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How Far Are You Willing to Drive?

In summary, it is definitely worth it for hosts to drive out to shows if they can. However, it is also important to consider the time spent on the road, the wear and tear on the car, and the potential for bookings becoming too popular.
Gold Member
I looked through the categories and I thought about putting this in the business tips section but I decided to put it in here, because you can just about put anything in here!;)
I did a show last night and it was pretty far away, at least to me it was! It took me about an hour and 15 minutes to drive there. And a little over an hour to get back, traffic was much better coming home! :) I'm trying to decide if I think that it's worth it for me to drive back! (Possible bookings and then they are even farther away!:eek: !)I'm trying to recruit the host so I don't have to worry about that! But we'll see about that!
I'm just curious as to how far some of you out there have drove and what your experience with that has been like, was it worth it?:confused: Especially if you are unable to recruit someone out far away, and then a few people want to have shows. Is it worth it to keep going? Is it worth the wear and tear on the car?
Just wanting some opinions!
TIA!:balloon: :)
I drive 13 hours each way to Colorado to visit my family and I always do a couple of shows there. I'm also trying to recruit and get a team going out there. Other than family, I will drive 2.5 hours each way but host coach like crazy so I make sure it is above a 700 show.
1 hour is usually my max each way.
I usually dont drive very far myself I do have a show 1 hr away from me and she told me she wants to have a good show so its worth my time and I plan on talking about recruiting alot
I have never been over 30 minutes. I like to be home in time for my son to go to bed and spend with with my he and my husband. Plus, I feel like if I sgo farther I will spend more money on a gas and unless it is a huge sales show it is not worth it to me.
I live about 30 minutes from my work in another town so I have a lot of shows here. By the time I get to my Hosts house it is usually a 45 min trip. I did go 1 1/2 hours to my SIL but that was an exception and I hated every minute of the drive. I have one potential booking there that I need to follow up on but have been putting it off. I may try to do hers for SAT to make it worth my while. So 45 mins is probably my max.
I'll go an hour. We have a ton of small towns around the larger city I live in, so I do have customers who live in them want to book. One of my most loyal group of customers live an hour away. I go there about every other month. It's always on a Saturday though. I am trying to recruit one of them, but will be sad if I do b/c I really enjoying seeing them!
I am about to do a show that is about 1 hour 15 minutes away. It's for a family member though, so I don't mind too much. It should be a pretty large show too, so that makes it even more worth it. I actually like the time in the car by myself, since it's usually filled with a 3yo and 1yo, and Bob the Builder or Buzz Lightyear or someone like that!:D I get to choose what is on the radio, or sometimes, to just listen to silence!!
An hour each way is my limit. During the winter, when weather is iffy, I encourage hosts who live farther away to book Saturday brunch shows. I HATE driving in a snowstorm after dark!

Only problem with that is my Saturdays become VERY popular, and I book them 3 months in advance.......I always tell my DH that I wish I had more Saturdays in the week! They are usually my best shows!
  • #10
I also need to say that I don't have kids and I enjoy the drive. I also like the drive because I can listen to training CDs - the only time I don't feel guilty!
  • #11
35-45 minutes away.

My director will drive a lot farther though.
  • #12
I am willing to go where-ever I can get a show. I of course push recruiting, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. I get bookings, but let them know of the drive and will schedule 2 or 3 in the same weekend in the same area so I only have to drive out that way once a season.

From SA to Dallas is about 4-5 hours. That's my furthest so far. Unless you count the time I brought my PC stuff with me from AZ to TX to do a show for my friend while on vacation. I don't count that because we were going to be driving out there anyway. The show is a bonus!
  • #13
I used to drive over an hour for a show, but after this past weekend (I drove to DE from PA over an hour and the host only had $90 in sales, then called me to blame ME for her low turnout (long story - I'll tell you if you really want to know, but trust me, you don'!). I refunded her orders and told her I don't need her "crap"!), I have decided to only do shows within 30 min. or less from my home. I went back to work full time a month ago, and can only do shows on Sat. or Sun., and those are also the only days I get to spend time with my family, so every minute counts. I will not waste my time driving all over creation for a host to treat me badly, either!!
  • #14
Okay, Cathy, tell us why!
  • #15
cmdtrgd said:
Okay, Cathy, tell us why!

Well, if you must know... (sorry for the hijack)

3 weeks ago, I got a call from "D" - she had been to a vendor event that I was part of in the spring (PC, home interiors, purses, passion parties, etc) and wanted me to come and do it for her at her friends house. She was just starting her home interiors business and wanted to do a "kick off" with other vendors present. She already set the date and had the invitations printed, saying that PC would be there. She told me the date and time (10/13 at 3pm) and I told her it wouldn't work for me - my husband had to work that day, and my ILs would be in Italy and my parents work. I tried to find a neighbor or someone, but she lived in DE, and I'd be gone a long time (1:30p - 7p), too long to ask anyone. She said no problem. I should have said "NO!" (especially after she yelled at me when I called her back 24 hours after she initially left me a message, saying "Finally!" - what?!?!).

I show up to do the show, and she's not even there. The woman's house she's having it at, "J", sets me up and helps me get ready. "D" throws the ingredients at me as I'm trying to set up, and walks out of the room. As I'm setting up, I see the Passion Parties gal setting up next to me, and I ask her if I can go first since I'd like to leave before PP gets started, so my boys don't have to see her presentation (I didn't know she'd be there - no forewarning by host "D"). She looks at me like I have 3 heads and tells me she's going first, then someone else with crappy jewelry (no DS line, just crap) and then me, then PP. OK, whatever. I sit there with my boys and watch her presentation, then "ooh and ahhh" over the crappy jewelry, then finally it's my turn. I do the Lime Berry Mousse Trifle, and everyone loves it - I think I got more ooohs and aaahhhs than anything else all day. It was gone before I left. Oh, and by the way, there were only 10 people there!

Of course, while I'm preparing the recipe, my 5 year old had had enough (he'd been there 2 hours already!! HELLO!) and started running back and forth in front of me. As much as I could try to stop him, I just couldn't. Thankfully, another mom who had her daughter there asked him to come and color with her, so that saved me for a bit. My 8 year old was an angel and helped me with everything - he was awesome! Thank goodness!

After I finished the recipe, I took orders - totalling $90. I packed up and told "D" (matter-of-factly, not in a mean way) that she had $90 so far and that we'd need to get to $150 to make it a "show", but that I knew she'd get there b/c there were some people who were there who hadn't ordered yet but said they'd call me. I should mention that when I started the demo, I gave her a Season's Best and did a drawing for one to a guest. She didn't stay in the room to watch my demo at all. She was too busy taking people out of the family room and into the living room where her stuff was to sell them her stuff.

I got home that night and lost it on my hubby. I told him how "awful" our 5yo was, but he just laughed and said "what did you expect?" - he's right. I felt bad that I may have disrupted things, but I really had no choice. I had called her ahead of time to let her know that I was bringing them, just to make sure again, and she said it was no problem.

Fast forward to Sunday night. She calls me asking about what I said about it being a "show" when we're at $150 and only being at $90. I explained how the host program worked (AGAIN!) and she starts telling me "That's ridiculous, you couldn't even give me something free?" I reminded her that I had given her a Season's Best, and one to her guest, and that's what I always give out at my shows, and that the PC host program is very generous and that I knew we'd get to $150.

That's when the fireworks started - she started telling me "Well, everyone told me what a mess you were and how unprofessional you were with your demo when you mixed up the order of 2 of the ingredients (I put the limes around the outside before I put the whipped topping mixture in, so it didn't smear the glass - I did it on purpose!!), and your boys were so bad running all over the place and distracting everyone - that was totally unprofessional and embarrassing!" I just sat there on the phone. I was stunned. I couldn't believe she was saying this. I just answered to her, "Do you realize that I came over an hour away to do your show?" She started yelling at me "I don't care how far you have to go, blah, blah blah (I stopped listening - she was screaming at me now)." I also reminded her that I had called her ahead of time to confirm about my kids, and gave her every opportunity to tell me not to come if she thought it would be a problem.

She says, "I had no idea what brats your kids were going to be!" OMG, no she didn't!! I had had enough of her at that point. I told her that I did not appreciate the way she was speaking to me, and that if she didn't stop screaming, I was going to cancel all of the orders and hang up. She kept screaming at me, telling me how unprofessional, rude, blah blah blah, so I said, OK, that's it, I'm refunding all of your guests money and I'm hanging up now - I've had enough of you! She tried calling back and I let it go to voicemail, then deleted the message without even listening (ok, I heard the first 2 seconds, and it was her screaming again!).

After I got off the phone, I sent her one last email that I was no longer submitting the orders, I was mailing back all of the checks and order forms to each guest with the 800 number for them to call if they wanted to place an order, and I was washing my hands of her. I told her that I do not appreciate being talked to in that manner and I choose not to do business with someone who speaks to me like that and treats me so badly. Here was her reply to my email:

"let me tell you something you on greatful director, I don't give a sh*t what you do with people order thats on you!!!!!!!!!you can kiss my ass!!!!you and your rude ass kids."

I don't know where she got the director part - she's just an idiot! But, she had the last part in bold. Lovely - total class act.

I forwarded her email to me to the woman who she booked from, and explained what happened. She was really nice and apologized and said she'd try to talk to her. Whatever - I don't ever want to see that girl's face again. I emailed the PP lady to see how she did, and she told me she had THE SAME EXACT EXPERIENCE, DOWN TO THE PHONE CALL!!! OMG!! Apparently, "D" called her on Sat. night to find out how she did - she only did $93 in sales with her, and with PP they need to have $350 to start getting free/discounted stuff. She went nuts on her and told her she wanted something free and what was she going to give her. HELLO?? You should have invited more people, or just had your own show and not spread it so thin between 4 vendors, dummy!!!

I felt bad for the PP lady, but glad that it wasn't just me. All of the ladies there seemed really nice and I started my show by apologizing that I had to bring my kids, and they all said "Oh, no, don't worry about it, they're adorable, etc". I'm sure she was just trying to blame me and the PP lady for not doing well. She's a total psychopath and I've canceled all of my future shows in DE. I refuse to drive more than 30 min. for a show ever again.

  • #16
I would drive 3 to 3 1/2 hours; but I live in the country and it's 45 minutes for me to get to my full time job, so that's not much! Plus in Wyoming, you have to drive a long ways for anything! I really enjoy driving, so it's no big deal. I am pretty much willing to go anywhere for a show.
  • #17
Wow Cathy, you took her abuse far longer than I would have. As soon as she had started screaming I would have told her if she continues screaming, I would hang up. If I don't take screaming from my own mother, no way would I take it from someone else.As for me, I've driven 2 hours one way for a show, and it wasn't a bad show (around $700) for being in a very small apartment. Since it was my second show, I failed to ask the hostess if I needed to bring a table, so all I had to work with was a small 2 seater table. I just write off the mileage as an expense, but I also don't have children that I need to worry about getting home too. If I did, I'm sure my drive time would be much shorter.
  • #18
cathyskitchen said:
Well, if you must know... (sorry for the hijack)

3 weeks ago, I got a call from "D" - she had been to a vendor event that I was part of in the spring (PC, home interiors, purses, passion parties, etc) and wanted me to come and do it for her at her friends house. She was just starting her home interiors business and wanted to do a "kick off" with other vendors present. She already set the date and had the invitations printed, saying that PC would be there. She told me the date and time (10/13 at 3pm) and I told her it wouldn't work for me - my husband had to work that day, and my ILs would be in Italy and my parents work. I tried to find a neighbor or someone, but she lived in DE, and I'd be gone a long time (1:30p - 7p), too long to ask anyone. She said no problem. I should have said "NO!" (especially after she yelled at me when I called her back 24 hours after she initially left me a message, saying "Finally!" - what?!?!).

I show up to do the show, and she's not even there. The woman's house she's having it at, "J", sets me up and helps me get ready. "D" throws the ingredients at me as I'm trying to set up, and walks out of the room. As I'm setting up, I see the Passion Parties gal setting up next to me, and I ask her if I can go first since I'd like to leave before PP gets started, so my boys don't have to see her presentation (I didn't know she'd be there - no forewarning by host "D"). She looks at me like I have 3 heads and tells me she's going first, then someone else with crappy jewelry (no DS line, just crap) and then me, then PP. OK, whatever. I sit there with my boys and watch her presentation, then "ooh and ahhh" over the crappy jewelry, then finally it's my turn. I do the Lime Berry Mousse Trifle, and everyone loves it - I think I got more ooohs and aaahhhs than anything else all day. It was gone before I left. Oh, and by the way, there were only 10 people there!

Of course, while I'm preparing the recipe, my 5 year old had had enough (he'd been there 2 hours already!! HELLO!) and started running back and forth in front of me. As much as I could try to stop him, I just couldn't. Thankfully, another mom who had her daughter there asked him to come and color with her, so that saved me for a bit. My 8 year old was an angel and helped me with everything - he was awesome! Thank goodness!

After I finished the recipe, I took orders - totalling $90. I packed up and told "D" (matter-of-factly, not in a mean way) that she had $90 so far and that we'd need to get to $150 to make it a "show", but that I knew she'd get there b/c there were some people who were there who hadn't ordered yet but said they'd call me. I should mention that when I started the demo, I gave her a Season's Best and did a drawing for one to a guest. She didn't stay in the room to watch my demo at all. She was too busy taking people out of the family room and into the living room where her stuff was to sell them her stuff.

I got home that night and lost it on my hubby. I told him how "awful" our 5yo was, but he just laughed and said "what did you expect?" - he's right. I felt bad that I may have disrupted things, but I really had no choice. I had called her ahead of time to let her know that I was bringing them, just to make sure again, and she said it was no problem.

Fast forward to Sunday night. She calls me asking about what I said about it being a "show" when we're at $150 and only being at $90. I explained how the host program worked (AGAIN!) and she starts telling me "That's ridiculous, you couldn't even give me something free?" I reminded her that I had given her a Season's Best, and one to her guest, and that's what I always give out at my shows, and that the PC host program is very generous and that I knew we'd get to $150.

That's when the fireworks started - she started telling me "Well, everyone told me what a mess you were and how unprofessional you were with your demo when you mixed up the order of 2 of the ingredients (I put the limes around the outside before I put the whipped topping mixture in, so it didn't smear the glass - I did it on purpose!!), and your boys were so bad running all over the place and distracting everyone - that was totally unprofessional and embarrassing!" I just sat there on the phone. I was stunned. I couldn't believe she was saying this. I just answered to her, "Do you realize that I came over an hour away to do your show?" She started yelling at me "I don't care how far you have to go, blah, blah blah (I stopped listening - she was screaming at me now)." I also reminded her that I had called her ahead of time to confirm about my kids, and gave her every opportunity to tell me not to come if she thought it would be a problem.

She says, "I had no idea what brats your kids were going to be!" OMG, no she didn't!! I had had enough of her at that point. I told her that I did not appreciate the way she was speaking to me, and that if she didn't stop screaming, I was going to cancel all of the orders and hang up. She kept screaming at me, telling me how unprofessional, rude, blah blah blah, so I said, OK, that's it, I'm refunding all of your guests money and I'm hanging up now - I've had enough of you! She tried calling back and I let it go to voicemail, then deleted the message without even listening (ok, I heard the first 2 seconds, and it was her screaming again!).

After I got off the phone, I sent her one last email that I was no longer submitting the orders, I was mailing back all of the checks and order forms to each guest with the 800 number for them to call if they wanted to place an order, and I was washing my hands of her. I told her that I do not appreciate being talked to in that manner and I choose not to do business with someone who speaks to me like that and treats me so badly. Here was her reply to my email:

"let me tell you something you on greatful director, I don't give a sh*t what you do with people order thats on you!!!!!!!!!you can kiss my ass!!!!you and your rude ass kids."

I don't know where she got the director part - she's just an idiot! But, she had the last part in bold. Lovely - total class act.

I forwarded her email to me to the woman who she booked from, and explained what happened. She was really nice and apologized and said she'd try to talk to her. Whatever - I don't ever want to see that girl's face again. I emailed the PP lady to see how she did, and she told me she had THE SAME EXACT EXPERIENCE, DOWN TO THE PHONE CALL!!! OMG!! Apparently, "D" called her on Sat. night to find out how she did - she only did $93 in sales with her, and with PP they need to have $350 to start getting free/discounted stuff. She went nuts on her and told her she wanted something free and what was she going to give her. HELLO?? You should have invited more people, or just had your own show and not spread it so thin between 4 vendors, dummy!!!

I felt bad for the PP lady, but glad that it wasn't just me. All of the ladies there seemed really nice and I started my show by apologizing that I had to bring my kids, and they all said "Oh, no, don't worry about it, they're adorable, etc". I'm sure she was just trying to blame me and the PP lady for not doing well. She's a total psychopath and I've canceled all of my future shows in DE. I refuse to drive more than 30 min. for a show ever again.


My guess would be that her part of the show didn't go well either, and she didn't get the sales or bookings she wanted - so she is taking it out on the other vendors.

I wonder what she would give if the tables were turned?:rolleyes:
  • #19
The invitation I have received recently for a PP party says absolutely nobody under 18 allowed, not even babies. I am surprised the PP lady even started with your children there. I think she could get into trouble for that.Just my .02.
  • #20
First, Cathy, I'm so sorry for what you went through. There's no excuse for people to be that rude.As for the original question, my limit is a two-hour drive. I live in the middle of nowhere, but several larger urban areas are within a two-hour drive. I can deduct the mileage and another other expenses (like a meal). I also have no children to take into consideration, since my only child is away at college. That's one of the things I like about PC. I can choose my territory. If I decide that 10 miles from home is my limit, that's fine.
  • #21
When I started, I did not know many people here where I live, so I started my shows at my hometown, which is a little over an hour away. I still do several shows there a month, because of repeat hosts and bookings, etc. It makes me really appreciate the bookings that I have here where I live!
  • #22
I try to only do parties on the weekend. If a host wants a party on a weeknight, I only have local ones on weeknights. I refuse to do parties that get me home at 11 p.m. any more.
  • #23
If a show is more than 30-45 minutes from my home, I schedule them on Saturday. Most people are understanding of this. If not, they may not be someone I want to work with.
  • #24
Miss Chef, who is your upline? I'm in Lewiston, Idaho. My upline is Joanne Mendive (Kellog).

I will actually go 1.5 hours away. Further only if it is a very special situation...family, friends, etc. My stated norm, however, is 45 minutes away. That allows me to get to many of the little towns around my area. I have a lot of members of my cluster in towns 30 - 60 minutes from me so if needed, I will refer bookings in those areas to them.
  • #25
To CathysKitchen...I just read your explanation of that party. Wow, THAT"S a classic.

You know she will never last in her biz. She obviously has some issues and having demanding expectations seems to be only a part of those problems! Can you imagine being a host of hers and "underperforming"???

Totally not a normal person. Glad you could confirm that her irriational behavior wasn't limited to just you.
  • #26
Geekgirl69 said:
The invitation I have received recently for a PP party says absolutely nobody under 18 allowed, not even babies. I am surprised the PP lady even started with your children there. I think she could get into trouble for that.

Just my .02.

Sorry, I just re-read my note and realized it was confusing. The PP lady didn't do her presentation before me - the host "D" did her presentation before me (Home Interiors), then the jewelry, then me. I left before the PP lady did hers, and she did mention that she wouldn't do a presentation until everyone under 18 was out of the house (there were about 8 kids there!!). She didn't put anything out on her table that was "X" rated, either. She was very nice and I really liked her - no problems with her at all - she even helped me pack up! :)
  • #27
bethsbiz said:
To CathysKitchen...I just read your explanation of that party. Wow, THAT"S a classic.

You know she will never last in her biz. She obviously has some issues and having demanding expectations seems to be only a part of those problems! Can you imagine being a host of hers and "underperforming"???

Totally not a normal person. Glad you could confirm that her irriational behavior wasn't limited to just you.

I know Beth - what a doozie, huh?? I've spoken with her upline, who is the one who did the original party with me, and she's beside herself. She feels so bad that I (and the other woman) were treated this way, and she definitely wants to keep a business relationship with me. She agreed with me when I told her that "D" has some "growing up" to do, and she obviously doesn't have children, either!! I doubt she'll last long in the biz, although she was bragging to everyone that she made her "$400" in 3 weeks instead of the 8 weeks they give you (whatever that means - she never bothered to tell us!). Her presentation was horrible - didn't show us anything, just told us she was recruiting and selling, that's it! LOL!!
  • #28
Realistically, 45 minutes is my tops.

I have driven almost 2 hours one way...but she had a HUGE co-ed party, invited about everyone she knew, and made a TON of food for them, so it was a blast! There were probably a minimum of 30 couples there and I had a TON of sales from it! Thank goodness, though, no kitchen show bookings- only catty shows!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
bethsbiz said:
Miss Chef, who is your upline? I'm in Lewiston, Idaho. My upline is Joanne Mendive (Kellog).

I will actually go 1.5 hours away. Further only if it is a very special situation...family, friends, etc. My stated norm, however, is 45 minutes away. That allows me to get to many of the little towns around my area. I have a lot of members of my cluster in towns 30 - 60 minutes from me so if needed, I will refer bookings in those areas to them.

Sorry, I've been busy, I had a show tonight and have been so very busy!
My director is Angela Sloan in Utah, my executive it Pauleen Livermore who's director is Robin Schillings. I use to be under Suzanne Maguire, who was my recruiter and my director and her upline director was Erika Soelberg. But they have since quit.
I do hospitality with Sherri Rowe, whose upline is Barb Wilson.
Probably too much information, but you asked and I can never just give a simple answer!!!:D ;) :p :blushing: ;)
  • #30
The farthest I have ever driven for a show is about 40-45 minutes. It was for a friend of mine and I drove it a 2nd time for one of her friends. Most of my shows are right around my area usually with in 20 min. I don't mind the 40 min drive but I doubt I would drive over an hour unless there was going to be a ton of people there.
  • #31
I will drive pretty much anywhere. I have driven 13 hours one way to Wisconsin to do a few weekend shows, and always try to recruit when I am away like that. ITs a great tax deduction.
Even if I know I am going somewhere and I am not going to do a show, I try to place an ad in the local paper there for recruiting interviews, just so I can deduct my trip!
  • #32
cathyskitchen said:
Sorry, I just re-read my note and realized it was confusing. The PP lady didn't do her presentation before me - the host "D" did her presentation before me (Home Interiors), then the jewelry, then me. I left before the PP lady did hers, and she did mention that she wouldn't do a presentation until everyone under 18 was out of the house (there were about 8 kids there!!). She didn't put anything out on her table that was "X" rated, either. She was very nice and I really liked her - no problems with her at all - she even helped me pack up! :)

Now, correct me if I'm wrong (because I've never had a PP), but they aren't allowed to show their products with children or men in the house. They can't even be in the house. She probably could've had more tact in letting ya'll know, but I don't think she just made that up to be difficult.
  • #33
MissChef...funny, I can't post a quick reply either! I don't recognize any of the gals in your upline. My director (advanced) is Joanne Mendive (Kellogg); then Jeanne Turner (California), then Robin Anderson (California).

Maybe we'll meet someday at a regional or joint training in the area. I don't think there has been a regional meeting in our vicinity for over 4 years so we are due.
  • #34
Chef Kearns said:
Now, correct me if I'm wrong (because I've never had a PP), but they aren't allowed to show their products with children or men in the house. They can't even be in the house. She probably could've had more tact in letting ya'll know, but I don't think she just made that up to be difficult.
I also do Temptations Parties. We are in compititon with Passion Parties, as far as our company goes men can be at the parties we actually try to get co-ed parties. People under 18 can be in the house, but not at the party. Does that make sense? ummm...for instance my last party the lady's husband watched her children in the basement/play room for the party.
  • #35
Because of where I live, I'm willing to go just about anywhere for a party. Matter of fact I have a party 285 miles away about 4.5 hrs in good weather. Because Wyoming has so few people (not complaing...actually love it) you pretty much have to be willing to travel.
  • #36
WyomingsPamperedRancher said:
Because of where I live, I'm willing to go just about anywhere for a party. Matter of fact I have a party 285 miles away about 4.5 hrs in good weather. Because Wyoming has so few people (not complaing...actually love it) you pretty much have to be willing to travel.

I know a successful director who lives in Northern Michigan; she always achieves TPC in personal sales every year! I asked her one time how she managed to do that way up there in the forest (That's pretty much whats up there). She had a one sentence answer: "I'm willing to drive".

Related to How Far Are You Willing to Drive?

1. How far are you willing to drive for a Pampered Chef show?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, I am willing to drive up to an hour and a half for a show. However, if the host is able to recruit at least one booking, I may be willing to drive a little farther.

2. How do you determine if it's worth it to drive a long distance for a show?

I take into account the potential sales and bookings for the show, as well as the potential for future shows in the area. I also consider the time and cost of travel, as well as the wear and tear on my car.

3. Have you ever had a successful show far away from your home location?

Yes, I have had successful shows that were far away from my home location. It all depends on the host's ability to gather a good crowd and the enthusiasm and interest of the guests.

4. How do you handle multiple show requests in a faraway location?

If I receive multiple show requests in a faraway location, I try to schedule them on the same day or back-to-back days to make the most of my time and travel expenses. I also encourage the hosts to invite friends and family from neighboring towns to make the most out of the show.

5. Is it worth the wear and tear on your car to drive far for a show?

It ultimately depends on the individual situation and the potential for sales and bookings. If the show is successful and leads to future shows in the area, it may be worth it. However, it's important to consider the cost and potential impact on your car before committing to a long distance show.

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