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Doing a Joint Show With Other Direct Sales Organizations

In summary, the conversation discussed the experience of doing a show with a neighbor who has recently started selling purses. The hostess was concerned about combining a purse party with a Pampered Chef demonstration and how it may affect sales. Some participants shared their own experiences with multi-vendor shows and advised to focus on bookings and recruits rather than sales.
When I started with PC in August, my neighbor agreed to have a show for me, but not until January.

Just a couple weeks ago, she started selling purses. I've never been to one of those purse shows, so I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it sounds quite shady to me. (I know, I should have recruited her instead :eek: )

Anyway, the months are passing by quickly so I asked her today about scheduling her show since there is a great host special in January and it's sure to book up early and I wanted to give her first choice of dates.

I'm sure you know what's coming. She asked me if I needed to do a demonstration and could we make it a purse and PC party. I guess at these purse parties people line up at the door, go crazy buying purses for 30 minutes, and then leave. If they came to buy purses first, then why would they want to stay for a PC demonstration? And since they're already spending money on purses, then they will spend less on PC.

Has anyone done something like this before? What are some ways I can handle this? I do plan on telling her that her host rewards from PC will be less if we do it this way.

I have done 2 shows with one of my hostess' and each time this hostess has had a candle lady, a basket lady, and a jewelry lady. My hostess wasn't even concerned about anything PC because her favorite things were the candles and the baskets. I didn't know what I was getting into the first time I went and I would have been excited if I could get a qualifying show Both shows I have had with this hostess ended up in almost $1000.00 in commissionable sales for just myself.
If you want to do this go in there and treat this show just like all your others. Have fun with it and look at it as the opportunity to introduce yourself to a new crowd and to a new experience. :) HTH
I've posted about this many times, but I did this once and my show failed miserably despite the hard work I put into it. I'll never do it again.
When I do these holiday or multi-vendor shows, I am looking for bookings and recruits. I forget about the sales. The sales will come. I know we all need a paycheck, but we also need to get OUT OF THE BOX. For me this has worked the past two events I did this month. One being today. I have a total of 15 new contacts, 4 solidly booked shows, and 11 catalog and web order requests. I actually ran out of buisness cards because they all wanted to order on the web. I only passed out 3 catalogs to those who seemed to question to buy. I got their info to follow up.

These fairs I have done are small, but I would not have gotten OUT OF THE BOX without them.

I am doing three holiday open houses with two other vendors each. I have set a rule that each company make 100 flyers to be handed out, all email contacts notified and follow up with phone calls. We will see how it goes.

I had a dismall holiday show last year with only one guest and that was a mutual friend between me and the other vendor. I have learned my lesson, but haven't given up.

Hang in there :)
Dual Show with Wine ConsultantI recently did a show with a wine consultant. Her pitch was about 10 minutes and then it was all about me. I had a really great show and it went well. As far as I could tell the wine consultant did not sell anything.

I would recommend knowing what you are getting into ahead of time and what type of presentation she will be doing. Then tweek your presentation to fit in.

It will be fine. Good luck!
tpchefrebecca said:
When I do these holiday or multi-vendor shows, I am looking for bookings and recruits. I forget about the sales. The sales will come. I know we all need a paycheck, but we also need to get OUT OF THE BOX. For me this has worked the past two events I did this month. One being today. I have a total of 15 new contacts, 4 solidly booked shows, and 11 catalog and web order requests. I actually ran out of buisness cards because they all wanted to order on the web. I only passed out 3 catalogs to those who seemed to question to buy. I got their info to follow up.

These fairs I have done are small, but I would not have gotten OUT OF THE BOX without them.

I am doing three holiday open houses with two other vendors each. I have set a rule that each company make 100 flyers to be handed out, all email contacts notified and follow up with phone calls. We will see how it goes.

I had a dismall holiday show last year with only one guest and that was a mutual friend between me and the other vendor. I have learned my lesson, but haven't given up.

Hang in there :)

Would you mind telling us which PC items you brought to display? I have a few of these in November and have never done them. What did you bring to sample? Do you prepare anything there? Bring any food?

Thank you in advance!

Susan :)
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Sk8Mom209 said:
I recently did a show with a wine consultant. Her pitch was about 10 minutes and then it was all about me. I had a really great show and it went well. As far as I could tell the wine consultant did not sell anything.

I would recommend knowing what you are getting into ahead of time and what type of presentation she will be doing. Then tweek your presentation to fit in.

It will be fine. Good luck!

Shari would you mind sharing with us what you brought, prepared, and served too please?
Regular KSI was not aware when I arrived that I would be sharing the spotlight. So I was prepare for a regular kitchen show. I made the curried chicken lettuce wraps from the SB and then did the pineapple upside down cake in the microwave.

I typically bring all of my tools in the tote, one piece of cookware and stoneware and any of the new items that I have. I also always bring the APCS and the US&G. At this show I had the caddy with small SA bowls, the entertaining set and the large square. I always bring the spritzer and suds pump, kids cookie set and some seasonings.

When I got there and there was another consultant, I was worried, but it turned out well. She had 6 wines quickly explained each wine and she was done.

It was not the best show I ever had sales wises, and the host was the most uncommunicative host I have ever had and I never received her payment and had to reduce her order prior to submitting. But working with the other consultant was not bad.
Out of my 3 shows so far - 2 of them were like this.

The first one I was up first and there was a partylite demo - but I ran kinda of long and we got to a late start so the partylite woman really only had a few minutes before the 2 guests had to leave.
My last show was after a Pure Romance party! I was a little nervous about following that kind of demonstration but it was a fun crowd so it worked out.
I think if you know it going into it it could work. We combined our invites so that the one consultant would get us all excited and then I would make some thing chocolatey! =)
  • #10
I am planning mystery host w/another vendorIn a couple of weeks I am planning a mystery host show, plus will have a Mary Kay Vendor on hand. So far everyone is sounding excited. The main goal is to get our names out in a different crowd and book parties. I will let you know how it goes. I am really looking foward to a good time
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  • #11
Okay, I think we're going to do this. The purse lady actually knocked my door Sunday afternoon to ask me about doing a joint show at another neighbor's house which is scheduled for the 18th. I had booked that party a while ago and now purse lady wants to tag along. I figured what the heck. If I say no it's only going to create bad blood.

So I'll do my demo first and try to keep it short. Then they can make their purse purchases and finalize their PC purchases. Then I'll check them out and we'll see how it goes. After all, it is a show!

If it goes well, we'll do her show in January the same way.

Thanks for all the feedback.
  • #12
This Saturday I am doing an open house at someone's subdivsion and there will be Me and then a Mary Kay Rep, someone from a craft store and someone selling purses. So I too am hoping to get into their database of customeres and generate some more leads! We'll see how it goes!

Jenn Smith
  • #13
2ndTimeChefI am just starting my Pampered Chef business again and have been reading all the marvelous ideas and suggestions and experiences everyone has put in. I just wanted to comment on having shows with consultants from other companies. A friend of mine just started selling Partylite candles. We have put our heads together and tried to help each other out. So far so good. Our big idea is more for Dec. We thought maybe having an Enjoy PC by Partylite Candles. Set her candles around the room and serve PC recipes using the PC equipment.
Another idea I had was a Pamper yourself Show making different recipes for facials, masks, foot baths, etc. and having the Partylite Candles around. Then while they are relaxing they could enjoy whatever recipe was demo'd.
Plus we have a friend who is a certified massuese and maybe she could come and give massages.
I can't take credit for the ideas some of them were on here somewhere.
  • #14
Please share the recipe for the Pineapple Upside Down Microwave cake.

Boomer Sooner
Shannon Overstreet
  • #15
DebbieJ said:
Okay, I think we're going to do this. The purse lady actually knocked my door Sunday afternoon to ask me about doing a joint show at another neighbor's house which is scheduled for the 18th. I had booked that party a while ago and now purse lady wants to tag along. I figured what the heck. If I say no it's only going to create bad blood.

So I'll do my demo first and try to keep it short. Then they can make their purse purchases and finalize their PC purchases. Then I'll check them out and we'll see how it goes. After all, it is a show!

If it goes well, we'll do her show in January the same way.

Thanks for all the feedback.
I just came across this thread (missed it when you originally posted for some reason!) and had to throw in my two cents. I've done several multi-vendor things and you just never know how they're going to go. The bigger ones are usually pretty successful for me around the holidays.

Specifically the purse thing is something I recently experienced. I had a host who booked off of a catalog show of mine (it was the first time a kitchen show booked from a catalog show, which was cool). As it got closer to her show, she mentioned she had just been to NY and had purchased a bunch of purses - yes, this seemed kinda shady to me too, but what the heck. She wanted to put them out and display them so people could buy them. She asked if it was ok with me and I said it was fine, as long as she realized that that MAY mean her PC show wouldn't be as big if people had to choose one to spend their money on, or divide it up. She was expecting 25 people and pretty much all of them came! It was one of my biggest attendance parties and it went REALLY well. I don't know how much she sold in purses, but it was a $1500 show. But years ago, I had a joint party with Southern Living at Home and it was pretty lame. Obviously, the more guests you have there, the better it will be. I've had good luck with the multi-vendor things lately. This past Friday night I did one that was a fundraiser for a preschool and had about 30 vendors, then Saturday I had one at a Mary Kay Rep's house with only four vendors, but between the two it was $550 and I submitted it as a show! So, I was quite happy with that!!
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  • #16
Thanks for sharing Becky. That makes me feel a little bit better about it all!

Now if I had only recruited my neighbor first...but she says she's not going to stick with the purse thing for long, so maybe there is hope eventually.
  • #17
pamperedbecky said:
..... But years ago, I had a joint party with Southern Living at Home and it was pretty lame. QUOTE]

I think Southern Living at Home is our most direct home-business competitor, don't you?.... we both have serving pieces and functional bakeware.

You did so well with the purse show!
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  • #18
I did a joint party with Southern Living @ Home last month. It wasn't one of my biggest shows, but the comm. sales were at $500. I can not say the same for my SLAH friend, she didn't have enough sales to make it a successful show!

I would not do it again as a joint show, but it did help me make it to Level 3 in the show to go incentive last month!
  • #19
I do joint shows all the time I am very selctive about the companies I do them with. I do them with Partylite, WineatHome, Marykay, and Tastfully Simple. I have never had a $0.00 show. I also go into them knowing that I will do a little less then a show on my own however they get me bookings that I would not normally have and that is always a good thing. As far as the Purse party those are wild and very uncontrolable if you could do it in reverse you do your demo first then purses it could work. I would also say book a party with her after she does a party with you. That way you both get bookings.

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  • #20
Yeah, I definitely plan to do my demo first and then let them wild on the purses.

As for booking a show with her, I'm just not so sure. I don't know who would come! I guess I have to use my own guest list tools (50 in 5) and see how it would work. Since I have already hit up most family and friends to host PC shows, I feel weird asking them to come spend money at a purse party, you know? We'll see...
  • #21
PampChefNancy1 said:
I did a joint party with Southern Living @ Home last month. It wasn't one of my biggest shows, but the comm. sales were at $500. I can not say the same for my SLAH friend, she didn't have enough sales to make it a successful show!

I would not do it again as a joint show, but it did help me make it to Level 3 in the show to go incentive last month!

You know, maybe it IS good for business... their things are much more expensive and hostess specials seem to start at $200? I'm doing a big vendor fair (7-8 vendors or more) that is a fundraising event... wish me luck!
  • #22
pamperedmalia said:
I do joint shows all the time I am very selctive about the companies I do them with. I do them with Partylite, WineatHome, Marykay, and Tastfully Simple. I have never had a $0.00 show. I also go into them knowing that I will do a little less then a show on my own however they get me bookings that I would not normally have and that is always a good thing. As far as the Purse party those are wild and very uncontrolable if you could do it in reverse you do your demo first then purses it could work. I would also say book a party with her after she does a party with you. That way you both get bookings.


That is a great way to look at it! What makes the purse parties so wild? I may do one with Tastfully Simple - she can cook using my tools.... How did you do them with her?
  • #23
I am so sorry!I am so sorry Susan that I didn't reply earlier. I forget sometimes where I had even posted my own 2 cents. :(

Anyhow, I did a double vendor party last night with Cookie Lee and it actually went great for me. I made the Side by Side calzone and the Chocolate Banana Phyllo bundles ahead of time, but leaving one extra to show the guests. When eveyone arrived, there were about 20 people with a serious 8 year old chef,(I am not kidding about that. He was so cute) and I did my presentation. This bunch of family and friends were great! I introduced myself and told them how I did the dishes instead of demo, but I showed them how to wrap their phyllo bundle. I did the Game with door prizes and ended up giving out 4 prizes. I started with the person at the right and told them to tell me their name, what PC product they liked best or was interested in knowing more about, and what opportunity questions they had. I set the timer for 8 minutes and went around next to each guest so that I could hear them. I lost the crowd half way throught but kept on going. There were still people who wanted to know and ask questions. Everyone had great questions and I had $645 in sales. I call it successful. It turned out the Cookie Lee girl does PC also. She was very sweet and complimented me on my presentation.

This was my second time doing a presentation show and not a demo. I am feeling more confident in it and seeing were I need to make improvements.

I think for my 3 vendor open house I am going to make more holiday like stuff. Maybe the Holiday wreath I saw Heat123 talk about in her GO, and a pumpkin dish, and a winter salad. I have made the one in the Salad recipe cards before and it was wonderful!

I hope this helps and it was not too late.
  • #24
Thanks Rebecca! Loved reading about your success!

I did my 4-hr boutique last night with about 15 other vendors. I was not the big seller but my cookies (sold 10-cents each towards the fundraiser) and the Athenia layered dip were HUGE hits! I told all who wanted the recipe to call or email me to remind me ~ that way I can email them newsletters. I did a "Winner Takes All" raffle that raised $103 in a shopping spree for the winner! But it was a low sales show, but I got a SERIOUS recruit potential, and a bunch of people wanted my card, and I booked two parties. So I think it was worth my time. My director said these types of events are mostly good for leads and bookings ~ there were purses and jewelry, blankets, polish pottery (so pretty), and so many others too. I think it did alot to share the fact that I sell PC! That's important too.

Yea! :)
  • #25
I agree Susan that when you share who you are and what you do, why you do it and how successful you have been at it, people are more willing to listen and be interested in buying, booking, and/or selling.

Like I said before I only look for bookings and recruit leads at the open houses, but I am grateful for my successful show which gave me confidence to do more like open houses in this format.

My next one is tomorrow at a community center and then my own open house on sunday. I am hoping for Jan. shows.
  • #26
tpchefrebecca said:
I agree Susan that when you share who you are and what you do, why you do it and how successful you have been at it, people are more willing to listen and be interested in buying, booking, and/or selling.

Like I said before I only look for bookings and recruit leads at the open houses, but I am grateful for my successful show which gave me confidence to do more like open houses in this format.

My next one is tomorrow at a community center and then my own open house on sunday. I am hoping for Jan. shows.

Rebecca, how much "stuff" do you bring with you to these things???? I have brought almost EVERYTHING to mine. It looks great, but oh my... so long to repack. :)
  • #27
I hear you :eek:

I bring almost everything. I only take 3 stones. Pizza, small oval in fv, and mini baker in cranberry. I can't wait for my show to go!!! I am still waiting for it to be shipped. I feel that if I can't fit it in there then it won't go. I take that back, 4 stones, the personal 10" stone plate.

I am getting better at my displays. I just bought a table cloth today at Target. I realized yesterday that my cardtablecloth just didn't cut it anymore. My next goal is to get those tables that fold in half. My next fair in Dec. won't have any tables so I'll need to finally get one.

Back to what I take, I am glad I only earned level one bonus in the new fall products because I would have felt I needed to take all of it :rolleyes: I am looking forward to Dec. I hope to reach level one, but if I get level 2 that would blow my mind :eek: I am 2,000 points away from level one incentive trip too. All in all, not a bad end to the year ;)

I also have a hand truck to help me wheel in my stuff.
  • #28
I had a double show w/ Mary KayHi, I had posted earlier about having a show with a Mary Kay consultant. My show ended up being over $800 and 4 bookings. I know the Mary Kay consultant got at least 1 booking plus quite a few sales. I would say it was a great success. Now on Sun. I am going to the Mary Kay Consultants house for open house. Hopefully I will get more contacts. I think it was awesome and would recommend it to anyone to try.
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  • #29
Well, we had our show last nightWe did our joint PC and purse show last night.

First thing is that a ton of people were late--coming from work, driving from far, stuck in traffic, got lost. The party was slated to start at 7 p.m. The host had the purses set up first. So by the time most people got there and chose their purses, I didn't start my demo until 8 p.m. This didn't bother me as I though we were having a fun evening out with the girls... But some weren't expecting it and had to leave before I even started. They did take catalogs though.

So I did my demo (Turkey Cran Wreath), which was fine, and then did my quick cookware, stoneware, and simple additions talks while it baked. They were very attentive and quiet, which shocked me. I finished up and took orders. Meanwhile the purse girl packed her stuff up. She did not place a PC order and didn't really participate in the show.

Sales are at $390 right now, but we know of at least 5 people who need to place orders yet. The host is shooting for $500. I got two bookings, one of whom wants to do a joint PC and purse thing. The purse girl talked to me after and said we need to talk and figure out how to do it better. Hmm...I thought it was all fine.

So I guess I'll just run with it and see what she thinks and how it might work in the future. Maybe I'll not do my whole demo and do more of an open house thing? Who knows.... Or maybe it would be better for me to do my demo first and then she can do purses while I check people out.
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  • #30
Well I just got off the phone with a friends sister who sells Body Shop, I am crashing her open house and hopefully drum up some sales for December. I will let you ladies know after it is over and done with. I am excited right now because of all my cancelations. I hope that everything works out great.
  • #31
bkwrm said:
Hi, I had posted earlier about having a show with a Mary Kay consultant. My show ended up being over $800 and 4 bookings. I know the Mary Kay consultant got at least 1 booking plus quite a few sales. I would say it was a great success. Now on Sun. I am going to the Mary Kay Consultants house for open house. Hopefully I will get more contacts. I think it was awesome and would recommend it to anyone to try.

HOw many guests were there? How did you structure the night and what did you demo? (Thanks! I have a close friend who does Mary Kay).

  • #32
pamperedalf said:
Well I just got off the phone with a friends sister who sells Body Shop, I am crashing her open house and hopefully drum up some sales for December. I will let you ladies know after it is over and done with. I am excited right now because of all my cancelations. I hope that everything works out great.

Good Luck Amanda!
  • #33
The only thing I will say about multi-show parties is this:

If you do them at a function hall, make sure everybody has CLEAR instructions on how to get there and make sure it is easy to get to. Before selling PC, I went to a multi-rep function and there were 6 vendors: jewelry, cosmetics, PC, housewares, candles, tupperware. It was held in a hotel function hall but aside from me, my guest, and my husband only one other group showed (less than a dozen people TOTAL) and I know the reason was the place was so out of the way nobody could find it. My husband, who is from this area, couldn't find it!! The flyers, which we put out in our store, said, "the hotel is just behind the (newspaper office)" so we went to the newspaper office and drove around for a few minutes. Couldn't find the place. We decided to use the directions we got from the Internet. Got back on the freeway and drove for a good 5 minutes before getting to the exit. We then backtracked, went through another town, down a few side streets and FINALLY found the place, which (surprise, surprise) was about 2 miles from the newspaper office. Fortunately, my friend and I are big spenders, so the reps didn't go away empty-handed.
  • #34
guest totaled..
its_me_susan said:
HOw many guests were there? How did you structure the night and what did you demo? (Thanks! I have a close friend who does Mary Kay).


My guest totaled 20 adults. My plan was to have all food except 1 cake completed but I was so busy it didn't happen. That is one thing I will work on next year. Basically I had invited 75-100 guest/past hosts. Then I turned it into a mystery host show. My food items were Tempting Tappas, Family size burrito, brownie bites/cream cheese icing in the easy accent decorator, turtle fudge cake in the cookware and the bundt microwavable Sunshine cake. I talked just a few minutes thanking all the hosts for helping me in my business and then let Mary Kay do a Satin Hands treatment on everyone. Then I demonstrated the Sunshine cake and invited guests to eat. Then I started totaling orders and handing out tickets for the mystery host winnings. Actually I divided the winnings between 2 lucky guests because the show totaled over 500. I also gave away door prizes to everyone that attended. If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me. Sorry this was so long. Thanks Kim
  • #35
Well, I had my own open house on Sunday and it went well. However, out of about 300 flyers 5 people showed. I know that more would have come but most were sick. I at least had people call or email they couldn't make it. My only thing is I know my home is not easy to find, so I might move it across the way to the club house. There is more room. I did $150 in sales so at least it was a show. I am not disappointed, just working on how to make it better. I know it didn't help that there was a craft fair at the local park and there were signs plastered everywhere.
I myself handed/mailed out 200 flyers. I stuffed the holiday mini-catalog with the flyer. There were two other vendors who handed out too. DO NOT get resealable stickers to close the flyer. I didn't know I had that kind and they kept on opening. I know I need more signs, but being in an HOA neighborhood. I need to ask permission next time to have the signs out earlier. Phone calls will be a must next time. I didn't have time to do phone reminders this time around.

Do you all have any pointers? I know I would like to have a holiday open house every year. I am also thinking of a spring open house too. I feel if I just keep up with it the neighborhood would know that I host these multi-vendor open houses and they will come.
I love going to vendor fairs now. I like meeting the other consultants and seeing their products. The only thing is I don't get time to shop :eek:
  • #36
I did an open house of my own last August (a week after we moved into our new house, YIKES!) and I didn't have a huge turnout...maybe 5 or 6 people. I invited the whole neighborhood (about 70 homes at the time), as well as past customers. Then this past September, I did another thing hosted at my house, but it was a Stoneware Workshop, which I've talked about on here before. I didn't have time to do reminder phone calls either, although I did it through the evites I sent out through my website. I had a few customers come, but this time I had a huge response from my neighborhood. I think it's partly because now they know me personally, but I think because it had a "educational" spin on it, it got better response than a regular open house.

I've done multi-vendor ones too and you just never know how well they'll go. I think if you do this year after year or each season new products come out, people WILL start to think of it as an annual event of sorts and you'll probably get a better turn out. I think those neighborhood signs are a good idea if you can do it. One I did earlier in the month at a Mary Kay reps house lacked that, but last year we did a lot more signs and I think that accounts for some of the low turn out this year.

I bet yours will get better each time! Good luck! :)
  • #37
pamperedbecky said:
I did an open house of my own last August (a week after we moved into our new house, YIKES!) and I didn't have a huge turnout...maybe 5 or 6 people. I invited the whole neighborhood (about 70 homes at the time), as well as past customers. Then this past September, I did another thing hosted at my house, but it was a Stoneware Workshop, which I've talked about on here before. I didn't have time to do reminder phone calls either, although I did it through the evites I sent out through my website. I had a few customers come, but this time I had a huge response from my neighborhood. I think it's partly because now they know me personally, but I think because it had a "educational" spin on it, it got better response than a regular open house.

I've done multi-vendor ones too and you just never know how well they'll go. I think if you do this year after year or each season new products come out, people WILL start to think of it as an annual event of sorts and you'll probably get a better turn out. I think those neighborhood signs are a good idea if you can do it. One I did earlier in the month at a Mary Kay reps house lacked that, but last year we did a lot more signs and I think that accounts for some of the low turn out this year.

I bet yours will get better each time! Good luck! :)

Becky how did you title your thread on stoneware workshop???? What a GREAT idea! I want to see all the details :)
  • #38
The last two years I have done a multi vendor show around this time. I promote it as my Hostess appriciation event. I send special flier to all of my hostesses from the past year and offer them an additional 10% off orders placed on this show. And I make reminder calls to everyone. We also handed out about 350 fliers to the homes in the area. Last year I think I had about $650, this year I am at about $800.
  • #39
I'm not sure what I put it under, but I bet if you do a search with "stoneware workshop" some will turn up.
  • #40
Dual ShowsHello,

I have done 3 dual shows, A good friend of mine is consultant for Home Interiors. We work it to where she sets up her displays in the living room, I set up in the kitchen, I demo a product, she shows a piece, we go back and forth like this. It has worked pretty good for the both of us. Remember tho, two different demos doesn't mean the guests will bring twice the $$$$$$. The neat thing is that my half of the show is usually higher than hers. I had a $600.00 show in December and hers was around $250....

It's fun. :)
  • #41
Dual ShowsDoes it take a long time with the pc & home interior? I was wanting to know because i have a friend that does Home Interior. What kind of games do you play? I was thinking about to see if she would like to shows together. What kind of invites do you send?

  • #42
Dual ShowsHi,

The shows take probably about 1/2 hour longer, only because, as I am doing a demo, such as the pull apart pizza, i put the pizza together, then when it goes into the oven, she does her part. She will show a few products then hand it back to me, I talk some more about the products and maybe do a quick vegatable demo with the various tools and hand it back to her. I have never been big on games but Connie will do her H.I. games, It is alot of fun.

If you have any more questions you can email me direct at [email protected]

  • #43
Dual showsAlso....

I have joined with a Taste of Home consultant. She demos her line, the mix's and stuff as I use the stoneware or simple additions pieces. Usually at craft fairs or extravaganzas.

:) :) :)

  • #44
Dual shows are not bad if....they are not bad if you know what the majority of the guests will want.

I did a dual show twice and each one was really different.

My highest selling hostess always does a show for me each time a new catalog is out. She is very polite and wants to help out all her friends who just happen to sell MK, Southern living, Jewelry, and me PC. I did a show with her jewelry lady and she assured me that all her guests love PC which I know because each of her shows are always over a thousand dollars. I had never done a dual show so I didn't think anything would be very different except I would probably want to prepare something yummy but fast that would show a great deal of products and would require no baking time. I did the Clubhouse chicken squares, I LOVE IT!! It worked out great and I just drizzled glaze on a torte I made earlier in the day for this show, it was a huge success. I did order a butterfly necklace for my daughter, who loves butterflies, for Christmas. And she did order a wine opener from me.
I did get my thousand in sales and she got like $150. My necklace was like $16.
I did another show with a Home interiors lady and the host was rude, and clueless to the way things worked even though I explained it to her in person, wrote it down for her and pretty much coached her on the phone many times before the show. Her guests were all about Home Interiors, single women who were all divorced and angry at men, they drank alcohol and ate and were bitter the whole time. It was ugly :eek: !!!
Here I was talking about family, great kitchen products and these ladies are seeing red the whole time, probably thinking about their adulterous husbands and fatherless children...I didn't know. This lady was booked by my friend who just happened to cross her path one day since they live in the same neighborhood, inviting her to a show. this lady mentioned how she wanted to have a show.
During the show she kept asking me if I had more FREE stuff to give out to her guests who hardly purchased anything....I told her the games were over and the other things in my bag were for other shows. She was upset and I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or what but she became really rude after the show was over because she wanted to know how much FREE stuff she would get. I told her she needed to have a minimum amount for her show, which was like only $75. She said that this wasn't a good company and I calmly opened the back of the catalog to show her the hosting benefits and that I explained to her how the benefits worked and since she didn't get any outside orders and her guests only purchased $75 worth of stuff it didn't count as a show. I asked her if she wanted to gather more orders to increase sales or I could just add her orders to another show. She said she would get back to me.
A friend of hers who wanted to do a bridal show for her sister contacted me, even after this horrible experience, and the Lord blessed me anyway. I added her $75 to her friends THOUSAND DOLLAR BRIDAL SHOW!!! In the end she never contacted me again...THANK GOD!!! But if she did I would act professional and tell her I am booked!!! Until 2020!!! LOL :D
  • #45
I did an open house in November and I invited two consultants with The Traveling Vineyard and Warm Spirit (great lotions and potions by the by) and it was great for me, I had $700 in sales the girl from Traveling Vineyard maybe sold $150 and the girl from Warm Spirit did like $400 (got lots of free stuff, they have a great host program). I heavily promoted it around my neighborhood and did kind of a "one stop shop" before the holiday rush kind of thing. It was great and I will probably do one again in May. Just haven't figured out what my hook will be yet.
  • #46
Hi! I am doing a multi vender fundraiser. This is my first one I ever did. It sounds like you had a great succes. How did you do it? At this fundraiser according to the fundraiser, which is for relay for life, PC seems to be the "big" name. The other venders are selling blankets, jewelry and candles. But the candles and jewelry they dont list by name.
I really want to do well, get bookings for me and get alot for relay for life. I want them to get to the $600 so they definatly get the 15% then the 5% I am adding.
Most people LOVE PC, :D and gravitate towards it but how do I stand out, get the orders and still not be competeing w/ the other vendors?
  • #47
I love multi vendor showsI was about to get out of PC and I got a call from a woman who found my website and was doing a show in Oct for Christmas. I did o.k. but it was what I got out of it. I did 2 more vendor shows and I did one and had a 550.00 show. Again not a fourtune, but I met tons of people who loved PC and I ended up with a gift registry and some great contacts! I think I am going to do one at my house next year!
  • #48
Test the Water, then decide whether to swim...
pamperedbecky said:
I've done multi-vendor ones too and you just never know how well they'll go. I think if you do this year after year or each season new products come out, people WILL start to think of it as an annual event of sorts and you'll probably get a better turn out. I think those neighborhood signs are a good idea if you can do it. One I did earlier in the month at a Mary Kay reps house lacked that, but last year we did a lot more signs and I think that accounts for some of the low turn out this year.

I am new to Open House/Multi Vendor shows, but particpated in my first earlier this month. It may surprise you to know that I didn't really demo anything! This Open House was one my Director could not do and she didn't know any of the women who invited her to participate - they got her name from a friend. I had no clue what to expect, but my Director w/12 years of experience said she never demo'd at any of these and I followed her lead. Fortunately I spent my time there prepping fruit and veggies for the new Chillzanne Sectional Server and SA Small Bowl Caddie with two veggie dips.. I say fortunately because there were very few guests at this "come and go" event and working kept me busy enough to draw attention from those who came through and casual enough to stop and answer questions, promote new products I was displaying and exchange catalogs for contact information.

Reps there were Longaberger, Party Lite, Creative Memories, Prestige Jewelry, the host who sold Arbonne... and me. The host admitted not calling invited guests the night before because many were from the company where she works as manager and she didn't want "to place undue pressure on them". This group of friends apparently does Open Houses like this on a regular basis - I think you are on the money about making this a community event - and so I told the manager I would be happy to call her list of co-workers for her at the next one if she would provide me with a list. Why? I am looking for new contacts and bookings and this will expose me to a whole new area of contacts.

The host told me that we were called to provide a Pampered Chef presence after another PC Consultant at an earlier Open House left them cold. She got there 45 minutes late and didn't talk to anyone!! Her loss is my gain....I am thrilled to find this group because they are in an area of the county that is new to me and they have contacts into one of the most expensive communities on that side of the county and are planning an Open House there next time.

I did not make a lot on this Open House, but I know I had more sales than anyone else there. I got the impression that they NEED a PC Consultant to make these more attractive to a larger group of people. Otherwise, why would they try again after such a disasterous experience with the 1st Consultant? Almost everyone who walked in said, "Oh I Love Pampered Chef!"..but arriving as they did by ones, any demo would have been frustrating.

My suggestion... treat this like a craft fair. But don't count on a captive audience and don't spend your time and money to make this a cooking show. It isn't. It's a booking and contacting arena! Use that to your advantage.:D
  • #49
Has anyone done a show with a Home and Garden consultant before? How did it go. I have a friend who wants a show but she wants me to do it with the Home and Garden person. She is also worried that she won't get many people to come to her show. What incentives can we do to get a bigger crowd?
  • #50
I don't know how much work/money you want to put into this... but we have done very well adding small wedding veils - I made two myself, but you can get them for about $14 at craft/sewing centers - and making a bouquet out of a Mix N Scraper, Bamboo Spoon and the Double Balloon Whisk. It really gets their attention and allows you to show the Wedding Registry to more people as something NEW and Different. Photos of our "brides" are on this site under Photos - PC related.

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