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I Am Using Mobile at My Shows and for Delivery

In summary, the speaker shares a solution for reaching out to customers who do not check their emails often by sending them text messages instead. They use a service that allows them to easily send text messages to groups and customers have to opt-in to receive them. The speaker also mentions using text messages for a trivia game at the end of their show and for delivery confirmation by asking customers to take a survey. They also mention using text messages to promote new deals and have a new text item in the works for redeemable coupons. The speaker encourages others to try this method and provides instructions on how to sign up for their text messages.

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I received some emails that I was not clear, so I wanted to update this.Before I start, you can send a text for these and it will cost you nothing, just the text messages on your phone. So if you have unlimited text messages on your phone then you are losing nothing. If you have say 500 text messages, then you would us 5 – 10 depending which text you send.Because a lot of my customers keep their mobile phones (younger customers too) with them more than they do email accounts this works for my customers and me. My customers kept telling me that they don’t check their emails that often and missed out on some great deals I had. I thought of a way to solve this issue and that was by sending them a text. Worked for a while, but I did not like having to have the customers in my cell phone or typing their numbers each time. I found a service that is very easy for me to do (by a website under my account) and it keeps the mobile numbers in groups for me. Customers also have to opt-in which means I don’t have to keep a list of who wanted to receive the texts or not.
Here is how I use it.Prizes – At the end of my show, I ask everyone to fill out the information card and at the bottom is a Text2Win Trivia game. (You really need to try/test this to really understand how it works, remember it only uses text messages nothing else) The guest shows me the score they got along with their information card when they place their order or when they can. We use this information to pick a winner for a Pampered Chef free gift, which most of the time is a cookbook.
The Trivia questions are items I talked about in my cooking show, but it also helps push items they may have forgot about that they wanted to purchase. They receive a correct or incorrect reply to the question with the answer and the page number the product is on in the catalog.Delivery Confirmation – Before I leave my host’s show, I give them a handle full of printed note cards (I print them from my printer). I explain to the Host, that when they deliver the guest products to them, they are to give each guest one of these cards. On the card is a note about “Thank you for your order and please take the short survey to ensure your product were delivered correctly” This is again done by text messaging and after they answer one question it texts another question, the survey is not long, but I get the information I needed from them to ensure they received their products. They also Opt-In for text messages from me.Text blast – because the guests Opt-In for text messages (they can Opt-Out anytime) when I have a new promotion or a really good Host deal, I will send a text about the deal with a link to my Personal Website or email address or call me if interested.I have been told, because I ask do they mine the text messages and they say no because I don’t text them too often and they can delete the message easily or share the text with others. They have said it also helps them keep up with deals and items without having to log on to their computer.I have another text item I am working on “Redeemable Coupons”, which I will use at trade shows and cooking shows for someone that is thinking about a show. They can keep my information close and I pick what the Coupon will give away or be redeemable for. Normally it’s a free cooking show (I bring the food or a $10 or under item). I like this one because I can make it a great looking picture (if you are interested in seeing this one I can do a test one for you)You should at least try this and see if you think it would work for you. Here is how simple it is, to see mine and what I tell guest and customers.Take out your phone and start a new text message. In the “To” field (normally the phone number area) type 44544 and in the body of the text type PCTrivia that is it. You will receive an email back
Do the same to see the delivery survey. Send the text to the same number 44544 but change the body message to PCArrived (Pampered Chef Arrived)Remember, because I keep getting questions, this cost you nothing to try other than you are using text messages from your phone’s plan. If you have unlimited text message then you are in great shape if not then you will use a few text messages from your plan.If you have questions you can email me at
[email protected]
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I'm a little confused. Is this a service you are using that people are texting a specific code? Or are they just texting to your phone # and you retain that info?If you can just post the information here, that would be the most helpful. Otherwise, you end up getting lots of e-mails and you might get spammed, and then also everyone reading this doesn't have all the info and the thread isn't too helpful.I'm interested in learning more details to what you are doing with this idea. I'd just make sure people are aware and okay with you texting them pictures and things down the road.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I have updated the post, did I answer your questions?
Yes, that helped a lot. Okay, so I sent a text to that # and put in PCTrivia. I got a text back that says "Welcome to Pampered Chef Trivia to Win a Prize." But that's it. Now what is it supposed to do, or what is the person (me in this case) supposed to do? Is this on auto pilot or are you getting these texts and are responding in real time?
What is the website you use for this and how much does it cost?
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Try again, I have updated the service
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Amanda,If you send me an email I can send you the information you need.

Related to I Am Using Mobile at My Shows and for Delivery

1. How can I use my mobile device at my shows?

Using a mobile device at your shows can be as simple as downloading a ticket scanning app or using your phone's camera to take payments. There are also various apps available specifically for managing and promoting events.

2. Can I use my mobile for delivery purposes?

Absolutely! Many businesses now use mobile devices for delivery, whether it's for tracking orders, communicating with customers, or using navigation apps to find the most efficient routes.

3. What are the benefits of using a mobile device for my shows and delivery?

Using a mobile device can streamline your processes, improve communication with customers, and provide real-time updates and data. It can also save time and reduce the need for extra equipment.

4. Are there any drawbacks to using a mobile device for my shows and delivery?

One potential drawback is the risk of technical issues, such as poor internet connection or device malfunctions. It's important to have backup plans in case of these situations.

5. Is there a specific type of mobile device that is best for these purposes?

The best type of mobile device for shows and delivery will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Some may prefer a larger screen for easier navigation, while others may prioritize a longer battery life. It's important to research and test different devices to find the best fit for your business.

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