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How Can a New Pampered Chef Consultant Successfully Host an Open House?

In summary, an open house is a great way to get people interested in your business and to start building relationships. You can call it an "Open House" or you can do a kitchen show with a solid start time. You can invite everyone you know or even people you don't know. You can have a drawing for a "mystery host" at the close of the open house.
I am a new Consultant and I have heard about people having open house and I was wondering how I would go about doing that and what do I do. Also who would be the people I would invite and has this really been a success with having open house? :) Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.. thanks. Joyce
If you do the search option in the little brown toolbar up there and type in "open house" you will get lots of great threads that talk about this. I'm sure everybody does them a little differently. Some of us feel that calling it an "Open House" could make you end up with smaller attendance. Calling it an actual kitchen show with a solid start time may be better. But, in true "open house" format, which I have done, you would probably prepare a bunch of the recipes and maybe save one or two for a demo. Display all the products you can and maybe put up some posters or flyers. I just read one suggestion on here today that was great, especially if you're starting out. Make a flyer or a big poster and trace your/draw a hand on it and write "Would you give me a hand in starting my business by being a Kitchen Show host?" or something like that. I thought that was cute.

I've done drawings every hour or given every guest a little door prize. Obviously have catalogs for them to browse and tell them they can place orders. Have a "mystery host" drawing where everyone who places an order can enter to win all the host benefits. Draw that at the close of your show and that person is considered the host. Although you'd have all the orders shipped to you. You could do another search up there with "mystery host." Those REALLY seem to get people interested in attending and placing orders. I'll attach an invitation I used for an open house I had a year ago. Obviously it's tailored to meet my specific needs, but you'll get the idea.

As for who to invite.....EVERYBODY! Anyone you can possibly think of and even people you don't know....like neighbors. Some people post invitations in public places, but personally I haven't had good luck with that. Good luck!!!
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I had a open house as my first show with PC. I just invited most everyone I knew to come to my first show at my house. I don't know if thats technically an open house since I didn't pass out flyers to my whole neighborhood. I had one of my good friends get all the host benefits and she helped me out in the kitchen since I was doing the presentation and couldn't be everywhere at one time. I thought it was a great way to start my business. I had gotten 2 bookings from it and it ended up being a $400 show. I was alot more comfortable since it was my own home and it kind of gave me an idea of how I would want to do shows at other's homes. Anyway, thats my little plug for open houses. Good luck with yours!
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thank you for suggestions and ideas. :)
Hi Joyce,Congratulations on becoming a new Pampered Chef consultant! Hosting an open house is a great way to introduce your friends, family, and community to the amazing products and opportunities that Pampered Chef has to offer.First, you will want to choose a date and time for your open house. Consider hosting it on a weekend or evening when people are more likely to be available. Next, create invitations to send out to potential guests. You can invite friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. You can also reach out to local businesses or organizations to see if they would be interested in attending.To make your open house a success, be sure to have a variety of Pampered Chef products on display for guests to see and try out. You can also offer some light refreshments and have some fun games or activities to keep guests engaged. Demonstrating a few of your favorite products and sharing some recipe ideas can also be a great way to showcase the versatility of Pampered Chef products.Open houses have been a successful way for many consultants to grow their business and connect with new customers. It's a great opportunity to showcase the quality and usefulness of Pampered Chef products and to build relationships with potential customers.I hope this helps give you some ideas for hosting your own open house. Best of luck to you as you start your Pampered Chef journey!Happy cooking,

Related to How Can a New Pampered Chef Consultant Successfully Host an Open House?

1. How do I invite people to my open house?

To invite people to your open house, you can create personalized invitations through the Pampered Chef website or social media platforms. You can also reach out to your friends, family, and neighbors through text or email to let them know about the event.

2. What should I have at my open house?

At your open house, it is recommended to have a variety of Pampered Chef products on display for guests to see and try out. You can also have some light refreshments and snacks available for guests to enjoy while they browse.

3. How can I make my open house more interactive?

To make your open house more interactive, you can plan fun activities such as cooking demonstrations or games that involve using Pampered Chef products. You can also encourage guests to participate in hands-on product testing and ask for their feedback.

4. What should I do to prepare for my open house?

Before your open house, make sure to have all the necessary supplies and products ready for display. You can also create a schedule for the event and plan out any activities or demonstrations you want to do. It's also a good idea to reach out to potential guests and remind them about the event.

5. How can I make my open house a success?

To make your open house a success, it's important to have a positive attitude and be enthusiastic about the products. You can also offer special promotions or discounts for guests who make a purchase at the event. It's also essential to provide excellent customer service and follow up with guests after the event to thank them for attending and answer any further questions they may have.

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