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Discover the Latest Changes to the Super Starter Program for Consultants

In summary, the conversation is about the changes in the Super Starter program and the rewards for new recruits. The old program had rewards for both the number of shows and sales, while the new program only has rewards for sales. The switch to the new program will happen on March 1st and new recruits who sign up in February will be part of the new promotion. However, it is still possible to earn more with the new program as the rewards for hitting $1250 in sales have doubled. There is some confusion about the rewards for hitting both $1250 and submitting 4 shows, but this will change under the new program.
cookn' katie
Did you guys see that the new Super starter program has changed. I am a little bummed. No rewards for # of shows. Do you know when they switch over to it? So, if they sign in February can they get the old/current rewards for the 90 days? I have a few gals on the fence, I have already given them this info, so want to give correct info.
I think it starts March 1ST
It starts March 1st so I would think that anyone who signs up now would be part of the new promotion since their first 30 days wouldn't be over until almost the end of March. I don't think they will change anyone from one to the other program in the middle of their 90 days.
This is actually good because they can earn more this way! Most of the time you can hit $1250 in 2-3 shows instead of 4 so they'll earn more! And it's less confusing to a new recruit.
I'm curious about which program they'd be following if they sign up the end of Feb, too. I explained to my potential recruit the current program, but I guess I should tell her the one that starts in March now just in case?The thing I liked about the old one was the 4 show thing because when I started, I had friends from all over the country do catalog shows. With the cooking shows I lined up as well, I ended up fitting in 8 shows and $2500 or so. So I loved that I got $200 PC$ for the 8 shows and $200 PC$ for the sales. In this new program, you just get rewards for the sales.
babywings76 said:
I'm curious about which program they'd be following if they sign up the end of Feb, too. I explained to my potential recruit the current program, but I guess I should tell her the one that starts in March now just in case?

The thing I liked about the old one was the 4 show thing because when I started, I had friends from all over the country do catalog shows. With the cooking shows I lined up as well, I ended up fitting in 8 shows and $2500 or so. So I loved that I got $200 PC$ for the 8 shows and $200 PC$ for the sales. In this new program, you just get rewards for the sales.

But for $2500 in sales you would get the same amount in the new program as you did. In the new program they get $100 for every $1250 in sales (doubled in the first month). In the current/old program they got $50 for every $1250 and or 4 shows (doubled in the first month).
Ah, okay. Now I feel silly. :blushing: I didn't have the book in front of me. Didn't remember that it was $100 now instead of the $50. Thanks for pointing that out. :)
I think I got rewarded for both hitting $1250 and then again for submitting 4 shows.
nikkies said:
I think I got rewarded for both hitting $1250 and then again for submitting 4 shows.

Yes under the current plan you do but they are changing that March 1. New recruits will only get rewarded for hitting $1250 but it's now $100 instead of $50 and that's doubled in in their first 30 days.

Related to Discover the Latest Changes to the Super Starter Program for Consultants

What is the Super Starter Program for Consultants?

The Super Starter Program for Consultants is a program designed for new consultants who have just joined Pampered Chef. It provides a way for them to jump-start their business and reach their goals quickly.

What are the latest changes to the Super Starter Program?

The latest changes to the Super Starter Program include a revamped rewards structure and increased incentives for new consultants. This includes a higher commission rate for their first three months, as well as the opportunity to earn free products and business supplies.

How do the new changes benefit consultants?

The new changes to the Super Starter Program provide more opportunities for consultants to earn rewards and incentives, helping them grow their business and achieve success faster. It also allows them to start earning a higher commission rate from the beginning, giving them a boost in their earnings.

What are the requirements to participate in the Super Starter Program?

To participate in the Super Starter Program, consultants must be new to Pampered Chef and have joined within the last three months. They must also meet a minimum sales requirement during their first three months to qualify for the program's rewards and incentives.

How can I track my progress in the Super Starter Program?

Consultants can track their progress in the Super Starter Program through their personal Pampered Chef dashboard. This will show their sales and rewards earned, as well as any upcoming goals or challenges they need to meet to continue receiving benefits from the program.

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