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Join the Booking Blitz Tonight for Summer Deals & Tips!

In summary, this Booking Blitz is a great way to get your summer booked. You can make quick calls to potential clients and get your show booked.
Anyone else participating in the Booking Blitz this month? I have never done one and am excited. I am hoping to book the rest of my summer! Any tips?
My cluster did this! It was fun. I would suggest telling the people that you call that you are participating in a booking blitz. #1 people love to help you out! #2 it will help you to make the calls quick! We only had 30 minutes to make our calls. And of course SMILE when you are on the phone!!!
Have your list of contacts all ready to go, and just dial their number! (Don't sit there and think about the person you are going to call, such as "Oh, this person might to busy to hear from me, etc.")

During our blitz last night, I dialed 12 numbers, making 3 contacts. Out of those 3 contacts, I got 2 bookings!
never heard of this
please do explain more details
We are doing one tonight. Never done it before so I am kind of nervous!! Did they give you all a script to work with, since it's company wide this month!?!
I hadn't heard about one tonight, but I am off so I might as well do a little booking blitz of my own!
Okay, count me in....
I have to pull myself up by the bootstraps and get of my pity party bench. I have so lacked motivation lately. I so understand where Kelly is coming from.
is the booking blitz only tonight? i will be leaving around 5ish to go work concessions at the ballfield and won't be home until around 10
I didn't realize it was company wide...I'm interested but don't know exactly how it works...can anyone explain it?
  • #10
We are doing this tonight at our Cluster meeting. I have never done one, so I too, am excited and nervous. I do not have any shows booked for June and really want to get at least 3 shows, so I hope that I can at least get a few shows on the book for June!!!!
  • #11
The Booking Blitz is something that clusters are doing in May. Your director should have information about it.

We are doing ours for our regular cluster meeting next Wednesday.

I found this info about how to do them on CC (Oh, and Sheri is my SD!)

  • #12
heat123 said:
We are doing one tonight. Never done it before so I am kind of nervous!! Did they give you all a script to work with, since it's company wide this month!?!

We reviewed the customer care outline (from the printable materials CD, or downloadable from cc) for scripts
  • #13
Even if your Cluster/Director is not doing Booking Blitz, you can do your own! There's great suggestions on this thread...who says you have to be with your cluster to have your own Booking Blitz! Do it when it's convenient for YOU, just like your biz! Go for it!
  • #14
My director set us up for the whole week starting today and ending the 22nd. My plan is to make at least 4 calls a day each day (even weekends) for this!! I'm hoping this will jump start not only my booking and sales but my habit to call people everyday. :D :D :D

She sent out this tally sheet as well:


  • blitz_scorecard.pdf
    47.4 KB · Views: 345
  • #15
we did one last night at our meeting for 30 minutes. I got a catalog show from a past host.

Ann R.
  • #16
kristi, thanks for posting the card. I think my director said everone who did the blitz in the meeting and the results reported to HO were entered into a drawing.

Ann R.
  • #17
aried said:
kristi, thanks for posting the card. I think my director said everone who did the blitz in the meeting and the results reported to HO were entered into a drawing.

Ann R.

Yup! I'm hoping I can keep it together this week! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Yes, it is company wide. I was discussed at the regional meetings. Your director should keep a score card ( it is posted in there already) and submit it to HO. I understand there will be drawings for prizes.
  • #19
We are also doing it tonight at our cluster meeting. I haven't done one before.
  • #20
We did ours last night.

I got one July show booked, 2 people that are supposed to call me this week with a date that works for them, one order, and 2 people that said yes to participating in my June mystery host catalog show.

I got 7 answering machines too so I will follow up with those people soon.
  • #21
I kind of did my own blitz last night as the night of our cluster meeting I forgot everything. That night I got one Bridal Shower. Last night I called 7 people, left 5 message and got 2 shows in July. I also sent out an email to a group of home based business owners that I was to meet yesterday, and got a June Show. So that means I got 3 in under 12 hours!! Wahoo!!
  • #22
I did this at my meeting last night but was dissapointed that we did not even start till 8:15pm. I usually end my calls at that time due to most of my customers requesting no calls after 8 or 8:30pm. I really likethe concept of doing it as a group though to support each other. I actually listend to some of the other gals and it was fun.
  • #23
I have to put mine off til Thursday:(
Something unexpected came up.
  • #24
Ours is tomorrow night. Am anxious to see how it goes.
  • #25
I went to Regional in Pittsburgh and I didn't hear anything about this! My director hasn't said anything either, our meeting isn't until June!
What is the drawing for? I don't want to miss out on a freebie! LOL!
  • #26
Just FYI~ Don't get discouraged if you get a bunch of machines for the booking blitz. Ours was last night and I did get some shows booked, but today I booked another THREE shows!

Keep the momentum going even after the "blitz" is over.
  • #27
My own personal booking blitz was a bust, and there was no good reason for it other than my own laziness.

I do hope we have an organized one ... every time we've had one, I was unable to participate.
  • #28
Answering machine script:

Hi, Marta! This is Scott from The Pampered Chef. I was reviewing your receipt last night, and have good news for you - give me a call as soon as you get this message! My number is xxx-xxxx. [Good News = More of that collection is on sale in June / upcoming host specials]


Hi, Marta! This is Scott from The Pampered Chef. I was reviewing your receipt last night, and have a question for you - please give me a call as soon as you get this message! My number is xxx-xxxx. [Question = would you like to earn products free? Would you like to make extra income - opportunity?]

People will call you back! Be positive.
  • #29
We did our booking blitz tonight. I got a total of 9 no answer or answering machines, 3 cooking shows, and 1 catalog show. 2 people that I talked to said No, thanks. Look I am still alive;) This was such an eye opener for me. People are not going to bite off our heads when we call about bookings. Especially, iwhen we combine it with a customer care call. I hope everyone success in this endeavor!
  • #30
WE did ours and I had 8 machine messages and 3 catty shows!
  • Thread starter
  • #31
Good results last night from the booking blitz. I made 6 calls, booked 2 shows and talked with a potential recruit!
  • #32
Hey Lisa ... what do you say to having our own personal booking blitz on Sunday?I find that is a good time to reach people ... and I milk free weekends for all they're worth! How about we set a goal to call a certain number of results ...and maybe meet in person next week and celebrate our results?

Related to Join the Booking Blitz Tonight for Summer Deals & Tips!

1. What is a Booking Blitz?

A Booking Blitz is a focused effort to book as many parties or shows as possible within a specific time frame. It typically involves reaching out to potential hosts and sharing the benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef party, such as earning free products and discounts.

2. When is the Booking Blitz taking place?

The specific dates for the Booking Blitz may vary, but it typically takes place during the summer months when people are more likely to be hosting events and looking for new recipes and kitchen tools.

3. How can I participate in the Booking Blitz?

To participate in the Booking Blitz, simply reach out to your network of friends, family, and acquaintances and ask if anyone is interested in hosting a Pampered Chef party. You can also utilize social media and other marketing strategies to reach a wider audience.

4. What are some tips for a successful Booking Blitz?

First, make sure to have a clear goal in mind and stay organized with a list of potential hosts and their contact information. Utilize the resources and training materials provided by Pampered Chef to effectively communicate the benefits of hosting a party. Additionally, offering incentives or discounts can help motivate potential hosts to book a party.

5. How can I book the rest of my summer through the Booking Blitz?

The key to booking the rest of your summer through the Booking Blitz is to stay persistent and consistent with your outreach efforts. Don't be afraid to follow up with potential hosts and continue to share the benefits and excitement of hosting a Pampered Chef party. Also, be open to scheduling parties for the fall and beyond to ensure a full calendar of events.

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