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How Can Promotions Boost Sales in Direct Selling Businesses?

In summary, Kristi was able to get 3 bookings last night by promoting her Dollar a Day promo. She said that it is a gamble but it is also a fun way to make some extra money.
Gold Member
I was reading these boards and I am trying to think outside of the box and get my June sales up there. I am in my SS2 and I have gotten both ss pkgs but I REALLY want the bonus stone pkg! I hate to be greedy but I really want to earn the new Fall stuff as well! Why not? So, I posted on my website about the Dollar a Day promo and I will be doing the pizza stone (which everyone seems to order!) promo and give the price on whatever date their show is held on. I have 3 shows already booked and I have to make about 30 big mac calls tonight! Maybe with promoting my stone offer I will get a few more shows booked!! I need to turn in about $2500 in sales next month to earn those pkgs but why not try to round it to $3000 in sales! I am also sending 20 realtor letters out so maybe that will help drum up some business!! I started PC to earn all of the products, get a little time away from my 3 kids and my husband, and get a paycheck out of it but it seems that I am making it a full time job! :D It keeps me happy and busy at the same time! I'll keep you guys posted! I know that people have done this promo before but I was curious on how your month turned out when you did this!??

Dollar a Day promo?Hi,

Sounds interesting, what exactly is the Dollar a Day Promo?

PampMomof3 said:
I was reading these boards and I am trying to think outside of the box and get my June sales up there. I am in my SS2 and I have gotten both ss pkgs but I REALLY want the bonus stone pkg! I hate to be greedy but I really want to earn the new Fall stuff as well! Why not? So, I posted on my website about the Dollar a Day promo and I will be doing the pizza stone (which everyone seems to order!) promo and give the price on whatever date their show is held on. I have 3 shows already booked and I have to make about 30 big mac calls tonight! Maybe with promoting my stone offer I will get a few more shows booked!! I need to turn in about $2500 in sales next month to earn those pkgs but why not try to round it to $3000 in sales! I am also sending 20 realtor letters out so maybe that will help drum up some business!! I started PC to earn all of the products, get a little time away from my 3 kids and my husband, and get a paycheck out of it but it seems that I am making it a full time job! :D It keeps me happy and busy at the same time! I'll keep you guys posted! I know that people have done this promo before but I was curious on how your month turned out when you did this!??

I'm curious, too. In the strictest sense, it would be like if you have your show on the 1st, you get a stone for $1, right? But that seems like you'd be paying out too much, doesn't it?
That's what I'm thinking. How do I avoid having to pay too much out of my own pocket??
I know that you put the stipulation in that it be a $400 show. You order it under the hosts items which will give you 20% off then you get your 20% off. I am going to do it but limit it to certain stones. Also maybe when they call most of the early days are going to be full. Actually I do have plans the first four days and those are not available. I would like more ideas on this.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
You have it exactly right! You only schedule the shows on the days you want to fill. So, if you don't want to do the first 10 days in June, tell people that they are already booked! I was on the phone for an hour and a half last night and got 3 bookings b/c I promoted my stone offer. Two of them were Catalog shows and I a kitchen show that is on the 10th. I told the people that are doing the catalog show when they turn in their show in, they must have $400 in sales and the night they turn all their stuff in, will be the night they get the stone at half off. I am sending out their stuff today so they will have about 2 weeks to start collecting orders. I know it could get expensive but I want to have a really good month ($3000 in sales) and they say "It takes money to earn money!) I'll keep you guys posted! :D

host discount vs. consultant discount
paydaymom said:
I know that you put the stipulation in that it be a $400 show. You order it under the hosts items which will give you 20% off then you get your 20% off. I am going to do it but limit it to certain stones. Also maybe when they call most of the early days are going to be full. Actually I do have plans the first four days and those are not available. I would like more ideas on this.
If you put an order for a stone on a host's order so you get the 15-30% discount you can't also apply your consultant discount. That's only if you place a "personal order" through Pampered Partner. Unless I misunderstood the post. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew you can't combine those two discounts. Even if you are the host.

So, those of you who are doing this offer it to the host? If a host has a show on the 15th and it's at least a $400 show, they'll get a stone for $15? I think it's a good idea to make it select stones. Hmmmm. I'll be interested to hear who else gets some bookings from this idea. I may have to give it a try! So, if it's a $40 stone, but there's already 20% off b/c of the host discount, then you're paying $17 out of pocket for that stone (if it's on the 15th), right? Just making sure I get the concept. I may have to try it!
pamperedbecky said:
If you put an order for a stone on a host's order so you get the 15-30% discount you can't also apply your consultant discount. That's only if you place a "personal order" through Pampered Partner. Unless I misunderstood the post. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew you can't combine those two discounts. Even if you are the host.

So, those of you who are doing this offer it to the host? If a host has a show on the 15th and it's at least a $400 show, they'll get a stone for $15? I think it's a good idea to make it select stones. Hmmmm. I'll be interested to hear who else gets some bookings from this idea. I may have to give it a try! So, if it's a $40 stone, but there's already 20% off b/c of the host discount, then you're paying $17 out of pocket for that stone (if it's on the 15th), right? Just making sure I get the concept. I may have to try it!

Don't forget you get commission on the sale, I think that is where the other 20% came from. The Large Round Stone is $25.50. So if you do a $400 show on the 15th, with the host's discount the stone costs $20.40. The host pays the price of the day (which is $15). That leaves $5.40 out of pocket for you. But don't forget your commission on the $20.40 is at least 20%, which is $4.08. So when all is said and done, it has only cost you $1.32 (or less if your commission rate is higher than 20%).

By the 17th of the month you break even (on this stone). After that you actually make money.

** I didn't include tax in any of my figures.
Thanks, danger girl! Seeing the math is really helpful.
  • #10
I understand when you say that you get their 20% off, but how do you get your 20% off on top of that??

paydaymom said:
I know that you put the stipulation in that it be a $400 show. You order it under the hosts items which will give you 20% off then you get your 20% off. I am going to do it but limit it to certain stones. Also maybe when they call most of the early days are going to be full. Actually I do have plans the first four days and those are not available. I would like more ideas on this.
  • #11
danger girl said:
Don't forget you get commission on the sale, I think that is where the other 20% came from. The Large Round Stone is $25.50. So if you do a $400 show on the 15th, with the host's discount the stone costs $20.40. The host pays the price of the day (which is $15). That leaves $5.40 out of pocket for you. But don't forget your commission on the $20.40 is at least 20%, which is $4.08. So when all is said and done, it has only cost you $1.32 (or less if your commission rate is higher than 20%).

By the 17th of the month you break even (on this stone). After that you actually make money.

** I didn't include tax in any of my figures.
Oops, duh, now I see where the extra 20% comes from. Thanks for clarifying!! :)
  • #12
stone promoDoes anyone have a flyer that they use for the stone dollar days? I would really like to see one.
  • #13
You always get 20% in your commission check. As long as it isn't a guest special, free or 1/2 price item.
  • #14
Sounds great!I would love a copy of the letter to the realitors! Go, Go , Go , Go!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Okay, I haven't made the stone promotion flyer yet but I plan to do it this weekend! I made out of the box calls and told all of my previous guests that I was having this promo and got 3 bookings from it! I am going to attach the letter that i sent to the realtors. I just mailed them yesterday so I won't know anything for a little bit! Good Luck!



  • Realtor Letter to Intro PC.doc
    141 KB · Views: 899
  • #16
PampMomof3 said:
Okay, I haven't made the stone promotion flyer yet but I plan to do it this weekend! I made out of the box calls and told all of my previous guests that I was having this promo and got 3 bookings from it! I am going to attach the letter that i sent to the realtors. I just mailed them yesterday so I won't know anything for a little bit! Good Luck!


Great letter! Please let us know if you get many responses!
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Thank You! I actually got it from someone else but added the ice cream pkg.! Thanks again!

  • #18
Tried itWell I thought it was a great idea so I tried it last night trying to fill up my June calendar, but to my amazment no takers. There were about 25 guests and no one even asked about it. I said it several times AHHHHHHH!!!
Oh well good luck to the rest of you I hope it works for you
  • #18
If I'm not mistaken, you get the additional 20% (or higher) "off " the price of the stone as you will be earning commission on it as well. Still have to pay the difference between cost & host discount, but you will earn more $ on it on pay day!
  • #19
It has been helping me turn the "maybes" into firm dates on my calendar! I appreciated the idea. I think it's going to help me have a BIG JUNE- I want to earn as many of the new fall products as possible!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Thank You! I have had the same success with me promoting it. In fact, I sent a newsletter through e-mail and got 2 bookings from it! Here is what I sent: (It's very rough, I am in my second month, so be gentle!) I was also going to try to work on a flyer but I put this out instead.

Price of the Date Promotion!!

How would you like to receive the Pampered Chef Large Round Stone at a drastically reduced price? Well here is your opportunity. Book your show with me at the beginning of June and you can purchase that Stone for the Price of the Date. What that means you can book your show for June 2nd and purchase the Large Round Stone for only $2. That is a savings of $23. 50. Now who can pass up such a great deal? You must hold your original show date and have guest sales of at least $400 to qualify but with us working together you will have no problem reaching that level. Plus don’t forget the other great reasons to host a show like getting an average of $90 in free product, 2 half price items and getting a 25% discount on everything else. Take advantage of this now as my dates are filling up fast. Please feel free to pass this email on to someone you think may be interested in this promotion.

This offer is only valid for June 2005 and only through me. You must hold your original show date and have a show of at least $400 in guest sales. An equivalent product of the equal or lesser value may be substituted for the Large Round Stone. Product will be purchase with your show and you will receive it with the rest of your products.

Featured Recipe of the Month​
Baked Alaska Cake (strawberry splash filling)

1 package (18.25 ounces) devil's food cake mix (plus ingredients to make cake)

3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate morsels, divided

1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened

1 cup powdered sugar

1 container (16 ounces) frozen whipped topping, thawed, divided (can be strawberry flavor or regular with food coloring)


Preheat oven to 325° F. Grease and flour Classic Batter Bowl. Prepare cake mix according to package directions; pour into batter bowl. Bake 1 hour, 10 minutes to 1 hour, 15 minutes or until cake tester inserted in center comes out clean. Remove from oven to stackable cooling rack; cool 15 minutes. Run large spreader around outside of cake and gently turn out onto cooling rack, large end down. Cool 3 hours.

Using serrated bread knife, trim large end of cake to level. Place cake, large end down, onto Simple Additions Medium Square. To slice cake into four equal layers, slice cake horizontally in half. Slice each half into two equal layers.

Chop 1/4 cup of the chocolate morsels using food chopper; set aside.

Place remaining chocolate morsels in Small Micro-Cooker; microwave, uncovered, on high 20-60 seconds or until melted and smooth, stirring after each 20-second interval. In clean Classic Batter Bowl, whisk cream cheese until smooth using stainless steel whisk. Add powdered sugar; whisk until smooth. Stir in melted chocolate; mix well.

Fold 2 cups of the whipped topping and chopped chocolate into cream cheese mixture using classic scraper. Using small spreader, spread bottom layer of cake with about half of the filling, forming a 3/4-inch layer. Repeat with remaining layers and filling, ending with the top layer of cake.

Spread any remaining filling over outside of cake to create a smooth surface. Frost cake with remaining whipped topping.

To form decorative peaks, press spreader into topping and pull away. Repeat over entire surface of cake. For easier slicing, refrigerate cake at least 30 minutes.

To easily cut cake into servings, cut cake into eight wedges from top to bottom using utility knife. Carefully insert Slice 'n Serve horizontally into each wedge, dividing into two equal portions.

Yield: 16 servings

Nutrients per serving: Calories 410, Total Fat 23 g, Saturated Fat 11 g, Cholesterol 55 mg, Carbohydrate 44 g, Protein 4 g, Sodium 310 mg, Fiber 1 g

Filling variations:

Strawberry Splash: Omit chocolate morsels. Add 1/2 teaspoon unsweetened strawberry drink mix powder (such as Kool-Aid) to cream cheese mixture. Stir 1/4 cup chopped strawberries into cream cheese mixture. Proceed as recipe directs.

Magnificent Mint: Omit 1/2 cup melted chocolate. Add 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract and 3-4 drops green food coloring, if desired, to cream cheese mixture. Proceed as recipe directs.


JUNE~~Host a Show in June, and choose either our exclusive Patriotic Picnic Tablecloth for just $15, or our entire barbecue tool collection for only $40!

Guest Special~~Everyone knows that Dad is a grill master. So, for Father?s Day, give him a gift he?ll absolutely love, like our barbecue tools and Great Grilling Recipe Card Collection! In June, purchase any of our Barbecue Tools and receive the Great Grilling Recipe Card Collection FREE!

Contact me today to learn more about this special or other great Father?s Day gift ideas!

JULY~~There's nothing quite like our Chillzanne® collection, and in July, hosts can receive a cool 60% off either the Chillzanne® Rectangle Server (including FREE Accessory Forks), the Chillzanne® Ice Bucket, OR the Chillzanne® Bowl.

Guest Special~~Add one of the coolest products The Pampered Chef® has to offer to your kitchen, picnics and barbecues! In July, purchase $50 in products and receive the Chillzanne® Mini-Bowl for FREE!

Contact me today to find out how to order!

Have a great weekend and I hope to hear from you!!

Kristi Tarducci
Independent Kitchen Consultant for
The Pampered Chef
(321) 956-1108 [email protected]
  • #21
Great newsletter! Thanks for sharing it! No wonder people responded!
  • #22
stone dollar day promoI made a flyer for the dollar day promotion, using the let me be your pampered chef lady one.
I haven't used it yet.


  • Let Me Be Your stone dollar day.doc
    95.5 KB · Views: 739
  • #23
I love the "Dollar a Day" Stone promo. I'm going to try it tomorrow night at my next show. I'll let you all know how it goes. Also, I was thinking, the amount we end up having to pay out of pocket for the stones, we can enter into PP as consultant gift, and that will give us an additional break come tax time, right?
  • #24
I tried the "Dollar a Day" stone promo at my show on Mon. night. I only had one booking for June, but I did get one for July and one for August. So, over all, it was a very successful show. ($600+ in sales too) Still would like to get more bookings for June. I want those fall products! :D
  • #25
It Works When You Need It ToThis past year I worked really hard for Disney and on Dec 1 I needed $4650 in sales in order to earn it. Needless to say, I was a little discouraged going into the month because I thought to myself (as we always thing negatively to ourselves) it's December and we only have 1/2 of a month (because of the Christmas deadline) and it's Christmas - are people really still going to spend a lot? So I ran the Dollar Day promotion. I offered any non-glazed stone for the price of the day as long as it was a $350 show (in December the host bonus was at a $350 level so that's why I used that number).

I was pretty sure that I could do it, even though $4650 was more than I had ever sold in one month, let alone December. I offered it and people JUMPED at the opportunity! I really promoted shopping from your seat (which at Christmas is a good deal) and made them super fun!

On December 14, the Christmas deadline, I sat in my office at 11:20 pm and realized that by $23 I had reached my goal. I couldn't believe that I had earned it by the Christmas deadline. Out of pocket it probably cost me around $100 bucks over the month - but I was able to sell $4650 in 14 days!!! It was well worth the $100 out of my pocket (Which yes, is a tax write off and can be put in as Con. Gift in PP). Let it work for you when YOU need it and June is a great time to go for it!!

Tip: Let your customers know what you're working for - they will help! When I told my customers what I was doing they were thrilled to help. I had people emailing and calling all month asking me if I had earned Disney yet. I even had one host call me with a $150 outside order and said to call her back if I got to the end of the night and I was still lacking some orders - she was sure there was something else she could get.

Related to How Can Promotions Boost Sales in Direct Selling Businesses?

1. What is the "Stone Promotion"?

The "Stone Promotion" is a special offer from Pampered Chef where customers can purchase any of our stoneware products at a discounted price.

2. How long does the "Stone Promotion" last?

The duration of the "Stone Promotion" varies, but it typically runs for a few weeks or until supplies last.

3. Can I purchase multiple stoneware products at the discounted price?

Yes, you can purchase as many stoneware products as you'd like at the discounted price during the "Stone Promotion".

4. Are all stoneware products included in the "Stone Promotion"?

Yes, all stoneware products from Pampered Chef are eligible for the discounted price during the "Stone Promotion". This includes our popular pizza stones, baking dishes, and more.

5. How do I take advantage of the "Stone Promotion"?

To take advantage of the "Stone Promotion", simply add the desired stoneware products to your cart and the discounted price will automatically be applied at checkout. No promo code is necessary.

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