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Family Dog Lost in Tornado 4/3/12

In summary, the conversation is about a dog that ran away during the tornado on 4/3/12 and the person's hope that the dog turns up. The microchip was done in Japan and is registered there. I did a free online registration with the stateside info, but not sure how all that works here in the US. The person is wondering if anyone who finds the dog does a Google Search to track them down.
Gold Member
Sorry, I'm using Chef Success to try & make my missing dog's microchip number searchable on Google! She ran away during the tornado on 4/3/12 & we still have not been able to locate her. The microchip was done in Japan & is registered there. I did a free online registration with the stateside info, but not sure how all that works here in the US. Hoping someone who finds her does a Google Search to track us down! I'm guessing most of the info on the chip will be in Japanese, but the microchip #135472750A should be something they'll see & be able to search online. (((fingers crossed)))

Aw, such a sad thing to happen! I hope she turns up! How are you & the kids doing?
So sorry Sheila! Praying she turns up soon!
Aw, I am so sorry you haven't found her. Have you shared this on FB? It could be nationwide in minutes. I hope she turns up soon.
I hope you find her. I did see a story out of Arizona recently for a dog whose chip was registered to someone that had been stationed on Kadena AFB. They found him:


The photo has your phone number, so I want to make sure I have permission first, but I'd like to post this on my FB to help you.
Oh no!! I sure hope you find your pup!
Hey Sheila,I just posted the pic on my FB wall. I have a few friends that live in Dallas and have lots of friends around that area. I asked them to share the pic for me.
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  • #8
Amanda, they are sad. We were on vacation in San Antonio & the in-laws were keeping an eye on her. If I had been home, she'd have been in the bathroom with us. But apparently, she freaked out in the storm, took off out the doggie door & jumped the fence. We've checked all the local shelters & will check more futher out in the coming days. The kids get upset every time we leave another building without her. They keep hoping each time that THIS will be the one that has her. :(Amy, yes. The photo that I put in this thread is the same one that's on FB & every "lost dog" webpage that I could find! LOLThat's a cool story Noora. But unfortunately, the pound didn't track down the owner ... a news story helped. Not sure with everything going on here that she'd make the news. :( But yes, please feel free to share the flyer. We moved her to Tokyo with us & brought her to TX on the evac plane. We definitely want her back! ;) I've given fliers to the local shelters. The in-laws are coming to get the kids & I'm going to start hitting up some of the local businesses to see if I can hang up a flyer there too.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Yea! It worked!!! If you type in the microchip number on Google, it brings up this thread. Maybe that will help get her home! ;)
  • #10
I'd definitely put a flyer on every mail box in your area. I lost my cat one time after a terrible storm and a week later when he still wasn't home (we live in the country so not many neighbors or places for him to go) I finally decided to put flyers on all my neighbors mailboxes to see if they'd seen him.That very night, a neighbor a couple pastures over called me (at 11:30pm!) and said she thought my cat was up her tree. So I drove down to see and sure enough it was him. He had been up her tree for the whole week, 50 feet up, and wouldn't come down. It took us an hour, a too short latter, a broom stick with tuna on the end, but he finally got coaxed to the side of the tree enough that he actually fell out and hit a branch before landing on the ground (on his feet). He was fine other than he developed crystals in his kidneys from dehydration. Saying a prayer that you find Peaches!
  • #11
My prayers are with Peaches and you as well! Too cute to loose!
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  • #12
I've started hanging fliers at the local grocery store, convenience stores, 2 auto parts stores. Handed one to a Lancaster Cop who said he'd call me if he saw her while on patrol, then had an off duty Dallas Cop ask me about the flyer I was hanging at a convenience store. She went missing super close to their jurisdiction, so he said he'd take a flyer too. I found out the hard way in '99 that it's a Federal Offense to attach anything without postage to a mailbox. I put out fliers to see if the neighbors wanted to do a community garage sale & the postman was nice enough to bring me one & tell me not to do that again. Of course, he didn't bother to tell me WHICH house he took it from so that I could take it back! LOL So one poor soul probably felt left out. Anyway, you can use bags to hang from the door or you can use rubber bands to attach to the door. But you can't put it in or attach it to a mailbox unless you've paid the proper postage & sent it through the US mail. Funny, but I used to get "cat up a tree" calls on 911 ~ people wanting me to send the fire truck to retrieve their cat. Unfortunately, not all were receptive to the "we can't do that" answer. I'd have to explain if the shoe were on the other foot & the fireman were not available to respond to THEIR house fire because they were in the process of getting a cat out of a tree & had the support legs out on the fire truck & the ladder up in the air. Then I'd have to tell them that I was being serious & not picking on them ... but ask "have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree?" When they said no, I'd explain to them that kitty will come down when he/she is hungry/thirsty enough. I've never seen or heard of one dying up there. They always agreed that they had never seen/heard of one dying in a tree either. ;)Several hours & over 50 miles on the car driving neighborhoods tonight. No luck. :(
  • #13
Oh Sheila..I so hope you find Peaches. My thoughts are will all of you. As a child I remember that feeling of a pet missing or worse yet, when they passed. So hope we have a happy ending.
  • #14
Isn't there a way to change your info on the micro chip? I have my animals registered and I can log in and change my info.I sure hope you can find her. That's just heart breaking!
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  • #15
My new timeline photo: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/524725_3628980808355_1389121744_4228581_1524861581_n.jpgWooHoo!Rhonda, yes! I figured out which company had inserted the microchip & talked to them yesterday. In the process of getting it switched over so they will have our info on file. ;)
  • #16
Hooray!!!! So happy for you and her!!!
  • #17
Awesome!!! She missed you guys too!!! So glad she came home!
  • #18
Awesome! One less "issue" to deal with with the kids! I bet they are doing the happy dance (and you too!)
  • #19
Oh I am so glad she is home! I was hesitant to keep checking this thread, fearing the worst. But I am glad it is a happy ending!! She is probably thrilled to be home, too!
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  • #20
She's exhausted. She's dirty & was panting so hard last night. I think she's been on her feet since the tornado. But she wasn't starving, so it looks like she found someone to give her food.The kids spent the night with their grandparents last night. I have a Pampered Chef booth today, so the kids won't be home until tonight. It will give Peaches all day to rest up & recuperate! She got over her initial excitement of being home last night & crashed. Waited until I'd been up 45 min's or so to drag herself out of bed this morning to say hi & she's back in bed again. And I'll say it before TKG does ... the pooch is pooped! LOL
  • #21
WOW! AWESOME!! Glad she's home!
  • #22
I have tears in my eyes!!! I am so freaking happy for all of you!! Peaches is probably so so happy to be home!!! Thanks for posting!
  • #23
YAY!!!! So happy for you guys.
  • #24
YEAH!!!! I am so happy to hear this news!
  • #25
YAY!! So glad she came home!Thanks for the info about fliers on mailboxes... I thought you just couldn't put them inside. Good to know!!
  • #26
Hooray!!! So glad to hear she found her way home!
  • #27
If only she could talk and tell you about her week!
You know she knew it was coming. When the tornado brushed our street last spring, the neighbor's dog apparently went nuts and then went and hid before we even knew it was for sure coming. Very iteresting to me that the animals just know.
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  • #28
Yes, I wish I could plug an HDMI cable into her brain & download the video so I can see all her adventures from her little Walkabout! LOLRE Mailboxes: Yes, one of the PC training videos has the "consultant" saying that she'll leave a catalog or something in the potential host's mailbox. I cringed when I heard that. PC probably doesn't realize that they are technically training consultants to commit a Federal Offense with that one. ;)
  • #29
SO happy to hear she's back!!! I've also been following this thread (from MD) and hoping for the best for your family.

Related to Family Dog Lost in Tornado 4/3/12

What happened to the family dog during the tornado on 4/3/12?

The family dog was unfortunately lost during the tornado on 4/3/12.

Is there any update on the family dog's whereabouts?

As of now, the family dog is still missing. We are working with local animal rescue organizations to help locate him.

What can I do to help the family find their lost dog?

You can help by spreading the word and keeping an eye out for the dog in your area. You can also contact local animal shelters or post on social media to help increase the chances of finding him.

Has the family contacted any pet tracking services?

Yes, the family has contacted several pet tracking services to help locate their lost dog.

Is there a reward for finding the family dog?

At this time, there is no official reward being offered. However, the family is extremely grateful for any help in finding their beloved pet.

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