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I Did It - I Did It - I Did It!!

That makes me feel better to know it isn't just mine that isn't highlighted. Did get the survey though.
Gold Member
I have reached level 3 for Disney!! On my tracker it still shows me at about $600 short, but I am sitting on a $1000 show right now just waiting for the hostess' order as well as a $1100 fundraiser -- so as soon as they both close I am good!!

Also...I just noticed today that I have hit $300,000 in career sales!!! :party: :D
wahoo! Congrats!! I've made level 2, not going to hit 3 this year, don't have the recruits, but I have plenty of points to make it, oh well....
Yay!! WTG Carolyn!!! I'm so proud of you!! That's amazing! You guys are going to have soooooo much fun!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Lori - I look forward to seeing you there!! My kids are FLIPPING OUT!!!
Thanks Sandra!!! xoxo
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing job and with plenty of time to spare, AMAZING!!!
Yay Congratulations!! That's awesome!! :D I'll see you there!
Congratulations!!! I am 1073 away from level 2 and can not wait for my 2 shows next week to be done with the anticipation!! thanks to everyone for sharing your goals and accomplishments, keeps me on track!
  • #10
Yay Carolyn!!!! Congratulations!!! That's so exciting. Your family is going to have so much fun! I'll give you a review on the Contemporary.....that's where we are staying when we go to Disney over Christmas. :D:D:D

Keep on plugging away EVERYONE ELSE!!!! You can do it!! I'll be living vicariously through all of you since I won't be earning the trip this year. GO FOR IT!!!:D
  • #11
M-I-C-K-E-Y....M-O-U-S-E!! HERE THEY COME! Congratulations, Carolyn!!
  • #12
Way to Go! Way to Go! Way to GO!!!!!!! WHAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  • #13
Question for you, did your tracker highlight level 2 when you earned it?

I have earned level 2, but it still only has level 1 highlighted. I have the points for level 3, but need to have 2 more qualify. Working closly with them.
  • #14
I have 4,000 to go in for level 3--sales won't be a problem but the recruits qualifying might. It's harder now that they have to do $1250 in sales not just 4 shows--we'll see. We actually have passes to DisneyLAND and go every week, but believe it or not my ADULT children are totally stoked about Disney World! Go figure! So we've definitely earned level 2, but we'll see about 3.
  • #15
I need to qualify 2 people and I'm there as well. I shouldn't have too much trouble with the rest of my points.
I need about $1600 more. I think both will be qualified and I truly want Level 3! YOU are an inspiration!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
  • #16
I am 527 away from level 2 and I still have three shows to do in December, so I will be seeing you in Orlando in June!In looking at my numbers, I also discovered that, if I track carefully and work hard, I can earn the Excellence Award in Personal Sales and possibly recruiting as well. I would love a couple diamonds in my ring!Let's do it in 2010 ladies!
  • #17
DebbieJ said:
I am 527 away from level 2 and I still have three shows to do in December, so I will be seeing you in Orlando in June!

In looking at my numbers, I also discovered that, if I track carefully and work hard, I can earn the Excellence Award in Personal Sales and possibly recruiting as well. I would love a couple diamonds in my ring!

Let's do it in 2010 ladies!

YOU GO DEBBIE!!!!!!!! I'm working on EA in Personal Sales too. I can't see the recruitin gone happening but hey, you never know!
  • Thread starter
  • #18
chefkugler said:
Question for you, did your tracker highlight level 2 when you earned it?

I have earned level 2, but it still only has level 1 highlighted. I have the points for level 3, but need to have 2 more qualify. Working closly with them.

Nope - still only level 1 is highlighted :p
  • #19
DebbieJ said:
I am 527 away from level 2 and I still have three shows to do in December, so I will be seeing you in Orlando in June!

In looking at my numbers, I also discovered that, if I track carefully and work hard, I can earn the Excellence Award in Personal Sales and possibly recruiting as well. I would love a couple diamonds in my ring!

Let's do it in 2010 ladies!

AWESOME Deb!!!! :party:
  • #20
dannyzmom said:
Nope - still only level 1 is highlighted :p

That makes me feel better to know it isn't just mine that isn't highlighted. Did get the survey though.

I was looking over my stuff yesterday and was on the page about the trip. My 12 yr old was next to me and I was showing him all the details. He said WOW this is so cool, your the best mom. :love0010:
  • #21
What survey?
Mine is not highlighted and I have earned level 4. YIPPEEEEEEEE!!! Soo excited!!
WTG everyone!!!!
  • #22
chefkugler said:
he said wow this is so cool, your the best mom. :love0010:

so sweet!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #23
chefkugler said:
That makes me feel better to know it isn't just mine that isn't highlighted. Did get the survey though.

I was looking over my stuff yesterday and was on the page about the trip. My 12 yr old was next to me and I was showing him all the details. He said WOW this is so cool, your the best mom. :love0010:

I got the survey the other day, too.
My kids have been obsessing over the website info - LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #24
beckyjsmith said:
What survey?
Mine is not highlighted and I have earned level 4. YIPPEEEEEEEE!!! Soo excited!!
WTG everyone!!!!

Level 4?!?!?
WAY TO GO!!!!!!! :party: :bugeye: :D :party:
  • #25
DebbieJ said:
I am 527 away from level 2 and I still have three shows to do in December, so I will be seeing you in Orlando in June!

In looking at my numbers, I also discovered that, if I track carefully and work hard, I can earn the Excellence Award in Personal Sales and possibly recruiting as well. I would love a couple diamonds in my ring!

Let's do it in 2010 ladies!

WOW, Debbie, a new Mom and earning the trip incentive to Disney! This sounds like a success story that needs to be shared with HO. Perhaps we shall see you on the cover of KCN again??? You do photograph well!!
  • #26
baychef said:
WOW, Debbie, a new Mom and earning the trip incentive to Disney! This sounds like a success story that needs to be shared with HO. Perhaps we shall see you on the cover of KCN again??? You do photograph well!!

I agree!!!!
  • #27
beckyjsmith said:
What survey?
Mine is not highlighted and I have earned level 4. YIPPEEEEEEEE!!! Soo excited!!
WTG everyone!!!!

I got an emailed survery the other day. The questions were what level you will be earning, are you traveling or gift card, how many in your party, are you extending the trip, if so are you staying at Disney hotel or other.

Think they are trying to get an idea of what they are going to need for rooms.
  • #28
I received that email as well. It was a nice short survey.
  • #29
I just replied and belly ached that I would not have enough qualifying consultants and not enough sales to make up the 9000 point gap. Yeah, I know if I wanted to slap some people up I could do it, but I am going to see what next year's incentive trip is...I may have to save my slapping for then!
  • #30
Congrats Carolyn!! and Debbie!!
You are both so very inspiring!!!!

Related to I Did It - I Did It - I Did It!!

1. What is the significance of reaching level 3 for Disney on your tracker?

Reaching level 3 for Disney on the tracker indicates that the individual has met certain requirements and has achieved a certain level of sales within the company's sales program. This level may come with certain perks and rewards.

2. How does the tracker work and how accurate is it?

The tracker is a tool used by the company to monitor sales and track progress towards certain goals or levels. It is constantly updated and is considered to be very accurate in reflecting an individual's sales and progress.

3. What does it mean to be "sitting on a $1000 show"?

Being "sitting on a $1000 show" means that the individual has a potential sale of $1000 that is waiting to be closed or finalized. This could be a significant boost to their overall sales and progress towards their goals.

4. What is the significance of hitting $300,000 in career sales?

Hitting $300,000 in career sales is a significant milestone and accomplishment. It shows consistent success and dedication in the individual's career, and may come with certain rewards or recognition from the company.

5. What is the difference between a hostess' order and a fundraiser in terms of sales?

A hostess' order refers to a single individual placing an order for products, while a fundraiser refers to a larger group or organization placing an order. Fundraisers typically result in higher sales and may also come with certain benefits or rewards for the individual who facilitated the fundraiser.

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