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How do I handle a consultant joining another direct sales company?

I told her I wasn't interested. The consultant has joined another DS company. She signed with me 15 months ago and was very consistent in sales and recruiting, encouraged everyone at our team meetings... She signed with SwissJust in Feb and her PC sales started going down, she only did $200 last month and has not turned anything in this month. She recruited a girl that is selling PC like crazy, this girl is still in her 90 days and is close to $3,000 in sales.
Gold Member
I think I have shared that one of my star consultants has joined another DS company. :( She signed with me 15 months ago and was very consistent in sales and recruiting, encouraged everyone at our team meetings... She signed with SwissJust in Feb and her PC sales started going down, she only did $200 last month and has not turned anything in this month. She recruited a girl that is selling PC like crazy, this girl is still in her 90 days and is close to $3,000 in sales.

My experience with the new DS Co. she joined.

1) In March at one of our trainings we put a skillet in the oven and my mom grabbed the handle and instead of letting go right away she placed it back so her hand was throbbing in pain. The consultant takes out some cream and two drops of oil and gives it to my mom for the burn. It eased the pain almost immediately and my mom was sure that it would get ugly but it didn't, it didn't even turn a weird color or anything.

2) The HO came to our area in May, she was the first to arrive and told me she had something to tell me. I said sure... but I need to go to the ladies room and told her I had the worst lower pain and cramps (Aunt Flo). She went with me and gave me some cream and a few drops of oil and told me to massage the area. About 5 min. later the pain was gone. Mind you it could have been the two Advil I took right before.

In June she comes right out and asks me to do a "Wellness Gathering" and reminds me how the stuff worked on my mom and on me. She tells me that she actually signed up with the company "Just for the discount" that she told the lady that signed her up that she would not stop doing PC for this (blah, blah). She said the lady told her that was fine but that the stuff in her kit would last her at least 90 days so she would have to at least share it with a few people to help meet her $150 a month requirement. She told me she has used the product for 10 years in Mexico and swears by it (JS has been in biz for 75years, 20 in Mex, but only around 3 here in the US) then told me about everything the product was good for including something for respiratory problems (my son has Asthma.) I agreed but told her it couldn't happen until after Conference and we set a date for 7/25.

The "gathering" was Friday. She arrived early and I was cutting fruit to put out. I asked her if the stuff was good for knee pain and told her my FIL was upstairs unable to walk. She said that's GREAT! I gave her a look and she said "not, that he's in pain but that I'm here and he won't let me lie." She asked me to take her upstairs. She rubbed cream and oil on his knee and went to the car and took out a mini tub to soak his feet with three drops of oil in warm water. We went downstairs (I live in a 3 br, two bath duplex, my in-laws live in the one upstairs) Only three people came. I asked them to have some fruit and one of them said she couldn't because her mouth was killing her (know where this is going?). The consultant said GREAT!! Go wash your hands, she put a drop of oil in her hand and told her to put it in her mouth where it hurt and the rest to massage around her ear. Bottom line. The pain went away (tooth infection) and she enjoyed the fruit just fine, my father in law was not using the walker anymore and was walking around!!! Amazing!! Three people: $400+ in sales, three bookings. My SIL got the stuff for my FIL but was interested in other things so she will host.

I got $75 in free product and two 1/2 offs. (My son's stuff for free and some of that miracle oil and cream.)

When everyone left she started to want to recruit me!!! She said that with a few more people my show would have easily been over $1,000. She brought up how she didn't have to carry much, no washing dishes and get this she is a TEAM LEADER now and makes 8% commission on her downline and 40% commission on her sales (you start off with 25%.) My husband was no help, he said "REALLY?!" She brought a comission check to prove it.

I told her thanks but no thanks, I love what I do now and as you know I can't sign up with anyone else.

Sorry for the super long post but I wanted you to see the whole picture. Now I'm worried that she's going to pull a Laura on me with my team and take the easy pray. Most of her team except for the newest girl have gone inactive. She is interested in staying active with PC but was upset that the months she didn't do the $1250 she didn't get her override. She said she will still come to meetings, etc. I have never seen her try to recruit or talk about the other biz at our trainings. But you never know...

How do you all think I should handle this?
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Duh, The thread title was supposed to be: How would you handle this?
But when I started it I wrote What do you think about this? Then didn't edit it properly. grrr. Sorry. :(
Sounds like something I need to try. What's their website?

Back to the subject: I would have a talk with her and tell her that you haven't heard anything at all but just wanted to remind her that it's inappropriate to talk about her other business at the meetings and that it's unethical to try to recruit anyone away.

Here's wishing you the best!
call your sales leader- Sorry---but this is a tough oneHUGS
Is she the eqivalent of a director in that company? If so, it may be best she put one or the other DS compay aside. There's a good reason PC doesn't let its directors rep for another company at the same time. (Most other companies have the same exclusion clause in their director contracts.)

If you genuinely feel a Laura-type event coming on (interesting that we all understand exactly what you mean), trust your gut and decide if you want her to participate in your meetings anymore.

All that said, Morfia's advice is probably best. :blushing:
Call Valerie. :)
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  • #7
legacypc46 said:
Is she the eqivalent of a director in that company? If so, it may be best she put one or the other DS compay aside. There's a good reason PC doesn't let its directors rep for another company at the same time. (Most other companies have the same exclusion clause in their director contracts.)

If you genuinely feel a Laura-type event coming on (interesting that we all understand exactly what you mean), trust your gut and decide if you want her to participate in your meetings anymore.

All that said, Morfia's advice is probably best. :blushing:

Just checked back in... No, there a quite a few steps with JS before becoming a Director. According to her one of the main investors from Argentina came and took them to dinner. There are no Directors in this area but they do have that title, at that point she would not be able to keep doing PC. I don't remember but she needs a few Team Leaders for that. She says this man asked her about the DS co she was currently doing and when she told him it was PC. He said that PC was also a very reputable company and that he had met Doris Christopher and was very impressed by her. He asked her if she knew that she no longer owned PC (she didn't), and said she felt stupid.

She tells me she still plans to do PC shows because cooking IS her thing and doesn't plan to quit now, so I can't very well tell her not to come to meetings. I will talk to her about not trying to recruit people. The Laura like behavior will come when she "shares" the products (if someone happens to have an ache or pain) or how well she's doing there. :) I can't blame her for that either. My family was telling everyone about what happened Friday, couldn't shut them up about it!
legacypc46 said:
.......interesting that we all understand exactly what you mean.......

hahahahaha! I'm a little slow, but I finally got it...too funny!
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  • #9
bethcooks4u said:
Sounds like something I need to try. What's their website?

Back to the subject: I would have a talk with her and tell her that you haven't heard anything at all but just wanted to remind her that it's inappropriate to talk about her other business at the meetings and that it's unethical to try to recruit anyone away.

Here's wishing you the best!

I must admit it was amazing. www.SwissJustUSA.com
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  • #10
DebbieJ said:
Call Valerie. :)

She doesn't know the latest, but I did tell her about what went on before and that she joined this new company and that's why she wouldn't be coming to Conference. She is on vacation until the 11th, but is coming down here the following week. The last thing she told me was that her enthusiasm for this new thing would proabably run it's course and she'd be back strong because she has made some good comissions here and has gotten recognition even from HO in the Spanish CN. This was before I knew she was carrying around commission statements that said otherwise. She showed these to my husband when I went to take a phone call.
  • #11
Addie4TLC said:
She doesn't know the latest, but I did tell her about what went on before and that she joined this new company and that's why she wouldn't be coming to Conference. She is on vacation until the 11th, but is coming down here the following week. The last thing she told me was that her enthusiasm for this new thing would proabably run it's course and she's be back strong because she has made some good comissions here and has gotten recognition even from HO in the Spanish CN. This was before I knew she was carrying around commission statements that said otherwise. She showed these to my husband when I went to take a phone call.

I'm so sorry. I really can't believe that she would "purposely" show your dh while your doing something else. She knew that would be here "in". I agree with Deb and call Valerie. She'll tell ya exactly what to do and then let us all know!

By the way, I knew what you meant as well by pulling a "laura" :rolleyes:
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  • #12
pampmomof3 said:
I'm so sorry. I really can't believe that she would "purposely" show your dh while your doing something else. She knew that would be here "in". I agree with Deb and call Valerie. She'll tell ya exactly what to do and then let us all know!

By the way, I knew what you meant as well by pulling a "laura" :rolleyes:

I know I'm bad (Laura)...

Yes, that's exactly why I feel uneasy about her doing something with my team.

My husband was joking around saying he might give this a try and she joked back "yeah, you could go to the PC trips with your wife and she can go with you to JS's" If she is almost recruiting my husband under my nose, imagine what she will try?
  • #13
well, it's obvious she is going to be successful, she has had a such a great trainer/role model!:D I'd proceed with caution. I had a similar situation with a team member joining another DS company. She is doing wonderful with it (no longer active with PC). And yes, she has tried to recruit other team members as well. Some may even be seriously considering it. I really think everyone will find the "fit" for them.

Personally, I don't even want to take a vitamin that my Dr's prescribes. AND I know that I don't want to I'll take some "miracle oil" that is peddled from my friend's living room. But that is just me. maybe it's just time to bless & release. AND do your next training on WHY PC has lasted in DS for so long even thru the recessions. And maybe a little comparision on training and benefits of other DS companies. Not to make the others look bad, you could just say Cosmetic Company A or Food Company B, etc.

Also, her commission may be so high because she is carrying such a large inventory of that miracle oil to share with potentials?
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Funny you say that! I was noticing my style in her presentation!! I've created a monster!!! LOL

I have done the whole why PC is better with her and she has an answer for everything. She says that with this company she doesn't have to keep inventory either, the company pays for the host rewards just like PC. The only thing she says they don't have is the additional discount after the free credit and the shipping is also different, they have to pay based on how much the guest buys. The host doesn't pay shipping. She thinks they have tried to model the benefits to match those of successful DS companies and that's why they are so similar. Since she only uses a drop of oil and a pea size amount of the cream it lasts a long time.

You are right though everyone will try to find their "fit" but when someone lays it out (like I've taught her to) so easily and simply the newbies will be drawn. Even some of the seasoned consultants may say "what? no cooking? no washing dishes?"

I have my training on the 3rd and I'm pumped from conference, it will be jammed packed with info and recipes everyone will be ready for the new season. We'll see what happens.
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UpdateMy consultant sent me a thank you note in the mail which included biz opp paperwork and agreement. I didn't pay attention to it but I left it out and my husband looked through it. He said his dad was interested in getting the full treatment after he saw the results. Mind you my FIL is very thrifty and skeptical about everything! All I can think is the pain must have been bad! My FIL told my husband he should sign up "for the discount" and he is actually considering it!!! My sister in law told him she's been inviting people to her presentation and everyone is looking forward to seeing this for themselves. We are talking about some people that have not come to ONE of my shows!!! :(

What do you all think about this new development? Is there some kind of conflict with PC if he does sign up?
  • #16
I don't believe it is a conflict unless he sells at one of your shows or booths. Just make sure to keep them separate.
  • #17
I guess that would depend on how YOU feel about him being with HER DS company! I wouldn't mind if DH signed with another company, but to have my star seller recruit him would tick me off and makeme feel like she had something I didn't....which she does (the product). Petty sounding? You bet! But consider how you would feel and go from there.
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Honestly I haven't even had time to "think" this is happening so fast.

My husband will be working 4 days a week starting next week and before all of this happened he told me he would use that extra day to get stuff done around the house but also to help me with my biz. This month has been bad and he has noticed that it's bothering me and that's why he offered. Now eveyone is excited about this!
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  • #19
cmdtrgd said:
I don't believe it is a conflict unless he sells at one of your shows or booths. Just make sure to keep them separate.

I think I heard someone mention that Jean's husband is in Direct Sales too. Is that right? My husband and I met him in San Francisco and he's got the personality!

Related to How do I handle a consultant joining another direct sales company?

1. How do I properly clean my Pampered Chef products?

To clean your Pampered Chef products, it is recommended to hand wash with warm, soapy water. For tough, stuck-on messes, let the item soak in warm, soapy water for a few minutes before washing. Avoid using harsh scrubbers or abrasive cleaners as they can damage the product. Always make sure to thoroughly dry the product before storing.

2. Are Pampered Chef products safe for use in the oven?

Many of our products are oven-safe, but it is important to check the product information or packaging for specific temperature and usage guidelines. Some products may have a maximum temperature limit or may not be suitable for use in the oven.

3. How do I know if a Pampered Chef product is dishwasher safe?

Most of our products are dishwasher safe, but it is always best to check the product information or packaging for specific instructions. Some products may require hand washing or may only be top-rack dishwasher safe.

4. Can Pampered Chef products be used on all types of stovetops?

Our products are designed to be used on a variety of stovetops, including gas, electric, and induction. However, it is important to check the product information or packaging for any specific usage instructions or restrictions.

5. How do I know if a Pampered Chef product is covered by a warranty?

Most of our products come with a limited lifetime warranty, which covers any defects in materials and workmanship. To see if your product is covered by a warranty, check the product information or packaging or contact our customer service team.

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