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Making Gift Sets with the Batter Bowl - Success!

In summary, Karen created a batter bowl gift mix with the dry ingredients. She made it for a past host who she has a show with on Sat. She also did the Chilli one and tied a big red bow around it (gives it that finished touch). She has a feeling she'll be selling a few small batter bowls at the party. Her husband was helping her put it together and was very impressed with the way it turned out. Just thought she'd share.
I just wanted to let you all know I made the batter bowl gift sets with the dry ingredients and it looks sooo good! I made it for a past host who I have a show with on Sat.
I did the Chilli one and tied a big red bow around it (gives it that finished touch).

I have a feeling I'll be selling a few small batter bowls at the party. My husband was helping me put it together and was very impressed with the way it turned out.
Just thought I'd share.
how much?I was thinking of doing them for a Vendor event in Dec. HOw much would you charge for them, using the small BB? $15 or $20 vs. cost of making them?
chefautumn said:
I just wanted to let you all know I made the batter bowl gift sets with the dry ingredients and it looks sooo good! I made it for a past host who I have a show with on Sat.
I did the Chilli one and tied a big red bow around it (gives it that finished touch).

I have a feeling I'll be selling a few small batter bowls at the party. My husband was helping me put it together and was very impressed with the way it turned out.
Just thought I'd share.

Do you have the directions and the ingredient list for the Chilli one?
these look so coolyou can find the batter bowl gift mix ideas on the Pampered chef website under gift center
heat123 said:
I was thinking of doing them for a Vendor event in Dec. HOw much would you charge for them, using the small BB? $15 or $20 vs. cost of making them?

I had a customer buy 3 sm. batter bowls to be made into the brownie bowl gifts. I have no idea what to charge her for the labor and ingredients. Anyone have any ideas? I'm thinking about $5 per bowl but don't want to over charge her. Thanks!
I have sold several of these "premade" gifts. I did the Brownie and Cookie Mix. I charged $16 even for the bowls and so far have sold all that I made (about 8). I did an open house and I took them to my mother-in-law's party and they were such a hit. I am going to order more with the money I made (on the host's order to get the discount) and sell them at a craft's fair coming up in December. $16 seemed to be reasonable to all of my customers and it covered the cost of the bowl and the ingredients (and a little for mine and my husband's time).
Thank youThanks! I think $16 sounds fair. I wasn't sure what the "market" would handle. I appreciate your assistance.
Batter bowl ideasPlease tell me specifically where to go to get ideas for the batter bowls. I am familiar with the ones the pc site has---any other ideas or recipes?
Karen, if you haven't found them yet, I have them and can email them to you with the tags. All from CC. Brownie, Cookie, Chili and Soup. Just email me.
  • #10
I charged $15 and sold a ton. :D I am very excited about these. They are such an easy sell.
  • #11
You can probably just use any mix.. but instead of putting them in jars like a lot of people do for the holidays, put the mix in a batter bowl instead! Here are some links I found that have recipes for gift-mixes.. Mind you, I haven't tried any of the sites, so I'm not guaranteeing anything. But there are a million different websites with things like this on them.. Just hunt around on the net and you should find something that suits you.

> > http://www.budget101.com
> > http://www.frugalhomemaker.com/giftsinajar.htm
> > http://www.allfreecrafts.com/giftsinajar/index.shtml
> > http://dcrafts.com/giftsinajar1.htm
> > http://www.recipegoldmine.com/foodgift/foodgift.html
> > http://www.creativeladiesministry.com/jarrecipes.html
> > http://www.christmas-cookies.com/recipes/
> > http://www.recipelink.com/holiday/merrygifts/html
> > http://www.kitchenmixes.com
> > http://www.members.tripod.com/~Tweezle/makemix.html
> > http://members.tripod.com/~MaryMae/jarlinks.htm
> > http://www.cyber-kitchen.com/ubbs/archive/
> > http://www.kitchencraftsnmore.net
> > http://dmoz.org/Home//Cooking/Gifts_in_a_Jar/
> > http://www.recipepark.com
> > http://chef2chef.com/dir/Gifts_in_a_Jar/index.html

Here's another one too:
Layered Pumpkin Cranberry Bread Mix in a Jar
Mix ingredients:
1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1-1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1/3 cup brown sugar, packed
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup chopped pecans
3/4 cup dried cranberries
To prepare the layered mix:
In a large bowl, combine the flour, pumpkin pie spice, baking powder, baking soda and salt, stirring until well blended. Place mixture into a 1 quart jar. Pack down this layer. Add the brown sugar to the jar, firmly packing down. Layer the white sugar on top of the brown sugar, firmly packing. Layer the pecans and then the dried cranberries into the jar. Adjust cap. Makes base for one recipe of Layered Pumpkin Cranberry Bread.
Attach the following directions to the jar:
Pumpkin Cranberry Bread
1 jar pumpkin cranberry bread mix
1 cup canned pumpkin puree
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
Preheat oven to 350. Grease and flour (or use spray) two 7-1/2x3-3/4x2-1/4 inch loaf pans (or 4 small loaf pans). In a large bowl, combine the pumpkin, oil and eggs, stirring until well blended; set aside. Place contents of jar into a medium bowl; mix until well blended and brown sugar is no longer clumped. Add flour mixture into the pumpkin mixture, stirring until well blended. Divide batter evenly between the prepared pans. Bake at 350 for 40-50 minutes (30 to 35 minutes for the small pans), or until inserted toothpick comes out clean and tops of loaves spring back when pressed.

Related to Making Gift Sets with the Batter Bowl - Success!

What are the most popular gift sets to make with the batter bowl?

The most popular gift sets to make with the batter bowl are baking sets, breakfast sets, soup and chili sets, and dessert sets. These sets often include a combination of tools and ingredients that can be used to make a specific type of dish or meal.

What are the best ways to package a gift set made with the batter bowl?

There are many creative ways to package a gift set made with the batter bowl. Some ideas include wrapping the bowl and items in cellophane and tying with a ribbon, placing items in a decorative basket or box, or using a clear gift bag with tissue paper and a bow. The key is to make it visually appealing and easy to transport.

Can I customize the items in the gift set?

Yes, you can customize the items in the gift set to fit the recipient's preferences. For example, if they are gluten-free, you can include gluten-free baking mixes and tools. You can also add personalized touches, such as a handwritten recipe or a special note.

How can I make a gift set with the batter bowl on a budget?

There are many ways to create a budget-friendly gift set with the batter bowl. You can use affordable ingredients and tools, such as basic baking mixes and wooden spoons, and package them creatively. You can also use items that you already have in your pantry or kitchen to keep costs low.

Are there any tips for making a successful gift set with the batter bowl?

To make a successful gift set with the batter bowl, it's important to consider the recipient's interests and needs. Choose items and recipes that they will enjoy and find useful. Also, pay attention to the presentation and packaging to make it visually appealing. Lastly, be sure to include any necessary instructions or tips for using the items in the gift set.

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