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How Successful Are Saturday Brunch Events?

probably by 1:00. I like to have a variety of food (homemade waffles, chicken & waffles, breakfast sandwiches, quiche, breakfast burrito, etc.), and always have a few different types of drinks (mimosas, Bloody Marys, lattes, etc.). If you can, starting a little earlier can really help cut down on the wait time (10:15-10:30 usually works well).I've had a good amount of success with brunches. People seem to really enjoy them and they are a great opportunity to get to know people who might not normally attend a show. My show usually averages 12-15 people, and I like to have a variety of food (homemade waffles
What kind of success have people had with brunches? I'd like to host my own show at the end of June and was thinking a Saturday brunch would work well so everyone can still enjoy their Saturday afternoon with family. How early or late would you suggest to start? Maybe 9-12? Recipe Ideas would be great too! I'm brand new so I don't have ALL the products yet but I have a great stoneware collection. Thanks for your input
I have had one Brunch show. We made the mini quiches and the host made cappaccinos and coffee. She didn't have it until 2 0'clock on a Sunday, but she had a decent turn out. I also had a Saturday show that started at 11 am (not brunch food). She had about 8 people show up which really surprised me, because she ususally doesn't have good turn outs at her other types of parties.
Some of my best shows are brunchesI have had quite a few Saturday Morning - 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. starts - that have been really great. Average about 12 people, show average about $650.
They love the idea of being able to get togetehr early and still have the rest of the day. I usually make sure we are done by 12:30.
I haev used several of the PC brunch recipes, the Ham & Cheese Omlette Roll from the Main Dishes cookbook, the Brunch Ring - not sure where that is anymore so it has been a while.
Plus it is usually cooler in the a.m. so getting people into someone's home is much easier.

Give a go and good luck!
One of my favorite shows was at 9AM on a Tues. A friend of mine wanted to have a show, but couldnt have it at her house, so we had it at mine. I live on a small island so only 1 public grammer school. So everyone walked their kids to school, said good-bye & by 9:15 they were having coffee (mimosas for the childless women;) ) Bacon & Cheddar Bubble Bread & A slice of a Garden Fresh Oven Omelet!!:cool: :cool: :cool: Sales were around 1200.00 & by 12 noon, they were all getting their children!:D

I've had quite a few brunches and they have done well! You have so much recipe options to choose from and it's the perfect time of day where you can be done by midafternoon and spend time with family the rest of the day-night! I like them! Wish all of them were brunch hours!
I have had great success with brunches, people seem to love hosting them as well as coming to them. The last brunch I did, the host sent out 35 invites and we had 28 show!! That is a good amount of guests vs. invites sent, a good amount of the guests told me that they wouldn't have come had the show been in the afternoon or evening. I would highly suggest starting up with brunches!
I am going to have to start pushing brunch shows, especially since the majority of my shows are on the weekend because I work full time during the week.
If you talk about Sunday brunch with Mimosas at your shows, you will pique their interest alot. Sunday brunch at a club or restaurant is very expensive and highly prestigious! The mimosas usually seal the deal.

I love Doris' favorite breakfast Monte Cristo Casserole (very old Season's Best, I'm not even sure which one) it's a great one to show how to use up leftover turkey and ham from holiday meals.
Most of my shows are brunches! Attendance is usually double compared to the evening shows I do (average 12-15 vs 6-7). I like to make the chicken club wreath from the All the Best cookbook. It's easy and very delicious!
  • #10
ThanksThanks for the thread- Just gave me a wonderful idea for my fall open house!
I am having several vendors and now I know just how to go about having it!
I am going to start of with the beauty products, have several candles lit, move into the food and top it off with jewelry-I think if I start at 9:00- I can wrap everything up by 12:00. Oooh I am so excited!
  • #11
Brunches are definately fun. If you like to make something sweet also, the cherry cheese coffee cake is awesome; it's in the All the Best cookbook. I made that, plus the ham & cheddar croissant bake from an old SB, for the last brunch I did in May. It started at 9:30.
  • #12
I have had very successful brunches both on the weekends for people who work and on weekdays for stay-at-home-moms (all the kids are in school). I usually invite for 10:30, start the demo at 11 and am all wrapped up and heading out by 1...especially the weekday brinches cuz everyone needs to get out to p/u their kids at school.
  • #13
I've had several brunch shows on Saturday morning (10 am). Sometimes I cook one of the rings because they are so popular and we usually don't eat until 11:30 - 12:00. Since I work FT at another job and most people who attend do, too, this seems to be a great time. Strangely, one of my best shows has been on Monday night at 7 pm. Go figure! Brunches are great, but it all depends on the hosts efforts.

  • #14
I just started doing quite a few brunch shows this season and it has been great! I try to talk them up as much as possible at other shows, since, as someone already pointed out, you are out of the house when the kiddies and DH are out (in most cases) and you're back in time for school bus and dinner. When I'm looking to add shows to my schedule, I love to do 2 shows on the same day and brunch shows allow me to do that.:D

  • #15
Awesome ideas! I have to try this!

Related to How Successful Are Saturday Brunch Events?

1. What types of food should I serve at a brunch?

At a brunch, it's best to have a mix of sweet and savory options. Some popular choices include quiches, breakfast casseroles, pastries, fruit, and brunch cocktails. It's also a good idea to have some gluten-free and vegetarian options available.

2. How much food do I need for a brunch?

The amount of food needed for a brunch will depend on the number of guests and their appetites. As a general rule, plan for about 1-2 main dishes per person and 2-3 side dishes. It's always better to have extra food than not enough.

3. Can I make brunch ahead of time?

Yes, many brunch dishes can be made ahead of time and reheated before serving. Quiches, casseroles, and pastries are great options for prepping ahead. Just be sure to follow proper food safety guidelines when storing and reheating.

4. What drinks should I serve at a brunch?

Mimosas and Bloody Marys are classic brunch cocktails, but you can also offer non-alcoholic options like fruit juice, coffee, and tea. It's also a nice touch to have a water station with infused water or flavored syrups for guests to make their own drinks.

5. How can I make my brunch more special?

There are many ways to make your brunch stand out. Consider adding a DIY station, like a waffle or omelette bar, to let guests customize their own dishes. You can also add some fun decorations or a theme to make the event more festive. And don't forget to have a variety of tasty dishes and drinks for your guests to enjoy!

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