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Help Needed ASAP: Drawing Slip Storage for Vendor Fair

In summary, Bobbi is trying to figure out what to put in the drawing slips for the vendor fair, and is looking for ideas. She has either the 8qt or 6qt Stainless Mixing Bowl, the Trifle, or the PC re-usable grocery bag. She has tried the large batter bowl, the skillet, and the stainless bowls and likes using the stainless bowls the best. She likes the idea of handing the slips to the person, but if the pocket gets too full, she will empty it. She keeps recipe cards in the other pocket.
i am doing a booth tomorrow and today i am TRYING to get my 'to do list' accomplished lol way too much stuff that needs to get done...anyways as i was running around i realized that i have no idea what i am going to put the drawing slips in...any ideas the normal basket i use at shows is way too small for this vendor fair...any ideas would be great!! TIA
Do you have either the 8qt or 6qt Stainless Mixing Bowl?
That was my thought...or the Trifle (if it would be stable enough).
I actually never put anything out for them to put the slips into, unless I have to step away. They have to give ME the slip. I then just glance at it for the purpose of thanking them by their name (Tammy says folks like to hear their own name- so I was on to something there even before I knew it!), but also, in that split second, I can see if they checked anything about the Business or Hosting. If they DID, I can then say "I see you selected ......" and then move on from there.No one has ever had a problem with giving me the slip. They might look around for something- but then I just put out my hand. I then do the glance, and thank them. If they didn't select anything, I just slip the paper into my apron pocket.When I started doing THAT...I increased the number of shows I was booking AT THE BOOTH. I get an average of 2-5 bookings at a booth by doing that, instead of just checking the slips LATER and having to play phone tag.Just a thought.... :)
Bobbi..that is a great idea. I might have to try that at my booth next month. Thanks.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
i thought about the trifle, but i am already planning on using that to showcase different centerpiece ideas so it is already in use....then i thought about the classic batter bowl? i do not have the stainless mixing bowls yet, ohhh what about one of the colanders?? think that would work?
Yes, have them hand them to you. At our booth the other weekend, we just used the PC re-usable grocery bag. They handed them to me and then I just placed them in the bag. Since it is not overly obvious that is what is in the bag - they are more likely to hand it to you.

If someone is really interested - but puts the drawing slip in with the others - you may never find them! I make notes on the slips as they hand them to me. What products they were interested in or talked about.
I fill the slips out for them! I can read my handwriting AND I make sure they answer the biz and hosting questions :)

I have used the large batter bowl, 12" skillet and stainless bowls for the PDS before. I like using the stainless bowls the best!
I like the idea of them handing you the slips. They have a used "give away" box made out of plastic at Staples. You could always use get that. I then post a picture of the item I am giving away.
  • #10
The Batter Bowl and Trifle both work great! I use them for my booths, I have the person put there information on the drawing slip, unless they have their hands full, then I will do it. I or they fold it and put it into the bowl, once they walk away I grap it out and write on the back what we had talked about, for example if they loved the snowman plates, when I call them I can say I know you were interested in the snowman plates, they are our host special for the month of the december, you could earn them for free
  • #11
Another thought would be the large collapsible bowl if you have that. WHen going to the fair you can have it flattened as to not take up much room. I just did a fair and I wore my apron and I put their slips in one pocket. I didn't ask everyone to fill it out - too much tedious work for me. I only go with those that I feel are interested. If your pocket got too full, you can empty it. I kept recipe cards in the other pocket and used my snowman apron to be festive. Just a thought.
  • #12
I tried drawing slips when I was a kid, but the Old Man said I should be drawing cars or landscapes, he didn't think I should be drawing lingerie.

Related to Help Needed ASAP: Drawing Slip Storage for Vendor Fair

1. How can I store my drawing slips effectively at a vendor fair?

We recommend using a clear, portable container with dividers to keep your drawing slips organized and easily accessible. This will also make it easier to transport them to and from the vendor fair.

2. What size container should I use for storing drawing slips?

The size of the container will depend on the number of drawing slips you anticipate using at the vendor fair. We recommend using a container that is large enough to hold all of your drawing slips, but small enough to easily fit on your table or display area.

3. Can I use any type of container for storing drawing slips?

Yes, you can use any type of container as long as it is clear and has dividers. This will make it easier for customers to see and access the drawing slips. You can also get creative and use items such as mason jars or plastic bins to store the slips.

4. How can I make my drawing slips stand out at the vendor fair?

We recommend using brightly colored paper or adding a unique design or logo to the slips. This will make them more noticeable and increase the chances of customers entering their information for the drawing.

5. What is the best way to collect and organize the drawing slips after the vendor fair?

After the fair, we suggest using a spreadsheet or database to input the information from the drawing slips. This will make it easier to keep track of the entries and contact the winners. You can also use the same clear container with dividers to store the slips until the drawing takes place.

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