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Join Me for My First Kitchen Show on Sunday | Tips to Reach $1250 Goal"

In summary, a group of consultants discussed their experiences and strategies for getting bookings and reaching their Super Starter goals. They shared tips such as completing a list of 100 potential guests, hosting their own show as a mystery host, and emphasizing the host program and monthly specials at their shows. One consultant also shared a way to change their Super Starter month through the Pampered Chef website. Despite some challenges, everyone wished each other luck and encouragement for their upcoming shows.
Hello, first of all I am new here. My name is Melissa and I live in Oklahoma. My first kitchen show is this Sunday The 15th. I'm pretty nervous. Its my sister hosting the show so that makes me feel a little better. I am nervous about having to make soemthing though. I do not cook! I think what we've picked is fairly simple. I am a little bummed though because this is my first month and so far I've only been able to get 2 bookings. I desperatly want to reach the $1250 goal to get my next set of products! Any suggestions? I swear I've asked everyone I know.
Hello - First I have to ask what part of Oklahoma your from...I live in Oklahoma too. We'll be moving back to Texas in about a year though. Well, you have certainly have come to the right place for advice and help. You will find this site VERY helpful!

Are you sure you have asked everyone you know?!? HAHA!! Did you complete your list of 100...because that really helps! I'm talking hairdressers, parents of kids friends, teachers, church, etc. At this next show - really emphasize the host program and show the guests the monthly host specials for May thru August. They are wonderful and sure to grab guest's attention! There is also a file someone posted on this site. Go under Files at the top of the page and look for the file named "118 ways to get bookings". That should help you get a few more ideas too. Good Luck with your first show this weekend!

Welcome!The other thing you could do is host your own show- I am next week and am going to turn it into a mystery host show as the grand prize! This is a great way to get everyone that you have asked into your house so that you can perform for them and get them to book a show! I wish you luck in your new venture! Just remember when you are doing your first show- no one is 'out' to get you and you have information that they want to know- just relax and have fun. As long as you are having fun, the guests and host will too! You only have one first show!
I too have my 1st show...I have my first show on Sunday the 15th as well...and I also only have 2 shows booked for May. I've tried everything to get people to book...Help Whip, Free Food Chopper etc...I have 4 parties booked for June though! I am thinking of changing my SS month to June...does anyone know ho to change this?

Anyway...good luck with your first show! I will be thinking about you!

Michele Lashuk
Independent Kitchen Consultant

I found this on the website for you~Thanks to Beth!
To change your SS month you can go to the Pampered Chef website and sign into Consultant's Corner. Click on "Home Office Cantacts" and then "Home Office Emails". Click on "Super Starter Change Request."

Hope that helps!
My SS month is June and I am hosting an Open house/MYstery host show as well. I am trying to get my name out there. I only have one other show this month on the 25th with my best friend as host. Hopefully I can get more bookings frommy open house. I really want to hit it ss month 1 because I really want the bar stone. Good luck to every one!
KristiThanks for the info!
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Well my show didn't go great but I guess it wasn't horrible either. First off I forgot my pens, my door prize, and my pizza cutter! The recipes went well and everyone said I did a good job. There were times I didn't talk and I didn't know much about the products so I had to flip through the reference cards. I got 2 maybes on bookings. I'm going to call one of the girls tonight, and the other is my mom. THen I realized once I got home I charged everyone tax on their shipping so I over charged everyone about .30. Other than that I guess it went fine. I feel like it was horrible and I am very discouraged right now!
~Kitchenqueen, I live in Coweta but I am originally from Tulsa. Where do you live?
muhlissah said:
Well my show didn't go great but I guess it wasn't horrible either. First off I forgot my pens, my door prize, and my pizza cutter! The recipes went well and everyone said I did a good job. There were times I didn't talk and I didn't know much about the products so I had to flip through the reference cards. I got 2 maybes on bookings. I'm going to call one of the girls tonight, and the other is my mom. THen I realized once I got home I charged everyone tax on their shipping so I over charged everyone about .30. Other than that I guess it went fine. I feel like it was horrible and I am very discouraged right now!
~Kitchenqueen, I live in Coweta but I am originally from Tulsa. Where do you live?

Don't feel discouraged! That's really not bad for a first show! We've all got to start somewhere, and we always are learning and growing from our mistakes. I had to make a checklist of EVERYTHING that I put in my crates to bring, that way nothing's left out. My last show, I forgot my drawing slips, forgot to add cheese to the recipe, and didn't even do a game at all...and I'm learning from it...those drawing slips have so much information that I needed, and I didn't get any bookings, because of that.
As for the tax, I would call each person and let them know that you accidentally charged them extra, and would they mind donating that overage to the local food pantry through Round up from the heart...no one's really going to want $0.30 back, so they'll say yes, and that gives you more toward the breakfast of caring at Nationals!
Good luck!
  • #10
First, CONGRATS on having your first show! That is the first step. Remember that we ALL make mistakes whether it is our FIRST show or our HUNDREDTH show. I make mistakes at every show and laugh and tell the guests...good thing they don't screen for this job! WHEW! If you were perfect, no one would want to do what you do because they couldn't duplicate it. RELAX and don't be so hard on yourself.

Second, if your guests gave you a compliment that you did a good job, don't discount their compliments. Take it! You left with 2 bookings...that is a GREAT SUCCESS!

Stop beating yourself up and be happy with the things you did right. You did a lot right....focus on that and learn from your mistakes.

Related to Join Me for My First Kitchen Show on Sunday | Tips to Reach $1250 Goal"

What is the average sales goal for a Pampered Chef kitchen show?

The average sales goal for a Pampered Chef kitchen show is $1250. This is a great goal to strive for as it allows the host to earn free and discounted products as well as rewards from Pampered Chef.

How can I reach the $1250 goal for my first kitchen show?

There are a few tips to help you reach your $1250 goal for your first kitchen show. First, invite as many guests as you can and encourage them to bring a friend. Second, offer incentives such as raffle prizes or discounts for guests who bring a certain number of friends. Third, promote your show on social media and through word-of-mouth to reach a larger audience.

What are some popular products to showcase at a kitchen show?

Some popular products to showcase at a kitchen show include the Deep Covered Baker, the Quick Cooker, and the Manual Food Processor. These products are versatile, easy to use, and demonstrate the quality and convenience of Pampered Chef products.

What are the benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef kitchen show?

There are many benefits to hosting a Pampered Chef kitchen show. As a host, you can earn free and discounted products, get exclusive discounts on future purchases, and receive rewards from Pampered Chef. It's also a fun and social way to try new recipes and products with your friends and family.

Can I still earn rewards if I don't reach the $1250 goal?

Yes, you can still earn rewards even if you don't reach the $1250 goal. Pampered Chef offers rewards for every level of sales, so even if you don't reach the $1250 goal, you can still earn free and discounted products. Plus, hosting a kitchen show is a great way to earn rewards and have a fun night with your friends and family.

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