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Finding Motivation After a Setback: My Journey to $200,000 in Sales

and ask for their help. You're right, Steph. Sometimes you just need to put on your big girl panties and deal with it. I know you know that. Consider this your kick to get going.http://www.smileyvillage.com/smilies/fighting0072.gifThanks, Rae! I feel like I lost everything, and starting over. I am not depressed about my directorship. It's just hard to get back in the swing of things after not doing it for a couple months. Calls.... I don't know anybody that likes making them. I did make a few calls last night, got all answering machines, but 1 & she had an eye infection
This may turn into being something long...

I lost my Directorship, but I am ok with it. I did a lot of praying & that's why I am ok. I started working part time, but I still need to do PC. I haven't really done much for a couple months, I am still active - almost to $200,000 in career sales! My problem is the motivation to get on the phone. Why?? Because I don't want to be rejected although I know it's not be being rejected. I have nothing going on, and I know I just need to follow up with people. So, if anyone out there has words of encouragement, please send them to me. I did send out a mass email, from my email and from my website. No bites there. I ordered the holiday mini catalogs and they are suppose to arrive by the 8th. I have info about the turkey trot, and so forth. I really just need something to go right to motivate me, know what I mean??


Stephanie - if you have already gone to the trouble of sending out an email from your email account and PWS - then why not just get on the phone to follow up. You can check in to make sure they GOT the email. Then tell them that you realize people get busy this time of year - so is there anyway you can help them.
Write down a date to do CCC (a few days in advance) so you can mentally prepare yourself.
You have put in too much work to give up, my dear. :)
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  • #3
That is true, that would give me a good reason to call people, wouldn't it?


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  • #4
Ok, baby steps here.... I feel completely awkward here. I have done this for over 6 years, was a Director for almost 4 years... and I feel like a baby crawling. When do you find it best to call people? And if I get an answering machine, what do you suggest? I just feel like this whole year has slipped away, and I kept slipping with it!

Stephanie,You can do it. Take the customer care online training as a refresher. I suggest starting out with "easy" calls - like the customers from your last shows. Ask them how their products are working out and do they need any tips or recipes. You'll get back into the swing of things soon enough.You've got too much time and effort invested to give it all up.
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  • #6
:confused:I know you are right!! I will call from my last shows... better do it now, it's getting close to 8'oclock.

Stephanie--- You are the shizzle... :) Lets become directors together. :) LOVE YOU
Hey, Steph, the best time to call is the best time for you. (Well, as long as it's not at, like, 4:30 a.m., which would be best for me. ;)) Sometimes you just need to pull up your big girl panties and deal with it. I know you know that. Consider this your kick to get going.http://www.smileyvillage.com/smilies/fighting0072.gif
Hey, Steph, the best time to call is the best time for you. (Well, as long as it's not at, like, 4:30 a.m., which would be best for me. ;)) Sometimes you just need to pull up your big girl panties and deal with it. I know you know that. Consider this your kick to get going.

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  • #9
Thanks Rae.... I feel like I lost everything, and starting over. I am not depressed about my directorship. It's just hard to get back in the swing of things after not doing it for a couple months. Calls.... I don't know anybody that likes making them. I did make a few calls last night, got all answering machines, but 1 & she had an eye infection - so she can't do anything right now. I know I need to put my big girl pants on..... and deal with it. I just haven't had PC on my mind... I had lost the Passion for it..... but through prayers, I felt like God wasn't done with me and PC yet. If that makes since to you. And trying to figure out the whole working part time, and doing PC, which I haven't worked besides PC for 6 years. So, I look forward to repromoting... building a strong team! I worked a lot on my business yesurday & getting my booking binder updated.

Ok doke, anyone who reads this please just keep me in your prayers!!!


  • #10
To get back into the saddle again. Start with a small goal of making two calls a day.
Try to call people whom you know will help you out. Tell them you are trying to restart your PC business and ask them if they would be willing to help you out. Talk about the receipes for that DCB. You know you can make dinner in 20 minutes in it. 1 pkg or box of rice, two cups of water and a couple of chicken breasts and 20 minutes in the microwave. Talk about a molten lava cake in the DCB 1 cake mix, a can of frosting and 12 minutes in the microwave mix the cake mix right up in the baker with the ingredients according to the box, the scoop the frosting on the top and pop into the microwave for 12 minutes.

With the DCB only 26.00 to a hostess this month it is a great time to get excited about it.
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  • #11
Thanks! I will see who I can call that might be home during the day! I work tonight.

I just have to get the passion back flowing through my blood!

  • #12
I'm posting something that another Director posted on DCS. 'koolotus' - I hope you don't mind :) I have shared this advice with many in my Cluster and they were all very thankful for it.

I've edited it down to protect the innocent :) . This is GREAT advice!!!!!

If you do not truly want it and believe you will achieve it, nothing else will make a bit of difference.
Some days will suck and you have to have a vision of your results to get it going.
Once you've settled that, you need to figure out what ACTIONS will lead to results.
I printed my entire contact list, 2 years worth! Buy extra ink, you'll need it!
Then I scheduled time with my family to be on the phone. I made calls for a set amount of time everyday! Phone calls are necessary. I started at A and did not pick and choose who I called. It is hard but you MUST NOT PICK AND CHOOSE! You will waste valuble time and miss great connections.

Call everyone, tell them you are just calling to connect with your customers because of whatever reason and spend 2 or 3 miutes connecting. Then say "Well since I have you on the phone can I just take 2 minutes to ask you 4 questions?"
1) Have you ever though about owning your own business?
2) Would you like to host a cooking or catalog show?
3) Can I put you on my email newsletter for recipes and specials every 6 weeks or so?

Nope, no 4, I just wanted to leave my options open.
I asked everyone I called every question.
Pretty much all of them were happy to hear from me and those who weren't...oh, well.
I guess for 4 you could ask for referrals, I get tons of referrals, but secretly I think it is because I don't ask for them

Of course you would have appropriate conversations and do the follow up. You know how to get stuff done
Also, before you go to bed at night ask yourself if you have done enough today to get you closer to your goal. You will tell yourself the truth.
Act accordingly
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  • #13
Thanks... I guess when I was a Director, and always had in sight of becoming an exec, I felt that was never going to be acheived. Doing most of the $4,000 myself was getting hard with this economy. What do you say to someone when they say something about the economy, like their friends don't have any money? This year like I said was a downward spiral. My mother in law passed away while I was at conf, and I pretty much knew that would happen. I carried the guilt of choosing to go to conf instead of being there for my husband. Then every break I had I had to return a call or call to find out info and then pass it on. I took all the excitement out of conf. Being my 7th conf, it was the worst one ever, there was nothing to be excited about for me given the circumstances. Does that make since?

So, back to the economy question and feeling so out of touch, and starting over.. what is your response to that?


ps. thanks!
  • #14
StephsKitchen said:
......So, back to the economy question and feeling so out of touch, and starting over.. what is your response to that?


ps. thanks!

Personally, I have not seen a decline in my business because of the economy. My show average these past few months is still good ($685 show average) and my per sale average is $53.00 per sale. And, I'm kind of tired of people using the economy as an excuse not to have a show. I know that some people are really hurting, but others are using it as an excuse instead of just saying "no, I don't want to host a show right now". Also, if we as consultants have the attitude that the economy is bad for our business - then our customers see that. What I see is that people are eating out less - therefore, they must be eating at home more. They want easy, budget friendly, delicious meals...we can help with that!!!! Did you know that 'recipes' is one of the top Google searches? People want new ideas. And, people are still spending money - they are just spending wiser. They want a good value for their money. There are so many ways that we can help them. Budget friendly meals, Great Kitchen Tools, Great Christmas gifts.

I was talking with my SED the other day and she suggested we just confront the 'economy' issue in our shows. Just say something along the lines of "I know you're probably sitting there thinking hmmm I really want the entire catalog, but I don't know if my friends will come to another show. Well, I'm here to tell you that they probably will. Yes, we are keeping a closer eye on our spending these days, and we are looking for value. Many people want more items in the catalog than tonight's budget will allow and they can't get everything on thier list however, I bet that they will want to come to your party next month and learn another recipe and work on their wish list."

Maybe not exactly those words - but you get the idea.

Don't have the economy as your attitude....have and I can help you approach :)
  • #15
Stephanie...first {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and then as Rae said...put those big girl panties on one leg at a time! (Karen Phelps has a GREAT CD called.."Put on Your Big Girl Panties"

I have not gone through the same thing, but I think I can feel your pain.

BABY STEPS...and all of the other fantastic advice here!

Recently I was coaching one of my downline. She was Eeyore through and through right to the core! She did not know how negative she sounded. I then told her that there is the saying...

But here is the reality. Dreaming is so easy! I can think of many places I want to go with PC not just trips but upper level positions.

Believing...especially where you are right now, is very shaky. You have to believe what you may feel is unrealistic and even silly right now. Do the uncomfortable and the outrageous. You will then see what there is LOTS to believe in.

The achieve part falls right into your lap once the belief is there.

One final note, Karen Batty is a team member of mine (and Harriet's). She is the one that did the Customer Care CD. Listen to it over and over. Listen to how Karen too doubted herself and tried to think of when was the "right" time to call and who to call and what to say....she finally just picked up the darn phone and talked with people. Things fell into place. Karen is now a Senior Director, has a strong team and businesss.

Don't over think it...just do it! (hmmm...I wonder if Nike has ever heard that phrase!!) We are pulling for you, kiddo!!:thumbup:
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  • #16
Ok gals, thank you so much! I prayed this morning if this is what God wants me to do to open the doors for abundant bookings. I opened my email and a friend of mine in Ohio said she would have a catalog show!!! And last night at my part time job at Target, I mentioned something to a lady.... and then asked if she would like to have a show, and she said after the holidays, which Jan would be fine!! Also, found out that I can re-promote with 1250 in personal sales, 4,000 in combined sales, and 2 new recruits that qualify by Jan! Isn't that awesome!!!!

Ok, I got to go to work now!! I will check more later! Thank you so much! And my head is slowly getting back on track. My husband just does not want me to become obsessed with my business like I was last year and the years before. This year like I said, a downward spiral. I'll take any prayers, and I will be praying for all of us consultants and PC!!

  • #17
Even though I am just a Consultant right now, you sound like me in July when I had $0 sales! Knowing God is not through with you yet in PC helps motivate you to continue as it did me! Think of the people you can touch with the business you have not before. I met my Recruit in September and if I had dropped out in August over the $0 in July, I would never have met her! She is just 2 years older than my own DD and I want to motivate her to be all she can...which in turn motivates me! I will pray for you Stephanie and your return to being a Director!
  • #18
Maybe a new twist to the way you are thinking is:
Remember HOW EXCITING it is for YOUR customers when they get their bag of NEW PC products!! Imagine how your hosts are MORE EXCITED THAN CHRISTMAS when they get their big box of FREE products! And remember HOW THE PRODUCTS YOU SELL PROMOTE FAMILY MEAL-TIME AND TOGETHERNESS!!! - Families lack spending time together - and you can give them that with the products you promote! Powerful stuff! :)

WTS, I agree - baby steps. MAKE A LIST OF 'TO DO' things, get back in control of your calendar --- maybe write 1-2 accomplishements (business wise) a day to get 'back in the saddle'.

As far as the economy, tell people that PC has TONS of recipes that are about $2 per serving! - AND YOU CAN TEACH THEM!

  • #19
I am a new consultant, and it seems in some ways we are in a similar position. I have worked a couple booths in the last 3 weeks and I have booked 10 SHOWS and have 1 new RECRUIT. Mind you this was TOTALLY out of my comfort zone, but I really want to do well in the business so i thought I would give it a try. When I had a good conversation with someone I would put a star on their door prize slip, and those are the people I called first. This put me off to a great start, because they were the almost definite bookings, so I got on a roll and excited. I ended up booking some others without a star, problably because of how excited I was when I called, it was contagious. Good luck, I hope this helps some. -Michelle
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  • #20
Lizeth said:
Stephanie--- You are the shizzle... :) Lets become directors together. :) LOVE YOU


I love you too! You are such a great friend and mentor! You will be an awesome Director! Thanks for your support! And sorry I didn't see this one sooner!!! You have the best ideas out of anyone I have ever met!

I just can't say thank you enough for everything that you have done, and been there for me!

Love you!!!

Steph the Chef
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  • #21
Steph, I can't stay on long right now, and type as much as I'd like to! I have been in your exact shoes, at about the same amount of time in the business as you... Our circumstances may have been different, but we sound very simular! I lost my directorship after being a director for 3 years, and I almost gave up completly but I stayed with it and am so happy I did. I will write more later! I feel really yucky! I've had 3 shows since Thursday, and I'm pooped! I also woke up Thursday with a cold! So it tried to tear me down but I'm fighting it! So with that being said, I need to get off of here and go to sleep!
I'll write more in the beginning of the week! Tomorrow is family day and church day... the evening is reserved for host coaching!!
Till then I'll pray for you!:angel:;):)
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  • #22
Ok, ladies and gents..... I am working my business. I just have to say that the Lord has definately re-affirmed what I am suppose to be doing. Last week I felt like the Lord wanted me to keep doing PC. I don't think it's ironic how things have worked out. First, let me tell you we visited 3 churches yesturday. Crazy, huh? The first church we went was one we really like, and afterwards the pastor came over to speak with us, and they are having a booth thing this Sunday for small businesses, and I told him I was thinking of doing that. He asked me what business I had and I told him PC. He said, oh, my wife use to sell PC and we went on so many trips! Then he had her come over. Anyhow, there isn't even a cost for the booth! And he said during service if there was something he was going to buy, he wanted it to be from people of his church.

Church #2, we went to hear a friend speak. Someone that has done PC for a very long time that I admire, was heading to the seats right behind us. Talked to her, and that was great. During that service I felt the message that I need to surround myself with communities of people. (shows, and church I am guessing).

Chruch#3, I already had a friend that was going to do a catalog show, but then she asked me about being a Consultant! Well... You guys know I need to recruit 2 new people!

I am just telling you.... this is awesome! I have been on such a high all morning, I now feel tired and need a nap! I am working on my business right now though... getting things ready to mail, and thing to to hang on door knobs of my neighbors homes.

I prayed for God's will, and to lead me and I will follow. We serve an amazing God, don't we!!:chef: Guess it's time to put my chef hat back on! And my husband now feels also after yesturday this must be what I am to do also!

Thank you all for your encouragement! And your support!


:sing:sing praise!
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  • #23
MissChef said:
Steph, I can't stay on long right now, and type as much as I'd like to! I have been in your exact shoes, at about the same amount of time in the business as you... Our circumstances may have been different, but we sound very simular! I lost my directorship after being a director for 3 years, and I almost gave up completly but I stayed with it and am so happy I did. I will write more later! I feel really yucky! I've had 3 shows since Thursday, and I'm pooped! I also woke up Thursday with a cold! So it tried to tear me down but I'm fighting it! So with that being said, I need to get off of here and go to sleep!
I'll write more in the beginning of the week! Tomorrow is family day and church day... the evening is reserved for host coaching!!
Till then I'll pray for you!:angel:;):)

Thank you, and I can't wait to hear from you!

  • #24
Steph! You know I have nothing but love for you my friend. I know that you can do this! Own it! Believe it and JUST DO IT!!! :) MUAH!
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  • #25
I am!!!

Things have turned around tremendously!

  • #26
Good goin'! Congratulations.
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  • #27
raebates said:
Good goin'! Congratulations.

Amazing things are happening!! I may have 2 people to sign. That's part of what I need to repromote. I just pray for God's will, not mine.

Thanks everybody!

  • #28
Congratulations Stephanie! Way to go!

Related to Finding Motivation After a Setback: My Journey to $200,000 in Sales

1. How can I stay motivated when trying to reach a goal?

Staying motivated can be challenging, but it helps to break your goal into smaller, achievable steps. Celebrate each small success along the way and surround yourself with positive influences and supportive people. Also, don't be afraid to take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout.

2. What can I do when I feel discouraged?

When feeling discouraged, it's important to acknowledge your emotions and give yourself grace. Take a step back and evaluate the situation objectively. Remind yourself of your strengths and past successes. Surround yourself with positivity and talk to a trusted friend or mentor for support.

3. How do I handle setbacks and failures?

Setbacks and failures are a natural part of any journey. It's important to learn from them and use them as an opportunity to grow. Take time to reflect on what went wrong and make a plan to move forward. Remember that setbacks do not define you, and keep pushing towards your goal.

4. What are some methods for self-motivation?

Self-motivation can be achieved through various methods such as setting realistic and specific goals, creating a vision board, practicing positive self-talk, and rewarding yourself for progress. It's also helpful to find a source of inspiration, whether it's a quote, a role model, or a personal mantra.

5. How can I encourage others who may be struggling?

Being a source of encouragement for others can make a huge difference in their journey. Listen actively and offer support and validation. Help them identify their strengths and remind them of their past successes. Encourage them to break their goals into smaller, achievable steps and celebrate each milestone with them.

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