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Has Anyone Received Their SAT Bamboo Bowls Yet?

In summary, the bamboo bowls that were earned in the SAT have shipped. Some people have received theirs, while others are still waiting.
Silver Member
I thought I read somewhere (maybe newswire) or here about the bamboo bowls that we earned in SAT have shipped?? Has anyone gotten theirs yet? Just wondering? Waiting for mine to arrive! :rolleyes: TIA
still waiting! (anxiously!)
My director received hers on Friday. Perhaps the rest are close behind?
  • Thread starter
  • #4
KellyTheChef said:
My director received hers on Friday. Perhaps the rest are close behind?

Great to hear, thanks!
I am so excited to get mine!!!
I haven't received mine yet but a Host just got her free one on Friday! I still haven't received my August CNL either :(
Got mine yesterday - gorgeous!
Got mine from the Director pack, but not from the SAT yet.
when was teh SAT for the bamboo bowl? I can't find any info on CC about it!
  • #10
June - it was in the submit two shows grouping.
  • #11
I hope mine comes this week... I have one more week before I go back to work. So, I can sit outside and "patiently" wait for the FedEx guy to come with my bamboo bowl!
  • #12
I got my director one, but not my SAT one.
  • #13
My director got hers but I haven't gotten mine yet.
  • #14
I got SAT and Director both TODAY!!! YAY!!! One more and I can fill my three tier stand. :)
  • #15
Addie4TLC said:
I got SAT and Director both TODAY!!! YAY!!! One more and I can fill my three tier stand. :)

Me too! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! !
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Still waiting for mine, and nothing on shipping status yet! :(
  • #17
I got mine today!!!! So cute!!!
  • #18
I got the beaded spoon and knife block today... still waiting on the bowl and charms
  • Thread starter
  • #19
YEAY, I got it today! It's so pretty! I hope they come out with a large salad bowl! ;)
  • #20
I too got the block but not the charms yet, or the bowl, or.....what else was back ordered???
  • #21
I got the charms and bowl yesterday. I have to agree with the charms being so so. I don't see using them.
  • #22
I'm in NJ and i got mine from SAT yesterday...and i'm a little disapointed in the size. I thought it would be a little bigger. And just got to remember to hand wash and not let it soak...a lot of instructions for one bowl lol
  • #23
Still waiting on my bowl :(
  • #24
I'm still waiting too :(
  • #25
got my bowl Sat. :D
  • #26
Still waiting for mine, too. Totally bummed it's not here yet...
  • #27
STILL waiting for mine, and the knife block, too. :(
  • #28
Well, I double checked, and I didn't order the block, the way I kept misremembering I did.But I just called HO about the bowl, and was told that they got some in and there's a batch going out today (which includes mine). I was too much of a wimp to ask why HO was sending them to people who ordered them as samples before they sent them to people who had earned them.
  • #29
I received my bowl yesterday that I earned in SAT. It is gorgeous!
  • #30
chefann said:
Well, I double checked, and I didn't order the block, the way I kept misremembering I did.

But I just called HO about the bowl, and was told that they got some in and there's a batch going out today (which includes mine). I was too much of a wimp to ask why HO was sending them to people who ordered them as samples before they sent them to people who had earned them.

You a wimp? I don't believe it! You must have not wanted to make the poor child feel bad!:p
  • #31
Everytime I see this thread I read "BO (as in smelly) Bamboo bowls". :p

I guess that's because some people said that theirs did have an odor when they got them.
  • #32
i called today too and was told my SAT bowl shipped today. and the rep was not too nice about it. I also inquired about a set of missing drink charms. I think I threw them out b/c they put them in a box with my Bamboo Bowl from my Director's package with no paperwork telling me they were there! Now my online adjustment is pending....hmphf
  • #33
My bowl arrived today. (And the silly FE man apparently didn't have the call slip for the holiday spreaders, because he didn't ring the bell.) I don't like that the use and care uses curry as the only example of tumeric-based condiments that might stain the bowl. I think a lot of people are going to end up staining their bowl with yellow mustard, which also gets its color from tumeric.
  • #34
I called HO last night to ask about this and she had no clue... first she said she didn't see it on my info at all (she saw it was ordered, but nothing about it being scheduled to send), then she said she got an emailin the morning that said "August 29th" on it but she didn't know what that date meant.

She did say the charms were shipping today - whoopadee-do
  • #35
I got my bamboo bowl on Tues and it looks almost like it has been dropped so now I have to wait for a new one to come
  • #36
I just got my bamboo bowl from sample pkg today!!
  • #37
Well, if AR people are getting theirs maybe mine will be here this week. My host got hers yesterday...and I received an email saying her rectangle chillzanne shipped today.
  • #38
I just realized that they still owe me one. I received one already but should have two. I earned one free from the SAT and the other one should have come with the samples. I will have to call HO tomorrow I suppose...

Related to Has Anyone Received Their SAT Bamboo Bowls Yet?

1. When will the SAT bamboo bowls be shipped?

The SAT bamboo bowls are expected to be shipped within 4-6 weeks after the end of the promotion, unless otherwise stated.

2. Have the SAT bamboo bowls already been shipped?

The SAT bamboo bowls are currently in the process of being shipped out to qualifying consultants. However, the exact date of arrival may vary depending on your location.

3. How can I track the shipment of my SAT bamboo bowls?

If you have not received your SAT bamboo bowls within the expected timeframe, you can contact our customer service team for assistance with tracking your shipment.

4. Can I choose a specific design for my SAT bamboo bowls?

The SAT bamboo bowls come in a variety of designs and colors, but the specific design cannot be chosen. The design you receive will be randomly selected from the available options.

5. What should I do if I have not received my SAT bamboo bowls?

If you have not received your SAT bamboo bowls within the expected timeframe, please contact our customer service team for assistance. They will be happy to help you track your shipment and resolve any issues that may have occurred.

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