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Guest Special Requirement Changed?

In summary, the PC consultants FB group member said that the September guest special still says $60, but the flyer someone showed a picture of was for October's specials. The flyer someone showed a picture of was for October's specials. September is still $60, starting October it's $75 guest product order for the guest special.
Gold Member
I was on the FB group for PC consultants and someone made a comment about the guests needing to spend $75 now to get it? Is that true?
The September guest special still says $60....
They did announce it would change to $75.. I assumed September but if the flier still says $60 not sure..
crissy11 said:
They did announce it would change to $75.. I assumed September but if the flier still says $60 not sure..

Ouch. That's not cool. Wonder if they will bump up the price point on the free product a bit then?
I don't see the flyer but it's in the August CN as $60. Maybe it will change effective October???
  • Thread starter
  • #6
The flyer someone showed a picture of was for October's specials. Not sure about September's, but October it's get a free cookbook with purchase of $75 or more.
September is still $60, starting October it's $75 guest product order for the guest special
just in time for the holidays :( don't think this will fly too well here in the rural north....sigh....but...you never know..
I was under the impression that the $75 was in Oct Nov and Dec which are typically the higher spending months.... I could be wrong
  • #10
i like the 60 and 100 specials... where did they go?
  • #11
babywings76 said:
The flyer someone showed a picture of was for October's specials. Not sure about September's, but October it's get a free cookbook with purchase of $75 or more.

I cannot even give my cookbooks away that I have had .... selling them on a garage sale and only the Kids In The Kitchen went ..... had them all priced at $5.
  • #12
They said that the average purchase is up in Oct-Dec so they felt that was a good time to make the change but I got the impression it would stay at $75 after that.
  • #13
simplecooking said:
I cannot even give my cookbooks away that I have had .... selling them on a garage sale and only the Kids In The Kitchen went ..... had them all priced at $5.

Yeah. At a garage sale people expect them to be $1 at most. Resale of books is always low.
  • #14
I miss the $60 an $100 specials too!

I have a show that I am turning in this week. EVERY ORDER is above $60. A few are over $100, and one is almost $200. It kind of bugged me that she gets the same ice cream scooper as a guest who spent twice as much!
  • #15
Malinda Klein said:
i like the 60 and 100 specials... where did they go?

They only did that for a while.

It wasn't even announced at our Fall Launch :(
  • #16
I seen the $75 guest special, but i was hoping that was a misprint. they didn't mention it at the Columbus Fall Launch one either, unless I was in the bathroom at that point...
  • #17
Malinda Klein said:
I seen the $75 guest special, but i was hoping that was a misprint. they didn't mention it at the Columbus Fall Launch one either, unless I was in the bathroom at that point...

I didn't hear it either and no one in my group talked about it, so I'm thinking they did not say it. That's a huge bummer! I rarely have guests spend that much :(
  • #18
They talked about it in Sacramento and sited that with the cost of inflation many guests will be close to the $75 mark now and that this was a "good" time to make that change. With more guests pushing to $75 this of course means higher sales for us too. I'm a bit nervous about it, but most people cheered when they heard the news.
  • Thread starter
  • #19
jcsmilez said:
They talked about it in Sacramento and sited that with the cost of inflation many guests will be close to the $75 mark now and that this was a "good" time to make that change. With more guests pushing to $75 this of course means higher sales for us too. I'm a bit nervous about it, but most people cheered when they heard the news.

Oh boy, are our prices going up that much?! :eek:
  • #20
darn. I think $60 is a good price point... and with shipping going up too:grumpy:
  • #21
It is too bad they don't do a couple of things. Thirty-one has a guest special each month where you spend $30-35 I think (can't remember exact amount), and you can purchase the guest special for a discounted price...like a large utility tote for $10 was one month.
Sort of like our HOST Monthly Special, but one for the guests too.That could be level 1..Obviously, they could make it $40-50 (something reasonable and "average". Then have the FREE item level starting at $75, and then have a 3rd level at say $100 or $125 or something.
  • #22
Again, I think with any "negative" change or big difference, be it THIS or the increased shipping.....don't draw attention to it, or you sabotage yourself and your business. I wouldn't mention it at all. Yes, a guest who is savvy with PC Ways will notice like we do, and may mention it. I guess having a response that "with the prices of everything going up- fuel, etc", it trickles down to everything else- just like our groceries and gas and postage stamps.
  • #23
esavvymom said:
Again, I think with any "negative" change or big difference, be it THIS or the increased shipping.....don't draw attention to it, or you sabotage yourself and your business. I wouldn't mention it at all. Yes, a guest who is savvy with PC Ways will notice like we do, and may mention it. I guess having a response that "with the prices of everything going up- fuel, etc", it trickles down to everything else- just like our groceries and gas and postage stamps.

That's exactly how they presented it to us.
  • #24
I think it would be better to have something at a discount at a lower price. I don't have a lot of people spendin gthat much at once. $60 maybe, but $75? It's quite often that someone is at $50, but doesn't go to $60 b/c they don't want the guest special. They better be great. I agree that the cookbook is not a big draw for me either. People like them, but they have a lot of cookbooks. At least it's a higher priced item (though $15 is a bit high for a non hard cover cookbook to me).
  • #25
simplecooking said:
I cannot even give my cookbooks away that I have had .... selling them on a garage sale and only the Kids In The Kitchen went ..... had them all priced at $5.

I like to use cookbooks as host gifts. They often call me when they are trying a new recipe to order tools that are suggested in cookbook.
  • #26
It was announced in the video talking about some business changes. Same time that they announced the higher shipping, if I remember right. At least that's how it was at Rochester, MN.
  • #27
If you have someone really pushing the commentary on increased costs, you could mention that PC has always been about putting forth a quality product, and if it comes down to increasing prices to make sure the product performs, is safe, etc, versus charging the same amount and putting out an inferior product, PC will always make sure customers are getting a safe, quality product first. That may mean increases costs passed along to the customers, but you'll always find our products a better value (in terms of longevity and usefulness) than a cheaper product.
  • #28
They mentioned it in Slidell La at Fall Launch also. They also told us that shipping will go up to $5.25. But they did not say when it would take effect. I assumed Sept.
  • #29
They didn't linger on it in San Antonio either , but mentioned inflation and price changes and how it would also help our sales. It's been a while since they went from $50 to $60 so I don't think people will be surprised. I guess I look at it like, people don't have to spend that if they don't want to. But most of the time when people are close to $60 and they add something it's usually not a small something, it usually raises the total quite a bit anyway. Just my thoughts.....
  • #30
The guest special is intended to an incent the guest to order MORE product than they might otherwise.

As the national guest order average has increased over time the $60 is no longer an effective level thus the increase to $75.

In the long run this is better for us and for our hosts. Some guests, hosts and consultants will grumble, others couldn't care less and some won't even know there's a change. That's pretty much the reality with any change.

My two cents. Your mileage may vary.
  • #31
With a little perspective...if you have OLD catalogs (I have some from '98, and '03), look at the prices. Many of our prices are still VERY close to the same prices from then. So with that perspective, the prices have stayed consistent for YEARS. I think that says alot.
  • #32
I was surprised that shipping went up .50. I was expecting it to hit $5 but was surprised at 5.25.
  • #33
How much is the cheapest Flat Rate shipping box at the PO? I think people are used to it these days.
  • #34
I know this is a total hijack but does anyone know what the hosting special is for oct? I caught that Nov is stones but missed the October one on the big screen at launch.
  • #35
And to get back on point w/ the thread, I do think $75 is a bit high for a cookbook...I was upset when they changed it from $50 to $60! LOL
  • #36
Well, it's official. Shipping is $1 higher than when I started.However, remember that our shipping is STILL lower than many other plans, which charge a flat 10 percent, or more. That, in my opinion, encourages people to place smaller orders. And that company often ships much ligher items than, say, a stone. $5.25 shipping on, say, a large bar pan, is still a deal. I can't ship a host packet for that much!As for the $75, while I miss the multiple levels and wish they'd bring them back, I have noticed that certain other companies constantly change the amount you have to spend to get to BUY the guest special. At least we're giving them something for FREE.And has anybody considered that 2 orders eligible for the guest special now meets the minimum level to make it a party?
Last edited:
  • #37
Intrepid_Chef said:
And has anybody considered that 2 orders meeting the show minimum is now a book party?
Good point. ;)
  • #38
Intrepid_Chef said:
Well, it's official. Shipping is $1 higher than when I started.

However, remember that our shipping is STILL lower than many other plans, which charge a flat 10 percent, or more. That, in my opinion, encourages people to place smaller orders. And that company often ships much ligher items than, say, a stone. $5.25 shipping on, say, a large bar pan, is still a deal. I can't ship a host packet for that much!

As for the $75, while I miss the multiple levels and wish they'd bring them back, I have noticed that certain other companies constantly change the amount you have to spend to get to BUY the guest special. At least we're giving them something for FREE.

And has anybody considered that 2 orders meeting the show minimum is now a book party?

What? Is this new - "2 order minimum" for a show? or am I just confused (wouldn't be surprised!)
  • #39
esavvymom said:
What? Is this new - "2 order minimum" for a show? or am I just confused (wouldn't be surprised!)

I could be wrong, but I'm taking that as if you have a guest that each order the minimum to get the guest special ($75/each), 2 guests is enough to submit a show.

Thats my take on it.
  • #40
That's what I get for posting while tired. I will now edit my post. I meant that 2 orders to get the guest special MEETS the show minimum. So if you have just 2 guests, that will be a qualifying show, as long as both want the guest special.
  • #41
I am sad. I do understand it, they really don't have to give anything. But i rarely get orders like that.
I push the over attendance!
  • #42
Ahh...got it! ;)
  • #43
Almost all of my guest that quilfy for the $60 usally did spend of $75... and the ones who didnt get the guest special generally where under $40. I don't think that it will effect that much..

Prices are going up on the pans.. I noticed looking at it that pans are going up by about $5 each.. Such as
12in nonstick going from 150 to 155
and the stainless 225 to 229

Mostly everything else was the general .50 price up..
  • #44
Here is my take on this.... PC doesn't have to offer ANYTHING for FREE! Think about it- how often do we go to the grocery store, Target, Wal Mart, etc and spend $60 or more at a time? Do you get a FREE gift for shopping with them?? No! Look at the positive side of this- the customers who spend with us get a FREE gift when they spend $75. Higher orders mean more benefits to our hosts and more commission for us! When one of my guests spend $100 I also add a Season's Best for them. ( I choose to do this as a Thank You. This makes customers so happy- they don't care what it costs, they just like being thanked for shopping with me.)
  • #45
Shipping is going up also... what else?
  • #46
Yeah I'm not thrilled about the $75 to get the guest special. But I guess time will tell.
  • #47
I figure that it didn't take much effort in placing orders to hit the $60 level, so it shouldn't take much effort to hit the $75 level. If people love our products, they will buy $75 JUST to get the free product! That word "FREE" is a huge carrot dangling in front of noses and we all know it. We can baulk about it all we want, but the bottom line is shipping is going up and eventually the minimum purchase for a free item will be going up. We can hate it or embrace it. I was upset at first but then realized it wasn't worth it. Overcome and adapt and make the most of it with a positive attitude.
  • #48
Most online shopping does not include an incentive until you've spent $100. We don't have to give ANYTHING away for free. No one should be placing an order expecting something free. It's a gift!
  • #49
I think it should be free shipping with $75 order. I know when Merrill does it I am sure to order at least that (current special BTW in case anyone isn't aware...). The only thing is then we'd probably have even more combining of orders which is why they haven't done it - IMHO.
  • #50
BethCooks4U said:
I think it should be free shipping with $75 order. I know when Merrill does it I am sure to order at least that (current special BTW in case anyone isn't aware...). The only thing is then we'd probably have even more combining of orders which is why they haven't done it - IMHO.

Good point, Beth. I can think of a couple of groups that always have a few that combine. Free shipping and I would probably end up with 2 $500 orders! :D

<h2>1. What is the guest special requirement for Pampered Chef parties?</h2><p>The guest special requirement for Pampered Chef parties is typically to spend a minimum of $75 in order to receive the special offer or discount.</p><h2>2. Has the guest special requirement changed recently?</h2><p>Yes, there has been a recent change to the guest special requirement. Guests now need to spend $75 to receive the special offer or discount.</p><h2>3. Are all Pampered Chef parties affected by this change?</h2><p>Yes, this change applies to all Pampered Chef parties, both in-person and virtual.</p><h2>4. Will the $75 minimum spend requirement be permanent?</h2><p>At this time, the $75 minimum spend requirement is a temporary change and will be re-evaluated in the future.</p><h2>5. Can guests still qualify for the special offer if they spend less than $75?</h2><p>No, in order to receive the special offer, guests must spend at least $75. However, they can combine their purchases with other guests to reach the minimum spend requirement.</p>

Related to Guest Special Requirement Changed?

1. What is the guest special requirement for Pampered Chef parties?

The guest special requirement for Pampered Chef parties is typically to spend a minimum of $75 in order to receive the special offer or discount.

2. Has the guest special requirement changed recently?

Yes, there has been a recent change to the guest special requirement. Guests now need to spend $75 to receive the special offer or discount.

3. Are all Pampered Chef parties affected by this change?

Yes, this change applies to all Pampered Chef parties, both in-person and virtual.

4. Will the $75 minimum spend requirement be permanent?

At this time, the $75 minimum spend requirement is a temporary change and will be re-evaluated in the future.

5. Can guests still qualify for the special offer if they spend less than $75?

No, in order to receive the special offer, guests must spend at least $75. However, they can combine their purchases with other guests to reach the minimum spend requirement.

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