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Early Labor Struggles: My Baby Update & 35 Week Belly Pic

In summary, Gil is in early labor but still having regular contractions and is waiting for something to push her to leave or stay in the UK. She is worried about her health and the health of her baby.
Hey everyone! I wanted to drop in and say hi because I miss everyone so much! I am still undecided on the stay/leave PC so I am just waiting until something pushes me either way.

Ok- here is my baby update- WARNING- THIS COULD BE TMI FOR SOME READERS...

So Sunday morning I woke up and went to the bathroom. I stood up and there was blood running down my legs. I went to the hospital and they couldn't see where the blood was coming from and my cervix was closed. I started to have contractions 1 minute apart lasting 1 minute. My DH was playing in a US Open qualifier tournament so I didn't want to call him and have him come sit with me if it turned out to be nothing. My mom had my kids, so I just cried through the pain and labored by myself ALL DAY LONG!

My DH called to see what I was up to and was quite shocked to hear that I was in the hospital. He showed up in the late afternoon and the doctor checked my cervix again. I was 2 centimeters dialated and was admitted and offered an epidural. I declined because I wanted to get farther before getting drugs. I was up all night because I would fall asleep just to be woken up every 2-3 mins with a contraction. I had hard contractions all night and was checked again in the morning- STILL 2 CM!! I started crying because I was in so much pain and they weren't doing anything to progress me!

So I was sent home and declared to be in "early labor". I don't know what to do now because they told me to come back if I have more than 10 contractions in an hour, but I was still having them every 2-3 minutes when they sent me home. Now I am miserably contracting and VERY hormonal. I just wanted to update you guys and I will let you know when something "good" happens!

Also- here is my 35 week belly picture (I am 36 weeks now)
That is the CUTEST Picture! Sorry to hear about your troubles, hope everything goes well!
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  • #3
Thanks Kim- I stole the idea from some professional maternity pics I saw. I knew I could do it for free in my kitchen, LOL!!
What a beautiful picture This is very confusing when they tell you to go home but say to come back if you ahve more then 10 in an hour but are having them every 2-3 minutes HELLO!

I have been worried about you - Even started a Where is GIllian Thread several days ago
Gillian. I love the picture :)!!! I'm sending you good wishes for a wonderful delivery and healthy baby!
OMG, I love that pic and you have such a great pregnant tummy! Hang in there! I know it's rough! I labored like that with my son! I'll pray for your peace and for not so much pain! God Bless you!;)
Hi! Gil

Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  • Thread starter
  • #8
Thank you so much everyone for the well wishes. I have never wanted my water to break so badly in my life, LOL! I am scared because my DH would be so grossed out that I would have to clean it up myself. MEN!!
Awesome Pic Gill! Good luck and well wishes to you on your (hopefully just a break) from TPC!
  • #10
I totally understand about the not diatating thing. I was always in labor stuck at 0 cetimeters with off the chart contractions for more than 24 hours. I know it is hard, take some comfort in knowing that you are providing such a good "home", she is not quite ready to leave..even though you were ready a long time ago. Try meditating through your contractions. Not quite lamaze, but when you are in so much pain, your body tends to tense up making the contractions feel harder.
I am praying for you..
Just know you are in a unique club...Let's call us the "Stuck Shut Club" :D
  • #11
Gillian your so cute! You have the perfect belly! I love that picture! You need a new avatar!!!
  • #12
Hey, Gillian. That sounds like what I did. Contracting all the time but not getting anywhere, not really "in labor". Nothing to say about it but that it's just plain "sucky"!

I will be praying for strength, rest and progress for you!
  • #13
BTW, beautiful picture. What a treasure to have...
  • #14
Oh Gillian,

I'm offering up a prayer for you. I hope your water breaks quickly and this baby makes an appearance soon!
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  • #15
Thanks everyone!

Leslie- LOL! Thanks for the warm welcome to the club! I was always 3-4 cms before regular contractions even started with my other kids, so this is all new to me. I like the other way A LOT better :)

Thanks for the prayers!! I wonder how many water breaking prayers it takes from across the country for something to happen...
  • #16
Well here is one water breaking prayer going up for you!!! Gillian, your picture is so beautiful!!!
  • #17
krzymomof4 said:
I totally understand about the not diatating thing. I was always in labor stuck at 0 cetimeters with off the chart contractions for more than 24 hours. I know it is hard, take some comfort in knowing that you are providing such a good "home", she is not quite ready to leave..even though you were ready a long time ago. Try meditating through your contractions. Not quite lamaze, but when you are in so much pain, your body tends to tense up making the contractions feel harder.
I am praying for you..
Just know you are in a unique club...Let's call us the "Stuck Shut Club" :D

I was a member of that club TWICE! Hope all goes well!!!!
  • #18
Aw Gillllll....
I am sorry you're going thru such hell and am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!!
PS...love the pic!!
  • #19
You are in my thoughts and prayers. This might sound crazy, but are you drinking enough water. If you are hydrated more that could help with the pain.
  • #20
Hang in there. Hope the little one shows its beautiful face soon.
  • #21
Beautiful picture. Keeping you, the little one and your whole family in my prayers.
  • #22
You are amazing Gillian. Sending prayers your way.
Gorgeous photo.

  • #23
I LOVE your pic! That's beautiful

~ years ago when I was PG...nothing beautiful about my belly! LOL ~ cuz even at 9 months...didn't have much of one! Got jipped!

Wishing it goes QUICKER!!!

  • #24
Praying that things happen swiftly and smoothly for you Gillian! Thanks for the update, we were all getting worried!

p.s. that picture is so beautiful!
  • #25
Sending up a prayer for you and little one ...

What a beautiful picture! Oh, wow!
  • #26
gilliandanielle said:
Thank you so much everyone for the well wishes. I have never wanted my water to break so badly in my life, LOL! I am scared because my DH would be so grossed out that I would have to clean it up myself. MEN!!

That is why we women have babies and NOT MEN!!! :rolleyes:

I LOVE your picture!! You should send it to a Magazine!!:)

Thank You for keeping us posted!!!!
  • #27
Hopefully if you are like I was it won't all be like this. Once I hit 7 someone better be there to catch. LOL
All 4 of mine were like that. I did pregnant well, sucked at labor and delivery. After you have her, we can share the detailed stories. Just relax and try not to tense up. My 3rd decided to take a seat on my spine for 12 hours. Go to a happy place and know we are all praying for a smooth delivery. Hopefully you will have a really short delivery time. (Fingers crossed for you)
  • #28
Gillian, what a beautiful picture!

I'm with Colleen....you should send it to a magazine.

My thoughts & prayers are with you.

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  • #29
Thanks everyone!

Leslie- I am just the opposite! I have horrible pregnancies and great deliveries. With my first I went from 4-10 in 10 minutes, then pushed for another 10. With my second I progressed from 4-10 in a few hours, then got him out on the practice push.

Even with this history they sent me home contracting 2-3 minutes apart. I know I was at 2 when I left the hospital, so with my history of fast dialation and fast pushing I am pretty scared to be home alone! My 2 & 3 year olds wouldn't be much help!
  • #30
What a beautiful picture Gillian! I wish you fast dialation and speedy delivery!
  • #31
Thanks for the update Gillian! I LOVE the pic!! Well wishes for a speedy and healthy delivery for you and your angel :) PS: keep a microfiber towel nearby in case your water breaks at home...i hear that it does wonders in cleaning it up! ;)
  • #32
You and your family are in my prayers!
  • #33
Aww Gillian,

Good Luck with your delivery. I really thought you had her but she's meant to do a little more baking in your oven.

You and your new little girl are in my prayers!!

I LOVE THE PICTURE!!! You and my sister have those beautiful pregnant bellies!!!
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  • #34
Oh Jennifer!! I forgot about the MF towels!! I am seriously going to keep some by my bed just in case. I bet the dishcloths would fit in my panties better, LMAO!!
  • #35
What a cute belly picture. It looks so professional. I was in labor with my second child for a week, in the hospital. After awhile I just got use to the contractions and they would hook me up to the machine and tell me that I was having a hard contraction and I didn't really even feel the pain. My prayers and thoughts are with you and the little one. Give us an update when you can.
  • #36
gilliandanielle said:
Oh Jennifer!! I forgot about the MF towels!! I am seriously going to keep some by my bed just in case. I bet the dishcloths would fit in my panties better, LMAO!!
Jesus. I just nearly spit Diet Dr Pepper all over the screen. :D I hope you don't quit Gillian, that would SUCK! :eek: :( Have that baby, then get back in the saddle like a real cowgirl! :D
  • #37
Sorry to hear that they sent you home when you're contracting like that! I know it can be very scary and frustrating. My hospital was the same way with my 2nd, even though my first was born at 34wks and I'd already been contracting since 33wks. I ended up being 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced for a month though!
Hopefully you'll get lucky, and won't have a huge mess to clean up when your water breaks :) I didn't even know that my water had broken and was already 9 cm by the time we got to the hospital w/ #2. I'll be praying that it goes quickly and smoothly for you.

Oh yeah, I LOVE that picture!
  • #38
Gill, I know it's been said but what an awesome pic. I am sending my prayers to you and hope Baylor comes into the world healthy.
  • #39
SUCH a gorgeous picture! Thanks for sharing. I have to ditto the increasing your water intake... I know it sounds nuts but it will help tremendously!
  • #40
Well, it's been a few hours since you posted on the thread, so maybe it's soup, eh?

I bet the dishtowel would fit better - far better than the bath towels I had to use :eek: My little guy is now 8. How quickly the memory of it all comes rushing back (I was going to say flooding, but somehow that just didn't seem right! :rolleyes: )
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  • #41
I am still here! I spent hours and hours walking outside with my kids hoping to get something happening... we'll see I guess!
  • #42
Good to hear fromyou - thanks for the update...although now I think we're all waiting to see pics of the sweet little baby (that's being stubborn).
BTW - Gillian, that's an awesome photo.

Good luck and best wishes for a speedy delivery!!
  • #43
You could always drink castor oil!:eek:
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  • #44
I am doing well on my own for being 36 weeks, but if I get desperate I will try the oil. I have heard from a lot of people that it just makes you poo and not put you into labor. I don't know if I want to risk that!
  • #45
Gillian,I know nothing of castor oil other than it is poisonous. Here is a bit of info I found. From what little I know, it is used before contractions start. Just be careful!

Why does a castor oil induction work?Castor oil stimulates the bowels in the same way an enema would. For some unexplained reason, when the bowel is stimulated to empty in this way, the uterus is also stimulated to empty. A study in Alternative Therapies, January 2000, reported that 57.7% of the mothers given castor oil began labor in the specified time period while only 4.3% of the mothers not given castor oil went into labor.2-6 Hours after drinking the castor oil, the mother will experience diarrhea and should begin contractions.
How do I do it?There are many "recipes" for the midwife ****tail. They are all built around 2 oz of castor oil (around 4 Tablespoons).Because castor oil is unpalatable alone, it is mixed with orange juice, grape juice, or tea. Some recipes encourage large volumes of juice to dull the flavor of the oil. Other recipes use only equal amounts of oil and juice so the mother has less to drink.One recipe I found recommended mixing the oil with a glass of juice and a teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to give the ****tail the feeling of a fizzy drink.NOTE:| Please be aware that use of castor oil orally will result in some unpleasant side effects. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are common in castor oil inductions and are not only uncomfortable during labor but can cause the mother to become dehydrated. Be sure the mother who tries this is drinking enough fluids. Some experts recommend using an enema, which they feel will give the similar results with less discomfort.
  • #46
Gillian, I haven't met you, but I've been reading this thread, so now I almost feel like I do! I have to tell you, that picture of your "baby belly" is really beautiful! I have to agree, I hope you'll have it published!!

As for the labor, does your doctor want you to try to have the baby now? Or is he/she trying to buy some more time for you? I've got older children, but I was always told that the baby's lungs do most of their developing during the last three weeks of pregnancy, so my doctor always wanted babies to "stay put" until at least 38 weeks.

At any rate, I sure wish you all the best!!

Paula, in Ohio, wishing I could help you out there!!
  • #47
Not sure if this has been mentioned or not, I only had time to read Gillian's responses....Hope this isn't to graphic, but have you tried sex? I know that put me into labor with my first 2..(not my 3rd because I needed surgery for my cancer when they took him c-section) Anywho, something in the sperm makes you to start dialating. My hubby was actually getting pissed when I was wanting him to perform every 5 min!!! They always want it until they are getting it 10 times a day!!!

With my first, she is now 17, I did the castor oil thing. It ONLY cleaned my system out REAL good!! I had one end on the toilet and one end in the sink..

Good Luck...I LOVE the pic you took!!
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  • #48
Kate- thanks for the info... I have heard mixed things about it, and would rather do something a little more pleasant to get things going. I am not going to rule it out, but it will surely be the LAST thing I try.

Paula- I have been having bouts of pre-term labor since 31 weeks and my body is beaten down from 5 weeks of horrible contractions. I have the "okay" to labor from my doctor, but they don't want to help things along just in case (hence why they didn't just hook up the pitocin and get me going). Also I have a blood clotting disorder that affects the flow to the placenta and can cut off the baby's lifeline at any moment. The dangers are greater as the placenta ages, so it is a delicate balance between making sure the baby is ready, but not too ready, if that make sense.

Naekelsey- I have heard many things about this, but when I mentioned it to my DH he was really freaked out. I think he has common fears about hurting the baby or getting pregnancy yuckies on him, LMAO!! I am really scared about the castor oil because I took a long walk today and that really cleaned out my system- I can't imagine what an actual laxative would do!!
  • #49
Bottom line is, you are definitely in need of prayer. Count me in!! I know it's in the Good Lord's hand and timing, and, as I once heard...."I'm putting this in my Heavenly Father's hand, as His are much larger than mine"....
I wouldn't recommend you do anything "unnatural" to help nature along. It sounds like the doctor is watching you, helping you walk that "fine line", which is, after all, what you're paying him for!!
I know you're uncomfortable right now, to put it mildly, but just try to remember how much more beautiful that baby is becoming each and every hour! It will all be worth it, in the end!!!

I'll be praying, that you will be at peace with everything, as it sounds like you're just exhausted! Try to rest...don't forget, in a few days/weeks from now, you'll be wishing you could!!!

Blessings to you and your family!
Paula, in Ohio, who wishes she was closer and could bring you a dinner!!
  • #50
You're in my prayers too:) Hang in there! My cousin tried the castor oil last month, with nothing happening. I guess those little darlings come when THEY'RE ready:)
Thanks for updating us! And that pic is awesome!
<h2>1. What are the signs of early labor?</h2><p>Early labor can be characterized by contractions that become more frequent, regular, and intense. Other signs may include a bloody show, back pain, and the breaking of the water.</p><h2>2. How did you know you were in early labor?</h2><p>I woke up with blood running down my legs and began experiencing contractions 1 minute apart lasting 1 minute. I also had a closed cervix at the time.</p><h2>3. Did you have any pain relief during early labor?</h2><p>I declined an epidural because I wanted to progress further before getting any drugs. However, I did experience hard contractions all night without any pain relief.</p><h2>4. What should you do if you are in early labor?</h2><p>If you are in early labor, it is important to stay calm and follow your healthcare provider's instructions. They may advise you to come into the hospital if your contractions become more frequent or if you experience other signs of labor. It is also important to have a support person with you during this time.</p><h2>5. What is the update on your pregnancy?</h2><p>As of now, I am 36 weeks pregnant and still undecided on whether to stay or leave Pampered Chef. I am experiencing "early labor" and will update when there is any progress or changes.</p>

Related to Early Labor Struggles: My Baby Update & 35 Week Belly Pic

1. What are the signs of early labor?

Early labor can be characterized by contractions that become more frequent, regular, and intense. Other signs may include a bloody show, back pain, and the breaking of the water.

2. How did you know you were in early labor?

I woke up with blood running down my legs and began experiencing contractions 1 minute apart lasting 1 minute. I also had a closed cervix at the time.

3. Did you have any pain relief during early labor?

I declined an epidural because I wanted to progress further before getting any drugs. However, I did experience hard contractions all night without any pain relief.

4. What should you do if you are in early labor?

If you are in early labor, it is important to stay calm and follow your healthcare provider's instructions. They may advise you to come into the hospital if your contractions become more frequent or if you experience other signs of labor. It is also important to have a support person with you during this time.

5. What is the update on your pregnancy?

As of now, I am 36 weeks pregnant and still undecided on whether to stay or leave Pampered Chef. I am experiencing "early labor" and will update when there is any progress or changes.

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