + Attached Slides

In summary, the new additions to the November catalog were a recruiting slide and a slide about theme shows. The recruitment slide was successful in getting two new bookings, while the slide about theme shows was helpful in informing potential customers about the variety of shows that CN offers.
I know this was brought up on another thread and for the life of me, I can't find it anywhere!

I just finished making mine. Going to stop at the store and get the laminating sheets to make them for my show tonight! I'm excited!

I also added a few more slides and thought some of you might want to add them too... Since I mail the invitations for my hosts and bring the recipe ingredients, I added those and I also added one about Theme Shows and that every show is different. I ended up with 14 slides! It's going to be an awesome visual! Oh and I changed the opp one to say that they can get their kit $100 off. I'll correct that in January when the promo is over.

I'll let you know how it turns out!

PS: I'm attaching the slides here but they might not format properly because I use Word for Macs.


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I feel like I've missed something. What is the "deal" with the booking slides? How do you use them and why? Why not just point it out in the catalog?
Great new additions but you're right the work for mac messed it up a bit. I am attaching the one I have. I am a sister consultant of the person who invented this so I've been using it for several months already. I added the last page to mirror the addition HO made to the original.
Chef Kearns said:
I feel like I've missed something. What is the "deal" with the booking slides? How do you use them and why? Why not just point it out in the catalog?

You flip the slide open to get there attention before talking about the different benefits - it's the WOW factor.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Chef Kearns said:
I feel like I've missed something. What is the "deal" with the booking slides? How do you use them and why? Why not just point it out in the catalog?

It's in the November CN... I don't have mine yet but read about it on Consultant's Corner. :)
I just hopped over to CS and read their thread on it. Funny how much stuff got lost in the mud the last few weeks over there. I usually read my CN cover to cover, but somehow I missed this. Thanks for posting yours Colleen and Beth!
Thank you BETH!! I think I could use yours!
That's my SD, Tish Jones in the CN showing off the slide. She got the idea from another director who got the idea from another director at conference one year.
Our whole extended cluster uses it. I made mine using page protectors and tape, but I may spurge and have it re-done with lamination.
I am making one for my show tonight. I really need bookings. I'll let you know what happens.I also need recruits and have something in mind for that as well.Update tomorrow. :)
  • #10
Thanks guys! I'm priniting it now for my show tonight! I really appreciate this, I've been in a slump in October and Im ready to break out of it with my show tonight! Can you believe I haven't done a show in over 30 days?:confused::eek::cry::cry:
  • Thread starter
  • #11
I tried to laminate them myself with those sticky sheets. What a nightmare! So I went to Office Depot and they did it in 10 seconds and it was $1.49 per sheet. I'm so excited to use them tonight! I'll update tomorrow too! :)PS: Good luck Kristi! You'll be great!!!!
  • #12
Thanks, you guys!
I just tweaked them a bit and printed them out on neon paper - I am going to have DH laminate them later when he gets up - he has a laminating machine (that his loving wife bought him last year for Christmas)

I am attaching my tweaked version in case anyone wants to use it.


  • Bookings Slides.doc
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  • Bookings Slides.doc
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  • #13
Thanks Carolyn. I love the additions that you made!

why did you buy DH a laminating machine for Christmas?
  • #14
pamperedlinda said:
Thanks Carolyn. I love the additions that you made!

why did you buy DH a laminating machine for Christmas?

For his business (Italian Ices) he does a lot of events like parties, company picnics, bar/bas mitzvahs, sweet 16s, etc...he customizes menus for each event and then laminates and posts them at his stand. So he needed a laminating machine.
  • #15
I figured there was good reason that a guy needed one of those :)
  • #16
MY RESULTS:1. Bookings Slide--did this at the end of my show last night, because at the beginning I had only two guests. Everyone was shocked to see how long the list is. I got two bookings--one November catalog show and a cooking show for the new year date TBD.2. Recruiting--I used the technique that Michael Reeves in NC uses--have them turn over their slip and write down 3 questions about the biz. First one done gets a prize. I gave a Season's Best. Out of 4 guests, I got one recruit lead. Overall, both were successful. There is so much more to tell you about last night's show (mostly about the host, wrong ingredients, etc), but it would take forever. :D
  • #17
h oware you attaching the slides to one another?
  • #18
dannyzmom said:
h oware you attaching the slides to one another?

I used the clear packing tape you would use to seal a box to mail it. I put the tape on both the front and back.
  • #19
bethcooks4u said:
I used the clear packing tape you would use to seal a box to mail it. I put the tape on both the front and back.

I did the same thing and got the WOW factor at my show last night. In fact, the one girl said that the benefits are confusing and another said, you didn't have THAT at your last show! With 4 people including the host, I got one wedding shower for next September, and 3 bookings for January/February!! YAY!!
  • #20
Ok, so I'm totally a visual person. Does anyone want to take a picture of their and post for us? I get the concept, but I guess I have to see how it's put together so I can make mine too! :) Thanks if you can share!

<3 Darcy
  • #21
OhmyDLM said:
Ok, so I'm totally a visual person. Does anyone want to take a picture of their and post for us? I get the concept, but I guess I have to see how it's put together so I can make mine too! :) Thanks if you can share!

<3 Darcy
It's pictured in the November CN. I don't have mine yet (again) but it's online at CC.
  • #22
OhmyDLM said:
Ok, so I'm totally a visual person. Does anyone want to take a picture of their and post for us? I get the concept, but I guess I have to see how it's put together so I can make mine too! :) Thanks if you can share!

<3 Darcy

Darcy, if you go to consultant's corner and look under November Consultant News...there is a whole article on it and a picture of Tish with hers...I haven't gotten my CN in the mail yet so I went online...I'm with you...I had to see it before I understood it...!
  • #23
oops...didn't see your post beth :)
  • #24
OhmyDLM said:
Ok, so I'm totally a visual person. Does anyone want to take a picture of their and post for us? I get the concept, but I guess I have to see how it's put together so I can make mine too! :) Thanks if you can share!

<3 Darcy

There is a picture in the CN.
  • #25
DebbieJ said:

1. Bookings Slide--did this at the end of my show last night, because at the beginning I had only two guests. Everyone was shocked to see how long the list is. I got two bookings--one November catalog show and a cooking show for the new year date TBD.

2. Recruiting--I used the technique that Michael Reeves in NC uses--have them turn over their slip and write down 3 questions about the biz. First one done gets a prize. I gave a Season's Best. Out of 4 guests, I got one recruit lead.

Overall, both were successful. There is so much more to tell you about last night's show (mostly about the host, wrong ingredients, etc), but it would take forever. :D

Do you then answer the questions in front of everyone or do you answer the questions at the check-out?
  • #26
Chef Kearns said:
Do you then answer the questions in front of everyone or do you answer the questions at the check-out?

Yes, I answer the questions in front of everyone--questions from everyone's slips, though, not just the winner.
  • #27
Ok, regarding the slide, I never got my CN news and I didn't go online to check it out, so I just wung it and made my own (not sure if it's right or not, but it worked!). I have 13 sheets total laminated and I taped them together in a long chain with packaging tape, then folded them up accordian style. I had someone help me stretch it out one page at a time at my show last night and it stretched from their living room into their kitchen. Everyone seemed to think that was really neat and I got a December booking from it! I will take a picture at some point and attach for you all to see :) Thanks for the idea everyone!!!!!!!!

<3 Darcy

Related to Making My Show Invites: Success! + Attached Slides

What should I include in my show invites?

Your show invites should include the date, time, location, and theme of your show. You should also include a brief description of the products you will be showcasing and any special offers or deals that will be available.

How do I make my show invites stand out?

You can make your show invites stand out by using bright and eye-catching colors, incorporating images of the products you will be featuring, and including personal touches such as handwritten notes or personalized messages for each recipient.

Can I customize the attached slides for my show invites?

Yes, you can customize the attached slides by adding your own personal information and branding. You can also rearrange the slides or add additional slides to fit your specific show and product offerings.

When should I send out my show invites?

It is recommended to send out your show invites at least 2-3 weeks in advance to allow your guests enough time to RSVP and plan accordingly. You may also consider sending out a reminder closer to the date of the show.

What is the best way to distribute my show invites?

The best way to distribute your show invites is through a combination of methods such as email, social media, and hand-delivering to potential guests. You can also consider asking your current customers to share the invites with their friends and family to reach a larger audience.

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