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How can I jumpstart my PC business as a stay-at-home mom?

I am a stay at home mom, who would like to remain a stay at home mom, and was hoping that PC could provide our family with some extra income.
I joined in May and have had only 2 shows!!!!
Everyone is either on vacation or just too busy right now during the summer time.
The few shows that I have booked have been cancelled due to medical reasons or a death in the family; so I can't really hound them too much.
I do not want to go back to work.
I have a very, very small circle of friends and no one is interested in holding a show.
I have tried having a Mystery Hostess show and no one RSVP'd.
I have dropped books off in affluent neighborhoods; offered incentives, and nothing is working.
I feel if I can just get 1 or 2 shows on my calender, those should generate a couple of bookings each, then maybe I can get the ball rolling; but right now the ball is stuck in several feet of mud and I don't see a way out of it.
Any suggestions?
Thanks so much.
  • Thread starter
  • #2
With the Mystery Hostess show did you call to remind them a couple days in advance? Or after the day that your Mystery Hostess show was to be held..did you follow up and see if they wanted to look at a catalog or place an order?? Also, after you went to the other neighborhoods to pass out the books, have you gone back to see if they were interested in any products or booking a show? Last year at conference..."The Lemonade Lady" suggested going around the neighborhood and asking people if they would be interested in going to a PC show. When they said yes she would have them write down their name number and address and tell them she would be in touch. Then after you have a list of 10 people or when someone down they line acts real interested and loves PC..tell them you already have a list of people who are interested if she would have the show...she already has her invite list done for her!!! Just a few suggestions. HTH Keep trying and get your name out there. This site helps with a lot of ideas and ways to get your name out there. The summer is slow, don't get discouraged, things will pick up this fall!!
My ideasI'm a brand new consultant, haven't even had my first show yet. However, I've made a promise to myself to get my name out in this area in a different way each and every week.

First, I'm going to saturate my neighborhood with the mini-catalogs and an introduction flyer. On the flyer I will make sure my web address is listed and also point out that as of September 1st anyone can do direct orders from my website. I will also point out the host and guest benefits for Sept/Oct/Nov and talk about the holiday season and being prepared.

Second, I'm going to go to area daycares and drop off a few catalogs and a flyer and ask if they'll keep them out. On this flyer I plan on adding a bit about a parent/child party where the kids can help.

Third (I've already started this), any time I go to any service professional I use (doctors, dentists, salon, etc) I will hand out catalogs to the staff and ask if I can leave a couple with their magazines in the waiting room.

Four, my area has a lot of charter schools popping up...schools that are in desperate need of earning money to stay afloat each school year. I plan on putting together a fundraiser flyer and dropping those off as well.

That's all I have so far, but when I think of more ideas I'll post them. Also, there is an incredible amount of information right here on this message board. Take the time to read everything you can.

How a bout a craft fairthis is usually a good time of the year for those , they are generally cheap to sign up for, i just signed up for 3 yesturday one was $10.00 the other were $15.00 . It is a great way to get your name out there and book some shows !I always have a drawing for a prize or if i do not have anything on hand i will do a gift certificate from me only to be redeemed through me ,i make my own.It would usually be for $15.00 or so , then when i call them to tell them they won i ask if they would like to add to it by hosting a show.
Is there a curves in your area ? They are usually really good to us, they would let you leave material in there as well as set up a little box where people can fill out a slip for a small gift.
Talk about it everywhere you go , i now hand my buisness card to the cashier when iam in line at a store !
Dont give up just keep your head up and keep talking Pampered Chef ! It will come trough for ya !
Radio Happy HoursHave you looked at the websites of the radio stations in your area? The reason is, some radio stations hold "worker women Happy Hours", where vendors have the chance to display their wares to working woman..
Just a thought for you...
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Be sure to review the PC guidelines on this
acherry said:
Have you looked at the websites of the radio stations in your area? The reason is, some radio stations hold "worker women Happy Hours", where vendors have the chance to display their wares to working woman..
Just a thought for you...
PC has some very specific guidelines on advertising in print and on radio. Be sure to check with Home Office as to whether or not you are allowed to participate in such an event. The rules are meant to keep the playing field level for all consultants, so we all must abide by them and do the right thing.

Consultants, Futures and Directors may not advertise or promote their businesses on the radio. The only exception is when the radio advertising is included in a registration or booth fee for a bridal, home expo or such event.

Phyllis Rampulla
Independent Sales Director
[email protected]
August is kind of a slow month around my area. Between vacations, property taxes, and school registrations, everyone is broke. Just hang in there, try not to get discouraged. Things should start picking up soon. Best of Luck!
I know how you feelI am going through the same thing. I signed up in April and have had 6 shows. Now I have NOTHING whatsoever lined up. Everyone is broke from getting ready to go back to school Monday or just plain not interested. I LOVE PC but am worried because I can not seem to get anyone interested. My sister hinted around about joining but now has decided not to. Just doesnt have the money even for the kit, shes a single mom with 2 kids and an ex in Alaska of all places who never sends child support on time. I know it would benefit her since everyone she works with loves PC, of course none want to host..UGH! Why cant ppl see that they actually get FREE stuff to host? I just dont get it. They think there is a catch or something. I am getting really down though and worried I will go inactive.
Buy the new bookThe Pampered Chef .... for real i just finished it tonite. It really inspires you. To hear how she started this company its amazing.It will really motivate you and give you a different outlook.
Why dont you do a show for your sister that would give her a chance to earn a kit credit and give you a show. You said she has a child , she must know other moms she could invite them... which could lead to more shows... Its worth a shot ! :)
  • #10
Don't let it get you down!Pamperedmomtoalex

Don't be discouraged. I have been a consultant for almost 2 years. Until recently, I have averaged about $250 a month. Currently I am closer to $1500/month and this month I hope to hit $3000. Ask your director is she has registered for any fairs/festivals and if you can rent a block of time or 2 from her. These are great ways to get bookings and recruits.

Also, approach your family and friends again and let them know that this is very important to you and that you would like contine to be a SAHM and would they please reconsider having a show. Offer to help them with the guest list and to mail the invites. Basically, bribe them any way you can to get your business off the ground.

Do not forget your out-of-area friends and family. You can host catalog show anywhere in the world through your website.

Order some of the Pampered Bride Flyers. These have been my best shows. Usually in the $1000 range. Each guest with spend an average of $30 on the bride and them order for themselves also! It is a win win! Put a packet together with the flyer a letter from you and a business card and catalog and distribute them to photographers and bridal and tuxedo shows in your area.

Finally, leave catalogs and flyers everywhere you go. The grocery store, the laundermat, the gas station etc. Also, contact your local chamber of commerce, they will also be able to help you.

I did not think I had a host base either. But it works like the old shampoo commercial (ugh I am probably dating myself! :eek:). You host a show and get two bookings and get two booking from each of those 2 bookings (tell 2 friend, they tell 2 friends) etc. You get the picture.

If I can do this -- I know you can do this. Don't ever give up!
  • #11
Me too.I just went through it. I'm a stay at home mom and started out with a really small client base and after 6 shows I was done. And one of those was mine! As was suggested by someone else I talked to my director about it and she sent me to a craft fair. I got 3 bookings that night. I went to an open house and got another booking. I went to the craft fair again and got another two bookings.

Now I need to work on making my shows more fun so that I can get bookings from these bookings. Sometimes I wonder if it will ever get easier. But I keep telling myself that giving up is one thing I can procrastinate on. If I can't start getting bookings from shows I guess it will just kind of dwindle away on its own. At least I'll still have all the cool PC products. :eek:
  • #12
Takes a bit of timeCookie,

From your post I see that you have great ideas. Summer time can often be hard. Really play up the September specials (Stoneware) and this will help you to get more bookings. I have a full September but an empty October. Hopefully this will change soon.

Keep working at it. Owning your own business is hard work but the pay offs are great. PC is a great way to go.

Good luck and if you need any support or help email me.

  • #13
Me Too!!!Christol,
Me too! I have 6 shows scheduled for September so far, and I hope to get 3 more. However, my October is empty. Everyone has always told me worry about the closer month first. This has been working for me so far. I find it harder to book shows closer in. Good luck everyone with your Fall schedule.

Debbie :D
  • #14
I had a great summer booked but then had to clear my calender for 6 weeks due to a family emergency. I was able to reschedule most of it but nowI am getting cancellations left and right for August. I had 2 kitchen shows and a catalog show slated to happen or close this week and all have rescheduled and a couple at the end of the month have left me too. I have a good September schedule so far but when I did the check in calls before sending the September packets I got THREE that said that they can't do their shows now. :eek:

I think it's all this heat! July and September are usually my best months!

Gotta get back on the phone! I don't want to lose the cruise!
  • #15
Beth...I also had 3 shows for the first week of August and all 3 rescheduled...people trying to squeeze in one more quick vacation before school starts.

I am going to have a show at my house on Sunday to make up for one of the lost shows. I am going to get on the phone and call past customers and let them know about the items being discontinued. I'll do a search to see if there are any products that might fit the discontinued ones and a wish list search. I'll call those first.

Also, I am going to call past hosts and get them on my August calendar.

Just remember, it's not personal....gotta love summer!
  • #16
Giving up on AugustI have to admit, I just gave up on August entirely and concentrated on Sept. I look at the bright side--I don't have to buy any more catalogues (I was down to my last 14) since I don't have any more shows and the new catalogues are coming anyway. I'm working on making my fall as successful as I can. The best advice I can think of is get your friends and family to help you by (gently) pushing THEIR friends to have shows. If your (for example) "sister" says to a friend "you know my sister is just starting in her business and really needs to get some shows, could you...?"
Oddly enough, people will host shows as a favor before they'll do it for the free product (go figure!) :rolleyes: . Try for guilt--as mothers have known for ages, it works! :D
Good luck!
  • #17
How do you book further out than 1 month?It to took me awhile to get to where I was working on bookings for the next month (i.e. we're in August, so now I start booking for September). I have heard of several people booking shows out for the rest of the year....how do you do this? I feel like this is the next step that I need to take in order to not feel so pressured each month- it was awesome to finally get reprieve from booking in the month I was in!

  • #18
keep plugging awayI started PC in May and only had one show--went inactive before I could even qualify.. I felt like I could have just given up. But I wanted to stay with it, so I buckled down and took a week long "fair" with another consultant. It took a lot out of me and my family and was not a very happy week for everyone involved, but it netted me 35 people's contact information, over a third of them wanting to book, and 3 possible recruits! I gave out a ton of old catalogs and business cards.. [I put a sticker on the catalogs that said "CATALOG OUT OF DATE; CALL FOR NEW CATALOG AND GET 10% OFF YOUR ORDER!--maybe someone will take advantage of that, who knows?] It took effort and was not very easy on my family, but a few days of stretching for us turned out to be alright.. I don't have to go back to work on midnight shift and mess things up even more.. And, my husband sees that this can be a successful thing if its given a chance.

I'm also going to send out some fundraiser flyers to local schools, daycares and churches, and going to put together a bridal pack with my business card to give to local photographers, bridal shops and flower shops.

Also, I've decided that I'm going to find a nice fall recipe (that stretches pretty far) and do "Pampered Business" calls. I'm going to call or stop into some local businesses and tell them that I'm doing promotional "Pampered Business" days, where I bring a recipe and beverage to the business to showcase my products. I can do a brunch (mini muffins, breakfast braid, coffee/tea, OJ, etc), or snacks or whatnot.. Anything I'd like. And, the food is all tax deductible. I may not feel it now, but I'll feel it in a few months! :D

Just don't give up. The things you really want are worth fighting for. And when you're fighting for it, everytime you get a booking or an order, you hit cloud nine and are given a boost of encouragement to get to the next one. Good luck.. I'm here if you need to commisserate! :p

Be blessed.
  • #19
I have done the baskets for goodies for businesses before. It does work pretty well, I recomend Tuxedo Brownie Cups, 2 minute fudge or pretle turtles. They are all really easy to make and make great little bribery gifts when you are looking for bookings
  • #20
i'm dead in the water toooooo!I signed in august. My husband had two catalog shows at work.I had 3 people start catalog shows and they got no orders. I have asked everyone I can think of to host a show and no one wants to do it. I have flyers around town, ads on the net, and I pass out my business cards to everyone. NOTHING! At this rate I will not qualify either. What happens then you don't get 6 shows out in your starter months? :confused:
  • #21
The six show doesn't have to be in your starter months but you do have to submit a certain $ amount every two month (not sure if you were from canada or US) for the dollar amounts are different. You can take as long as you want to do your 6 shows. And nothing will happen to you if you don't get them all in. It took me 6 months because just like you no one wanted to host a show for me. I've done a couple of craft sales and put up a table at a garage sale to get some leads and have. Just keep going you never know that one person who will book for you maybe the one to get you going. Tomorrow I am going to go to business and give them catalogues and outside order form and get them to do a mystery host party. I'll let you know how it goes. This is way out of my comfort zone. I do way better calling people than being face to face.

Related to How can I jumpstart my PC business as a stay-at-home mom?

1. How can I effectively balance being a stay-at-home mom with starting a PC business?

Starting a business while being a stay-at-home mom can be challenging, but it is possible with proper planning and time management. Consider setting specific work hours for your business and sticking to them, or working during your child's nap times or after they have gone to bed for the night. You can also involve your children in your business by having them help with packaging or other tasks.

2. How can I increase the number of shows and bookings for my PC business?

One way to increase bookings is by offering incentives or hostess rewards. You can also reach out to friends and family and ask if they would be interested in hosting a show. Additionally, consider expanding your network by joining local mom groups or networking events.

3. How can I generate interest and bookings during the summer months?

During the summer, many people are busy with vacations and other activities, so it may be more challenging to get bookings. However, you can try offering special summer promotions or hosting virtual parties to reach a wider audience. You can also use social media to promote your business and reach potential customers.

4. How can I overcome obstacles such as cancelled shows or lack of interest from friends and family?

It's important to remember that obstacles are a normal part of starting a business. In these situations, it may be helpful to reach out to potential customers through other means, such as social media or email marketing. You can also consider offering online ordering options for those who are unable to attend a party.

5. How can I get the ball rolling and build momentum for my PC business?

Starting a business takes time and effort, so it's important to be patient and persistent. One way to build momentum is by consistently promoting your business through social media, word of mouth, and other marketing strategies. You can also offer special promotions or discounts to attract new customers and build a loyal customer base.

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