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Looking for Tips on Organization

In summary, Ginger uses a binder with separate folders for kitchen consultant news, director newsletters, potential recruits, super starters, postcards and letters, theme shows, and host and guest packets. She uses a manilla folder to keep correspondence and information pertaining to a particular show, and has a recipe binder with marked up recipes. She color codes her calendar with flag stickers and keeps all information handy in her car.
I am a new consultant this month and am looking for some tricks of the trade. Any organization/business habit tips would be very much appreciated. I have read the manual, but am looking for some additional, practical tips. Thanks much.
I don't have alot of space in my "office" but I do have cabinet space so I tend to separate things into binders: Kitchen Consultant News and Director Newsletters binder, Potential Recruits (with divider tabs divided into "cold", "warm" and "hot") binder, Super Starters (with divider tabs divided into SS1, SS2, SS3)binder, postcards and letters for host coaching binder, theme show binder with color copies of all the theme shows I offer (I pass this around at shows to spark interest in hosting). I then have one large binder that I keep my calendar in along with Host and Guest Special fliers for the next 3 months and fliers that I use to copy for host packets. I have these tabbed too for the 3 months in advance. This is sort of my "Bible". If I need to go out the door in a hurry, I can grab this one and it will have most everything I need in it in a rush.

For my hosts, each one of them has a manilla folder. I write on the outside everything pertinent to their show (show #, date, name, address, phone, email, host password for web site, directions, recipe to demo, any special requests from the host, etc...anything that I need to look at at a glance for that show. On the inside I keep any correspondence from emails (emailed orders, etc.) deposit slips, show order forms, etc.

I like to find what I need at my fingertips and not have to waste time digging for something. (I'm a little bit OCD...can't you tell?!?!)

I hope this helps and is not too confusing.
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That's great. Thanks for your help. I'm a little ADD, hence my need for organizational tips.
I also have a recipe binder. I put marked up recipes that 1) I've used at a show and was a hit, 2) I've used at a show and wasn't a great hit, 3) would like to try at a show.

The mark-ups include: tips for show presentation, items that I want to have prepped prior to show, additional PC products needed so that I don't have to re-invent the wheel each time I select it for a show, etc.
one tip I learned at conferance that has saved me a lot of time... always fill out the additional information section in PP when you get the customers info. That way you will always have the addresses and phone numbers handy and don't need to hold on to every drawing slip and scap of paper. You can also do mailing lists from the program. And I always get my host's email address. That way I can get ahold of her if I am unable to reach her by phone, and send her the ingredient list that she can just print out and take to the store with her. If you have an email address PC will also send out an email to let them know that their order has been shipped, so they know when to expect it. And I reminder when their 10% discount is going to run out.
I'll have some tips for you after conference. This is one of the workshops I'll be taking.
I did think of one thing that REALLY helps me stay organized. I have my calendar color coded with the post-it flags. I have the pink post it flags for dates I'll do shows. Orange flags are for meeting dates or other family events. Red flags are absolutely NO SHOW dates.

On the flags I put the hosts name, address, phone, email, time, and past host booked off. I also pencil in what type of show they want or special recipe. I write tiny to fit it all in. I have everything handy in my car at all times (calendar stays in my purse).
I'm taking that workshop too! I need it. I forget what session you're going to. I'll be at session 2 and I have that Managing Time workshop on the 2nd day at 2 pm. I can't wait to put all that I learn into action! :)
I'm going to the 3rd conference. We'll have to compare notes.

Related to Looking for Tips on Organization

1. How do I start organizing my kitchen?

To start organizing your kitchen, first declutter by getting rid of any items you no longer use or need. Then, group similar items together and designate specific areas or containers for each category. Consider using drawer dividers or shelf organizers to maximize space. Finally, create a system for maintaining organization, such as putting items back in their designated spot after each use.

2. What are some essential tools for kitchen organization?

Some essential tools for kitchen organization include drawer dividers, shelf organizers, storage containers, label makers, and a filing system for recipes and kitchen manuals. A whiteboard or calendar can also be helpful for meal planning and keeping track of grocery lists.

3. How can I keep my pantry organized?

To keep your pantry organized, start by sorting through and getting rid of expired or unused items. Use clear storage containers or baskets to group similar items together and make them easier to find. Label containers with the contents and expiration dates. Utilize vertical space by installing shelves or using stackable containers. Lastly, regularly check and restock your pantry to maintain organization.

4. How do I organize my kitchen cabinets?

To organize your kitchen cabinets, first empty them out and wipe down the shelves. Group similar items together and designate specific cabinets for each category. Install shelf risers or use stacking shelves to maximize space. Use drawer organizers or small baskets to keep smaller items together. And don't forget to regularly declutter and reorganize as needed.

5. What are some tips for maintaining an organized kitchen?

To maintain an organized kitchen, make sure to regularly declutter and get rid of any unused or expired items. Create a system for putting items back in their designated spot after each use. Set aside a specific time each week to tidy up and reorganize if needed. And involve the whole family in the organization process to help everyone stay on top of keeping the kitchen organized.

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