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How Do I Help Hosts Increase Attendance at Their Shows?

In summary, the person is struggling with low attendance at their shows and feeling discouraged. They are trying various methods to get hosts to invite more people, such as offering to send out invitations for them, but are still facing challenges. They are determined to make their business work and appreciate the suggestions from others.
Chef Laurie
I'm just starting out with my shows, and I'm really fighting discouragement right now. My first show was my own, and I only had three people show up. My second show was a bridal shower, and it was like pulling teeth to get the bride or her maid of honor to invite anyone to it. Only four people showed for that one, two of whom lived at that house. My third show was yesterday, and again only three came. I feel terrible that the host is not even getting any benefits because she didn't have enough sales. I'm finagling some of my own sales to add on to her show so she can at least get something. I'm doing everything I know to do--3 calls per host, stressing the importance of inviting 40 people, making wishlists and setting goals, and offering to call people for them. I feel like I've worked very hard. This is pathetic, and I really wanted to get SS1, at the least. Am I just unlucky, or what should I be doing? I have a couple shows booked for the next week, and my hosts just don't see the importance of inviting lots of people. I hate when they wait until the week before the show to send out invitations. Arghhhh...

I guess I just need a little advice on how to get the hosts excited about hosting parties. I'm hoping this will get better once I start getting bookings off my shows. Right now, I think these people think they're just doing me a favor, so they aren't excited about getting lots of free things.

I'm still very excited about the prospects of my business. It's just gotten off to a bad start. I'm determined to make this work. I really fell in love with this company and am enjoying sharing it with everyone I know.
Show it to them.Actually print out the shows you had where attendance was low and show them exactly what happened. Or give them the oral story over the phone.
Say some thing like this, "I just wanted to let you know that I want to help you have a great show and get lots of FREE stuff. I want to tell you about the last few shows I had. I always stress that you need to over invite and I understand you may not have the time to do this. Well with these shows, the hosts did not or could not follow my instructions. Host 1 had # guests and got... as her host benefits. Host two had # guests and got...
So please, if you do not have the time to place those calls or mail out invites, simply give me your list and I will do this for you. I want to work with you to make this a great show for you."
The proof is in the pudding as they say and maybe by actully telling them something about the last few hosts, you may be able to get the point across. Although, you may not be able to. Some poeple just seem to think they know better and you can not change that.
I tell my hostess if they can get me 30+ names I will do the mailing for them..most of the time a hostess can come up with 30 people..it saves her money and time and for 30 invitations its only $6.90 and you are knowing that the invitations got to the people.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Thanks--these are helpful suggestions I will try!
I send a letter with my host packet. It helps them make their guest list in 5 minutes. I also send them a guest address sheet that they would fill out so I can send out the invites. I have had people complain about the cost of stamps for 40 people. So I have them hand out 20 and I mail out 20 for them. I'll attach the 50 names in 5 minutes sheet and the address sheet.
I hope this helps!


  • 50 in 5.doc
    11.5 KB · Views: 606
  • guest list addresses.doc
    293.5 KB · Views: 613
I include this cute little story in my host packages. It seems like a cute way to deliver a 'serious' message...


  • A Tale of Two Hostesses.doc
    20.5 KB · Views: 505
Love It!!!
I send out invites for my hosts. If they provide me with 40 names I give them a small prize. I just tack an item that is less than $5 on there order when I put it in PP. So far it has worked. ;)
Thank YouI just wanted to thank everyone for sharing all of their ideas.
  • #10
Dawn said:
I tell my hostess if they can get me 30+ names I will do the mailing for them..most of the time a hostess can come up with 30 people..it saves her money and time and for 30 invitations its only $6.90 and you are knowing that the invitations got to the people.

This time of year be sure to remind them that the invitations are postcards (take longer to go through the mail) and that holiday mail will soon start to flood the postal system as well. I would contact all of your friends and relatives near and far (go through your "Welcome" booklet and make that list of 100 people. ASK the people you can to help you launch your new business... be excited! Explain how much you love the products and that how just by passing out catalogs at this time of year (before the holidays) they will get the holiday boost in sales (which means more hostess benefits for them). Suggest they get a co-host and work together to fill the house.

Good luck! Don't give up! Don't be afraid to have 3-6 catalog shows running at one time! $200-300 shows add up.

Susan :)
  • #11
Calling guestsMake sure that either your host or you call the guests 2-3 days prior to the show to get their RSVP. I make the calls for the hostess when she provides the phone numbers with the invitation list. So, I mail the invitations and call the guests. I have tracked this so far and my kitchen show average has went from $500 to $750. The # of guests has also went from 8 to 14. So big difference and well worth my time!

Related to How Do I Help Hosts Increase Attendance at Their Shows?

1. How can I get more people to attend my Pampered Chef show?

The best way to increase attendance at your Pampered Chef show is to personally invite your friends and family. You can also utilize social media, such as creating a Facebook event and inviting your network. Additionally, consider offering a special incentive or discount for guests who bring a friend to the show.

2. How far in advance should I invite people to my Pampered Chef show?

It is recommended to invite guests at least 2-3 weeks in advance. This gives them enough time to plan and make arrangements to attend the show.

3. How can I make my guests feel more comfortable and welcome at the show?

One way to make your guests feel welcome is to provide refreshments and snacks at the show. You can also create a warm and inviting atmosphere by setting up comfortable seating and playing some background music. Additionally, be sure to introduce your guests to each other and make them feel included in the show.

4. What are some creative ways to promote my Pampered Chef show?

Some creative ways to promote your show include creating a themed event, such as a holiday or seasonal show, and offering special discounts or promotions. You can also partner with local businesses or organizations to cross-promote your show and reach a larger audience.

5. How can I follow up with guests who RSVP but do not attend the show?

Following up with guests who were unable to attend the show is important to keep them engaged and interested in future events. Consider sending them a personalized email or text message thanking them for their interest and offering to schedule a one-on-one cooking consultation or online show. You can also add them to your mailing list to keep them updated on future Pampered Chef events and promotions.

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