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Leaving Items on the Deck: A Bad Morning Story

In summary, Kristen forgot to leave some things out for her friend, and also forgot to leave something important at her house.
Silver Member
Okay I told a friend consultant that I would lend her my salad spinner, salad cards & tongs for her show tonight. Well today was my 3 year old's b-day party, and I knew I would be gone so I told her I would leave them on the deck.

Well I had a really bad morning, and I thought about the stuff 2x's and do you think I left it out. NO! I feel so bad, and she totally has helped me out in the past. I am a spaz!
DOH! I have done that... thankfully my team knows I have an open door policy... even if I am not home, they can come in and get what they need.

Not the safest thing I know, and if I was big city, I would re-think it.
I feel with my fingers.But I understand the frustration. Don't beat yourself up about it - we all do dumb things at one time or another, in fact, some of us excell at doing dumb things.
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  • #4
LOL KG! Thanks for lightening the mood.Kristen what is really bad is my case was right by the door w/ everything right there. I never thought to tell her to come in ( my house is unlocked too, per my husband's orders. He keeps telling me this isn't S. Cali)
Don't be too hard on yourself! It happens. Next time tell them to call and remind you! LOL
Sounds like even a call from the consultant wouldn't have helped. I am constantly having "brain farts" forgetting alot of things. I am sure she will understand what happened when you tell her. We all make mistakes.

What I do is write a note on paper with a thick black marker. I write what I need to remember and then tape it on the front door making sure the note hangs over the door handle. Then I have to see the note before I leave.
I put sticky notes on my steering wheel... I know.. I'm pathetic but I can TRIP over something that I'm supposed to take along and still forget it... thankfully I've not forgotten a child ... yet :)
Getting old doesn't make us forgetful. Having too many stupid things to remember makes us forgetful. --Maxine
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  • #9
Well that wasn't the only thing I forgot that day!!
I forgot the shrek M&M's that I searched all over town for
I forgot to put the shrek snacks in the gift bags
I forgot a big spoon
I almost forgot to wake my son, and take him to his b-day party
Then I forgot to leave the stuff out for my friend (but she was fine w/ it, thank God)

It all worked out, but it sure didn't feel like it that night!

I am the same way about forgeting things that I trip over.

You guys are awesome thanks for support on my forgetfulness.
  • #10
pamperedalf said:
Well that wasn't the only thing I forgot that day!!
I forgot the shrek M&M's that I searched all over town for
I forgot to put the shrek snacks in the gift bags
I forgot a big spoon
I almost forgot to wake my son, and take him to his b-day party
Then I forgot to leave the stuff out for my friend (but she was fine w/ it, thank God)

It all worked out, but it sure didn't feel like it that night!

I am the same way about forgeting things that I trip over.

You guys are awesome thanks for support on my forgetfulness.
Oh believe me...Everyone has their days! :)
  • #11
If I tape a note to the front door, I forget and leave thru the back door.
The other morning I searched and searched for my car keys.
I couldn't find them anywhere.
Decided to go to the mailbox and then resume looking. they wrere hanging in the lock and had been there from the night before when I lugged PC boxes in that fed ex left.
  • #12
Amanda!! How dare you forget about ME!!!
Just Kidding. It really was fine. Thanks for the next day.
I can't forget you forgot the Sherk M&Ms. I'm sorry you had a bad Saturday.
Talk to you later.

Related to Leaving Items on the Deck: A Bad Morning Story

1. Can leaving items on your deck really lead to a bad morning?

Yes, leaving items on your deck can definitely lead to a bad morning. Not only can it be dangerous for you and others, but it can also cause damage to your belongings and property.

2. What are some potential hazards of leaving items on your deck?

Some potential hazards of leaving items on your deck include tripping and falling, items getting blown away or damaged by weather, and attracting pests or unwanted animals.

3. How can I prevent a bad morning caused by leaving items on my deck?

The best way to prevent a bad morning is to make sure your deck is always clear of any items. If you need to leave something temporarily, make sure it is secured and won't cause any hazards. It's also a good idea to do a quick check before going to bed or leaving the house to ensure everything is put away.

4. Is there a specific type of organization or storage system that can help prevent leaving items on the deck?

Yes, there are many organization and storage solutions specifically designed for outdoor spaces like decks. Some options include deck boxes, shelving units, and hanging storage systems. These can help keep your items organized and off the deck floor.

5. Can leaving items on my deck cause any long-term damage to my property?

Yes, leaving items on your deck can cause long-term damage to your property. For example, if you leave wet or damp items on your deck, it can cause mold or rotting. Additionally, if items are left on your deck for an extended period of time, it can cause discoloration or damage to the wood or other materials.

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