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Personal Is Something Wrong with My Child?

would use telehealth if I were you. There is a toll-free number that can connect you with a nurse. His lips are bluish, he's not eating and his extremities are purple. This doesn't sound like anything is just "going back to normal". I would definitely have him seen by a doctor as soon as possible.
he has ben sleeping 14 hours aday the past 3-4 days. goes to bed around 9 and sleeps till 1 in the after nooon. today had to wake him. his legs arms hands and feet are purple and our house is warm. took his scoks off today and his feet are ice cold. had socks on all night. also his lips are blue. his appitite is ok and does drink. sometimes does not want to eat but other wise he does eat. he has been off for the past 2 weeks. soemtimes he would fuss for no reson at all and that is not him.
Have you called your dr about this? I'd take him in immediately, this does not sound normal at all...please do it today
Call the doctor - now!!!!!
Call the doctor today!
You need to have him seen by the doctor. Going 14 hours without eating for a baby so young can be very dangerous.
I would have him looked at by a doctor asap. It would be a relief to hear that it was nothing, that he'll be fine, but I would rathar be safe than sorry...
oh, I was just noticed you're from pipestone, MN, as in Manitoba? Not sure wher eyour closest doctor is from you, but in Ontario we have telehealth, a toll free # we can call to speak with a nurse...
  • Thread starter
  • #8
my hubby said that if he wakes up in the morning and then takes a nap that is the wame thing as sleeping for 14 hours. but i mean he has ben sleeping 14 hours at once and than not nap. i am not to worried about to much. He has had this purple hands since he was born. off and on. most of the time he would wake up and fuss to get out of the crb and i never hd to wake hime up i mean ever till now. he has doc appointment next thursday. so we will see. Till then i will keep a close eye on him. heis very active little boy.
I'd still call if I were you, that just doesn't sound right. Let the doctor make the call on bringing him in.
  • #10
It is not normal for a baby to sleep 14 hrs at one time!
I would at least CALL the dr and explain to them what is going on!
At least wake the baby up in the morning and see how he is doing, is he eating regularly? How can he when he sleeps from 9pm-1pm???
  • #11
please don't wait until next week
  • #12
If you were concerned enough to post on here about him, you should be telling the doctor or nurse about it as well! Don't wait till next week! Maybe it's nothing, but it's better to have peace of mind.
  • #13
When my baby wouldn't wake up to eat, I called the DR - and the DR told me to bypass his office and head straight to the emergency room.Good thing we did too.This is the life of your child in question - don't sit around and wonder what to do - take action!
  • #14
ChefBeckyD said:
When my baby wouldn't wake up to eat, I called the DR - and the DR told me to bypass his office and head straight to the emergency room.

Good thing we did too.

This is the life of your child in question - don't sit around and wonder what to do - take action!

Becky, what ended up being the problem?
  • Thread starter
  • #15
chefbeckyd what did your baby end up having?

his arms and feet seem to be going back to normal.
he was at a friends house sunday night and the friend that was watching him also said that he was not right to him eather and the friend sees him a lot. he fussed for no reasson at church enougth to go home early and has ben better.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
my boy is 2
  • #17
As a nurse I implore you to take him to a dr immediately. This is not normal. An infant can become dehydrated within a few hours, and not eating for 14 hours is not Normal!!!!!!!!If he has bluish lips or extremities he could be having heart issues. This is not something to take lightly!!!!!!!!!
  • #18
Call the doctor now please. CS is no substitue for medical care. Could you ever forgive yourself if something were to be wrong? It might be nothing, but then again it could be something --- Just call.
  • #19
Not to mention if you drag your feet it could be considered neglect!
  • #20
I agree with everyone else. Call the Dr and don't wait until next week! I personally would rather have the Dr tell me I am over reacting than have there be something horribly wrong with my children.
  • #21
All health care individuals are in a position to tell each and every case of possible neglect (it does not have to be neglect just a suspicion of neglect).
  • Thread starter
  • #22
my new baby girl does not do the tight fhist and turn blue thing like he did
  • #23
Get off this computer and call the dr now and explain what is going on, if someone else who was taking care of him on SUNDAY (what is TODAY? THURSDAY???) said he is not acting right, and you KNOW he's not right, what are you doing???
Quit speculating and DO SOMETHING!
  • #24
pamperedlinda said:
Call the doctor now please. CS is no substitue for medical care. Could you ever forgive yourself if something were to be wrong? It might be nothing, but then again it could be something --- Just call.

I agree Linda!
  • #25
milkangel said:
my new baby girl does not do the tight fhist and turn blue thing like he did

Are you listening?!!!!!!?????

Get up. Go to the phone. Make the call. Or, perhaps just get in your car and go to the Dr.
  • #26
A 2 year old boy will not be asleep for 14 hours at a time normally. You need to have him seen by a professional.
  • #27
Is he ok??? We are all just concerned here. Not to tell you what to do or anything but even if it's nothing let the dr. be the one to tell you it's nothing. If they are no help on the phone take him to an Urgent Care and let them tell you.
  • #28
hopefully her absence is because she's taking her DS to the doctor....I hope all is well.
  • #29
Sending prayers for her little boy's health and her peace of mind.
  • #30
I hope he is okay please let us know you are in my prayers.
  • #31
Yes, I hope you have taken him to the Dr. Please let us know how he is doing.
  • #32
Is this boy the older child or the new baby? I thought at first it was the new baby, but I'm re-reading it and now I'm thinking it's the older son. Now I'm not quite as worried as if it was the new baby--but still that is a long time for him to be sleeping and not eating. If it's abnormal behavior, it's something to mention to the doctor. But the really important thing is the blue lips and purple feet----that's not normal! I hope the doctor is contacted!!
  • #33
this kinda disturbed me as a parent of 3 anytime any part of a child esp an infant turns blue you need to see a doctor I dont understand why she wouldnt have called the doc asap something is just not right here i do hope the little one is ok and has seen the doc
  • #34
I hope she took him to the Dr, hopefully she will let us all know what happened.
  • #35
babywings76 said:
Is this boy the older child or the new baby? I thought at first it was the new baby, but I'm re-reading it and now I'm thinking it's the older son. Now I'm not quite as worried as if it was the new baby--but still that is a long time for him to be sleeping and not eating. If it's abnormal behavior, it's something to mention to the doctor. But the really important thing is the blue lips and purple feet----that's not normal! I hope the doctor is contacted!!

I think I read that her son is 2. Even then, it's none of this is normal.
  • #36
TerraOB83 said:
this kinda disturbed me as a parent of 3 anytime any part of a child esp an infant turns blue you need to see a doctor I dont understand why she wouldnt have called the doc asap something is just not right here i do hope the little one is ok and has seen the doc

I have to agree. I am really quite surprised (and worried) that her first thought was to post here instead of taking her child to the doctor.

Kinda scary.
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  • #37
I also am conserned. Prayers for the little boy and guidence for his mother.
  • #38
KimoMakano said:
I have to agree. I am really quite surprised (and worried) that her first thougth was to post here instead of taking her child to the doctor.

Kinda scary.

She's done that before - posted here with pretty scary kid stuff. It worries and saddens me. Perhaps she doesn't have health insurance and can't afford to go to the doctor for everything so she has to do her own triage.

Milkangel, I hope your little one is OK and please let us know.
  • #39
susanr613 said:
She's done that before - posted here with pretty scary kid stuff. It worries and saddens me. Perhaps she doesn't have health insurance and can't afford to go to the doctor for everything so she has to do her own triage.

Milkangel, I hope your little one is OK and please let us know.

Never thought about the insurance thing. In Hawaii we have mandated health insurance so most people are covered, and because of that sometimes we forget the value of it.

Our prayers are also with her and the children
  • #40
update please, praying you are both ok
  • #41
I'm worried too! I hope we get an update soon!
  • #42
She was on here earlier today. Her profile showed her as logged in and viewing this thread. I certainly hope her little one is ok.
  • #43
I'm not surprised she's not responding. If I was her, I'd be mad at how some people treated her.
  • #44
I am also without insurance but most states have "Medicaid" of some form for children under 18. I'm sorry some people got upset with you, but you need to take children to the dr and not depend on "cyber-people" for medical help! Praying for all of you!
  • #45
I don't think anyone intentionally meant to hurt her feelings i think everyone was just concerned for her child
  • #46
candiejayne said:
I'm not surprised she's not responding. If I was her, I'd be mad at how some people treated her.

I don't know if they were meant to be taken that way or not, but I would have to agree that some seemed to have quite a tone to them.
  • #47
TerraOB83 said:
I don't think anyone intentionally meant to hurt her feelings i think everyone was just concerned for her child

I agree with you. She came on here looking for advice and some things said would be hurtful if it were me. I can understand some of the feelings but we never know a person's situation. I also told her to go to their doctor but I did not continue to judge her for her reasons for waiting.

And even if there are government programs out there that does not mean she is enrolled or that she qualifies. I know plenty of people that have horrible or no insurance but although they cannot afford better the goverment says they do not qualify for help.

There are plenty of people that seek online help for medical symptons, if not, all the websites that deal with it would not be online.

People come on here for advice at times and they think it is safe to ask personal questions among friends online here, they do not expect to be talked about when they are not here. I would love to know how her son is too but he could be where she does not have time to respond and she is taking care of her child.

I say we al focus our energy on praying that her son is ok.:angel:
  • #48
Prayers going your way and to your son

God is watching over both of you

  • #49
candiejayne said:
I'm not surprised she's not responding. If I was her, I'd be mad at how some people treated her.

I meant to quote Andrea in my response below. I don't know how to go back and correct my quote, so, I am doing it this way.
  • #50
Regarding the insurance thing, we haven't had health insurance for 3 1/2 years and honestly, I think health insurance is a rip off. Yes I have around $8,000.00 in medical bills, BUT during hard times I can send them each $25 (there are 3 right now) a month and they can't send me to collections. Whereas health insurance for us would run about $750 a month. The medical bills are also intrest free and I can negotiate directly with the doctors and hospitals for a reduction in charges.
We do not qualify for any 'help' because my husband makes too much money and we own our home.
<h2>1. Is it normal for my child to sleep for 14 hours a day?</h2><p>It is not necessarily abnormal for children to sleep for longer periods of time, especially during growth spurts or if they are recovering from an illness. However, if you notice a sudden increase in your child's sleeping habits or if they seem excessively tired, it may be worth discussing with your child's doctor.</p><h2>2. Why are my child's legs, arms, hands, and feet turning purple?</h2><p>This could be a sign of poor circulation or a decrease in blood flow to those areas. It could also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. It is important to monitor this and speak with your child's doctor if it persists or if there are other concerning symptoms.</p><h2>3. Why are my child's feet ice cold even though he had socks on all night?</h2><p>If your child's feet are cold to the touch and they were wearing socks to bed, it could be a sign of poor circulation or a decrease in blood flow. It is important to monitor this and speak with your child's doctor if it continues or if there are other concerning symptoms.</p><h2>4. Why are my child's lips turning blue?</h2><p>Blue lips can be a sign of poor circulation or a lack of oxygen in the blood. It is important to monitor this and speak with your child's doctor if it persists or if there are other concerning symptoms.</p><h2>5. Why has my child been fussing for no reason and acting differently?</h2><p>Any sudden changes in behavior or mood should be monitored and discussed with your child's doctor. It could be a sign of an underlying issue or could be related to changes in their routine or environment. Keeping track of these changes and speaking with a medical professional can help determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.</p>

Related to Is Something Wrong with My Child?

1. Is it normal for my child to sleep for 14 hours a day?

It is not necessarily abnormal for children to sleep for longer periods of time, especially during growth spurts or if they are recovering from an illness. However, if you notice a sudden increase in your child's sleeping habits or if they seem excessively tired, it may be worth discussing with your child's doctor.

2. Why are my child's legs, arms, hands, and feet turning purple?

This could be a sign of poor circulation or a decrease in blood flow to those areas. It could also be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. It is important to monitor this and speak with your child's doctor if it persists or if there are other concerning symptoms.

3. Why are my child's feet ice cold even though he had socks on all night?

If your child's feet are cold to the touch and they were wearing socks to bed, it could be a sign of poor circulation or a decrease in blood flow. It is important to monitor this and speak with your child's doctor if it continues or if there are other concerning symptoms.

4. Why are my child's lips turning blue?

Blue lips can be a sign of poor circulation or a lack of oxygen in the blood. It is important to monitor this and speak with your child's doctor if it persists or if there are other concerning symptoms.

5. Why has my child been fussing for no reason and acting differently?

Any sudden changes in behavior or mood should be monitored and discussed with your child's doctor. It could be a sign of an underlying issue or could be related to changes in their routine or environment. Keeping track of these changes and speaking with a medical professional can help determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.

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