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Get a Head Start on HWC 2010 with Our Easy Order Form | May Guest Flier Included

In summary, John shared his one-page order form which includes 5 pictures and no prices, as he knows everyone has different methods of adding taxes and shipping. He suggests printing the May guest flyer on the back for item descriptions. He also mentioned combining his old outside order form with pictures, subtotals, and taxed and non-taxed items. John uses this form for fundraising in May, where he aims for pink items to maximize the $1 donation per product. He collects orders throughout the month and submits them as a fundraiser for a 25% donation when over $600 is reached. He clarified that he only does fundraisers in May and not regular parties. There was also a question about whether all cooking shows in May contribute $3 to
Silver Member
As many of you know I like to get a head start. I created a one page order form and I had to zip this because we have 5 pics on it this year so... Now, you may note I did not put any prices on as I know that most of you do something different. Some add tax to each item some add shipping some do other things. What I would suggest is that you print the May guest flier on the back with the descriptions of the items. Now, also, I have to be honest here. I will NOT be using this one but I can not attach the one I will use as it is WAY to big. The reason is two fold, one is that we have a FREE item when guests purchase $60 plus in products and because we have a food item that in Wisconsin is NON-taxed. So I combined my very old outside order form with the pics and all the subtotals and other things that go along with taxed, non-taxed and S&H. If you want a copy I may be able to send it via e-mail but it takes a bit to download once you get it.


  • Order Form HWC 2010.zip
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Wow, your quick! Thanks John, I was hoping someone would post! :)
John would you share with us how you use this form? I see the table on there why all the blank squares?
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  • #4
Name address phone number of customer in the first column, the quantity of each item they want under the pix of the item in the others. Then of course total and whether they paid. The thing is you can save this off to your desktop then Fix it as fits your needs.
That's great, John. Thanks for sharing.
okay so do you use this at shows to pass around? (I would think this would take away from the shows sales and the host sales)
And we have to wait until May to place these orders right?
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  • #7
OOOHHH That's what you meant. No I do not use this at shows. I use this strictly as a pass around when I am out and about away from parties. This gives me the opportunity to strictly sell HWC products. The goal in May for me is as many pink items as possible as they give the biggest bang for the buck. Pun intended. Each product gives a $1 donation. I then collect orders from these sheets, add them all together then submit them as an HWC fundraiser which in turn gives a 25% donation when over $600. So the 25% combined with the $1 from each product is how you get the best results. I do this for the entire month. The orders are collected until the last day of May. So...
But I do things much differently in May. I do NOT do any regular parties. I only do fundraisers. Bu that is my choice. If I were doing regular parties, of course I would be pushing pink!!!
Since I'm new... remind me... does it have to be turned in by May 31st in order to qualify for HWC?
Woohoo I put it in word format!!


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  • #10
I'm sorta new at this...Do all cooking shows in May contribute $3 to the American Cancer Society, or is this something extra that you can do? This is in regards to the order form created in previous post.
  • #11
thanks John!!!

That is awesome I am very big on giving back and I am a cnacer survivor, so I love that PC does this!!
  • #12
Thank you Retha - it looks great!I am new at this...and I know May is a few months away...but I'm a bit confused. In May you only take orders for Pink HWC products? That doesn't seem right. If you don't do any shows, just do HWC fundraisers...I don't understand. I was thinking that I would still do shows in May and if they bought HWC stuff the $1 would still get donated. But they can buy other stuff too.
Will we get instruction on CC for this come closer to time?
  • #13
lorilynn95 said:
Thank you Retha - it looks great!

I am new at this...and I know May is a few months away...but I'm a bit confused. In May you only take orders for Pink HWC products? That doesn't seem right. If you don't do any shows, just do HWC fundraisers...I don't understand. I was thinking that I would still do shows in May and if they bought HWC stuff the $1 would still get donated. But they can buy other stuff too.
Will we get instruction on CC for this come closer to time?

That's what John does. People do order other things at his fundraisers. He just doesn't do cooking shows - just fundraisers. These forms are just extras that some consultants do.

May is no different than any other month except that these products are available with a donation to the cancer society and all HWC fundraisers get an extra donation from PC.
  • #14
rethaphillips said:
Woohoo I put it in word format!!

Just asking again for clarification...
This document includes the phrase "Book your own Pampered Chef Show in May and the American Cancer Society will recieve an additional $3.00!" Is this something extra you do, or do all shows in May contribute the $3.00?
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  • #15
All shows booked from HWC Fund raisers ONLY, will contribute a $3 donation to ACS. The deal is this. At Pampered Chef Parties, sell pink. Use the regular order forms and show the products and the flier. No booking donation for these as you will want your host to be able to collect on those 6 months of bonuses. For every item you sell, a $1 will be contributed.
If you choose to do a fund raiser, THERE IS NO HOST ONLY A CHAIRMAN, NO HOST BENEFITS GIVEN, NO BOOKING BENEFITS GIVEN TO A CHAIRMAN OF THE FUND RAISER FROM BOOKINGS, 10% to 25% of the sales will go to ACS. Any parties booked from these will add a $3 donation. PC can do this because there are NO residual benefits given.
Retha - I LOVE THE ORDER FORM!!! I could not for the life of me get mine to attach! I am scraping mine and copying yours! THANK YOU!
Now just to clarify, I do ONLY ONE BIG, MONTH AND A HALF LONG FUND RAISER. The total high show you see is the HWC Fundraiser I did May 2008. Last year I fell a little short at just over $4100. This year I think the number of Pink Items will go up as we have two items, Twixits! and The Sprinkle that are what I call quick sells because of the price. I find most people love to help and at $5 or $6 most can. When you get into the $10 plus range, I find it harder to do but the Tomato Knife May surprise me. Only because it really is a great product. And Yes, I said a month and a half. I start mid-April and submit the party on May 30th or 31st. Now, this is something as well. You can collect just money too. There will be a form on CC Under Charitable Giving to send in money to ACS. The reason for the dates is that we are recognized at NC for our efforts. Any donation, whether it is in fund raiser contributions or by selling enough pink products, over $150 we get special seating at a breakfast and a special little gift. Its fun! Last year me and my guests contributed a little over $1400 officially. Because I also had cash donations and my commission for the entire month, that got sent in too late for the official posting. I don't care. I do it for 18 reasons, not for the recognition. The grand total we donated turned out to be a little over $2100. And yes, I already have three things set up for May.
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  • #16
rethaphillips said:
Woohoo I put it in word format!!

THANK YOU! I LOVE THIS FORMAT for when I lay catalogs out at my husband's office! I also leave an envelope of mini order forms printed on pink paper for those who want to order items other than the HWC products...


  • Order Form- 2 per.doc
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  • #17
Thank you John for the form and the explanation. Being a newbie I have LOTS of questions. Your explanation was perfect!
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  • #18
I forgot - The May 31st deadline. That is the date HO needs your "donation" totals so you can be recognized at National Conference. We have until the 15th of June to turn in shows with Pink Product orders on them. But like I said, the official count for National Conference Recognition is May 31st by Mid-night. what I try to do is use May 29th as a cut off. This way I have two days to work out any kinks with payments or anything else that may come up.
  • #19
I am excited about HWC this year. I plan on pushing it more than I did last year. My daughter did a "Scrapping for the Cure" at a local bank for their Relay for Life Team so I am going to contact them to see if they want to make purchases for their funds as well! Thanks John! I want to be at the Breakfast with you with year!
  • #20
Thanks for the forms! They are great and it is never too early to start getting ready.

I tweaked the order form to reflect no sales tax (in NH) for those who don't need the sales tax column and put the sub total before the S & H. I also mentioned the free bags if they spend $60 or more before S & H.

I put the standard $4.25 shipping in on each line to cover the cost. I am afraid if I leave it as 50 cents as originally shown that people will complain about paying the $4.25 down the road on show orders. Just my thinking.

Also, if you intend on using this form or any other from here be sure to read everything thoroughly and change to your info where applicable. I am sure you don't want your sales going to another consultant by mistake or checks payable to another consultant. (it has happened before!)


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  • #21
No kidding Harriet! We did have that happen once before. There is a sticky note from DebPC about that out here somewhere. Please - everyone - use the basic format the Retha posted like Harriet did. DO NOT USE MINE - Retha's is a much nicer, neater form all together so... Again thank you Retha!! And thank you Trish for the mini-order form. See, now that you all have the forms, there is no reason not to use them. We donated over a million dollars about three years ago. we have not been able to since. Mostly because of the economy. Now last year we almost hit $900,000. I would love to see that million happen again!
  • #22
Harriet & Reetha, I really like the forms you've put up.

A question I have: In Iowa, we don't pay tax on shipping. I'm wondering if perhaps I should just figure the sales tax on each item, and put the price at the top (under the description) including the sales tax. I'd definitely need to make sure everyone knows that price INCLUDES sales tax. But if I do it this way, I won't need to have a separate column for sales tax. Besides, every time I have a guest figure the sales tax? I seem to end up shorted :(

The main drawback I can see to having the sales tax included in the price is the price will "be" 7% higher (what our sales tax is locally). I don't know if that will have a negative effect on impulse buyers.

Thoughts, anyone?
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  • #23
You won't want to do that. I double checked the math using 7% per item added it to each product. I then added one of each product and got a total of $81.84. But when I added up the regular price of each then added the 7% it came out to $81.32. That is a $.52 difference. You would not believe how many people will see that. I tried this once many years ago and was accused of trying to cheat people at one of my fund raisers. Never again!
  • #24
Since you are just charging fifty cents for shipping, I am assuming that you are combining multiple orders into one. Do you combine every order you receive into one order or do you divide them up into several orders?
  • #25
I will not earn any of the HWC products for free, how do I go about ordering them early so I can show them at shows, or can I?
  • #26
Thank you so muche everyone for all the work. These forms are great!!
  • #27
shelly.nurse said:
I will not earn any of the HWC products for free, how do I go about ordering them early so I can show them at shows, or can I?

Watch the weekly news. You'll probably have a chance to purchase them in March or April.
  • #28
taterbug said:
Since you are just charging fifty cents for shipping, I am assuming that you are combining multiple orders into one. Do you combine every order you receive into one order or do you divide them up into several orders?

On the sheet I uploaded with my changes I didn't charge 50 cents and reverted back to our $4.25 as this way if there is a warranty issue everyone will have their own slip. I don't want problems with upset customers.
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  • #29
Good thing to note Harriet! Especially because of those glasses! I have mixed feelings about those! See the post in the Got my HWC stuff! I had a nightmare with the wine glasses and the martini glasses sure do not feel any better than those did!
  • #30
yes, I would not have people put their orders together, especially if they order the martini glasses. I LOVE them and think they are absolutely adorable, however, shipping with these has not been that great. Two of the rims on mine were chipped and another consultant had an issue with the stems. I'll sell them but I'll make sure everyone has her own order form.
  • #31
pampered1224 said:
As many of you know I like to get a head start. I created a one page order form and I had to zip this because we have 5 pics on it this year so... Now, you may note I did not put any prices on as I know that most of you do something different. Some add tax to each item some add shipping some do other things. What I would suggest is that you print the May guest flier on the back with the descriptions of the items. Now, also, I have to be honest here. I will NOT be using this one but I can not attach the one I will use as it is WAY to big. The reason is two fold, one is that we have a FREE item when guests purchase $60 plus in products and because we have a food item that in Wisconsin is NON-taxed. So I combined my very old outside order form with the pics and all the subtotals and other things that go along with taxed, non-taxed and S&H. If you want a copy I may be able to send it via e-mail but it takes a bit to download once you get it.

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this flyer. Thank you so much. You are sooo talented and thoughtful. Can I ask one little question before I use it, where is the column for tax???
Please respond, Jeannie
  • #32
I love the Pink order forms, but I have a question. If I use these order forms and someone wants to order "non-pink" items where do they write them?
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  • #33
I don't use this form then. I use a regular three part order form. Again, mainly because of the S&H and the warranty info on the back of the form.

Related to Get a Head Start on HWC 2010 with Our Easy Order Form | May Guest Flier Included

1. What is the purpose of the one-page order form?

The one-page order form is designed to help consultants get a head start on the 2010 HWC event by providing a convenient and organized way to take orders from customers. It also includes five pictures of popular products to make it visually appealing.

2. Why are there no prices listed on the order form?

Since consultants may have different pricing strategies, the order form does not include specific prices. Instead, it is recommended to print the May guest flier on the back of the order form, which includes product descriptions and prices.

3. Will you be using this exact order form?

No, the creator of the order form will not be using it as it is. They have created a different version that is not included in the post due to its large size. This is because it includes a free item for guests who purchase over $60 and accounts for non-taxed food items in certain states.

4. Can a copy of the modified order form be requested?

It may be possible to request a copy of the modified order form via email. However, due to its large size, it may take some time to download. It is recommended to use the provided order form and make modifications based on individual pricing strategies.

5. What is the purpose of combining the old outside order form with the pictures and subtotals?

Combining the old outside order form with the pictures and subtotals allows for a more comprehensive and organized way to take orders. It also accounts for different pricing strategies and tax requirements in different states.

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