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Facing Booking Struggles as a Home-Based Business Owner

In summary, if you are struggling to get bookings for your Pampered Chef business, here are some tips and ideas to try: 1. Reach out to people you don't know, like guests from your shows, and offer to fill them in on new products and specials. 2. If you have a website, direct people to it for easy hosting options. 3. Consider bulk mailing catalogs with a group of directors to save on costs. 4. Contact past customers who have ordered stoneware or cookware and inform them of new specials. 5. Utilize booking ideas from other Pampered Chef representatives, such as "Dollar Days." 6. Send catalogs to friends and family who have moved or are out of
Hey everyone. I am having a hard time getting bookings. I may average about 2 shows a month. I would like to have at least 4-5. I have called everyone I know... a couple of times. I mailed out lots of catalogs and have done follow up calls to those. I have left catalogs at our childrens dr. office and anywhere else that will let me. Family has helped out with a couple of my shows. I push the host and guest specials at each show but noone wants to host. Maybe it's just because it's summer and everyone is so busy with other things they don't want to bother with hosting a show. Like it's much of a bother to receive free stuff !!!! I want to keep being able to stay home with my 2yr old. I really love the products and love doing the shows. But I need the money from the shows to continue to stay home and be full time mommy. Right now I may get $100-120 a month if I'm lucky. That just isn't enough for what we want to do with my earnings. How much time should I give my business to grow to see results financially?
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I know you said you've called everyone you know already. How about trying to call people you don't know? LIke ALL of the guests from your shows. I'm not sure how long you've been doing this or how big of a customer base you have, but my suggestion would be to call all the guests in a customer care call. You can say something like "Hi ________. I make calls this time of year to all of my customers so I can fill them in on all that's new with Pampered Chef, like our new products coming out, our WONDERFUL host specials, our new Celebrations Shows, etc. Do you have a minute so I can fill you in?" Be sure to highlight the specials and how so many new products fit right in with the holidays. Obviously try to steer them in the direction of hosting a show. Offer to mail them a new catalog, or direct them to your website (if you have one). If you do have a website, let them know that hosting a show is even easier when they use the hosts' section of your website. Obviously mailing out catalogs can get expensive. What our cluster does is the directors go in together and purcahse a bulk mail permit and we pay to send out catalogs that way. I want to say that sending a catalog this way costs .36 instead of $1.08 or something close to that. If you can't go that route, try not to jump right to asking them if they'd like you to send them a catalog so you're not sending out a ton and getting nothing in return. Just chat with them and be excited!

Also, call anyone who has ordered stoneware from you (especially the big stoneware orders) and let them know the September specials. See if they'd like to host and turn their friends on to the world of stoneware. Anyone who's ordered cookware, be sure to let them know about the new ROasting Pan and the October host special. Doing that "total items sold" report in PP is a big help to search who has ordered these things in the past.

I know some on this website have used the "Dollar Days" with great success. I personally haven't tried it yet, but maybe someone can fill you in on that.

Good luck to you!!! I hope you can step things up a little so you can continue to stay home. :) I know how important that is.
There are a ton of booking ideas on here. Try doing a search for bookings and see if you find some ideas you can put into place. Just posted this for another post, but here it is again.

This list created by: Monique Noriega

1. Send a catalog to a co-worker or friend who has moved.

2. Send a catalog to reps from other party plans and ask to exchange shows.

3. Post a catalog in the teacher's lounge at your child's school.

4. Post a catalog in the employee's lunch room.

5. Hold an open house.

6. Have a booth at a church bazaar.

7. Advertise in your alumni newsletter and/or local newspaper.

8. Give a catalog to the receptionist in your doctor's or dentist's office.

9. Include a current catalog or flyer with your local bill payments.

10. Put a current catalog and sample in your neighbor's door.

11. Always carry business cards and catalogs with you to hand out.

12. Ask ALL your friends to have a show.

13. Advertise in the church bulletin.

14. Host an office party.

15. Host a Brunch.

16. Have your family wear Pampered Chef T-shirts.

17. Mail out catalogs with a wish list and order form.

18. Host your own show.

19. Host a fundraiser for your favorite charity.

20. Host a show before, during or after a PTA meeting.

21. Get a list from the Welcome Wagon to find newcomers in the area.

22. Set up a display at craft fairs.

23. Participate in a school fundraiser.

24. Have your husband or significant other promote products at work.

25. Wear a "Do You Pamper Yourself?" button.

26. Wear your charm holder and logo pins out in public.

27. Hold a Valentine's, Mother's Day, or Christmas Shopping Show for men.

28. Offer guests a Secret Santa Wish List.

29. Set up a temporary display in a mall.

30. Put a "FREE Products! Ask Me How!" button on your purse.

31. Ask past Hostesses to talk about their FREE products.

32. Hold an Opportunity Night nearby.

33. Mention Host Benefits at least 3 times per show.

34. Showcase higher priced items and remind guests they can get it half off.

35. Mention how much an "average" Host receives FREE!

36. At the beginning of the show, mention the Host goal.

37. Share upcoming specials at all shows with all guests.

38. Tell your Host how much she saved by having a show.
39. Encourage frequent customers to regularly plan shows.

40. Encourage Hosts to rebook themselves in the next 3 months.

41. Treat Hosts to a special "Hosts Appreciation Tea".

42. Encourage relatives to have a show.

43. Call your realtor with suggestions for "New Home Packages".

44. Offer to do a theme show demo/class for a local women's group.

45. Ask everyone for referrals.

46. Follow up on all referral leads on Door Prize Slips.

47. Offer a Birthday or Anniversary Club.

48. Offer a Bridal Registry.

49. Promote Pampered Chef Bridal Shower Parties.

50. Create a binder to showcase different theme show parties to choose from.

51. Create a visual for the Host Program by playing "Stack the Host".

52. Be friendly and enthusiastic.

53. Take the pieces that you LOVE to your shows!

54. Follow through on EVERY booking lead.

55. Ask, Ask, Ask.

56. Ask every guest at every show for 3 referrals.

57. Use open-ended questions to uncover objections.

58. Use products at home then share your ideas at shows.
59. Read sales, self-improvement and positive thinking books.

60. Call at least 2 potential Hosts EVERY night.

61. Dream and imagine the possibilities!

62. Set goals and review them constantly. Post where you can see them.

63. Ask friends to help you get started or to reach a certain goal.

64. Goal yourself for "x" number of shows each month.

65. Copy Host Specials and mail to past hostesses and interested clients.

66. Use postcards and newsletters to continue to spark interest.

67. Follow up phone calls to interested guests. Ask them to have a show.

68. Call all hostesses who postponed or never had their party as planned.

69. Have the Host tell why she decided to have a show.

70. Give products as gifts or donations.

71. Don't be shy talking about your products or your business.

72. Smile when talking on the telephone.

73. Make regular customer service calls to replenish products.

74. Review orders from past shows and call customers with large orders.

75. Be prepared to answer questions about your work.

76.Write down names of people who "owe you a favor", then follow up.

77. Call the most familiar people first.

78. Spend time every day working on some aspect of your business.
79. Be willing to share the Opportunity with everyone.

80. Call anyone who has said "maybe" or "sometime".

81. Contact schools, churches, and women's groups for fundraisers.

82. Advertise in football or musical programs.

83. Leave your business cards on bulletin boards or in local businesses.

84. Talk about upcoming specials with everyone.

85. Keep a list of special requests. Notify guests when that product is on sale.

86. Suggest a Christmas show so guests can shop without leaving home.

87. Offer bonuses for booking a show on certain dates.

88. Offer Book Show options to those who work in office environments.

89. Give extra service and time to good customers to make repeat customers.

90. Carry a notepad to jot down names as you think of them.

91. Let guests keep a catalog on hand to show friends or pass around at work.

92. Contact men's groups (Kiwanis, Lion's, Rotary) to host a show.

93. Offer complimentary gift-wrapping on orders over a certain amount.

94. Mail recipe postcards using monthly specials to keep in touch.

95. Have a Booking Basket for Hosts with gifts for pre-arranged bookings.

96. Strive to have 21 shows up on your calendar.

97. Offer businesses an employee gift/incentive program. Write up as a show.

98. Do a Product Lottery.

99. Get leads from participating in trade shows or business expos.

100. Take pre-wrapped gift sets to male oriented business and take orders.

101. Tell everyone to tell their friends to get their kitchen products from you.

102. Let everyone know that it's your job to give away FREE products!

103. Take several beautiful but versatile pieces to your show to demo.

104. Let customers FEEL the quality of products in their own hands.

105. Make your daily 2+2 calls. Chart your progress.

106. Participate in Bridal Trade Shows for leads.

107. Take a PC recipe in a PC dish to every function you attend that has food.

108. Pass out recipes to guests for dishes demonstrated at your show.

109. Offer a special incentive for booking a show within 2 weeks.

110. Get guest lists from Hosts so you can contact guests after the show.

111. Surprise Bookings. Call guests and ask for bookings as surprise to Host.

112. Use car magnets on car to advertise business.

113. Encourage Host to ask everyone to book a show.

114. Have Host show friends what FREE Host Bonuses she is trying to earn.

115. Ask Host to invite those who need or want a job.

116. Make a "Mix-in-a-Bag" gift for the Host. Make a recipe that focuses on Monthly Guest or Host Special.

117. Make a "Host Necklace". Use one inexpensive tool for EACH booking she obtains BEFORE her show date. Tie together with curly ribbon.

118. Booking Necklaces - String inexpensive door prize items on curly ribbon. Hang 6 around Host's neck. As guests arrive, let her explain that she needs to give them all away so she can win a special gift. She can only give them to her friends who will book a show for her. Those who decide to book first get first choice of which necklace they want. They wear around their neck so you can see who already wants a show.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
thanks :)Thank you for all the adivce !!! I'm sure with the 118 ways I can find some that will really work for me. Things I never would have thought of doing on my own! Thanks again. I am so glad I found this site. I think every PC consultant just starting out should be required to sign on here :p Lots of great help from great people :p
Hi there! I completely understand your frustration with trying to get bookings. It can be tough, especially during the summer when everyone is busy with other things. But don't give up! Here are a few tips that may help increase your bookings:1. Utilize social media: Create a Facebook page or group specifically for your Pampered Chef business. Share photos, recipes, and upcoming specials to generate interest and bookings.2. Host a virtual party: With everyone's busy schedules, it may be easier for people to attend a party online. You can still offer the same host and guest specials and it may be more convenient for people to shop from the comfort of their own home.3. Offer incentives: Consider offering a free product or discount to anyone who books a party with you. This can be a great way to entice people to host a party.4. Partner with local businesses: Reach out to local businesses and offer to set up a table or do a cooking demonstration during their lunch hour. This can help you reach a new audience and potentially book parties.5. Follow up with past customers: Don't be afraid to reach out to past customers and see if they would be interested in hosting a party or if they know anyone who would be interested.Remember, building a successful business takes time and dedication. Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate financial results. Keep promoting your business and providing excellent customer service, and the bookings will come. Best of luck to you!

Related to Facing Booking Struggles as a Home-Based Business Owner

1. How can I increase my booking rate as a home-based business owner?

One way to increase your booking rate is by hosting virtual parties or events. This allows you to reach a larger audience and showcase your products in a fun and interactive way. You can also offer incentives or discounts for guests who book a party with you during the event.

2. What are some effective ways to follow up with potential customers?

Following up with potential customers is crucial in securing bookings. You can follow up through email, phone calls, or even social media. Make sure to personalize your message and offer something of value, such as a special discount or free gift for booking a party.

3. How can I overcome objections and hesitations from potential hosts?

It's important to address any objections or hesitations from potential hosts in a calm and understanding manner. Listen to their concerns and offer solutions or suggestions to make the booking process easier for them. You can also share success stories from past hosts to show the benefits of hosting a party.

4. What are some creative ways to get more bookings?

One creative way to get more bookings is by partnering with other businesses or organizations. For example, you can offer to do a cooking demonstration at a local food market or collaborate with a fitness studio for a wellness-themed party. You can also offer referral discounts for current hosts who refer new hosts to you.

5. How can I stay motivated when facing booking struggles?

It's normal to experience booking struggles as a home-based business owner. One way to stay motivated is by setting realistic goals and celebrating small victories. You can also join online communities or attend networking events to connect with other entrepreneurs and gain new ideas and inspiration. Remember to also take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout.

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