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Did I Reach My Goal? The Total So Far Will Shock You!

In summary, Jill had a successful show with eight participants and one outside order. She is bouncing around her house with glee.
Silver Member
:eek: So I was all nervous..all morning and I had my show. You guys want to know the total so far?????:rolleyes:
Yes! Please share!!
Yes, please share.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
LOL...only 8 people came...and I am at 1200.00 so far. and she sent out 25 catalogs..since I had extras for outside orders....so there are a bunch coming in. Hopefully it will be a great show.
First big show..I am bouncing around around my house with GLEEEEEE!!!!!!!
HOOORRAYYY. I guess I did good!!!!!
was this your 1st show? i was nervous when I did mine on sat
Wohoo! You Rock!!!
That's great, congrats...
Congrats Jill that is awesome! How did using your new outline from the DVD go? Did you follow it or find yourself on lots of tangents? Just wondering... :)
Great job! Congratulations!!!!!

  • Thread starter
  • #9
Used the Out line pretty much. That really really helped ALOT!!!!! It kept me on track a great deal. I would reccommend it to all consultants and adjust it based on the recipe you do.
  • #10
way to go thats great :)
  • #11
'Atta girl!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
dancing dancing...wait till Carolyn reads...Yahooo. Oh wait. Orders still coming in....LOL Gotta answer the phone...LOl
  • #13
Congrats, that is great!!
  • #14
Nicely done!!!
  • #16
WOW!!!! :D That's great! Im so excited for you,Which DVD did you watch?
  • #17
WoW!! Im so excited for you:)

Which DVD did you watch? I need a good outline.
  • #18
Wow - congrats! (Was that the training DVD where they are gathered around the kitchen island and all dressed up in business attire?)
  • #19
Super job! YAY!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
NO, it was the DVD, where I copied the entire outline and posted it on here. It was the DVD from the Fall. There was a good demo and I knew it would help me get everything into the demo with out vearing too far off from where I needed to be. I got all the important high priced items in, a few low priced and medium priced and spent adequate time on such. It really helped a lot. I sold 2 stone pieces to each person. It was a hit!!!!!
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  • #21
Awesome job - I'll have to look at your notes! ;) Glad you've recovered from typing them to have a good show!
  • #22
Wow! Way to go. You had some big spenders there. Only 8 people and $1200!! That definately beats my average order :). Congratulations!!
  • #23
Jilleysue said:
NO, it was the DVD, where I copied the entire outline and posted it on here. It was the DVD from the Fall. There was a good demo and I knew it would help me get everything into the demo with out vearing too far off from where I needed to be. I got all the important high priced items in, a few low priced and medium priced and spent adequate time on such. It really helped a lot. I sold 2 stone pieces to each people. It was a hit!!!!!

Where did you post your notes? I would love to see them!
  • #24
Great job by the way!!!
  • #25
Jilleysue...you are rockin'!!!!! Congratulations on such an awesome party!!! I will have to go over this CD and train from it. Keep up the great work!!!
  • #26
Could you post the outline on this thread?
  • #27
Yahoo awsome:D :D
  • #28
Way to go Jill!!!!!!!! So very proud of you!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
The thread I think is called, do you want to know what I did today. Let me look. The document is on my other lap top.
I just rechecked. I only had 7 people at the show and I had one outside order so far..oh and the host hasn't ordered yet.....hehe.

Plus, I got 3 bookings...which I am very please about. That was my goal to get bookings..so the sales are just a plus. WOOOOHOOOEY HOO HOO HOO!!!!!!!

What a day. I sold 4 FLUTE Pans... Did that microwave cake and boy what a hit. Oh and I did the Antipesto Veggie pizza..same as the demo. They raved. It was just sooooooo easy. Did 2 games and even wore the ugly denim apron...lol:D :D :D
  • Thread starter
  • #31
janetupnorth said:
Awesome job - I'll have to look at your notes! ;) Glad you've recovered from typing them to have a good show!

Ugggg. No doubt right......Hey do you guys know which round stone fits in the microwave too. They asked that today?
  • Thread starter
  • #32
pamperedharriet said:
Way to go Jill!!!!!!!! So very proud of you!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Harriet. Can't wait to talk to Carolyn. She sent me such a PEPPY email this morning. I just love her!!!!!!:D :D
  • #33
I know the small round stone will fit in the microwave. Congrats on your awsome show
  • #34
Great job, Jilley. Make your money girl....
  • Thread starter
  • #35
ooop, we are up to 1400.00..damn...I hope it slows down or when I get a small show, I may be pretty upset...LOL

NOOO, I don't hope it slows down...LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #36
Thank you guys soooooooooo much for all your help and all your support. I couldn't have done any of it ...NONE OF IT with out you!!!!!. I looked to you for all my support and info and really this morning I wanted to hide under my covers. YOU GUYS RULE!! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
  • #37
Wow Jilley, that is awesome!!!
  • #38
Dang girl!! So where are you going...? London, D.C. or the cruise? Keep it up! We are so proud of you {{{{HUGS}}}}!! Now spread a little of that our way :)
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Whoa...um, baby steps...I can't even think about London. I am just thinking about getting these orders in with the shipping and tax and the right items....UGGG. hehehe. I really hope I don't mess this up. I just can't believe how great these flute pans and woven baskets went over. I had this at my house..so everyone saw how I had the stuff set up at my house...and it just soared. My friend is psyched...she is getting so much stuff..FREEEEEE. When peopel saw that, they were like book me, book me. HOOORAY!!!..my jokes about not being able to cook AT all went over great as well. They couldn't believe that I got into Pampered Chef and I couldn't boil water....they were like..are you kidding me ...and low and behold I made that beeee autiful veggie pizza and cameral butterfinger cake.
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  • Thread starter
  • #40
Chef Kearns said:
Dang girl!! So where are you going...? London, D.C. or the cruise? Keep it up! We are so proud of you {{{{HUGS}}}}!! Now spread a little of that our way :)

I am spreadin, I am spread in...anything for you ladies. I couldn't have done it with you guys.
You should have seen Kevin too and his mom. She was my lil plant....lol. She was chimin in..saying all this stuff about the products and asking questions that I would forget to say stuff about...hahaha. I was laughing. I think I'll take her to a few shows with me...SOOOO frickin funny. :D :D
  • #41
Wow congrats that is awesome!!! Good job!!
  • #42
That is terrific!! Way to go!!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #43
What I found today...is I used the word....Collection..."as you start your collection of PC today"...don't feel overwhelmed by your wishlist...just host a show and then you can get more and more. You get some at your show..then have your friends host a show, and get a little bit at their show...I said, that is what I did..and eventually..you get all of your favorite pieces....

Everyone was like..yeah yeah...exactly. It sooooooooooo worked well.
They loved that collecting word. Collecting Pampered Chef overall.
  • #44
I like that word... I will have to use that... thanks Jill!
  • #45
Jilleysue said:
What I found today...is I used the word....Collection..."as you start your collection of PC today"...don't feel overwhelmed by your wishlist...just host a show and then you can get more and more. You get some at your show..then have your friends host a show, and get a little bit at their show...I said, that is what I did..and eventually..you get all of your favorite pieces....

Everyone was like..yeah yeah...exactly. It sooooooooooo worked well.
They loved that collecting word. Collecting Pampered Chef overall.


and P>S>

I found a huge need for a labeler now too. I had to hook/unhook cables to computer and what a pain, even tho the ends are color coded, long story but i'll share later.

if you don't mind could you send me your notes, outline to:
[email protected]!!
  • #46
Liz- here is Jill's attachment from the original thread... I am reposting so people don't have to search for it!


  • Pampered Chef Sample Show Demo.doc
    112 KB · Views: 385
  • #47
OMGosh Jill! Great Job!!! :D I hope you get some great booking off of that... :D

Thanks Gillian!
  • #48
Jilleysue said:
LOL...only 8 people came...and I am at 1200.00 so far. and she sent out 25 catalogs..since I had extras for outside orders....so there are a bunch coming in. Hopefully it will be a great show.
First big show..I am bouncing around around my house with GLEEEEEE!!!!!!!
HOOORRAYYY. I guess I did good!!!!!

Holy Sheep Jill!!!!
That's fabulous!! You're going to be bouncing around the room at tonight's meeting for sure!!!
  • #49
Jilleysue said:
The thread I think is called, do you want to know what I did today. Let me look. The document is on my other lap top.
I just rechecked. I only had 7 people at the show and I had one outside order so far..oh and the host hasn't ordered yet.....hehe.

Plus, I got 3 bookings...which I am very please about. That was my goal to get bookings..so the sales are just a plus. WOOOOHOOOEY HOO HOO HOO!!!!!!!

What a day. I sold 4 FLUTE Pans... Did that microwave cake and boy what a hit. Oh and I did the Antipesto Veggie pizza..same as the demo. They raved. It was just sooooooo easy. Did 2 games and even wore the ugly denim apron...lol:D :D :D

Holy cr*p -- $1200 in sales AND 3 bookings???
::::feeling a bit intimidated here - LOL::::::
Ok - so who all thinks Jilleysue is going to out-sell and out-book and eventually over-promote her Director?!?!!? LOL
  • #50
Jilleysue said:
Thank you Harriet. Can't wait to talk to Carolyn. She sent me such a PEPPY email this morning. I just love her!!!!!!:D :D

Aw shucks - i love ya too girl!!!
(but you can't have my beer)
<h2>1. How do I know if I reached my goal for my Pampered Chef show?</h2><p>To check if you reached your goal for your Pampered Chef show, you can refer to your goal sheet or talk to your Pampered Chef consultant for an update on your sales.</p><h2>2. What happens if I don't reach my goal for my Pampered Chef show?</h2><p>If you don't reach your goal for your Pampered Chef show, don't worry! Your consultant can work with you to come up with a plan to reach your goal and make your show a success.</p><h2>3. Will the total sales from my Pampered Chef show shock me?</h2><p>The total sales from your Pampered Chef show may surprise you, but it's important to remember that every sale counts and contributes to your success as a host. Don't be discouraged if the total isn't what you expected.</p><h2>4. Can I still earn rewards if I don't reach my goal for my Pampered Chef show?</h2><p>Yes! Even if you don't reach your goal for your Pampered Chef show, you can still earn rewards and benefits based on the sales from your show. Your consultant can provide more information on the rewards program.</p><h2>5. How can I make sure I reach my goal for my Pampered Chef show?</h2><p>To ensure you reach your goal for your Pampered Chef show, make sure to invite plenty of guests, promote the event, and offer incentives or special deals for those who attend or make a purchase. Your consultant can also provide tips and guidance on how to make your show a success.</p>

Related to Did I Reach My Goal? The Total So Far Will Shock You!

1. How do I know if I reached my goal for my Pampered Chef show?

To check if you reached your goal for your Pampered Chef show, you can refer to your goal sheet or talk to your Pampered Chef consultant for an update on your sales.

2. What happens if I don't reach my goal for my Pampered Chef show?

If you don't reach your goal for your Pampered Chef show, don't worry! Your consultant can work with you to come up with a plan to reach your goal and make your show a success.

3. Will the total sales from my Pampered Chef show shock me?

The total sales from your Pampered Chef show may surprise you, but it's important to remember that every sale counts and contributes to your success as a host. Don't be discouraged if the total isn't what you expected.

4. Can I still earn rewards if I don't reach my goal for my Pampered Chef show?

Yes! Even if you don't reach your goal for your Pampered Chef show, you can still earn rewards and benefits based on the sales from your show. Your consultant can provide more information on the rewards program.

5. How can I make sure I reach my goal for my Pampered Chef show?

To ensure you reach your goal for your Pampered Chef show, make sure to invite plenty of guests, promote the event, and offer incentives or special deals for those who attend or make a purchase. Your consultant can also provide tips and guidance on how to make your show a success.

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