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Is it Wrong to Promote My Business in Church Mailslots?

I think it's a joke that someone was offended by your actions and then they don't even have the decency to speak to you about it. I think you should be able to express your feelings to someone at the church...maybe the pastor? In summary, the conversation involved a church member distributing catalogs to ask for referrals to help ramp up their business due to their spouse's unemployment. However, they received an announcement in the church bulletin stating complaints about business solicitations in the mailslots, causing the person to feel humiliated and upset. They also mention that their church does not have a published policy on what can or cannot go in the mailslots. The person is considering finding a new church due
Last week, I distributed 77 spring mini catalogs to various people at my church via our mailslots. I started calling everyone this week, not asking them to buy or book or anything like that, but rather to refer me to someone who might want to. Most people seemed relieved that I was not asking them to have a show :) and many told me they would take the catalog to work and ask around. Great!

I stopped in church last night to drop my son off for the youth group's babysitting night and grabbed tomorrow's bulletin. I was reading it over today and there is an announcement in there that COMPLAINTS have been received regarding business solicitations in church mailslots so please don't do it, blah blah blah.

Now, I have not received any other business solicitations in my mailslot, so this announcement is clearly directed at me. What could have been taken care of with a single phone call has now caused me great humiliation as I have been chastized in front of the whole church for using the mailslots to promote my business.

If someone from the church council had bothered to call me, they would know that I distributed the catalogs to ask for referrals because I need to ramp up my business to make more money because my DH is currently unemployed. Do they care?

UGH!!! I am so upset and I needed to vent somewhere, so thanks for listening.

Oh, and our church does not have any published policy regarding what can and cannot go into the mailslots, so I didn't know I was violating any rules. I thought my church members would be happy to support me in my business, but I guess not. I am literally in tears over this and now I'm not sure I even want to attend this church any longer. :(
No good deed goes unpunished.The sad part of all of this, IMHO, is that they have burned a bridge that someone, with more vision, might have seen as an opportunity. In my own church, I particiapte in an annual fund-raiser at church. I have received many orders from members for the fundraiser and everyone knows that I am a Pampered Chef without me having to sell people. They have eliminated any chance of having you help raise funds for them through TPC.For me, it would be time to find a church with a more nurturing and less arrogant atmosphere.Edited to add: You probably should have gotten permission from someone first, but since that ship has sailed, you are in a pretty awkward spot. I'm still always amazed at the "Christian" attitude shown by the group I call the Perpetually Offended.
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When I started my business I worked at a church and they were very supportive. I did not solicit business or "advertize" through the church (except that we did do a fundraiser one time) but friends helped spread the word.

I no longer work there but after over a year away from that type of work I took a position at another church. They made it very clear that I was not to do any type of PC business at/in the church. I even got a nasty email one time because someone got my newsletter and they thought I used the church's list. I corrected them immediately. I would never send such an email to anyone who had not given me permission to do it. This person must have given me their email at a show or fair. They "apologized" - well sort of.

Churches can be very funny places. It's like everyone who is at all involved is the CEO.

Sorry you had that trouble but know you are not alone.
That really stinks. I would certainly speak to the pastor and/or whatever type of governing "board" they have there. I agree with you- a simple phone call was in order here. Even if they chose to print that in the bulletin, (so everyone is on the same page in the future) they should have spoken to you FIRST. Remember too, there may have been one person who could have made this decision without thinking it through. I wouldn't allow this to interfere with you enjoying yourself and worshipping at that church. Get it out in the open so you can get past this situation that was not handled very nicely.
I think the whole situation is terrible. Whoever went to the church to complain should have been able to approach you and tell you they were offended. What you did was not a bad thing that you should have been reprimaded for. What you did was offer a service and or an opportuntity. I am sorry you feel bad. But don't you didn't do anything to feel bad about. You offered the members of your congregation a service and an opportunity. It's not your fault if they can't see the benefits.
I have never tried anything like this at my church, but one of my recruits goes to a Christian church as well and she is even afraid to mention PC on church property because of the negative remarks other DS consultants have gotten for "selling" in God's house. It IS a very sensitive issue for a lot of people and well, I guess you can take it as a learning experience. I'm sorry you have to go through this....
I can't believe they would print something like that in a bulletin of all places! That DOES NOT belong in a bulletin! Im so sorry :(
cat said:
I have never tried anything like this at my church, but one of my recruits goes to a Christian church as well and she is even afraid to mention PC on church property because of the negative remarks other DS consultants have gotten for "selling" in God's house. It IS a very sensitive issue for a lot of people and well, I guess you can take it as a learning experience. I'm sorry you have to go through this....
When I take orders for the fund raiser, we all have a riot making jokes about money changers in the temple.

Life is far too important to take seriously, and someone in that church just has their priorities all out of whack.
Deb, I'm so sorry! That really stinks. I agree with you that it did not need to be advertised in the bulletin but a simple phone call would have done fine. What does youd dh say about it??
You know what, hold your head up high because you didn't do anything wrong. ;)
  • #10

I'm sorry to hear about your experience. It definately could have been handled in a better way. Don't let one experience overshadow your reasons for being in this church in the first place. Take some time to let things settle before making any decisions. It hurts most when those we feel closest too don't support us. It sounds like it was taken positively by some and I'm sure those people will support you.
  • #11
Debbie, I'm sorry that this has happened. I agree that it could have been handled with more sensitivity. My husband is a pastor and we have been at 3 churches since I've become a PC consultant. I am always VERY cautious when it comes to talking about PC at church because I don't want people to feel like I'm always looking for a show or an order.

While a phone call to you would have been the most direct thing for them to do, many people don't like confrontation so take what they believe is the path of least resistance (posting it in the bulletin). They could have also thought that others would get the idea from what you did and start an avalanche of other DS putting stuff in mailslots.

It's easy to say this (and not as easy to do) but I would encourage you to just smile and hold your head up. We are all human and I doubt that whoever put it in the bulletin did it with malice.

You said when you started calling people they were glad that you weren't calling for a show. Did you put a note in with the catalogs? If you do something like this in the future (not at this church though :) ), I would suggest a note explaining what your goal is (need bookings, looking for referrals, etc). Maybe if they had contained a note asking for referrals because your husband was currently out of work and you were wanting to increase your show schedule, etc, people might have taken it better.

While it would be great if everyone that attended church would show a Christ-like attitude, I've yet to see a church that doesn't have a few "busybodies" that are always looking for a way to make everyone else as miserable as they are.

I wouldn't be surprised if you go to church tomorrow and find that alot of people don't have a clue as to why that's in the bulletin and those that do will support you.

Like you said, there was no written policy, so you have done nothing wrong!
  • #12
Debbie, I am sorry to hear about this mess. When I started my business it was by attending a show held in the church fellowship hall by one of the church members. She invited people from church. I had been asked to many PC shows before but wouldn't go because I thought PC was too expensive. Many people attended including the pastor's wife. Everyone in the church was invited because she didn't want to offend anyone by leaving them out, however, she did not expect everyone to show up. This is not everyone's cup of tea...so to speak. Anyway, after seeing the products I signed up...only to get the kit and quit after my six shows. I have now done about 115 shows. I am very part time. My church family knows that I am a pc consultant. But, I let some of them know when we have a great special or if I am trying to build more business this month. I do not talk to everyone...only those I feel close to. I do not take orders in the church or deliver product in the church...I am with the "money changers" people on this issue. If somone orders I let them know after church that I have their product in my car. This being said, I do not let my children sell anything in the church...fundraisers are great, but it can wait until after church and outside the building. Some people are offended by that. Many of the kids do ask for donations and they do pass around catalogs in church...I do not agree with that. I always say "see me after church". But, I do not see how your situation merits being put in the church bulliten. A simple "I'm not interested" would have been enough. Just hold your head up and forget about it. Some people are always offended. Hopefully they will get "prayed through". Don't let it cause you to lose your christianity.
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  • #13
KellyTheChef said:
I wouldn't allow this to interfere with you enjoying yourself and worshipping at that church. Get it out in the open so you can get past this situation that was not handled very nicely.

This is what feels like the 1 millionth episode in a line of situations that have left me feeling ignored, marginalized, and hurt by my church family. There are a handful of people there that keep us coming back and for now they are carrying us through spiritually and emotionally. Even when I ask questions, point out glaring problems, and try to remain positive, nothing changes. Don't even get my started on the church nursery.....
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  • #14
koeverson said:
I think the whole situation is terrible. Whoever went to the church to complain should have been able to approach you and tell you they were offended. What you did was not a bad thing that you should have been reprimaded for. What you did was offer a service and or an opportuntity. I am sorry you feel bad. But don't you didn't do anything to feel bad about. You offered the members of your congregation a service and an opportunity. It's not your fault if they can't see the benefits.

Exactly! They could have just thrown away the mini catalog and gone on their merry way. But NO. They have to be babies and complain! Ugh!
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  • #15
Cindycooks said:
I can't believe they would print something like that in a bulletin of all places! That DOES NOT belong in a bulletin! Im so sorry :(

That's what I'm thinking too. If I were a first time attender, I'd run FAR FAR away from a church that actually printed that kind of stuff!
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  • #16
PampMomof3 said:
Deb, I'm so sorry! That really stinks. I agree with you that it did not need to be advertised in the bulletin but a simple phone call would have done fine. What does youd dh say about it??
You know what, hold your head up high because you didn't do anything wrong. ;)

My DH is totally on my side. He said that if I don't talk to the church council about this humiliation, that he will. That is saying a lot for him because he avoids confrontation like the plague. :)
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  • #17
GeorgiaPeach said:
You said when you started calling people they were glad that you weren't calling for a show. Did you put a note in with the catalogs? If you do something like this in the future (not at this church though :) ), I would suggest a note explaining what your goal is (need bookings, looking for referrals, etc). Maybe if they had contained a note asking for referrals because your husband was currently out of work and you were wanting to increase your show schedule, etc, people might have taken it better.

Thought about that...didn't want to actually put it in print that we were hard up b/c my DH is out of a job right now. Thought phone conversations would be the best way to handle that. Guess I learned my lesson.
  • #18
Deb, I am so sorry to hear this! IMO this was not handled well at all. I am a christian and I love going to church, but it is stuff like this that drives me away. Remember that you weren't doing anything wrong, and God will take care of you!
  • #19
GeorgiaPeach said:
It's easy to say this (and not as easy to do) but I would encourage you to just smile and hold your head up. We are all human and I doubt that whoever put it in the bulletin did it with malice.
You're far less skeptical than I am. I automatically assume that one of the Perpetually Offended used this as a way to smugly exercise his/her "I'll show HER!" attitude that I see all too often. If I'm wrong, I'll say so but I bet I'm not. (The Kat Lady is a church secreta...er...administrative assistant, and sees this type of behavior far more than any of the membership gets to see.)

GeorgiaPeach said:
While it would be great if everyone that attended church would show a Christ-like attitude, I've yet to see a church that doesn't have a few "busybodies" that are always looking for a way to make everyone else as miserable as they are.
This is exactly who I describe as The Perpetually Offended. These people wake up every morning, looking for a way to be offended so they can maintain their little one-person crusade to reform the world in their image. The love to impose their own pathetic reality into everyone else's. It's sad, really.

DebbieJ said:
This is what feels like the 1 millionth episode in a line of situations that have left me feeling ignored, marginalized, and hurt by my church family.
Doesn't that one line pretty well answer your question about whether or not to stay? A "handful of people" is not the reason to stay in a church that otherwise fails to acknowledge your membership.

I also know what kind of church I wouldn't be shopping for, were I you, but I'm keeping that to myself. ;)

Sidebar, FWIW: In my church, it's the other way around, a handful of people that drive me nuts. Fortunately, that same handful of people drives everyone else nuts, so we all just roll our eyes and let their rants go in one ear and out the other. (It pays to listen, because sometimes, they do have a gem of an idea, but is difficult to find buried in all their horsehockey.)
  • #20
Deb - I'm sorry that you've had a hard time with the church. I'm not sure what to tell you. :(

My church has been very supportive of my PC business & people come to me for booking parties. We actually have a newsletter that goes out each month & they encourage us to put our own businesses (DS or otherwise) so that we can all know the individual talents available to us in our church family.

I agree that talking to the church council/board to let them know how this has made you to feel is in order. They should at least be understanding of you & your feelings.

God's blessings.

  • #21
Last Sunday I felt weird about being at church with my PC stuff on. I had a party that afternoon and wouldn't have time to change after church. I had on my pink PC shirt and HOT pink PC jacket...not to mention my van has 2 HUGE PC stickers on the windows. I felt like a walking advertisement...and I was! I told my husband I felt awkward. I did have 3 people stop me and ask me for my info. Weird weird!

If you already know that this church doesn't feel much like a family then move on. It is really sad, but the church is full of sinners! HELLO! The only perfect man died on the cross. I know I wake up in the morning and have to die daily to my self! It is funny though how some people become Christians and they think that it makes them God's right hand...doling out laws and opinions as if they came straight from the Big Man!
  • #22
Chef Kearns said:
It is funny though how some people become Christians and they think that it makes them God's right hand...doling out laws and opinions as if they came straight from the Big Man!
Exactly my thoughts on the subject!
  • #23
Chef Kearns said:
Last Sunday I felt weird about being at church with my PC stuff on. I had a party that afternoon and wouldn't have time to change after church. I had on my pink PC shirt and HOT pink PC jacket...not to mention my van has 2 HUGE PC stickers on the windows. I felt like a walking advertisement...and I was! I told my husband I felt awkward. I did have 3 people stop me and ask me for my info. Weird weird!

If you already know that this church doesn't feel much like a family then move on. It is really sad, but the church is full of sinners! HELLO! The only perfect man died on the cross. I know I wake up in the morning and have to die daily to my self! It is funny though how some people become Christians and they think that it makes them God's right hand...doling out laws and opinions as if they came straight from the Big Man!
I proudly wear TPC clothing in church. Why not? I have shirts with my church's logo that I wear in places other than church. Marketing is marketing and wearing logo merchandise is both marketing and subtle advertising.
  • #24
I was going to put this in the joke thread......but I think Deb needs to see this here. I bet you recognize the lady in this story!
"Ice Cream Is Sometimes Good For The Soul"

Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, "God is good, God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would thank you even more if Mom gets us Ice Cream for dessert. And liberty and justice for all! Amen!"

Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for Ice Cream! Why, I never!"

Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, "Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?"

As I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, "I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer."

"Really?" my son asked.

"Cross my heart." Then in theatrical whisper he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), "too bad she never asks God for Ice Cream. A little Ice Cream is good for the soul sometimes."

Naturally, I bought my kid Ice Cream at the end of the meal. My son stared at his for a moment and then did something I will remember the rest of my life. He picked up his Sundae and without a word walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, "Here, this is for you. Ice Cream is good for the soul sometimes and my soul is good already!"
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  • #25
thank you, KG. :)
  • #26
Anything interesting happen this morning?
  • #27
That is a great story KG!!:)
  • #29
Deb, I'm so sorry that your church family has hurt you in this way. You did nothing wrong. Forgive and move on. As for your situation with a handful of people keeping you there, you will be in my prayers. I know that whether to stay or go from a church is a really big decision. My DH and I had to make that decision a few years ago. Ours had a happy ending. We are now in a church that is loving, supportive, and Christ-centered. We feel blessed to be there.KG- I've always loved that story! I was a church secretary for 7 years. It's a wonderful ministry, but you do get a look at the ugly side of some church people. I had to laugh at your "perpetually offended" label. Several names leapt immediately to mind.
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  • #30
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Anything interesting happen this morning?
Nope. I had to hightail it out of there because I was alone with DS and I had a show this afternoon and I had to go home and get my stuff together.

I WILL be writing a letter to the church council so I'll let you know what happens.
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  • #31
raebates said:
Deb, I'm so sorry that your church family has hurt you in this way. You did nothing wrong. Forgive and move on. As for your situation with a handful of people keeping you there, you will be in my prayers. I know that whether to stay or go from a church is a really big decision. My DH and I had to make that decision a few years ago. Ours had a happy ending. We are now in a church that is loving, supportive, and Christ-centered. We feel blessed to be there.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement Rae! I will definitely be attending elsewhere next week so we'll see what happens.
  • #32
How was it today Deb? :confused:
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  • #33
PampMomof3 said:
How was it today Deb? :confused:

It was okay. Of course no one else knew until they read the bulletin so no one treated me any differently. I got there about 5 mins before the service started and then left pretty quick because I went alone with DS today and didn't want him running around and getting all riled up before having to round him up to leave. (DH stayed home to study for Friday's actuarial exam). Plus I had a show this afternoon ($600 and 3 bookings :)) so I had to go home and finish packing for that.

It was very emotional for me--I cried on the way there and cried on the way home. I don't know why I even went. It just really hurts.

I am going to be writing a letter, so we'll see what happens. And I'm thinking I'll be worshipping somewhere else next week. Bedside Baptist perhaps?? :p
  • #34
Deb, I am sorry you were treated this way. I hope things get better for you soon. I would pray and seek God's guidance as to whether not this is the church for you with all of the problems you are having with this church.

I have always just ask the people I am close to in our church to order and not everyone. My situation is different in one way, that there are 2 consultant's in our church and I do not want people to feel like they are having to choose between the two of us. She has family and friends that I know will order from her and I ask my family and friends that attend and do not ask hers. Most everyone know I sale b/c I invited them to my first show and I leave it that if they want to order they will contact me.

I agree that it should not have been in the bulletin, but they should not have let you if your church had a problem with it.

This is probably the work of a few people not the body as a whole. I would defenitely let your church leaders know your feelings and how you would have understood with no problem if it had of been handle properly.
  • #35
Deb, there's nothing wrong with taking a little time to lick your wounds and heal a bit while making the decision to leave your congregation or before beginning the search for a new one. I encourage you, though, not to take too long away from corporate worship. It's easy to get out of the habit of going.

My pastor often points out that we don't go to church to worship. We are supposed to be doing that personally on a daily basis. We go to church to worship together--to share in the joy of the Lord with others. (Though it sounds as though, like us, you may need to change locations to do that.)

I'd invite you to our church home, but a 4-hour drive (1 way) is probably a bit much on the average Sunday morning.
  • #36
DebbieJ said:
It was very emotional for me--I cried on the way there and cried on the way home. I don't know why I even went. It just really hurts.

I am going to be writing a letter, so we'll see what happens. And I'm thinking I'll be worshipping somewhere else next week. Bedside Baptist perhaps?? :p

Please, do not go to Bedside Baptist! Do not let this discourage you from other churches. God does not want this for you!

If it is this bad, I do agree that that you need may need to look into changing churches. Just make sure you research the church you change to, to make sure they are a Bible doctrine church.

I would go to your pastor first and try to talk this out. And maybe get to the bottom of the situation and deal directly with the source of the problem.

I am a Baptist and was about to ask you if you were. We tend to shoot our wounded more than any body.
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  • #37
What is Bedside Baptists?
  • #38
It is very true that you should continue to go to church until you make your decision. Once we begin missing church, it becomes easier and easier not to go and before you know it we don't go at all. Yes, we go to church to worship together and to "eat". We must be spiritually fed...by the pastor's sermon, by the music, by Sunday School, and by those around us. But, most importantly, I feel that we go to church to be a blessing to others. Who knows what person you will impact with a kind word, smile, handshake, or something you say during Sunday School. I will be praying for you and the decision you have to make.
  • #39
SorryI am really sorry this situation was handled in this way. It was wrong and obviously some people at this church don't know how to make a phone call or sit someone down to discuss why this is not appropriate in the church. People are afraid of confrontation or offending people so they ignore it or handle it in a bad way to make the matters worst.
I don't think it's not appropriate but I understand how it might not be a good thing if there are people with their own businesses, all wanting to advertise. It wouldn't be fair to allow one person to advertise, then everyone would want to do it too, and I don't think that a church bulletin is the right place for it. I think that they should have a special place in the church or even on a website where people can see other church member's businesses and can call them if they need something. Our homeschool group has a special section just for this, so no one feels left out but also so no one solicits everyone on the website. Some people just don't like that and you can't please everyone.
I think it stinks when you get some work done on your car, or get something done at your home (plumbing, electrical, etc) when someone in the church later comes up and tells you they would have been happy to help and charged you a lot less. If you only knew!! :eek:
The church is our family, or should be, and to advertise what you do or what you can offer is great! My church is small so everyone knows I am the PC lady. Some people would love to know about other people's businesses, I know I would.
Remember not everyone in the church is a Christian. It takes more to be a Christian than just attending church, and unfortunately some of the "tares" that sit among the wheat offend and hurt people who are in the church and "Christians" in general get labeled as bad, or fake, or hypocrites!
Debbie :D
  • #40
DebbieJ, You are receiving alot of great encouragement and suggestions. I encourage you to take a few days to take some deep breaths and take in all that is being said here.

If you choose to go elsewhere, make sure it is a decision that isn't made in haste, out of hurt. Remember that EVERY church has some problem or some busybody. You might be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire!

As a pastor's wife, I also encourage you to speak with your pastor. Many times people leave the church over a misunderstanding or hurt feelings and they don't give the leadership a chance to address the situation. We had a family leave our church last year and they refused to talk to my husband (or anyone from the church) to explain what had happened. It finally came out that they were upset that no one came to visit when she came home from the hospital. The problem was that THEY didn't call the church and tell us she had surgery!

I realize this isn't exactly your situation but sometimes we think the pastor knows everything that is going on and many times he is the LAST to know! Talking to him and sharing your hurt can help him minister better to the congregation so this doesn't happen to others.
  • #41
DebbieSAChef said:
Remember not everyone in the church is a Christian. It takes more to be a Christian than just attending church

My husband likes to say that "going to church doesn't make you a Christian, anymore than going to McDonald's makes you a hamburger". :D :D
  • #42
Deb, Why don't you join me this Sunday. I am not very far from you, I don't think, and It would give you a chance to sit back, and enjoy the service, without worrying about what others are thinking. I go to church right in my neighborhood, and it is Just North of Downer's Grvoe, (literaly across the street)
  • #43
GeorgiaPeach said:
My husband likes to say that "going to church doesn't make you a Christian, anymore than going to McDonald's makes you a hamburger". :D :D

Your husband is correct going to church is not what makes you a Christian. I love his saying for it!! I will have to "borrow" it if he does not mind!
  • #44
GeorgiaPeach said:
I realize this isn't exactly your situation but sometimes we think the pastor knows everything that is going on and many times he is the LAST to know! Talking to him and sharing your hurt can help him minister better to the congregation so this doesn't happen to others.

What do you mean the Pastor does not know everything! He is paid to DO ALL things without having to know - he is suppose to have a 6th sense or something to let him know the things people do not tell him!!! :eek: :D

I get so aggravated when people expect the Pastor to do the jobs of about 10 people and show up to preach and teach on Sunday and Wednesday. And then get mad is he does not do something he does not know he needs to do!

Not to hijack this thread or anything! Sorry!
  • #45
jrstephens said:
Your husband is correct going to church is not what makes you a Christian. I love his saying for it!! I will have to "borrow" it if he does not mind!

Feel free to borrow it (it isn't original :) ) We tease him because he doesn't tell very good jokes so when he does say something funny we remember it! :D
  • #46
jrstephens said:
What do you mean the Pastor does not know everything! He is paid to DO ALL things without having to know - he is suppose to have a 6th sense or something to let him know the things people do not tell him!!! :eek: :D

I get so aggravated when people expect the Pastor to do the jobs of about 10 people and show up to preach and teach on Sunday and Wednesday. And then get mad is he does not do something he does not know he needs to do!

Not to hijack this thread or anything! Sorry!

LOL! You are preaching to the choir!! Yesterday a lady came up to me and said Rich looked so tired when she saw him on Friday night. I wanted to say that's what happens when you work all day and then get called to come open the church for someone (who doesn't have a key!) 5 nights out of 7!
  • #47
I think you should definately go to the Pastor and let him know how you feel and the hurt it has caused you. I think it is crazy that they put that in the bulletin instead of just contacting you. I would let them know so that it does continue to manifest itself.
  • #48
It is true that the pastor may not know what is going on. He may be wondering why that is in there. However, I would hope that the pastor would see the bulliten before it is fully printed. I feel that the pastor should approve everything. He is our shepherd and it is his job to protect his flock. He can't always do that. I have the most wonderful pastor and pastor's wife. They visit the sick, preach, go to hospitals and nursing homes...you name it they do it. They are very dedicated. And, we do not print or do anything without discussing it with him first.

People expect the pastor to know and do everything, but they can't always do that. They are human just like we are. They get their feelings hurt and get upset at people for the way they behave. They are held to a much higher standard. Their children are expected to behave much better than everyone elses. Hello....they are all people. Their children are just like ours. They make mistakes too. We are all in the same boat here. And, it is not just the pastor's job to visit people and make sure everyone is doing okay. That is our job too. Jesus is our Heavenly Shepherd and we are all his flock. The pastor is the shepherd over his church and the congregation is his flock. We are the sheep. If you want to see changes in your church...growth, more ministry, etc. get out and work and minister to people. Shepherds don't produce sheep...the sheep produce more sheep. We need to all get busy. This whole situation is just one more proof that Jesus is coming back soon. I firmly believe we are living in the end times...I am not a doomsday person, but you can look around and see the signs everywhere. Going to church does not make you a Christian. And, those people will have to answer someday for their behavior.

I would also suggest that you talk to your pastor. Who knows, it may be the person who prints the bulliten that has the problem and the pastor may need to know in order to see that it doesn't happen again. Bullitens are no in place to chastise people. They are there for information and news about the church.
  • #49
cmdtrgd said:
What is Bedside Baptists?

An old joke Kate...when you don't get up and go to church...

"I'm going to Bedside Baptist to hear Pastor Pillow talk about the great comforter..."
  • Thread starter
  • #50
Part of the problem is that we don't have a pastor right now. :(

Our pastor of 17 years left in the summer of 2005. We had an interim pastor for about 8 months or so. He left in January to take another position. We have called a pastor and he accepted the call, but he is coming from Denver and has to sell his house first and finish up his ministry there. So we have visiting pastors preaching every Sunday and our church council is in charge of the day to day, week to week operations. It's very trying.

I had coffee with a woman I consider my mentor this morning. She has children my age. :) She is one of the people keeping us there. She is so wise and encouraging. We help plan worship together and in the course of plannign worship, we talk about so much more. We talked about the situation and she encouraged me to call versus writing a letter. The bulletin announcement named which elder we should go to with questions about it so I will call him. I feel comfortable talking openly with him and have gone to him about other issues as well.

I know deciding to leave should not be a hasty decision. I just don't know how much more I can take....my saying I want to leave is a reflection of the hurt I feel. I know I need to do something with it and leaving isn't necessarily the right answer.

Thank you to those of you who have offered to pray for me and who have encouraged me to pray. You have show so much support!! This board is amazing!!!
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<h2>1. Is it wrong to promote my business in church mailslots?</h2><p>It depends on the policies and preferences of your specific church. Some churches may have rules against any type of business promotion within their walls, while others may be more open to it. It's important to respect the guidelines set by your church and its members.</p><h2>2. Why did I receive complaints about my business solicitation in church mailslots?</h2><p>It's possible that some members of your church may feel uncomfortable or annoyed by receiving business promotions in their mailslots. They may see it as intrusive or inappropriate in a religious setting. It's important to consider the feelings of others and respect their boundaries.</p><h2>3. How can I promote my business in a respectful way within my church?</h2><p>Instead of using the mailslots, try reaching out to your fellow church members in a more personal and direct way. You can attend church events and casually mention your business, or even ask for referrals in a one-on-one conversation. This may be a more appropriate and effective approach.</p><h2>4. Should I be concerned about the church's announcement regarding business solicitations?</h2><p>It's understandable that you may feel embarrassed or frustrated by the public announcement, but try to remember that it was likely made in the interest of maintaining a peaceful and respectful environment within the church. It's important to communicate with church leadership and adhere to any policies they may have in place.</p><h2>5. How can I handle this situation and my feelings of humiliation?</h2><p>First and foremost, try to communicate with the church leadership and address any concerns or misunderstandings they may have about your business promotion. It's also important to take care of your emotional well-being and seek support from friends, family, or a trusted mentor. Remember that this experience does not define you or your business, and try to move forward with a positive attitude.</p>

Related to Is it Wrong to Promote My Business in Church Mailslots?

1. Is it wrong to promote my business in church mailslots?

It depends on the policies and preferences of your specific church. Some churches may have rules against any type of business promotion within their walls, while others may be more open to it. It's important to respect the guidelines set by your church and its members.

2. Why did I receive complaints about my business solicitation in church mailslots?

It's possible that some members of your church may feel uncomfortable or annoyed by receiving business promotions in their mailslots. They may see it as intrusive or inappropriate in a religious setting. It's important to consider the feelings of others and respect their boundaries.

3. How can I promote my business in a respectful way within my church?

Instead of using the mailslots, try reaching out to your fellow church members in a more personal and direct way. You can attend church events and casually mention your business, or even ask for referrals in a one-on-one conversation. This may be a more appropriate and effective approach.

4. Should I be concerned about the church's announcement regarding business solicitations?

It's understandable that you may feel embarrassed or frustrated by the public announcement, but try to remember that it was likely made in the interest of maintaining a peaceful and respectful environment within the church. It's important to communicate with church leadership and adhere to any policies they may have in place.

5. How can I handle this situation and my feelings of humiliation?

First and foremost, try to communicate with the church leadership and address any concerns or misunderstandings they may have about your business promotion. It's also important to take care of your emotional well-being and seek support from friends, family, or a trusted mentor. Remember that this experience does not define you or your business, and try to move forward with a positive attitude.

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