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How Many Average Bookings Do You Get After a Show?

In summary, the average number of bookings a show host gets is 2 per show. The host at the show Amy attended only got 1 booking out of 6 shows. To increase the chances of getting bookings, the host should try to speak with each guest individually and make sure their questions are answered. Additionally, the host should try to have events that are not rowdy so that their guests are more likely to book.
Stephanie S
I'm curious to know the average number of bookings you get off of a show. I'm referring to bookings, marked in your calendar when you leave the kitchen show...?
My average is probably two and my calendar is pretty consistently as busy as I want it to be. I heard that to have a growing business, you should try to get three bookings per show.
My average is 2 dated bookings per show.My last show, I only got one, the show before that I got 3.

Missed you at Trish's house tonight. :)
What exactly is your secret to getting 2-3 bookings at each show? I have to admit that I am lucky to get 1 booking at a show. At my last show, my presentation was better than I have ever done. I pushed the stoneware sale, I talked up October as the PC's birthday, I offered incentives of my own as well as the ones the Home Office has offered and still no bookings. At this point, I have one show scheduled for the first week of November and then absolutely nothing else. Help :mad:
I know what you mean about the bookings. I had a big party of 20 people plus outside orders - I didn't get one booking. I asked and I asked and I even sent out an email to everyone a couple days later letting them know how much the host got (it was an $800 show) and still nothing. :(

I have a problem with the telephone - I hate calling people - I won't even call to order a pizza or chinese - someone else always has to do it. :eek: Those of you that get 2-3 bookings at a show - can you share some tips? The host at that show gave me great feedback and said her guests thought I was great and very knowledgeable - but still nothing..... I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I feel your Pain!!!I'm right there with you Amy!! I've only averaged 1 booking per show, grant it I had 6 kitchen shows in September, but only 1 a show!!!! I've been disappointed, too. I've been thankful for the shows that I have on my calendar, but I would like more!!!

I'm going to try John's ideas in the Bridal showers forum about knocking the host incentives down $8.00 each to see if this stirs anything up with bookings, especially at my upcoming shows! (my first for this month is Saturday & then I don't have anything else scheduled until the 18th, and that one may fall through, too). It's a family member & she was supposed to be doing a catalog show for Sept. & lo & behold, I haven't been able to reach her to collect her orders or to close the show. Imagine that!!! :(

Oh well!!!
When I first started out, I got about 2 bookings per show, then summer time came and everything started drying up, FAST. I was lucky to get 1 a show. At this time, I only have one show left on my books (it's this Sunday), one catalog show (which I just called and got going last night) and another possible show "if she can find anyone to come". I have been on the phone, just having trouble getting a hold of people. What is the best time to call? I started calling last night at 7:30. I thought that would give people time to finish eating, but no one was even home! I only got ahold of one person (the one who is having the catalog show) and the rest of the night I talked to answering machines. :(
Thanks for sharing everyone. I was starting to feel like maybe I shouldn't be doing this. I really enjoy it and am not planning on quitting, but when I can't get anyone to book.....

Anyway, it's good to know it is not just me.
I would probably have felt like giving up too, if my director hadn't told me that July and August are the two slowest months. She said things would start to pick back up, with January being the busiest month.
  • #10
BookingsI have had good luck by speaking with each guest individually (it hard at large rowdy shows but I try!). One woman had marked "no" to host a show, but after talking with me and getting her questions answered, she decided that she did want to earn that roasting pan for only $58 and booked that night. Anyway, I am still just in SS2, but my October is BOOKED! Some of this is dumb luck, but it is exciting because only one of my October hosts is a family member, the rest are people I don't know. I got one booking from the PC decal on my car!
  • #11
It's not just you!Don't get down & don't be afraid of bugging people! I did a few years ago, & I've learned to be a little more "pushy" at getting people to host shows.

I've tried different avenues of advertising lately & am still hoping for the bookings to just start rolling in, but I haven't neglected to keep plugging at it, especially at my home shows.

Here's a couple of things you can do...
1. If your grocery store has a community board...place a flyer or business cards on the board...maybe someone is looking for you and you just don't know it.

2. Your local YMCA...same thing...community board flyer or business cards.

3. Local gas stations...leave business cards (I just did this yesterday!!!)

4. Wear something PC everywhere, a pin, a nametag, a pocketbook, SOMETHING with pc on it. I think in the last few months, every one I meet knows that I sell PC, because I always mention it (they're probably sick of it!). Here's one for you...had a show last Tues. night, 5 attending guests, yes :( , but I walked away with 1 definite booking...dropped by the grocery store before heading home...still had my name tag on (home-made)...walked out of the grocery store with 2 more bookings!!!!! Yeaaaaah!! :D Just so happens, 1 of the bookings was a manager at the store, who I happen to know his wife, & HE asked me to do a show for his wife, & she's interested in selling pc!!! A possible RECRUIT!!! (I would be a future director!!!!) Please say a prayer for me!!!!

5. Ask all of your friends, family, co-workers, church family, customers, etc. to get your name "out there" for you. Tell them you need help!

Hope this helps some!!!
  • #12
You know what! You are right. Besides my Taste of Home contacts I'm going to call some of my former co-workers. They all know I sell it, but none of them have said they want to have a show. I'm just going to call them tonight while I am doing calls and ask them to host a show. If they use the excuse that they already have tons of PC, I will tell them they can use their products that they earn as Christmas gifts, and that will help them out on their Christmas shopping. Of course once everyone sees the new products, they want the stuff for themselves and not to give away. :D
  • #13
I disagree w/ Jan. being a busy month.I've been doing this for 5 years now, and I've always felt like Jan. & Feb. are the hardest mos. to get things rolling again with customers. After the holidays, people just don't want to spend $$.

Be prepared for a down-time. It does happen! Believe me I know from experience!!! Try to encourage people to book for the future, now! TPC has come out w/ some really great Jan. specials in the past to help out, so keep that in mind!
  • #14
Good 4 u!!!!
jenniferlynne said:
You know what! You are right. Besides my Taste of Home contacts I'm going to call some of my former co-workers. They all know I sell it, but none of them have said they want to have a show. I'm just going to call them tonight while I am doing calls and ask them to host a show. If they use the excuse that they already have tons of PC, I will tell them they can use their products that they earn as Christmas gifts, and that will help them out on their Christmas shopping. Of course once everyone sees the new products, they want the stuff for themselves and not to give away. :D

Good for you! That's the spirit! Offer to buy their ingredients for them (a free Kitchen show!) It may cost you $20.00, but it may be well worth it! I've also started writing on my invites, "bring a friend & get 10% off your order" & you know what? IT'S BEEN WORKING!!! The most out of my pocket has been $8.00, but that was one more buying guests at a show that closed out at $800.00+.
  • #15
So, you all don't have good Januarys? My director said January is usually double for her because PC offers really good deals. She said January is usually stoneware month (of course we just had that) or double hostess credit month. It will be interesting to see what happens. Maybe I need to start planning my stratagy now.
  • #16
A few months into my new PC business, I was struggling. I loved the products, and loved what I was doing. But when it came to asking for bookings or talking about the opportunity, I was terrified. I didn't want to sound like a, gasp, salesperson!I had a show the first weekend of May and I was stressing about it because I didn't have any shows lined up for June/July was getting discouraged and seriously thought about giving up.
Then I thought to myself - if I'm going to this show with this attitude, people are going to feel it. They will be able to smell the desparation. LOL. So I did a big attitude check and thought about what I would want in a consultant, if I were the host/guest. And it was fun. I decided that the main ingredient in my shows would be fun. Now that doesn't mean that you have to be funny - fun and funny are two different things. I wanted the guest to have a good time, feel comfortable and feel like this was something they definitely wanted to be a part of.
I got to the hosts house feeling great. I didn't think about bookings, recruiting etc and focused on having a good time - I did throw out little teasers about hosting etc, but nothing heavy.
When the show was over, before I had even set up my "check-out" I had 4 people wanting shows! When I left, I had 4 dated shows on my calendar. 3 of those shows have happened ( 1 booking at the first, 1 at the second, 3 at the third) and the 4th one is coming up.
Since my epiphany, I have usually 2 dated bookings at the end of the show. 75% of the time, I haven't even asked for them. I think it's as simple as the guests/hosts really enjoye themselves, I don't pressure them into buying/hosting/joining and I focus on them, make them feel important etc.
It really has made a difference in my business. Just don't get discouraged. :)
  • #17
what do you guys do at your shows to make it fun i have tried the love it want it love it have it before but if i am lucky i get 1 booking at a show I am just wanting to make it more fun if you can give me some ideas that would be great

Related to How Many Average Bookings Do You Get After a Show?

What is the average number of bookings for a Pampered Chef consultant?

The average number of bookings for a Pampered Chef consultant varies greatly depending on the individual's efforts and strategies. Some consultants may have 2-3 bookings per month, while others may have 5-6. It ultimately depends on factors such as networking, hosting parties, and reaching out to potential customers.

How can I increase my average number of bookings as a Pampered Chef consultant?

There are several ways to increase your average number of bookings as a Pampered Chef consultant. Some suggestions include actively seeking out potential hostesses, promoting your business on social media, offering incentives to customers who book parties, and consistently following up with past customers.

Is there a specific time of year that typically has a higher average number of bookings for Pampered Chef consultants?

While the average number of bookings can vary throughout the year, the holiday season (November-December) tends to have a higher demand for Pampered Chef products. This can lead to an increase in bookings, as people are often looking for gifts and hosting holiday parties.

Do consultants with higher average number of bookings typically have a larger customer base?

Not necessarily. While some consultants may have a larger customer base, it is more important for a consultant to have a strong network and consistent follow-up with potential and past customers. This can lead to a higher average number of bookings, even with a smaller customer base.

What strategies do successful Pampered Chef consultants use to maintain a high average number of bookings?

Successful Pampered Chef consultants often have a variety of strategies to maintain a high average number of bookings. These may include building strong relationships with customers, offering exceptional customer service, staying up-to-date on product knowledge, and consistently promoting their business through various channels.

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