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FedEx Delivery Fail: Unacceptable Package Delay and Lack of Common Sense

In summary, the driver thought the package was not delivered to the correct address and decided not to leave the package there.
Silver Member
E-mail sent to FedEX and HO:"Tracking numbers: 9563029832XXXXX and 9563029832XXXXXPlease note the two numbers above. Both packages were on a truck “out for delivery” as of the morning of 5/23/2012. What I found so upsetting is that when the driver “drove past”, those were the words of the rep who answered my call at 6 p.m. Wednesday evening, that driver determined that the packages could not be delivered. I do not under stand two things. 1) Why did the driver NOT get out of the truck and ring the bell? THERE WAS SOMEONE HOME, sitting not 10 feet from the front door, watching TV.
2) Why did the driver NOT get out of the truck and leave a Door tag? Why DID THE DRIVER DRIVE BY AND NOT GET OUT OF THE TRUCK??? AT ALL!!The note on the status screen even says that the packages could not be left because “customer not available or business closed”. How would that driver know that if they never got out of the truck?
I also have a very large front porch that is screened by lattice so any packages left IN THE PROPER PLACE if the driver does look and think, are not seen from the street or even the side walk. Also, why is it that a driver can make a determination about whether a package is dropped off when a signature is NOT required? I made that determination when I asked that the packages be delivered to my home for my host!!! They do NOT live here and do not know my neighborhood. This has not happened for over 5 years and that incident caused some major problems for me with my customers. This one will too. Especially since two were coming to pick their stuff up last night and luckily I got a hold of them before they did drive to my home.
This is unacceptable."Do drivers really think? AND when they do, why is it that they make the wrong decision? Do Drivers really think we do not think about where our packages are being shipped? Do they honestly think we are that stupid?
he did not stop because he was too lazy to get out of his truck. Please report him and ask for a written report of the incident. This would then go on his record and after 2 more incidents he would be "removed' from his responsibilties as a driver.
When we don't report these lazy people to their bosses they just get worst!
I had great service with a driver for over 10 yrs until he retired and a new driver started.
New driver didn't like to drive on the back country roads so he made a deal with the local corner store and started leaving the PC boxes at the store and the store owner would then call my host...come and get your PC boxes..this went on for about a year until one day he left 6 boxes!!
Pissed me off when I got the call from a very confused host as I had told her the boxes would be delivered to her door and also her car was too small for 6 boxes. I phoned around and got the name of the driver .. reported him and he was put on notice.. He now goes out of his way to be nice to the PC deliveries.
And then the time that another driver decided to celebrate Christmas 10 days early and left the 5 boxes in his truck for 6 days while he went on a drinking binge... he had scan them out as delivered but then didn't deliver them.
FedEx couldn't help me because they showed delivered but my host kept saying she didn't get them and she had not left her home for over a week and the closest neighbour was 5 miles away so no they has not been stolen .... After numerous phone calls, the driver finally sobered up enough to answer the door and another Fed Ex driver delivered the boxes... the driver now has more free time to spend doing what he likes ....
Wow. When I signed my friend up last month she had her first party delivered at her moms home. HE THREW THE BOXES OVER THE FENCE!!!! AAAARRRRGGG
OMG..I am sitting here in shock at these stories. I don't have any issues with FedEx. And I thought that my mom's mail lady was bad. WOW..just WOW.
I just had an incident this week where a show was supposed to be delivered last Friday, I checked the shipping status on Monday and it had said "DELIVERY SUSPENDED"...and there was some info about how it was the "wrong address", etc...I called Fed Ex to find out what the story was and they said the driver couldn't find the house...I had sent several things to the host prior, host packets, postcards, etc and so I asked where the boxes currently were, they were sitting in the warehouse over an hour away. They told me my host could come out and pick them up! I said that was unacceptable, and that that WAS the right address, since they were closed on Monday they had to leave a message to re ship it so I called back on Tues morning where it had been loaded onto the truck for delivery. They asked if I wanted delivery confirmation via email which I most certainly did, I got an email from Fed Ex later that day that all was well and was delivered! I mean, really...I was about to pull up Mapquest on my computer and give them directions on how to get to my host house..but I wonder, did they just not feel like finding the house or delivering it? And no one called me or my host to let us know that the packages had not been dropped off, I also wonder if I hadn't checked on Monday just to see that they had been delivered if they'd still be sitting in the warehouse today? :eek:
I just had five huge cases delivered yesterday. I cleared out a huge area to place the boxes with a note to PUT BOXES HERE, PLEASE... did he? NO! He stacked 5 VERY HEAVY boxes right in front of the door of my enclosed breezeway. Couldn't get in or out of my house. I called HO to complain about how damn heavy the boxes are, but now I think I will call Fed Ex and complain about the delivery too! That said, one of my Mix and Chops were snapped literally in half! Tell me how that happened? lol
higoobs said:
Wow. When I signed my friend up last month she had her first party delivered at her moms home. HE THREW THE BOXES OVER THE FENCE!!!! AAAARRRRGGG
I saw a 20/20 special recently about Delivery Driver's doing this sort of thing. They were being caught on tape doing it. Personally I have a feeling that they are lazy but there must be some sort of tracking device on the trucks where they have to show that the were by the address for delivery so they just drive on by to prove they were in that area. I don't know that for a fact but it would be my assumption.
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maldvs said:
I saw a 20/20 special recently about Delivery Driver's doing this sort of thing. They were being caught on tape doing it.

Personally I have a feeling that they are lazy but there must be some sort of tracking device on the trucks where they have to show that the were by the address for delivery so they just drive on by to prove they were in that area. I don't know that for a fact but it would be my assumption.

One of my best friends works for UPS and the computer they carry around with them is a GPS. Whenever he would stop by my office for a delivery, he would chat for a bit and then his computer would start beeping. That was their HO telling him he should be moving along and not stopped in one location. I can't imagine FedEx being much different.
that is odd..maldvs quoted the post before mine..shows that post..but with my name..LOL. Just saw it..I thought I didn't post that..then looked to see what happened..hhmm.
  • #10
chefheidi2003 said:
that is odd..maldvs quoted the post before mine..shows that post..but with my name..LOL. Just saw it..I thought I didn't post that..then looked to see what happened..hhmm.

WHOOPS! I think that's because I initially wanted to quote the one that's there now but clicked your quote button. When I edited, I forgot to change your name. Sorry!
  • #11
maldvs said:
WHOOPS! I think that's because I initially wanted to quote the one that's there now but clicked your quote button. When I edited, I forgot to change your name. Sorry!

haha..ok..that makes sense..LOL.

OK..thread hijack over.

I know that this is not fedex..but my comment about my mom's mail lady. She insists on shoving everything through the little mail slot. Something says do not bend..she folds it in half and shoves it through the mail slot. My brother asked her to please just place it between the doors and she said that she has to put it through the mail slot. Funny the other mailman puts it between the doors all of the time. So now my mom had to go out and buy a mailbox so that she can use that and stop ruining my mom's mail.

Related to FedEx Delivery Fail: Unacceptable Package Delay and Lack of Common Sense

1. What is a "FedEx Delivery Fail"?

A "FedEx Delivery Fail" is when a package that was supposed to be delivered by FedEx is delayed or does not arrive at all. This can be due to various reasons such as weather conditions, delivery driver issues, or incorrect address information.

2. How long does it typically take for a delayed FedEx package to be delivered?

The timeframe for a delayed FedEx package to be delivered can vary depending on the reason for the delay. In some cases, the package may be delivered within a day or two, while in other cases it may take longer if there are severe weather conditions or other factors that can impact delivery times.

3. What should I do if my package is delayed or does not arrive?

If your package is delayed or does not arrive, the first step is to track your package using the tracking number provided by FedEx. If the tracking information shows that the package is still in transit, you may need to wait a bit longer for it to be delivered. However, if there are no updates or the package has been marked as "delivered," but you have not received it, you should contact FedEx customer service for further assistance.

4. Can I get a refund if my package is delayed or does not arrive?

If your package is delayed or does not arrive, you may be eligible for a refund depending on the circumstances. For example, if the delay was due to a mistake on the part of FedEx, you may be able to receive a refund for the shipping cost. However, if the delay was due to weather conditions or other uncontrollable factors, a refund may not be available.

5. How can I prevent future FedEx delivery fails?

To help prevent future FedEx delivery fails, make sure to double-check the address information you provide when placing an order. Also, consider opting for signature confirmation or insurance on your package to ensure it is delivered safely and on time. Additionally, if you have had repeated issues with FedEx delivery, you may want to consider using a different shipping carrier for your packages.

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