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Hosting a Successful Multiple Hostess Party: Tips and Potential Challenges

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of a multiple hostess party where each hostess brings their own guests and contributes to the event. The speaker shares two suggestions for making the party successful and mentions the importance of making it fun and engaging. They also mention a planned mega show and the possibility of hosting more events like this in the future. The conversation ends with the speaker expressing their interest in trying this idea in September.
Hi! I'm just getting back into my business after being off for 10 years. My girlfriend want to rent a local hall with 4 other people to do a multiple hostess party. In other words it would be 5 individual hostess each one with their own friends. I would have to probably for example have to have for example 5 veggie pizzas- 1 I would make in front of the and the other 4 premade. What do you think of this idea , I'm myself not comfortable trying something like this . But, I'm determined to get my business up and running. What could go wrong with this idea and has anyone ever tryed this idea? Thanks-Alanna:love:
I did it years ago but with a few more like 7 or 8 hosts. It was great a lot of work but not as much as 8 shows. I also did not have any that were really high but, I live in a rural area so the location was about 30 minute drive for anyone host in all directions so attendance was not as high. I made most of the food ahead. which I provided. The hosts reimbursed a set amount each.
I have 2 suggestions, either would work:

1. Have each host bring a recipe to share, then you simply do one demo for everyone to see. Then, have various products on a "try me" table- i.e. garlic press, peeler, slicer, mfp, food chopper, etc. With this, I would make the most out of the "so tell us your favorite product you think everyone should have in their kitchen" time. You may have 50 people but that sells!

2. Have each table/host group make a different recipe. You may need to borrow some products but you could have salsa, a cool veggie pizza, a salad, a trifle, either another pizza or dessert. Then each group would tell the others what products they used and how awesome they are.

It is alot of prep work but in the end it's 4-5 shows in about 4 hours! To boost your sales, host coach for lots of outside orders.
Our team does at least one of these a month. Make sure you make it FUN, have tables compete against each other for a prize. Maybe offer a raffle of some product, then sell tickets for $1 each or 7/$5. This paid our team back for the hall rental. Ask your girlfriend if she would be willing to help do full service checkouts, and maybe already have another mega show planned so you can mention it and hopefully get more bookings. The most important thing is to make it fun, have some music going when you are not talking, make it a big party! Good luck and let us know how it goes!
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My girlfriend and I are American Legion members an we get the hall for $50-My girlfriend and 4 of her friends will each pay $10 for use of the hall, they will provide their own paper goods and pop and some snacks for their guests. I feel much more comfortable in someone's l. Room not in front of 50 guests. I thought I would maybe do an interactive show with some of the guests and maybe offer this as an annual show.I'm going to be doing all of the paperwork by myself, with my calulator. I won't be taking my laptop to the party. Thanks in advance for any more ideas!
We are doing a mega show next Thursday - I am really excited about it and so are my three downlines that are doing it with me - they will all have tables at the event (2-3 each) and we have color coded all of our invites, and our tables and dpds will be the same color - i did a search for 'mega show' in the files section and found some files that have been really helpful. Since my consultants are new, I am doing the demo for the group, and then we are playing games & just having fun! They are already talking about when we do it next time, so i think we will rotate who does the demo each time - next time is May & will be a huge pink party, with our consultant-hosted tables being HWC fundraisers.
Thanks for the ideas! :)
I find the idea of a mega show quite interesting. Seems it would be easy to offer an invite to anyone that would be interested in hosting a show but would rather have it elsewhere.

I think I will look into this further for the first or second weekend in September.

Related to Hosting a Successful Multiple Hostess Party: Tips and Potential Challenges

1. What are multiple hostess parties?

Multiple hostess parties are events where two or more people host a Pampered Chef party together. This allows for a larger guest list and more potential sales for the hosts.

2. How do I become a hostess for a multiple hostess party?

To become a hostess for a multiple hostess party, simply coordinate with a friend or family member and agree to co-host the party together. You can then reach out to your Pampered Chef consultant to schedule the party and start inviting guests.

3. Can I earn rewards for hosting a multiple hostess party?

Absolutely! As a hostess, you can earn rewards based on the total sales from the party, regardless of whether you are the primary host or co-host. You can also earn additional rewards for booking future parties from your own party.

4. Do the hosts split the rewards for a multiple hostess party?

No, the rewards are not split between the hosts. Each hostess will receive their own set of rewards based on the total sales from the party. This allows for both hosts to benefit from the party and potentially earn even more rewards.

5. How do I plan and coordinate a multiple hostess party?

As a hostess, you will work with your Pampered Chef consultant to plan and coordinate the party. This includes setting a date, creating a guest list, and deciding on any specific themes or activities for the party. Your consultant will also provide you with all the necessary materials and support to make your party a success.

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